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Celibacy promotes concentration

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By the establishment of continence, vigour is obtained. The Yogi gets Siddhi or

perfection by attaining perfect mental and physical Brahmacharya. Brahmacharya

helps him in gaining divine knowledge and other Siddhis. When there is purity,

the rays of the mind are not dissipated. Focussing of the mind becomes easy.

Concentration and purity go together. Although a sage talks a few words only, a

deep impression is produced in the minds of the hearers. This is due to his Ojas

Sakti, which is conserved by the preservation of semen and its transmutation.

A true Brahmachari in thought, word and deed has wonderful thought-power. He can

move the world. If you develop strict celibacy, Vichara Sakti and Dharana Sakti

will develop. Vichara Sakti is the power of enquiry. Dharan’a Sakti is the

power of grasping and holding the Truth. If a man persistently refuses to yield

to his lower nature and remains a strict celibate, the seminal energy is

deflected upwards to the brain and is stored up as Ojas Sakti. Thereby the

power of the intellect is intensified to a remarkable degree. The intellect

becomes sharp and clear by continence. Continence increases infinitely the

power of retentive memory. The strict celibate has keen and acute memory even

in old age.

A man who has the power of Brahmacharya can turn out immense mental, physical

and intellectual work. He has a magnetic aura around his face. He can influence

people by speaking just a few words or even by his very presence. He can control

anger and move the whole world. Look at Mahatma Gandhi! He had acquired this

power by constant and careful practice of Ahimsa, Satyam and

Brahmacharya—non-violence, truth and celibacy. He influenced the world through

this power alone. Through Brahmacharya and Brahmacharya alone can you get

physical, mental and spiritual advancement in life.

It is worth repeating that a true Brahmachari possesses tremendous energy, a

clear brain, gigantic will-power, bold understanding, retentive memory and good

Vichara Sakti. Swami Dayananda stopped the carnage of a Maharaja. He broke the

sword with his hands. This was due to his power of Brahmacharya. Jesus,

Sankara, Jnana Deva and Samarth Ramdas were all Brahmacharins.

Have you realized, my dear friends, the importance of Brahmacharya? Have you

recognised, my dear brothers, the true significance and glory of Brahmacharya?

How can you expect to be strong and healthy if the energy that is acquired

through various means with great difficulty and at great price is wasted daily?

It is impossible to be strong and healthy unless males and females, boys and

girls, try their level best to keep up Brahmacharya or the vow of celibacy.

Even among electrons, there are bachelor electrons and married electrons.

Married electrons manifest in pairs. Bachelor electrons exist singly. It is

these bachelor electrons only that create magnetic force. The power of

Brahmacharya is seen in electrons also. Friend, will you learn some lessons

from these electrons? Will you practice Brahmacharya and develop power and

spiritual force? Nature is your best teacher and spiritual guide.

Through Brahmacharya get over the miseries of mundane life and attain health,

strength, peace of mind, endurance, bravery, material progress, psychic

advancement and immortality. One who has a perfect control over the sexual

energy attains powers unobtainable by any other means. Therefore, dissipate not

thy energy in sensual pleasures. Conserve thy energy. Do noble deeds and

practice meditation. You will soon become a superman. You will commune with God

and attain Divinity.

Dont forget to visit at: http://rupeshrane.150m.com/


Also you can become member of : brahmacharya-a-need




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