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Kundalini, The Journey of Life

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Our life begins at birth and moving with time, leads to death. Death is not the

desired destination, death is decay not completeness. With the help of

kundalini power, life can lead to completeness.The real journey of life starts

at the bottom of our spine and completes at the crown of our head connecting

the seven energy points or chakras collectively known as Kundalini. All of our

energies, which regulate every function of our body, are generated and

controlled by these chakras.The first is 'Muladhar Chakra'. Muladhar literally

means 'main base'. Situated in the basal region of the vertebral column at the

mid spot between anus and reproductive organ, it contains the primary elements

of life. When activated, it results in perfect health and unlimited

strength.The second chakra is 'Swadhishthan Chakra'. It is located in the

vertebral column opposite the reproductive organ. When activated, it increases

one's reproductive

capabilities.Next comes 'Manipurak Chakra'. Located in the vertebral column

opposite the naval region, this chakra cures heart related diseases and helps

in meditation after being activated.Located in the vertebral column opposite

the heart, the fourth chakra is 'Anahat Chakra'. It's activation results in

power to see the future.'Vishuddha Chakra', which is the fifth chakra, is in

the vertebral column opposite the throat region. It's activation is vital for

total material and academic success.The sixth one is 'Aagya Chakra' which is

situated opposite the mid point of the two eyebrows. Also known as the third

eye, this chakra, when activated, results in many super-natural powers like

telepathy, extra sensory perception and ability to control the nature.And

finally, comes 'Sahastrar Chakra'. This is where the kundalini power unites

itself with the universal consciousness making one above life and death.The

kundalini is a gateway to

powers which are otherwise considered impossible. It is nature's most precious

gift to us. All we need to do is to reach out and take control.Ashish...



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