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Tantra of blowing the mind

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Dear All,

Speak little of that which is ever invisible.

Let the mind probe into its hidden secrets:

The power of each psychic centre will come of itself,

And it is spontaneous as the rising sun,

Though the dross of mind and spiritual blinkers

Causes the esoteric powers to remain ever hidden,

When the faculties of awakening and joy

Explode, and all that was hid becomes known

Through Europe, North India, and into China

Are the physical marks of the Silk Route

And also an invisible thread of common people,

For whom the Matriarchal cults of the Goddess prevailed:

That is why Tantrika and the Way of the Kaulas

Has its roots in Celtic Mysteries and Shambhala

And the deeper interpretation of The Book of Changes.

Now this ancient and secret yoga of the Centres

Is presented for the wise to read, see, and know;

But not forgetting - there is a common link.


The science of the Kaulas is not for everyone;

Those who aspire to Lordship must have potential:

Therefore, the way is presented as an enigma,

For the way of the Kaulas is not for everyone.

As no two people are the same in appearance,

Nor have all people the same expertise-ability,

And the inner-nature raises one up or lowers one down.

Those things such as birth, life, and death

Are things for everyone but all of little worth;

But to attain the festival of supreme union

When Shiva and Shakti unite is a great attainment,

Be it on the grass, the bed, or in the BRAIN CHAKRA.

Thus birth, life, and death, in this world of mankind,

Is overcome to enter the great sphere of the Gods.

The treasures of our life come from movement and tranquility:

Movement is just that power which is necessary to move.

In walking, we put the feet forward enough for movement;

If we double the distance, walking soon becomes difficult.

Hit the nail with sufficient force to drive it home;

If the blow is too heavy, we may smash the wood,

And our work of construction becomes a failure.

The measure of sufficient quantity depends on ourselves;

In sexual union, movement must be sufficient and responsive.

At the moment of joyful explosion, movement ends,

And we relax in spiritual bliss and peace of mind.

All Tantrika is based on the female and masculine polarity,

And the psychic centres inflamed by sexual opposites:

Therefore this way of life has no place for the homosexual,

Nor for lesbians, eunuchs, or the castrated - Sorry.

In the Kaula science, meditation has for its simple base:

A comfortable seat, rhythmic breathing, and relaxation.

There is not, nor ever can be, one rule for everybody,

And Kaulas vibrate till they find their own level.

Concentration is not essential, but quiet is a must;

The mind must never go to sleep, even though it is relaxed,

For awareness, awakening, and realization only can come

When you are alert and aware of all the psychic processes.

Some forms of controlled breathing may be found helpful,

Or counting numbers overcome the whirl of daily life.

Do not take tranquilizers or drugs which are depressants:

They may relax you, but they block the power of awakening;

Better to drink tea or coffee or take a very mild stimulant,

But it is still better if you need nothing at all.


The progress of the Yogi or Yogini is clearly outlined

Under Hexagram 1 (The Creative) of The Book of Changes.

Apart from its infinite value to the Yogi and Kaula,

It is the only oracle where the dark elemental forces

Cannot intervene and mislead the consultant.


The Book of Changes teaches Yoga in several Hexagrams.

There are eight trigrams; these are all aspects of Devi.

The broken and unbroken lines are the Yoni and Lingam;

The number of Hexagrams is as the number of lost Tantras;

And the eight trigrams are the sides of Mount Kailash

so long friends....this ws psoted by me to show

we have something in common even with the chinese.

Yours yogically,


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