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The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna - 7

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Dear Spiritial Brothers and Sisters,


I have extracted few significant teachings (to the

best of my capability) from "The Gospel of Sri

Ramakrishna" (Abridged Edition). Here, I place the

seventh part - Pundit Shashadhar.



7. Pundit Shashadhar



* One must be restless for God. God will certainly

listen to your prayers if you feel restless for Him.


* It will be very good if you can practise unselfish

love for God.


* According to Vedanta, one has to know the real

nature of one's own Self. But such knowledge is

impossible without the renunciation of ego.


* When the ego disappears in samadhi, one realizes

Brahman as one's own inner consciousness.


* The company of a young woman evokes lust even in a

lustless man.


* Whatever is in the microcosm is also in the



* When one grows old, one should retire and devote

oneself to the thought of God.


* The one thing needful is to know how to cross the

river of the world. God alone is real and all else is



* I worship virgins because I see in them the Divine



* The highest devotee says: 'God alone has become

everything. All things that we perceive are so many

forms of God.'


* All doubts disappear when one sees God. Formal

worship drops away after the vision of God.


* Everything is Pure Spirit. Men, animals, and other

living beings - all Pure Spirit.


* This Virat, this Universe, itself is Siva.


* Each plant is a bouquet adorning the Universal Form

of God.


* When I see a man, I see that it is God Himself who

walks on earth.


* The body has, indeed, only a momentary existence.

God alone is real.


* The joys and sorrows of the body are inevitable. God

places one sometimes in happiness and sometimes in



* As long as a man remains ignorant, that is to say,

as long as he has not realized God, so long will he be

born. But after attaining Knowledge, he will not have

to come back to this earth or go to any other plane of



* Brahman alone is real and all else is maya,

dreamlike and unsubstantial.


* A jnani cannot injure any body. He becomes like a

child. The anger and egotism of a jnani are mere

appearances; they are not real.


* God no doubt dwells in all, but He manifests more

through man than through other beings. In the

Incarnation, there is a greater manifestation of God

than in other men.


* It is God who manifests Himself, in one aspect, as

the scriptures; therefore one should worship the

sacred books, such as the Vedas, the Puranas, and the



* By worshipping His devotee, one worships God



* Pilgrimage becomes futile if it does not enable you

to attain love of God.


* Better than reading is hearing, and better than

hearing is seeing. One understands the scriptures

better by hearing them from the lips of the guru or of

a holy man.


* Many things are recorded in the scriptures; but all

these are useless without the direct realization of

God, without devotion to His Lotus Feet, without

purity of heart.


* What is samadhi? It is the complete merging of the

mind in God-Consciousness.


* God is the Kalpataru, the Wish-fulfilling Tree. You

will certainly get whatever you ask of Him. But you

must pray standing near the Kalpataru. Only then will

your prayer be fulfilled.


* God knows our inner feeling. A man gets the

fulfillment of the desire he cherishes while

practising sadhana. As one thinks, so one receives.


* God is the Kalpataru. One should pray standing near

it. Then one will get whatever one desires.


* The way to realize God is through discrimination,

renunciation, and yearning for Him.


* The paramahamsa is like a five-year-old child. He

sees everything filled with Consciousness.


* The paramahamsa is like a child. He cannot

distinguish between a stranger and a relative. He

isn't particular about worldly relationships.


* The paramahamsa is like a child. He doesn't keep any

track of his whereabouts. He sees everything as

Brahman. He is indifferent to his own movements.


* Sometimes, the paramahamsa behaves like a madman.


* One should remember and think of God constantly.


* The first sign of knowledge is a peaceful nature,

and the second is absence of egotism.


* There are other indications of a jnani. He shows

intense dispassion in the presence of a sadhu, is a

lion when at work, for instance, when he lectures, and

is full of wit before his wife.



Love, Light and Peace...




Scientist 'E1'

National Institute of Hydrology

Jal Vigyan Bhawan

Roorkee - 247667 (Uttaranchal)



Web Page : http://www.angelfire.com/nh/cpkumar/


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