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Soul Mates: Do They Exist?

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Dear Spiritual Brothers and Sisters,


While browsing, I got the following interesting

article from http://astralvoyage.com/ and thought to

share with you all including our sister Anu:




I know I'll probably be opening myself up for some

debate on this one, but it is my opinion that in the

true sense of the word, soul mates do not exist.


I believe there are "soul favorites". These are souls

that we have shared past experiences with and upon

meeting them again, feel a deep kinship for. These

relationships can carry on for multiple lifetimes,

each cycle deepening the feelings from the one before.

So when we meet a soul that we feel an immense love

and kinship with, it is my opinion that this is a

history of experiences manifesting itself.


So what is awry with the concept of a soul mate? If

they existed, why did none of the masters elude to

them? Why didn't Buddha, Christ or Mohammed hook up

with their soul mate and spread the good word in

couple fashion? If anyone could have found them, then

surely these masters would have!


In the progress of the soul, learning to love another

person is very important. But it is my belief that in

the final cycles of the physical existence, there can

be no division of Love. What I mean by that is, with

unconditional love, can I love any one human more than

another? Where there is division, there is not

unconditional love for all. This is why no master took

a wife (or husband). The supreme lesson of love, is

not of a sexual nature. It is the unconditional loving

of all things created by the universal force.


Loving a mate serves the same purpose as loving a

child. It teaches us to love outside of ourselves and

learn worthy traits such as sharing, forgiveness,

acceptance, tolerance and patience. We find it easier

to love our children and mates, but ultimately, this

is expressed to all. No division...


Why do we seek soul mates? As hard as it is to say

this, it's usually to fill a void within ourselves. We

feel incomplete, empty, lonely, and we think a "soul

mate" will fill those voids. The fear of being alone

motivates us as well. But should we put this sort of

burden on anyone? If you love yourself

unconditionally, then you will not carry fear in your

heart of abandonment and pain, for you are complete. A

soul "favorite" should enhance your life only, not

create it. Yet we search and search, placing our needs

on this person and that, never fulfilled, always

searching. Ironically, the greater the hole in

someone, the harder they fall in what they perceive as

"love", because the potential for loss is so much



A lot of what I am saying depends on your beliefs. For

example, what do you think happens to you when you

die? If you turn to dust, well, the soul mate issue is

moot. If you're off to heaven or hell, you could

probably spend eternity with someone, but gosh, that

seems like a long time. We have trouble staying with

anyone here on earth for very long let alone for

eternity! Also, if this belief held true for soul

mates, then why do they say, "Until Death Do You

Part."? Now if you believe in the karmic cycle and

different planes of existence, then once you

eventually leave the lower planes (both physical and

astral) then the body doesn't exist and the whole soul

mate thing doesn't make sense. With no physical body,

we won't be doing much of anything like eating,

sleeping, or procreating.


These are some lofty concepts, I know. but the

greatest love we can find is within ourselves. Once we

achieve that, then we are truly a gift to others when

we give ourselves in a relationship, whether that be

to a friend, relative or "soul favorite".






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Dear spiritual brother,

Im sorry you are wrong kumar. Soul mates do exist.

Even buddha ,jesus, mohammed had soul mates. For jesus it was MaryMagdalene,

for buddha it was goutami a female nun, and for muhammed it was Ayesha. Every

cosmic ion is seperated into two one yin and one yang. soul favourites are a

different thing. But only when a person is meeting his spiritual destiny soon

can he meet his soul mate. Else he might meet her or him casually.

Also great masters never reveal their soul mates. And

the disciples edit many of their personal information and give just the golden

ones for the disciples to follow.And it is not love or unconditional love that

comes into play when you talk of soulmates. It is an existential thing. You

just exist fully with your soulmate. and finally the salvation of spirit comes

and fructifies with this union.

Also you have a wrong opinion that mate should always

be your wife. The mate can even be your child or sister.Love is love it is pure

and unalloyed it can be shown towads anyone not just your significant other!

These are not just my view but the views of some rishis

and siddhas whom I see regularly in my meditations and tantric practices.

However it is upto you and other spiritual brothers and

sisters to accept or reject my views. God is the ultimate truth and the answer.

who am I? before him!



>"C. P. Kumar" <cpkumar > >

> > Soul Mates: Do They Exist?

>Fri, 10 Sep 2004 04:37:27 -0700 (PDT) > >Dear Spiritual Brothers and

Sisters, > >While browsing, I got the following interesting >article from

http://astralvoyage.com/ and thought to >share with you all including our

sister Anu: > >***************************************** > >I know I'll

probably be opening myself up for some >debate on this one, but it is my

opinion that in the >true sense of the word, soul mates do not exist. > >I

believe there are "soul favorites". These are souls >that we have shared past

experiences with and upon >meeting them again, feel a deep kinship for. These

>relationships can carry on for multiple lifetimes, >each cycle deepening the

feelings from the one before. >So when we meet a soul that we feel an immense

love >and kinship with, it is my opinion that this is a >history of experiences

manifesting itself. > >So what is awry with the concept of a soul mate? If >they

existed, why did none of the masters elude to >them? Why didn't Buddha, Christ

or Mohammed hook up >with their soul mate and spread the good word in >couple

fashion? If anyone could have found them, then >surely these masters would

have! > >In the progress of the soul, learning to love another >person is very

important. But it is my belief that in >the final cycles of the physical

existence, there can >be no division of Love. What I mean by that is, with

>unconditional love, can I love any one human more than >another? Where there

is division, there is not >unconditional love for all. This is why no master

took >a wife (or husband). The supreme lesson of love, is >not of a sexual

nature. It is the unconditional loving >of all things created by the universal

force. > >Loving a mate serves the same purpose as loving a >child. It teaches

us to love outside of ourselves and >learn worthy traits such as sharing,

forgiveness, >acceptance, tolerance and patience. We find it easier >to love

our children and mates, but ultimately, this >is expressed to all. No

division... > >Why do we seek soul mates? As hard as it is to say >this, it's

usually to fill a void within ourselves. We >feel incomplete, empty, lonely,

and we think a "soul >mate" will fill those voids. The fear of being alone

>motivates us as well. But should we put this sort of >burden on anyone? If you

love yourself >unconditionally, then you will not carry fear in your >heart of

abandonment and pain, for you are complete. A >soul "favorite" should enhance

your life only, not >create it. Yet we search and search, placing our needs >on

this person and that, never fulfilled, always >searching. Ironically, the

greater the hole in >someone, the harder they fall in what they perceive as

>"love", because the potential for loss is so much >greater. > >A lot of what I

am saying depends on your beliefs. For >example, what do you think happens to

you when you >die? If you turn to dust, well, the soul mate issue is >moot. If

you're off to heaven or hell, you could >probably spend eternity with someone,

but gosh, that >seems like a long time. We have trouble staying with >anyone

here on earth for very long let alone for >eternity! Also, if this belief held

true for soul >mates, then why do they say, "Until Death Do You >Part."? Now if

you believe in the karmic cycle and >different planes of existence, then once

you >eventually leave the lower planes (both physical and >astral) then the

body doesn't exist and the whole soul >mate thing doesn't make sense. With no

physical body, >we won't be doing much of anything like eating, >sleeping, or

procreating. > >These are some lofty concepts, I know. but the >greatest love

we can find is within ourselves. Once we >achieve that, then we are truly a

gift to others when >we give ourselves in a relationship, whether that be >to a

friend, relative or "soul favorite". >

>***************************************** > >Regards >Kumar > > > 1 Paisa No

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, "C. P. Kumar" <cpkumar> wrote:

> Dear Spiritual Brothers and Sisters,


> While browsing, I got the following interesting

> article from http://astralvoyage.com/ and thought to

> share with you all including our sister Anu:



thank you kumar ji for all your kind words directed towards me; a

very special thanks for the gospels of ramakrishna, as well as your

views on soul mates. they more or less sum up what i have to say.

i am 100 percent sure i have no soul mate. And I view wordly

relations with a kind of detachments. I do not even believe in an

individual soul for me and I dont care whether any religion

sanctions it or not. I am just a chunk of a continuum. Further more

I see no contradiction between rebirth and salvation. Bizarre as

this may seem.


That said I just feel very disoreinted and cannot at this time sort

anyone elses romantic idea of soulmate.

any way, more not so soon

jai gurudev


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Hi GuruBhai/Guru Bahen


Jai Gurudev

In that case, was Radha the soulmate of Lord Krishna? Was Seeta

the soulmate of Lord Rama?


My view is Rama or Krishna were masters like Sai Baba or our

Guru Dev or Mata Amritanandamayi. Contemporary masters have not

revealed who is their soulmate and so we tend to believe soulmates do

not exist.


Another question is : Is the soulmate supposed to be of opposite



Jai Gurudev


Mahadevan Venkitaraman

, "qwerty asdfg" <trishati@h...> wrote:


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yes anuji that is correct.there is nothing like soulmate.but

sometimes u feel and experience some people at a much deeper level

than body,but then again it may be just a sade saathi in ur kundali

making u feel that.if one feels that someone is his/her soulmate then

it is not good for him/her.i had been in a similar situation and i

coudnt get over it.and when there was no other way left i had to do a

ucchathan prayog on myself.






, "devi_bhagat" <devi_bhagat>


> , "C. P. Kumar" <cpkumar> wrote:

> > Dear Spiritual Brothers and Sisters,

> >

> > While browsing, I got the following interesting

> > article from http://astralvoyage.com/ and thought to

> > share with you all including our sister Anu:

> >

> >

> thank you kumar ji for all your kind words directed towards me; a

> very special thanks for the gospels of ramakrishna, as well as your

> views on soul mates. they more or less sum up what i have to say.

> i am 100 percent sure i have no soul mate. And I view wordly

> relations with a kind of detachments. I do not even believe in an

> individual soul for me and I dont care whether any religion

> sanctions it or not. I am just a chunk of a continuum. Further more

> I see no contradiction between rebirth and salvation. Bizarre as

> this may seem.


> That said I just feel very disoreinted and cannot at this time sort

> anyone elses romantic idea of soulmate.

> any way, more not so soon

> jai gurudev

> anu

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