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The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna - 9

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Dear Spiritial Brothers and Sisters,


I have extracted few significant teachings (to the

best of my capability) from "The Gospel of Sri

Ramakrishna" (Abridged Edition). Here, I place the

ninth part - Some Intimate Disciples.



9. Some Intimate Disciples



* God incarnates Himself as man from time to time in

order to teach people devotion and divine love.


* If you see a man endowed with ecstatic love,

overflowing with prema, mad after God, intoxicated

with His love, then know for certain that God has

incarnated Himself through that man.


* The mind and intellect become pure the moment they

are free from attachment to 'woman' (lust) and 'gold'



* God is known by the pure mind.


* Since a newspaper contains worldly matters - gossip

and scandal - he (Sri Ramakrishna) regarded it as



* Without awakening one's own inner consciousness, one

cannot realize the All-pervading Consciousness. The

inner consciousness must be awakened through God's



* Kali is none other than Brahman. That which is

called Brahman is really Kali. She is the Primal

Energy. When that Energy remains inactive, I call It

Brahman, and when it creates, preserves, or destroys,

I call It Sakti or Kali. What you call Brahman I call



* As long as a man argues about God, he has not

realized Him. The nearer you approach God, the less

you reason and argue.


* One cannot realize God without renunciation.


* The Gita is the essence of the scriptures.


* He who from the depth of his soul seeks to know God

will certainly realize Him. He must. He alone who is

restless for God and seeks nothing but Him will

certainly realize Him.


* Why God incarnates Himself as a man? It is because

through a human body, one can hear His words.


* An incarnation of God is for the sake of the bhaktas

and not of the jnanis.


* There are five kinds of samadhi. In these samadhis,

one feels the movement of the spiritual current to be

like that of an ant, a fish, a monkey, a bird, or a



* Sometimes, the spiritual current rises through the

spine, crawling like an ant.


* A man's spiritual consciousness is not awakened

unless his Kundalini is aroused.


* One's spiritual consciousness is not awakened by the

mere reading of books. One should also pray to God.

The Kundalini is aroused if the aspirant feels

restless for God.


* It is said in the Gita that a man is reborn with

those tendencies which are in his mind at the time of

his death.


* Try to cultivate love of God. You are born as a

human being only to attain divine love.


* Man should possess dignity and alertness. Only he

whose spiritual consciousness is awakened possesses

this dignity and alertness and can be called a man.

Futile is human birth without the awakening of

spiritual consciousness.



Love, Light and Peace...




Scientist 'E1'

National Institute of Hydrology

Jal Vigyan Bhawan

Roorkee - 247667 (Uttaranchal)



Web Page : http://www.angelfire.com/nh/cpkumar/


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