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Macrocosm and microcosm the connection to our body

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Dear spiritual brothers and sisters,

The universe consists of a Mahabrahmanda, or

grand Kosmos, and of numerous Brihatbrahmanda, or macrocosms evolved

from it. As is said by the Nirvana Tantra, all which is in the first

is in the second. In the latter are heavenly bodies and beings,

which are microcosms reflecting on a minor scale the greater worlds

which evolve them. "As above, so below." This mystical maxim of the

West is stated in the Vishvasara Tantra as follows: "What is here is

elsewhere; what is not here is nowhere" (yadihasti tadanyatra

yannehasti natatkvachit). The macrocosm has its meru, or vertebral

column, extending from top to bottom. There are fourteen regions

descending from Satyaloka, the highest. These are the seven upper

and the seven nether worlds (vide ante ). The meru of the human body

is the spinal column, and within it are the chakra, in which the

worlds are said to dwell. In the words of the Shaktananda-Tarangini,

they are pindamadhyesthita. Satya has been said to be in the

sahasrara, and Tapah, Janah, Mahah, Svah, Bhuvah, Bhuh in the ajna,

vishuddha , anahata, manipura, svadishthana, and muladhara lotuses

respectively. Below muladhara and in the joints, sides, anus, and

organs of generation are the nether worlds. The bones near the

spinal column are the kula-parvata . Such are the correspondences as

to earth. Then as to water. The nadi are the rivers. The seven

substances of the body (dhatu ) are the seven islands. Sweat, tears,

and the like are the oceans. Fire exists in the muladhara, sushumna,

navel, and elsewhere. As the worlds are supported by the pravahana

and other vayu ("airs"), so is the body supported by the ten vayu

prana, etc. There is the same akasha (ether) in both. The witness

within is the purusha without, for the personal soul of the

microcosm corresponds to the cosmic soul (hiranyagarbha) in the


yours yogically ,


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