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Secret Sahasrara padma

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Dear spiritual brothers and sisters,

Above the ajna-chakra there is

another secret chakra, called manas-chakra. It is a lotus of six

petals, on which are shabda-jñana, sparsha-jñana, rupa-jñana,

aghrano-palabdhi, rasopabhoga, and svapna, or the faculties of

hearing, touch, sight, smell, taste, and sleep, or the absence of

these. Above this, again, there is another secret chakra, called

Soma-chakra. It is a lotus of sixteen petals, which are also called

sixteen Kala. These Kala are called kripa (mercy), mriduta

(gentleness), dhairyya (patience, composure), vairagya (dispassion),

dhriti (constancy), sampat (prosperity), hasya (cheerfulness),

romancha (rapture, thrill), vinaya (sense of propriety, humility),

dhyana (meditation), susthirata (quietude, restfulness), gambhiryya

(gravity), udyama (enterprise, effort), akshobha (emotionlessness),

audarya (magnanimity), and ekagrata (concentration).


Above this last chakra is "the house without support" ( niralamba-

puri), where yogis see the radiant Ishvara. Above this is the

pranava shining like a flame, and above pranava the white crescent

Nada, and above this last the point Vindu. There is then a white

lotus of twelve petals with its head upwards, and over this lotus

there is the ocean of nectar (sudha-sagara), the island of gems

(mani-dvipa), the altar of gems ( mani-pitha), the forked lightning-

like lines a, ka, tha, and therein Nada and Vindu. On Nada and

Vindu, as an altar, there is the Paramahangsa, and the latter serves

as an altar for the feet of the Guru; there the Guru of all should

be meditated. The body of the Hangsa on which the feet of the Guru

rest is jñana-maya, the wings Agama and Nigama , the two feet Shiva

and Shakti, the beak Pranava, the eyes and throat Kama-Kala.


Close to the thousand-petalled lotus is the sixteenth digit of the

moon, which is called ama-kala, which is pure red and lustrous like

lightning, as fine as a fibre of the lotus, hanging downwards,

receptacle of the lunar nectar. In it is the crescent nirvana-kala,

luminous as the Sun, and finer than the thousandth part of a hair.

This is the Ishta-devata of all. Near nirvana-kala is parama-nirvana-

Shakti, infinitely subtle, lustrous as the Sun, creatrix of tattva-

jnana. Above it are Vindu and Visarga-Shakti, root and abode of all




or thousand petalled lotus of all colours hangs with its head

downwards from the brahma-randhra above all the chakra. This is the

region of the first cause (Brahma-loka), the cause of the six

proceeding causes. It is the great Sun both cosmically and

individually, in whose effulgence Parama-Shiva and Adya-Shakti

reside. The power is the vachaka-Shakti or saguna-brahman, holding

potentially within itself, the gunas, powers, and planes. Parama-

Shiva is in the form of the Great Ether (paramakasha-rupi), the

Supreme Spirit (paramatma ), the Sun of the darkness of ignorance.

In each of the petals of the lotus are placed all the letters of the

alphabet; and whatever there is in the lower chakra or in the

universe (brahmanda ) exist here in potential state (avyakta-bhava).

Shaivas call this place Shiva-sthana, Vaishnavas, Parama-purusha,

Shaktas, Devi-sthana, the Sankhya sages Prakriti-purusha-sthana.

Others call it by other names, such as Hari-hara-sthana. Shakti-

sthana, Parama-Brahma, Parama-hangsa, Parama-jyotih, Kula-sthana,

and Parama-Shiva-Akula. But whatever the name, all speak of the same

Yours yogically,


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