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The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna - 10

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Dear Spiritial Brothers and Sisters,


I have extracted few significant teachings (to the

best of my capability) from "The Gospel of Sri

Ramakrishna" (Abridged Edition). Here, I place the

tenth part - Sri Ramakrishna at Syampukur.



10. Sri Ramakrishna at Syampukur



* Do you know what one feels in meditation? The mind

becomes like a continuous flow of oil - it thinks of

one object only, and that is God. It is not aware of

anything else.


* That man is a true man whose mind dwells in God. He

alone is a man whose spiritual consciousness has been

awakened and who is firmly convinced that God alone is

real and all else is illusory.


* If you see anywhere a special manifestation of God's

Power, you may know that God has incarnated Himself



* God has become all that you see.


* So long as 'I-consciousness' exists, a man cannot go

beyond the Relative.


* There are signs of Perfect Knowledge. One is that

reasoning comes to an end.


* It is God who dwells within as the Pure Mind and

Pure Intelligence.


* It is God who has kept this 'ego' in us. All this is

His play, His lila.


* If you realize Atman, you will see the truth of all

I have said. All doubts disappear after the vision of



* Brahman alone is real and the world unreal. Nothing

whatsoever remains if you analyse.


* It is not easy to get rid of illusion. It lingers

even after the attainment of Knowledge.


* 'It is nothing, it is nothing'. This is the process

of 'Neti, Neti'.


* The jnanis say that an aspirant must, first of all,

purify his heart. First he needs spiritual exercises;

then he will attain Knowledge.


* God can also be realized through the path of

devotion. For such a devotee, the sense-organs come

under control of themselves.


* One realizes God by following the path of

discrimination and knowledge. But this is an extremely

difficult path.


* One should trust in the words of holy men and great

souls, those who have realized God.


* Unless a man is guileless, he cannot easily have a

faith in God. God is far, far away from the mind

steeped in worldliness.


* For seekers of God, the constant company of holy men

is necessary.


* Two things are necessary for the realization of God:

faith and self surrender.


* Whatever path you may follow, you must pray to God

with a restless heart.


* Whatever may be a householder's profession, it is

necessary for him to live in the company of holy men

now and then. If a man loves God, he will himself seek

the company of holy men.


* Go beyond knowledge and ignorance; only then can you

realize God. To know many things is ignorance. Pride

of scholarship is also ignorance.


* The unwavering conviction that God alone dwells in

all beings is jnana, knowledge. To know Him intimately

is vijnana, a richer knowledge.


* God is beyond both knowledge and ignorance.


* One cannot attain Knowledge unless one is free from



* You have been born in this world as a human being to

worship God; therefore try to acquire love for His

Lotus Feet.


* Blessed is the man who retains his love for the

Lotus Feet of God even though he eats pork.


* It is good to look on God as the Master and oneself

as His servant. As long as a man feels the body to be

real, as long as he is conscious of 'I' and 'you', it

is good to keep the relationship of master and



* There is an ocean of difference between

absent-mindedness due to the contemplation of God and

absent-mindedness due to preoccupation with worldly



* People have different tastes. Besides, all have not

the same fitness for spiritual life.


* Samadhi is the result of the union of the mind with




Love, Light and Peace...




Scientist 'E1'

National Institute of Hydrology

Jal Vigyan Bhawan

Roorkee - 247667 (Uttaranchal)



Web Page : http://www.angelfire.com/nh/cpkumar/


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