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Well, what you have written earlier, should not be and

can not be discounted as we all are guided by our

experiences in life. And to me there's nothing wrong

in your approach. It is true that Maslow's hierarchy

of needs plays a vital role in our existence. If at

this point of life, your need is of social and

material nature, how can you sit for long hours for

sadhana? This is understandable. Further, if being an

engineer, throughout your life, you have known only

one way of excelling, and that is through hard work in

that area..in your case upgradation of software

skills, then that is your dharma at the moment.

However, evolution is a dynamic process and it follows

a pattern similar to that found in physical world.

Just as in your own organisation, you may be working

at a technical position but you will eventually rise

to occupy senior positions where your job will be to

manage people and not to write computer programs! In a

similar way, we all are destined to evolve

spiritually. Further, Karma has an intrinsic value. A

labourer who works for 8 hours in tough conditions

barely gets Rs. 100 where as you sit in AC chamber,

work, in real terms, hardly for 4-5 hours (in US it

may be more)in the most comfortable environment and

get to earn around $500 per day! Why? What's so

special? Well, the answer is obvious. The intrinsic

value of your karma when translated in terms of money

is much higher that that of the labourer's. Your Karma

is much subtle in nature and his karma is gross. And

through special training in your formative years you

learned to add value to such karma, you became

software expert through hard work. Now, when you take

this analogy to spiritual field, dhyaan or meditation

takes your mind to the subtlest levels, that brings in

overall growth, harmony and prosperity. You become one

with the universe..and serendipity is a natural fall

out of such subtle effort!

Now, coming back to the issue of sadhana, mantra jaap

etc. Well, if I am hungry, then my first need is roti.

And if I am wise enough then I may postpone that need

for better gains. However, whether I do mantra jaap

and ignore roti, or I concentrate on roti and postpone

mantra jaap..both the approaches are right, because

what I choose at this moment is a result of my own

acquired wisdom, and the crux of the matter is can I

live in self deception..can I do sadhana claiming to

have higher pursuits and yet have my mind fixed on

roti. No. That's why gurudev has given a wide range of

sadhanas..from laxmi prapti to kundalini jagaran and

siddhashram sadhana..because his approach has been to

take care of the immediate needs and prepare sadhak

for higher sadhanas.

To sit for 5 minutes or 5 hours is a relative term. If

I can sit for 5 hours and am not doing it, and just

wasting my time, then that's sheer lethargy. Then the

man who sits for just 5 minutes despite being busy is

better placed.

I would also like to add that we are very lucky that

gurudev has simplified sadhanas to such extent.

Otherwise, if you read ancient texts on tantra, the

sadhanas seem impossible to perform for people like us

living in metros and having demanding job schedules.

And see, what gurudev expects from us..just 4+1+1..or

if you are doing any specific sadhana then maximum 5

malas for 21 or 27 or 31 days! No big deal !!!! Well,

this is my view. It is purely his grace that I have

got so many shaktipaat dikshas from him otherwise at

least I feel, in this birth, I haven't done or

achieved anything great to have him as my guru.

Jai gurudev

--- s_dipity <s_dipity wrote:


> Jai Gurudev.


> After the recent discussions about my post I started

> thinking that

> either

> 1. all the learned members of this group have

> special blessings of

> Gurudev

> or

> 2. there is something wrong with my approach.


> I think there are more chances of the 2nd choice

> being right.

> Whatever I have been talking abt recently is

> absolutely based on my

> personal experiences. Even if i take a sankalp to do

> something for

> may be 15 mins a day for 40 days, my whole life goes

> awry. Some

> unexpected guest would come over or I wld fall sick

> or I would have

> to go out of town - well you get the point. Under

> such circumstances

> I dont know how I can do a rigorous routine.


> Has any other members experienced this kinda

> situation? I will

> really appreciate any comments, suggestions, idea,

> thoughts.


> Thanks












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