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Too many logics and questions in Recent Posts

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Jaya Gurudev,

There are a lot of activities nowadays in the group. This is nice to

know that more and more curious people are keen to know about all

the things we talk about.

Some of the posts are very inspiring and useful for sadhaks. But

some are filled with doubts. I just got inspired to pour my view

here :-).

Wasting time is not a question. Nobody can waste time. We can either

use it or misuse it acc to our knowledge. It just goes on forever.

How we use it depends on what our priorities are.

It's better to spend as much time as you can for sadhana not to

limit 3 hours or 4 hours.

That is a very good logic to spend 3 hours extra for your job or

training. If you believe karma is everything, go for it. If one is

just like Raja Janak who was ready to die any moment all the time

without any attachments, doing karma is fine. If one believes

whatever is happening, even the smallest event in daily life, is

God's play without any doubt, karma is sadhana. But human mind has a

choice to do or not to do. This choice always interferes with our

destiny. If you can improve physical status by working more or

harder, you can not deny that sadhana can not remove bad karmas.

Either you believe in both or none. As long as there is fear,

uncertainty, doubt about life in one's mind, it's better to seek

power and knowledge in anyway one can, and what better than

meditation? Knowledge is inside.

I work 10 hours everyday and also going to the school as a full time

student in US. I still manage around 1 hour for yoga, meditation...

plus other activities like swimming, movies, dining out etc...

Yes 3 hours is hard now, but planning on that once I finish school.

And I'm not doing any sadhana, just getting habit of meditation. It

all depends on what you want to do and what you feel happy doing.


Yes I see 600SL and other cars on the street and even race with them

often(I loose with 600sl though :-( ). Money is never enough. I used

to have a bicycle back home, now a sports car. Still there are more

expensive cars in the market that I'd like to have. Even if I were

driving 600sl or 7 series BMW or even 850, I will still look for

Lambhorghini or Jag 6' series. What I mean is our mind never gets

permanent satisfaction from physical things. We always want more

because we think more brings more happiness which is very true. But

when will this more end? Our wishes depends on our level. When I

was small, I wished to have nicest bicycle among my friends, now I

wish for nice job, nice house, big bank balance. Those who already

have these things will wish even more, may be an island in hawaii,

and there are people who own islands in hawaii and still wanting to

do more and I support that effort very much. If we can do it by

working hard, why not. Physical achievement from physical work,

mental achievement from mental work. Just imagine a person who just

got his first motorbike!!! He is very happy. After few days or

weeks, it all fades away, riding bike becomes a habit not exciting

anymore, just a mean of transportation. If he buys a car later, same

thing repeats...


I fully support the logic not to disrupt daily activities because of

sadhana. One should not quit doing job or other things for sadhana

unless he is renouncing to become sanyasi. Physical is as important

as spiritual. Sadhana is to get everything, not to loose. There were

years I just devoted for studies because I thought study is sadhana

for then and I still prefer studying over sadhana. I will QUIT even

daily meditation if it interferes with my classes and work, because

i'm not settled down with a carrier yet, i still have to settle down

in a stable profession. Once I have a nice carrier job, then plans

will change to accomodate sadhana schedule.


Instead of sleeping certain hours, I sleep 1 hour less and devote 1

hour(approx) for meditation. If I say "No Time Now" ... I'll get old

still saying "NO Time Now" real soon. There is never enough time to

do everything we want. It's not for miracles. It's for our peace of

mind. That one hour meditation will for sure remove a lot of stress,

tensions and mental fatigue from our daily activities. Guys living

in big cities must know this as our mind gets frustrated with

traffic jams, road rage, rush, work stress, not getting proper food

etc ... ... If you can, do more, if u can't do less, if u don't

want, don't do it at all(nobody can force you). So there is no

misuse of time in meditating. If you miss your job doing meditation,

sacrificed a happily married life..., then it's a misuse.

We can manage our time no matter what we do or where we are if we

really want. I've seen doctors here who regularly meditate except in

emergency duties. And you all know doctors here are one of the

highest paid and busiest professionals. They could have worked those

couple of hours overtime and earned easy couple thousand $$$ in a

month. And I also have seen some friends who complain they don't

have time to meditate(they say they want to...) but play video

games for hours or stay in a bar till 2 in the morning... It all

depends on how you view your priorities and beliefs. I believe there

is more life after this one where I need to be very rich, but I'll

do my best here too.


Spending time in this group is not a misuse if one is here to

discuss things, to learn things. Yes it is misuse if one posts

messages just for the heck of it. If anyone is thinking he is

misusing his time here, one is always welcome to leave the group.

It's free to join and free to unjoin. We learn from others all our

life, from parents, brothers, sisters, friends including online

friends and groups. Modern technologies just makes it easier to do

so. Online communication also has some drawbacks like anuji

experienced, but it's everywhere. Relations are made and broken

everywhere. I don't get upset from online stuffs. I just imagine

it's never there.


ashish ji, I'd love to know some of your experiences if it's okay to

make them public or personal email. I have talked to some sadhaks

personnally and heard lots of experiences they had, but I can always

listen more. You are right, authenticity will be questioned, but

those who believe will believe, those who don't believe will not. If

you want to, my request is there. I remember one quote from

Gurudev's article, "It's easier to convince gods but very hard to

convince a man".


If i've offended anybody's beliefs, just ignore my post :)

I never thought it'd be this long... Sorry if u used ur time to read

and got nothing :-(

jaya gurudev

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Jai Gurudev

Dear Yogi,


> ashish ji, I'd love to know some of your experiences


Below are the excerpts from one of my old posts. I'll post more

experiences in a day or two. Those who believe my experiences should

get motivated to perform sadhana and those who don't should cosider

it a worthless piece of crap.


May god bless you all.





Bagalamukhi - Dhoomavati: Beej Combo


Mantra: Hleem Dhoom Hleem


The Bagalamukhi - Dhoomavati combo is an extremely powerful mantra.

It's quick and destroys all you adversaries in a blink of an eye. Be

it powerty, misfortune, ailment, curse or permanant failure; nothing

can withstand the sheer force of this mantra. For those who are not

aware, Bagalamukhi and Dhoomavati are the most fierce and feared of

the ten Mahavidyas (Of course, Chhinnamasta Mahavidya is also there).


I learnt this combo during the Bhopal shivir in November '97.

Although, it is not allowed, I would like to share an experience

related to this mantra. On the first day of Nov '97 Bhopal shivir,

something prompted me to fast. This was difficult for me as I was

not feeling well that day. I had gone there to meet Bade Guruji, Dr.

Narayan Dutt Shrimali; but, due to some reason, Kailash Guruji (Bade

Guruji's second son) came in his place. Maybe, I was not happy with

this. My condition kept worsening and till evening, fever got over



The shivir was in a ground divided into a big tent, where guruji and

sadhaks were sitting, and some sheds along with the boundaries of

the ground where sadhaks were supposed to sleep in the night. I

preferred to stay in a hotel.


It was a two day shivir and that day's session was to end at 10 PM;

but, because of my fever, I decided to leave at 7 PM. As I was

packing my things, Kailash Guruji anounced that he would grant

Bagalamukhi Mahavidya Diksha for a very low fee. I wanted to take

that diksha so I decided to stay. Perhaps, I was skeptic about the

money thing. Well, though I could barely walk, I reached the payment

counter. I wanted to hurry up, but no one was there. I stayed there

for a while and then, while thinking this wasn't my day, as I turned

to return, I heard a strange, heavy voice, "What do you want?". It

was a very fat, black and somewhat weird guy. "Bagalamukhi Diksha",

I replied. "Hummm...", he grunted and while chewing his tobacco,

wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it over to me. The

word "Bagalamukhi" was written on it along with a small signature.

When I gave him the money, he said, "Keep it, you'll need it." and

walked away. "Bagalamukhi Diksha for free???", I was

surprised, "That's cool." Well, not really. My temperature was still

rising. I re-entered the main tent, walked straight to Shrivastavji

and gave him the paper to ask him how to proceed. Guruji was not

there. He starred the paper for while and looked at me in a

surprised manner. "What?", I thought, "Has the guy made a fool of

me?" Anyway, Shrivastavji gave me this mantra and asked me to chant

it till Guruji returns.


I returned to my place and started chanting the mantra. In about 10

minutes, the whole scene changed suddenly. I was in a crematory on

the banks of a river sitting over a chita surrounded by giant sized

trees. I got frightened and opened my eyes. "Hallucinations!!!"

Anyway, I started again and yes, the scene, too, returned. This time

lightening struck the chita and it started burning wildly. "Help",

as I was about to stop again, something inside me ordered me to

continue. With every mantra, the flames grew taller and bigger; the

temparature was beyond reason and I felt like roasted meat. No

matter how this may sound, I was enjoying it. There was heat and

there was pleasure. Being cooked alive wasn't that bad, after all.


After a while, the scene flipped back to normal, Guruji had

returned, the queue moved on and now, it was my turn. I handed over

the paper to Shastriji who was standing next to Guruji making him

surprised and stood face-to-face with Kailash Guruji. "Guruji, I'm

taller.", I thought. Kailash Guruji placed his left hand on my right

shoulder, fingers of his right hand on my head and pressed his right

thumb against my forehead and "Whooosh...", something like molten

iron entered my forehead. I was supposed to concentrate on his eyes.

I tried to do just that but, instead, found two fireballs there and

no prizes for guessing that, we were back in the crematory standing

over the blazing chita. This time the heat was much, much higher and

the guy from the payment counter was also there violently throwing

something into the chita. "Who is this guy?" and the next moment I

saw him getting morphed into Bade Guruji. "Guruji!!! Oh, I missed

you so much." Bade Guruji appeared dark and redish and when I turned

to Kailash Guruji, who was still in the process of granting Diksha,

I was shocked to find him much taller, bigger, muscular, darker and

redder. Next, something emerged from his forehead and entered mine

with a huge blast and we were back to normal. I was amazed. Kailash

Guruji was tapping my head and asking me to leave as he was done. I

tried to touch his feet but couldn't as it was not allowed at that



I came down the stage and realized that along with my doubts, my

fever was gone. I was feeling healthier, stronger, taller and very

hungry. I was feeling like the most powerful man in the universe. I

didn't want to return, but I did reliving those moments again and

again with wildly growing hunger. I entered a veg restaurent and ate

and ate and ate till the manager stopped me and said they can't

serve anymore. I had eaten 36 big butter nans, 7 big plates of fried

rice and a lot of dal makhani and vegetable along with 19 glasses of

lassi. Normally, I couldn't have eaten more than 4 nans. The bill

was exactly the same amount which I was supposed to pay for the

Bagalamukhi Diksha. Remember, I was told I would need that money. I

returned to my hotel room and my luckiest day ended with a sound



The next day, I was the most energetic and helping person in the

shivir. That's why my blood boils when some damn person insults my

Guruji and I couldn't even have the luxury of tearing that person

into billions of pieces.


Bhakti is good, but nothing compared to the grandness of sadhana.

Perform sadhana and get what you are destined to have. Good luck...


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Good for u man. FYI I was not talking abt whether the desires are

good or bad and do they grow exponentially or not? I dont even want

to go there. I was just saying that people around me have not taken

any Dikshas or done any Sadhnas to earn what they have today. Anyway,

I have already closed this discussion at my end. Thanks for ur input

and good luck with ur pursuits.



, "yogiman2003" <yogiman2003>


> Jaya Gurudev,

> There are a lot of activities nowadays in the group. This is nice


> know that more and more curious people are keen to know about all

> the things we talk about.

> Some of the posts are very inspiring and useful for sadhaks. But

> some are filled with doubts. I just got inspired to pour my view

> here :-).

> Wasting time is not a question. Nobody can waste time. We can


> use it or misuse it acc to our knowledge. It just goes on forever.

> How we use it depends on what our priorities are.

> It's better to spend as much time as you can for sadhana not to

> limit 3 hours or 4 hours.

> That is a very good logic to spend 3 hours extra for your job or

> training. If you believe karma is everything, go for it. If one is

> just like Raja Janak who was ready to die any moment all the time

> without any attachments, doing karma is fine. If one believes

> whatever is happening, even the smallest event in daily life, is

> God's play without any doubt, karma is sadhana. But human mind has


> choice to do or not to do. This choice always interferes with our

> destiny. If you can improve physical status by working more or

> harder, you can not deny that sadhana can not remove bad karmas.

> Either you believe in both or none. As long as there is fear,

> uncertainty, doubt about life in one's mind, it's better to seek

> power and knowledge in anyway one can, and what better than

> meditation? Knowledge is inside.

> I work 10 hours everyday and also going to the school as a full


> student in US. I still manage around 1 hour for yoga, meditation...

> plus other activities like swimming, movies, dining out etc...

> Yes 3 hours is hard now, but planning on that once I finish school.

> And I'm not doing any sadhana, just getting habit of meditation. It

> all depends on what you want to do and what you feel happy doing.


> Yes I see 600SL and other cars on the street and even race with


> often(I loose with 600sl though :-( ). Money is never enough. I


> to have a bicycle back home, now a sports car. Still there are more

> expensive cars in the market that I'd like to have. Even if I were

> driving 600sl or 7 series BMW or even 850, I will still look for

> Lambhorghini or Jag 6' series. What I mean is our mind never gets

> permanent satisfaction from physical things. We always want more

> because we think more brings more happiness which is very true. But

> when will this more end? Our wishes depends on our level. When I

> was small, I wished to have nicest bicycle among my friends, now I

> wish for nice job, nice house, big bank balance. Those who already

> have these things will wish even more, may be an island in hawaii,

> and there are people who own islands in hawaii and still wanting to

> do more and I support that effort very much. If we can do it by

> working hard, why not. Physical achievement from physical work,

> mental achievement from mental work. Just imagine a person who just

> got his first motorbike!!! He is very happy. After few days or

> weeks, it all fades away, riding bike becomes a habit not exciting

> anymore, just a mean of transportation. If he buys a car later,


> thing repeats...


> I fully support the logic not to disrupt daily activities because


> sadhana. One should not quit doing job or other things for sadhana

> unless he is renouncing to become sanyasi. Physical is as important

> as spiritual. Sadhana is to get everything, not to loose. There


> years I just devoted for studies because I thought study is sadhana

> for then and I still prefer studying over sadhana. I will QUIT even

> daily meditation if it interferes with my classes and work, because

> i'm not settled down with a carrier yet, i still have to settle


> in a stable profession. Once I have a nice carrier job, then plans

> will change to accomodate sadhana schedule.


> Instead of sleeping certain hours, I sleep 1 hour less and devote 1

> hour(approx) for meditation. If I say "No Time Now" ... I'll get


> still saying "NO Time Now" real soon. There is never enough time to

> do everything we want. It's not for miracles. It's for our peace of

> mind. That one hour meditation will for sure remove a lot of


> tensions and mental fatigue from our daily activities. Guys living

> in big cities must know this as our mind gets frustrated with

> traffic jams, road rage, rush, work stress, not getting proper food

> etc ... ... If you can, do more, if u can't do less, if u don't

> want, don't do it at all(nobody can force you). So there is no

> misuse of time in meditating. If you miss your job doing


> sacrificed a happily married life..., then it's a misuse.

> We can manage our time no matter what we do or where we are if we

> really want. I've seen doctors here who regularly meditate except


> emergency duties. And you all know doctors here are one of the

> highest paid and busiest professionals. They could have worked


> couple of hours overtime and earned easy couple thousand $$$ in a

> month. And I also have seen some friends who complain they don't

> have time to meditate(they say they want to...) but play video

> games for hours or stay in a bar till 2 in the morning... It all

> depends on how you view your priorities and beliefs. I believe


> is more life after this one where I need to be very rich, but I'll

> do my best here too.


> Spending time in this group is not a misuse if one is here to

> discuss things, to learn things. Yes it is misuse if one posts

> messages just for the heck of it. If anyone is thinking he is

> misusing his time here, one is always welcome to leave the group.

> It's free to join and free to unjoin. We learn from others all our

> life, from parents, brothers, sisters, friends including online

> friends and groups. Modern technologies just makes it easier to do

> so. Online communication also has some drawbacks like anuji

> experienced, but it's everywhere. Relations are made and broken

> everywhere. I don't get upset from online stuffs. I just imagine

> it's never there.


> ashish ji, I'd love to know some of your experiences if it's okay


> make them public or personal email. I have talked to some sadhaks

> personnally and heard lots of experiences they had, but I can


> listen more. You are right, authenticity will be questioned, but

> those who believe will believe, those who don't believe will not.


> you want to, my request is there. I remember one quote from

> Gurudev's article, "It's easier to convince gods but very hard to

> convince a man".


> If i've offended anybody's beliefs, just ignore my post :)

> I never thought it'd be this long... Sorry if u used ur time to


> and got nothing :-(

> jaya gurudev

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Jaya gurudev bro,

I fully understand your dillemma.

You are not the only one who is facing problem of time. We can't do

even if we have desire due to our priorities for school, family, job



But, let's go back to the original topic by ashish ji, his advice is

only to those who is performing sadhana and determined to get

success. We are not doing any specific sadhanas, so we can do

whatever we want, meditate if we can, mentally pray or ...

His advice is very useful for those who are performing sadhanas as

strict rules and specific rituals are needed to get success in those



P.S. I missed one point before. There are many financially rich

people who never do any sadhana or don't even follow any religion.

Our life is determined by two things, one from our sanskar (from

previous life...) and another from work on this life (physical or

spiritual). So may be those rich non-sadhaks may have enough energy

from past lives or they worked hard here. Proper physical work

always gives good physical results.

This is my view of understanding that may be different (or even

completely wrong)than yours. I always welcome your views.


Ashish ji, thank you for your experience. Expecting more :-)

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Hello Ashish ji...

I can say only one thing...


Thanks a ton for sharing the experiance.. Would be looking forward for

some more..

Thanks & regards


tantra_shakti wrote:

Jai Gurudev

Dear Yogi,

ashish ji, I'd love to know some of your experiences

Below are the excerpts from one of my old posts. I'll post more experiences in a

day or two. Those who believe my experiences should get motivated to perform

sadhana and those who don't should cosider it a worthless piece of crap.

May god bless you all.



Bagalamukhi - Dhoomavati: Beej Combo

Mantra: Hleem Dhoom Hleem

The Bagalamukhi - Dhoomavati combo is an extremely powerful mantra. It's quick

and destroys all you adversaries in a blink of an eye. Be it powerty,

misfortune, ailment, curse or permanant failure; nothing can withstand the

sheer force of this mantra. For those who are not aware, Bagalamukhi and

Dhoomavati are the most fierce and feared of the ten Mahavidyas (Of course,

Chhinnamasta Mahavidya is also there).

I learnt this combo during the Bhopal shivir in November '97. Although, it is

not allowed, I would like to share an experience related to this mantra. On the

first day of Nov '97 Bhopal shivir, something prompted me to fast. This was

difficult for me as I was not feeling well that day. I had gone there to meet

Bade Guruji, Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali; but, due to some reason, Kailash Guruji

(Bade Guruji's second son) came in his place. Maybe, I was not happy with this.

My condition kept worsening and till evening, fever got over me.

The shivir was in a ground divided into a big tent, where guruji and sadhaks

were sitting, and some sheds along with the boundaries of the ground where

sadhaks were supposed to sleep in the night. I preferred to stay in a hotel.

It was a two day shivir and that day's session was to end at 10 PM; but, because

of my fever, I decided to leave at 7 PM. As I was packing my things, Kailash

Guruji anounced that he would grant Bagalamukhi Mahavidya Diksha for a very low

fee. I wanted to take that diksha so I decided to stay. Perhaps, I was skeptic

about the money thing. Well, though I could barely walk, I reached the payment

counter. I wanted to hurry up, but no one was there. I stayed there for a while

and then, while thinking this wasn't my day, as I turned to return, I heard a

strange, heavy voice, "What do you want?". It was a very fat, black and

somewhat weird guy. "Bagalamukhi Diksha", I replied. "Hummm...", he grunted and

while chewing his tobacco, wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it

over to me. The word "Bagalamukhi" was written on it along with a small

signature. When I gave him the money, he said, "Keep it, you'll need it." and

walked away. "Bagalamukhi Diksha for free???", I was surprised, "That's cool."

Well, not really. My temperature was still rising. I re-entered the main tent,

walked straight to Shrivastavji and gave him the paper to ask him how to

proceed. Guruji was not there. He starred the paper for while and looked at me

in a surprised manner. "What?", I thought, "Has the guy made a fool of me?"

Anyway, Shrivastavji gave me this mantra and asked me to chant it till Guruji


I returned to my place and started chanting the mantra. In about 10 minutes, the

whole scene changed suddenly. I was in a crematory on the banks of a river

sitting over a chita surrounded by giant sized trees. I got frightened and

opened my eyes. "Hallucinations!!!" Anyway, I started again and yes, the scene,

too, returned. This time lightening struck the chita and it started burning

wildly. "Help", as I was about to stop again, something inside me ordered me to

continue. With every mantra, the flames grew taller and bigger; the temparature

was beyond reason and I felt like roasted meat. No matter how this may sound, I

was enjoying it. There was heat and there was pleasure. Being cooked alive

wasn't that bad, after all.

After a while, the scene flipped back to normal, Guruji had returned, the queue

moved on and now, it was my turn. I handed over the paper to Shastriji who was

standing next to Guruji making him surprised and stood face-to-face with

Kailash Guruji. "Guruji, I'm taller.", I thought. Kailash Guruji placed his

left hand on my right shoulder, fingers of his right hand on my head and

pressed his right thumb against my forehead and "Whooosh...", something like

molten iron entered my forehead. I was supposed to concentrate on his eyes. I

tried to do just that but, instead, found two fireballs there and no prizes for

guessing that, we were back in the crematory standing over the blazing chita.

This time the heat was much, much higher and the guy from the payment counter

was also there violently throwing something into the chita. "Who is this guy?"

and the next moment I saw him getting morphed into Bade Guruji. "Guruji!!! Oh,

I missed you so much." Bade Guruji appeared dark and redish and when I turned

to Kailash Guruji, who was still in the process of granting Diksha, I was

shocked to find him much taller, bigger, muscular, darker and redder. Next,

something emerged from his forehead and entered mine with a huge blast and we

were back to normal. I was amazed. Kailash Guruji was tapping my head and

asking me to leave as he was done. I tried to touch his feet but couldn't as it

was not allowed at that time.

I came down the stage and realized that along with my doubts, my fever was gone.

I was feeling healthier, stronger, taller and very hungry. I was feeling like

the most powerful man in the universe. I didn't want to return, but I did

reliving those moments again and again with wildly growing hunger. I entered a

veg restaurent and ate and ate and ate till the manager stopped me and said

they can't serve anymore. I had eaten 36 big butter nans, 7 big plates of fried

rice and a lot of dal makhani and vegetable along with 19 glasses of lassi.

Normally, I couldn't have eaten more than 4 nans. The bill was exactly the same

amount which I was supposed to pay for the Bagalamukhi Diksha. Remember, I was

told I would need that money. I returned to my hotel room and my luckiest day

ended with a sound sleep.

The next day, I was the most energetic and helping person in the shivir. That's

why my blood boils when some damn person insults my Guruji and I couldn't even

have the luxury of tearing that person into billions of pieces.

Bhakti is good, but nothing compared to the grandness of sadhana. Perform

sadhana and get what you are destined to have. Good luck...


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--~-> Jay Gurudev<*>




<*> Your


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