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Dear Spiritual Brothers and Sisters,


Anuji has been a great contributer to this list. I

wish and hope that she continues to enlighten us. I

just wanted to share few lines about forgiveness:


What is forgiveness? How can we learn to forgive and

what is the process behind forgiveness? Many of you

are afraid to begin the process of forgiveness because

your motives seem unclear, and then you feel that you

are not really forgiving. Forgiveness is choosing to

change a thought, belief and an emotion with respect

to other people and situations. As everything in the

universe is energy, forgiveness is also a process of

transforming energy. When there is someone in your

life that you think you cannot forgive, then the

energy of that person and situation remains within

your aura. This means quite simply, that forgiveness

is like any other process of self-healing. For

forgiveness in itself is a process of untangling those

parts of the mental and the emotional bodies that are

tangled up in the denser energies that the situation

with the other person carries. In addition to this,

there are lines of energy that exists between you and

every other person you have ever had an exchange with,

no matter how trivial these exchanges may have seemed.

In essence, your aura carries with it energetic memory

and this is what triggers intuition, and sometimes

warning bells.


So when you find it impossible to forgive another, you

remain energetically connected to that person.

Therefore, you are allowing the pain, the abuse and

the trauma to remain with you. This is a choice.

Forgiveness is not something that you can or cannot

do. It is simply a matter of choosing to change your

thoughts, beliefs and ideas about a given situation or

person in your life.


Forgiveness is the most important aspect of your

spiritual growth, and it is the forgiveness of the

self that hands you the key to the light of your soul.

When you go to see a healer, or doctor you are in

essence taking part in the practice of

self-forgiveness. This is so, because the active

healing releases energies that had been solidified

within your aura and the healing takes place based

upon either a conscious or subconscious decision to

forgive yourself or another.


All is energy in the Universe, so free yourself from

the question of motivation when it comes to

forgiveness. Many of you who have been on a path of

spiritual growth for some time, see the benefits of

bringing more light into your aura and don't question

your motives for working consciously on your aura as

energy. So why question working on yet another aspect

of the Universe that is also energy? It is your

intention to live in more light that counts. The

Guides and Spiritual Masters do not look at all the

misconceptions of the personality, we experience the

intent of the soul.


In essence, by not forgiving another, or by not

allowing their energy to leave you, you are allowing

the pain and the abuse to continue. It is as simple as

that. So the only decision that you have to make

regarding forgiveness is this: Am I willing to let go

of the pain and abuse, or will I allow this person or

situation to persecute me for the rest of this life?


Additionally, the act of forgiveness also allows the

other person to move on, be they still in your

environment, an other city or town, or even in another

dimension. When you change the energy pattern that

this person or event has stimulated you to create in

your aura, then you also let go of this person on an

energetic level. Until the moment you are able to

forgive and release a person from guilt, or from the

responsibility for your pain, this person remains

energetically aligned with you at one or more levels.

Forgiveness creates harmony in the Universe because

you are handing the other person a passport to more

freedom and joy. In doing so, you are buying for

yourself a first class ticket on a journey to



Many of you believe that you have to in some way greet

the person or meet them on a physical level in order

to truly forgive them. This is not so. Their higher

self also allows them to be in the situation where

they become the abuser for the purpose of their own

spiritual growth. Although it may be difficult for you

to accept, your abuser truly does have a Higher Self

and a Soul that loves you. This Higher Self is aware

of your non-forgiveness and of your forgiveness. It

will assist the personality to grow as a response to

the energetic changes you will make in the process of

forgiveness. So, although you may never see someone

again, they will know on a deeper level that you have

released them to grow and to move on. It is also true

of those people in your life who you are yet to truly

forgive, and who are no longer focussed within

physical reality. These souls who have passed on to

other worlds and dimensions can often become more

sensitive on a conscious level of your lack of

forgiveness towards them. One of the greatest gifts

that you can give someone who abused you whilst

physically present on Earth, is to release them with

joy and with forgiveness. This allows them to move

further in their growth.


Realise that the world is a stage and that you all the

actors. You, together with the Souls of your abusers

and tormentors wrote the script together. It is up to

you whether you allow the soap opera to be repeated

time and time and time again. Finally thank yourself

and the light for the transformation that has taken








"devi_bhagat" <devi_bhagat>

Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:32 am

Comment / Devi bhagat/ Re: Re:

before I vanish again ...


Well, if we attract wrong people in life then there's

a need for introspection. What's in you that you are

running into only wrong people on the net?


Thank you, vatsalya ji, for your response. See, there

are no right or wrong people. Right people become

wrong and wrong people become right in different

situations and on different occasions. As I read on

the web in words of Haidakhan wale baba ji "every

saint has a past and every sinner has a future"


This was not an unpleasant piece. I have thought on

similar lines myself. And I do believe that people who

come together have some kind of a karmic link. So I

guess we are all being used for mutual thrashing by

Gurudev, a process of cleansing for betterment. I have

nothing much to say, I see my own weaknesses, my own

reflection in a lot of people. Perhaps almost everyone

That includes many of these experiences as well though

not all. If I end up in situations where there are

others who behave obsessively towards me, its because

I have been such myself maybe sometime along my souls

journey. ANd I remember such timesin this life as



And if you feel that you are disciple of great gurudev

and have faith in him then why run away from such

things..There may be gurudev's WILL behind all your

bad experiences ..even behind my writing this

unpleasant piece.


I agree with that fully. But we have all our upper

capacity to working out things –its not day's work.

The point is I am by and large a weak and overly

emotional human being though I am trying to correct

that, and tend to loose focus on important issues

pertaining to my own life. And I cannot cope with

either fights at even if I am cause of

them:-), someone believing that solution to all his

problems is marrying me, or strong emotions like

jealousy directed towards me because I happen to be in

a more fortunate position in life.


I have heard this before also, everything happens for

best, everything is in our betterment. but, it is

difficult to see this perspective when your son just

died in an accident or you got raped walking down the

street. So my prayer to Gurudev thank you for the

dusting but please give me as much as I can chew, no

more…please don't take this seriously I am just going

through a bad phase, I will be back to face it again.


Thank you very much again for your response and may

Gurudev bless you.


Jai Gurudev


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Dear Chinmasta,


If one believes the law of karma, then one can try to

understand the material losses suffered. Every moment

in this world is as it should be. It is better to

accept things as they are, not as we wish they were.


Other learned members may also kindly give their







--- chinmasta <chinmasta75 wrote:


> Dear C.P.Kumar,

> Nice! I liked it. Say if someone is cheated by a

> third party such that the cheater plays not only

> with the feelings, emotions but also the cheated

> loses thousands of dollars-( about 3000 to 4000

> dollars), in such case how can the cheated forgive

> the cheater?


> I would appreciate if you can answer me.


> I look forward to your reply.


> Thanks,

> chinmasta



> "C. P. Kumar" <cpkumar wrote:Dear

> Spiritual Brothers and Sisters,


> Anuji has been a great contributer to this list. I

> wish and hope that she continues to enlighten us. I

> just wanted to share few lines about forgiveness:


> What is forgiveness? How can we learn to forgive and

> what is the process behind forgiveness? Many of you

> are afraid to begin the process of forgiveness

> because

> your motives seem unclear, and then you feel that

> you

> are not really forgiving. Forgiveness is choosing to

> change a thought, belief and an emotion with respect

> to other people and situations. As everything in the

> universe is energy, forgiveness is also a process of

> transforming energy. When there is someone in your

> life that you think you cannot forgive, then the

> energy of that person and situation remains within

> your aura. This means quite simply, that forgiveness

> is like any other process of self-healing. For

> forgiveness in itself is a process of untangling

> those

> parts of the mental and the emotional bodies that

> are

> tangled up in the denser energies that the situation

> with the other person carries. In addition to this,

> there are lines of energy that exists between you

> and

> every other person you have ever had an exchange

> with,

> no matter how trivial these exchanges may have

> seemed.

> In essence, your aura carries with it energetic

> memory

> and this is what triggers intuition, and sometimes

> warning bells.


> So when you find it impossible to forgive another,

> you

> remain energetically connected to that person.

> Therefore, you are allowing the pain, the abuse and

> the trauma to remain with you. This is a choice.

> Forgiveness is not something that you can or cannot

> do. It is simply a matter of choosing to change your

> thoughts, beliefs and ideas about a given situation

> or

> person in your life.


> Forgiveness is the most important aspect of your

> spiritual growth, and it is the forgiveness of the

> self that hands you the key to the light of your

> soul.

> When you go to see a healer, or doctor you are in

> essence taking part in the practice of

> self-forgiveness. This is so, because the active

> healing releases energies that had been solidified

> within your aura and the healing takes place based

> upon either a conscious or subconscious decision to

> forgive yourself or another.


> All is energy in the Universe, so free yourself from

> the question of motivation when it comes to

> forgiveness. Many of you who have been on a path of

> spiritual growth for some time, see the benefits of

> bringing more light into your aura and don't

> question

> your motives for working consciously on your aura as

> energy. So why question working on yet another

> aspect

> of the Universe that is also energy? It is your

> intention to live in more light that counts. The

> Guides and Spiritual Masters do not look at all the

> misconceptions of the personality, we experience the

> intent of the soul.


> In essence, by not forgiving another, or by not

> allowing their energy to leave you, you are allowing

> the pain and the abuse to continue. It is as simple

> as

> that. So the only decision that you have to make

> regarding forgiveness is this: Am I willing to let

> go

> of the pain and abuse, or will I allow this person

> or

> situation to persecute me for the rest of this life?



> Additionally, the act of forgiveness also allows the

> other person to move on, be they still in your

> environment, an other city or town, or even in

> another

> dimension. When you change the energy pattern that

> this person or event has stimulated you to create in

> your aura, then you also let go of this person on an

> energetic level. Until the moment you are able to

> forgive and release a person from guilt, or from the

> responsibility for your pain, this person remains

> energetically aligned with you at one or more

> levels.

> Forgiveness creates harmony in the Universe because

> you are handing the other person a passport to more

> freedom and joy. In doing so, you are buying for

> yourself a first class ticket on a journey to

> paradise.


> Many of you believe that you have to in some way

> greet

> the person or meet them on a physical level in order

> to truly forgive them. This is not so. Their higher

> self also allows them to be in the situation where

> they become the abuser for the purpose of their own

> spiritual growth. Although it may be difficult for

> you

> to accept, your abuser truly does have a Higher Self

> and a Soul that loves you. This Higher Self is aware

> of your non-forgiveness and of your forgiveness. It

> will assist the personality to grow as a response to

> the energetic changes you will make in the process

> of

> forgiveness. So, although you may never see someone

> again, they will know on a deeper level that you

> have

> released them to grow and to move on. It is also

> true

> of those people in your life who you are yet to

> truly

> forgive, and who are no longer focussed within

> physical reality. These souls who have passed on to

> other worlds and dimensions can often become more

> sensitive on a conscious level of your lack of

> forgiveness towards them. One of the greatest gifts

> that you can give someone who abused you whilst

> physically present on Earth, is to release them with

> joy and with forgiveness. This allows them to move

> further in their growth.


> Realise that the world is a stage and that you all

> the

> actors. You, together with the Souls of your abusers

> and tormentors wrote the script together. It is up

> to

> you whether you allow the soap opera to be repeated

> time and time and time again. Finally thank yourself

> and the light for the transformation that has taken

> place.


> Regards

> Kumar


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Dear Chinmasta,If one believes the law of karma, then one can try tounderstand

the material losses suffered. Every momentin this world is as it should be. It

is better toaccept things as they are, not as we wish they were.Other learned

members may also kindly give theiropinions.RegardsKumar--- chinmasta

<chinmasta75 > wrote:> Dear C.P.Kumar,> Nice! I liked it. Say if

someone is cheated by a> third party such that the cheater plays not only> with

the feelings, emotions but also the cheated> loses thousands of dollars-( about

3000 to 4000> dollars), in such case how can the cheated forgive> the cheater?>

> I would appreciate if you can answer me. > > I look forward to your reply.> >


chinmasta> > > > greet> the /

To from this group, send an email

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Dear Chinamasta,

There is no need to continue to let such a person

exploit you any further.It is your duty to protect yourself and not let any

injustice be done to you as to anyone else but at the same time do forgive

him.Forgive him and understand that the suffering had to come your way to teach

you something.Look with in to see and observe what you learnt from this

experience and how it changed you.Let go of all anger and all other negetive

emotions and just as well let go of the person too.Be at peace and move further

in life do not let this karma hold you back.Let it be done with and over.

I wish you good luck.BTW I love your ID.I dont know

if this happend with you or someone else as I havent followed this thread from

the begining however, I write to who ever sufferd this loss.


Best Wishes,

Kanupriya."C. P. Kumar" <cpkumar > wrote:

Dear Chinmasta,If one believes the law of karma, then one can try tounderstand

the material losses suffered. Every momentin this world is as it should be. It

is better toaccept things as they are, not as we wish they were.Other learned

members may also kindly give theiropinions.RegardsKumar--- chinmasta

<chinmasta75 > wrote:> Dear C.P.Kumar,> Nice! I liked it. Say if

someone is cheated by a> third party such that the cheater plays not only> with

the feelings, emotions but also the cheated> loses thousands of dollars-( about

3000 to 4000> dollars), in such case how can the cheated forgive> the cheater?>

> I would appreciate if you can answer me. > > I look forward to your reply.> >


chinmasta> > > "C. P. Kumar" <cpkumar > wrote:Dear> Spiritual Brothers

and Sisters,> > Anuji has been a great contributer to this list. I> wish and

hope that she continues to enlighten us. I> just wanted to share few lines

about forgiveness:> > What is forgiveness? How can we learn to forgive and>

what is the process behind forgiveness? Many of you> are afraid to begin the

process of forgiveness> because> your motives seem unclear, and then you feel

that> you> are not really forgiving. Forgiveness is choosing to> change a

thought, belief and an emotion with respect> to other people and situations. As

everything in the> universe is energy, forgiveness is also a process of>

transforming energy. When there is someone in your> life that you think you

cannot forgive, then the> energy of that person and situation remains

within> your aura. This means quite simply, that forgiveness> is like any other

process of self-healing. For> forgiveness in itself is a process of untangling>

those> parts of the mental and the emotional bodies that> are> tangled up in the

denser energies that the situation> with the other person carries. In addition

to this,> there are lines of energy that exists between you> and> every other

person you have ever had an exchange> with,> no matter how trivial these

exchanges may have> seemed.> In essence, your aura carries with it energetic>

memory> and this is what triggers intuition, and sometimes> warning bells. > >

So when you find it impossible to forgive another,> you> remain energetically

connected to that person.> Therefore, you are allowing the pain, the abuse and>

the trauma to remain with you. This is a

choice.> Forgiveness is not something that you can or cannot> do. It is simply a

matter of choosing to change your> thoughts, beliefs and ideas about a given

situation> or> person in your life. > > Forgiveness is the most important

aspect of your> spiritual growth, and it is the forgiveness of the> self that

hands you the key to the light of your> soul.> When you go to see a healer, or

doctor you are in> essence taking part in the practice of> self-forgiveness.

This is so, because the active> healing releases energies that had been

solidified> within your aura and the healing takes place based> upon either a

conscious or subconscious decision to> forgive yourself or another. > > All is

energy in the Universe, so free yourself from> the question of motivation when

it comes to> forgiveness. Many of you who have been on a path of>

spiritual growth for some time, see the benefits of> bringing more light into

your aura and don't> question> your motives for working consciously on your

aura as> energy. So why question working on yet another> aspect> of the

Universe that is also energy? It is your> intention to live in more light that

counts. The> Guides and Spiritual Masters do not look at all the>

misconceptions of the personality, we experience the> intent of the soul. > >

In essence, by not forgiving another, or by not> allowing their energy to leave

you, you are allowing> the pain and the abuse to continue. It is as simple> as>

that. So the only decision that you have to make> regarding forgiveness is

this: Am I willing to let> go> of the pain and abuse, or will I allow this

person> or> situation to persecute me for the rest of this life?> > >

Additionally, the act of forgiveness also allows the> other person to move on,

be they still in your> environment, an other city or town, or even in> another>

dimension. When you change the energy pattern that> this person or event has

stimulated you to create in> your aura, then you also let go of this person on

an> energetic level. Until the moment you are able to> forgive and release a

person from guilt, or from the> responsibility for your pain, this person

remains> energetically aligned with you at one or more> levels.> Forgiveness

creates harmony in the Universe because> you are handing the other person a

passport to more> freedom and joy. In doing so, you are buying for> yourself a

first class ticket on a journey to> paradise. > > Many of you believe that you

have to in some way> greet> the person or meet them on a physical level in

order> to truly forgive them. This is not so. Their higher> self also allows

them to be in the situation where> they become the abuser for the purpose of

their own> spiritual growth. Although it may be difficult for> you> to accept,

your abuser truly does have a Higher Self> and a Soul that loves you. This

Higher Self is aware> of your non-forgiveness and of your forgiveness. It> will

assist the personality to grow as a response to> the energetic changes you will

make in the process> of> forgiveness. So, although you may never see someone>

again, they will know on a deeper level that you> have> released them to grow

and to move on. It is also> true> of those people in your life who you are yet

to> truly> forgive, and who are no longer focussed within> physical reality.

These souls who have passed on to> other worlds and dimensions can

often become more> sensitive on a conscious level of your lack of> forgiveness

towards them. One of the greatest gifts> that you can give someone who abused

you whilst> physically present on Earth, is to release them with> joy and with

forgiveness. This allows them to move> further in their growth. > > Realise

that the world is a stage and that you all> the> actors. You, together with the

Souls of your abusers> and tormentors wrote the script together. It is up> to>

you whether you allow the soap opera to be repeated> time and time and time

again. Finally thank yourself> and the light for the transformation that has

taken> place. > > Regards> Kumar> Jay Gurudev



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dont do anything physically , dont use any weapon,

dont use abusive language or critisize the cheaters in

public..(or on internet)


during meditation, at the time of "samadhi", a perfect

stability state, when u r in touch with nature

(brahma), just think about the "things should be

solved"..and it will be ...........if punishment would

be required for the cheater...he will face it.....

more important is your loss , that would be






--- kanu priya <kanupriya003 wrote:


> Om Gurave Namah ~

> Bhalchandraya Hum

> Dear Chinamasta,

> There is no need to

> continue to let such a person exploit you any

> further.It is your duty to protect yourself and not

> let any injustice be done to you as to anyone else

> but at the same time do forgive him.Forgive him and

> understand that the suffering had to come your way

> to teach you something.Look with in to see and

> observe what you learnt from this experience and how

> it changed you.Let go of all anger and all other

> negetive emotions and just as well let go of the

> person too.Be at peace and move further in life do

> not let this karma hold you back.Let it be done with

> and over.

> I wish you good luck.BTW

> I love your ID.I dont know if this happend with you

> or someone else as I havent followed this thread

> from the begining however, I write to who ever

> sufferd this loss.


> Best Wishes,

> Kanupriya.


> "C. P. Kumar" <cpkumar wrote:

> Dear Chinmasta,


> If one believes the law of karma, then one can try

> to

> understand the material losses suffered. Every

> moment

> in this world is as it should be. It is better to

> accept things as they are, not as we wish they were.


> Other learned members may also kindly give their

> opinions.


> Regards

> Kumar



> --- chinmasta <chinmasta75 wrote:


> > Dear C.P.Kumar,

> > Nice! I liked it. Say if someone is cheated by a

> > third party such that the cheater plays not only

> > with the feelings, emotions but also the cheated

> > loses thousands of dollars-( about 3000 to 4000

> > dollars), in such case how can the cheated forgive

> > the cheater?

> >

> > I would appreciate if you can answer me.

> >

> > I look forward to your reply.

> >

> > Thanks,

> > chinmasta

> >

> >

> > "C. P. Kumar" <cpkumar wrote:Dear

> > Spiritual Brothers and Sisters,

> >

> > Anuji has been a great contributer to this list. I

> > wish and hope that she continues to enlighten us.

> I

> > just wanted to share few lines about forgiveness:

> >

> > What is forgiveness? How can we learn to forgive

> and

> > what is the process behind forgiveness? Many of

> you

> > are afraid to begin the process of forgiveness

> > because

> > your motives seem unclear, and then you feel that

> > you

> > are not really forgiving. Forgiveness is choosing

> to

> > change a thought, belief and an emotion with

> respect

> > to other people and situations. As everything in

> the

> > universe is energy, forgiveness is also a process

> of

> > transforming energy. When there is someone in your

> > life that you think you cannot forgive, then the

> > energy of that person and situation remains within

> > your aura. This means quite simply, that

> forgiveness

> > is like any other process of self-healing. For

> > forgiveness in itself is a process of untangling

> > those

> > parts of the mental and the emotional bodies that

> > are

> > tangled up in the denser energies that the

> situation

> > with the other person carries. In addition to

> this,

> > there are lines of energy that exists between you

> > and

> > every other person you have ever had an exchange

> > with,

> > no matter how trivial these exchanges may have

> > seemed.

> > In essence, your aura carries with it energetic

> > memory

> > and this is what triggers intuition, and sometimes

> > warning bells.

> >

> > So when you find it impossible to forgive another,

> > you

> > remain energetically connected to that person.

> > Therefore, you are allowing the pain, the abuse

> and

> > the trauma to remain with you. This is a choice.

> > Forgiveness is not something that you can or

> cannot

> > do. It is simply a matter of choosing to change

> your

> > thoughts, beliefs and ideas about a given

> situation

> > or

> > person in your life.

> >

> > Forgiveness is the most important aspect of your

> > spiritual growth, and it is the forgiveness of the

> > self that hands you the key to the light of your

> > soul.

> > When you go to see a healer, or doctor you are in

> > essence taking part in the practice of

> > self-forgiveness. This is so, because the active

> > healing releases energies that had been solidified

> > within your aura and the healing takes place based

> > upon either a conscious or subconscious decision

> to

> > forgive yourself or another.

> >

> > All is energy in the Universe, so free yourself

> from

> > the question of motivation when it comes to

> > forgiveness. Many of you who have been on a path

> of

> > spiritual growth for some time, see the benefits

> of

> > bringing more light into your aura and don't

> > question

> > your motives for working consciously on your aura

> as

> > energy. So why question working on yet another

> > aspect

> > of the Universe that is also energy? It is your

> > intention to live in more light that counts. The

> > Guides and Spiritual Masters do not look at all

> the

> > misconceptions of the personality, we experience

> the

> > intent of the soul.

> >

> > In essence, by not forgiving another, or by not

> > allowing their energy to leave you, you are

> allowing

> > the pain and the abuse to continue. It is as

> simple

> > as

> > that. So the only decision that you have to make

> > regarding forgiveness is this: Am I willing to let

> > go

> > of the pain and abuse, or will I allow this person

> > or

> > situation to persecute me for the rest of this

> life?

> >

> >

> > Additionally, the act of forgiveness also allows

> the

> > other person to move on, be they still in your

> > environment, an other city or town, or even in

> > another

> > dimension. When you change the energy pattern that

> > this person or event has stimulated you to create

> in

> > your aura, then you also let go of this person on

> an

> > energetic level. Until the moment you are able to

> > forgive and release a person from guilt, or from

> the

> > responsibility for your pain, this person remains

> > energetically aligned with you at one or more

> > levels.

> > Forgiveness creates harmony in the Universe

> because

> > you are handing the other person a passport to

> more

> > freedom and joy. In doing so, you are buying for

> > yourself a first class ticket on a journey to

> > paradise.

> >

> > Many of you believe that you have to in some way

> > greet

> > the person or meet them on a physical level in

> order


=== message truncated ===







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