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Dear All,

What is a YANTRA ?

YANTRA literally means "support" and "instrument". A YANTRA is a

geometric design acting as a highly efficient tool for

contemplation, concentration and meditation. YANTRAS carry spiritual

significance : there is a specific meaning that pertains to higher

levels of consciousness.

The YANTRA provides a focal point that is a window into the

absolute. When the mind is concentrated on a single, simple object

(in this case a YANTRA), the mental chatter ceases. Eventually, the

object is dropped when the mind can remain empty and silent without

help. In the most advanced phases, it is possible to attain union

with God by the geometric visualization of a YANTRA.


The YANTRA is like a microcosmic picture of the MACROCOSM. It is a

focusing point and an outer and inner doorway. The YANTRAS are often

focused on a specific deity and so. by tuning into the different

YANTRAS you can tap into certain deities or creative force centers

in the universe.


YANTRAS are usually designed so that the eye is carried into the

center, and very often they are symmetrical. They can be drawn on

paper, wood, metal, or earth, or they can be three-dimensional.


The most celebrated YANTRA in India is the Sri YANTRA, the YANTRA

of Tripura Sundari. It is a symbol of the entire cosmos that serves

to remind the practitioner of the nondifference between subject and



How do YANTRAS work ?

At the basis of YANTRA operation is something called "shape energy"

or "form energy". The idea is that every shape emits a very specific

frequency and energy pattern. Examples of old believes in shape

energy are the YANTRAS and mandalas of eastern philosophies, the

star of David, the five pointed star (pentagon), the Christian

cross, the pyramids and so on. Certain 'powers' are ascribed to the

various shapes. Some have 'evil' or negative energies and

some 'good' or positive energies, but in YANTRA Yoga only the

benefic and harmonious energies are used.


When one focuses on a YANTRA, his mind is atomatically "tuned in" by

RESONANCE into the specific form energy of that YANTRA. The process

of RESONANCE is then maintained and amplified. The YANTRA acts only

as a "tune in" mechanism or a doorway. The subtle energy does not

come from the YANTRA itself, but from the MACROCOSM.


Basically YANTRAS are secret keys for establishing RESONANCE with

the benefic energies of the MACROCOSM. Very often the YANTRAS can

put us in contact with extremely elevated energies and entities,

being of invaluable help on the spiritual path.


YANTRAS are poorly known in the Occident

At this moment, there is little known about YANTRAS in the Western

world. Many people consider them just pretty pictures and some

artists claim to draw "YANTRAS" from their imagination. They are

very far from the true meaning and use of YANTRAS. First of all,

YANTRAS cannot simply be invented from imagination. Every specific

mood and emotion has an associated form energy and shape. This

unequivocally determines the form of the YANTRA associated to that

mood. The traditional YANTRAS were discovered through revelation, by

clairvoyance, not invented. One needs to be a true spiritual master,

a tantric guru, to be able to reveal a new YANTRA to the world.


Search the Internet and the libraries and you will find very little

consistent knowledge about YANTRAS. Some people placed YANTRAS

upside down, a monument of their ignorance. You cannot place a

YANTRA just any way you please. Anyone knows that when the cross is

held upside down, it is no longer a benefic symbol. A YANTRA put

upside down is no longer the same YANTRA.


"Disecting" a YANTRA

The power of YANTRAS to induce RESONANCE is based on the SPECIFIC

FORM of its appearance. Such a diagram can be composed from one or

more geometrical shapes which combine into a precise model

representing and transfiguring in essence, at the level of the

physical universe, the subtle sphere of force corresponding to the

invoked deity. From this point of view we can argue that the YANTRA

functions similarly to a MANTRA (sacred word). By RESONANCE, a

certain energy from the practitioner's MICROCOSM vibrates on the

same wavelength with the corresponding infinite energy present in

the MACROCOSM, energy which is represented in the physical plane by

the YANTRA. The principle of RESONANCE with any deity, cosmic power,

aspect, phenomenon or energy owes its universal applicability to the

perfect correspondence existing between the human being (seen as a

true MICROCOSM) and the Creation as a whole (MACROCOSM).


The Yantric Contour

Every YANTRA is delimited from the exterior by a line or a group of

lines forming its perimeter. These marginal lines have the function

to maintain, contain and prevent the loss of the magical forces

represented by the core structure of the YANTRA, usually the central

dot. They also have the function to increase its magical and subtle



The core of the YANTRA is composed of one or several simple

geometrical shapes : dots, lines, triangles, squares, circles and

lotuses representing in different ways the subtle energies.



The Dot (BINDU)

For example the dot (BINDU) signifies the focalized energy and its

intense concentration. It can be evnisaged as a kind of energy

deposit which can in turn radiate energy under other forms. The dot

is usually surrounded by different surfaces, either a triangle, a

hexagon, a circle etc. These forms depend on the characteristic of

the deity or aspect represented by the YANTRA. In the tantric

iconography, the dot is named BINDU; in tantra BINDU is symbolically

considered to be SHIVA himself, the source of the whole creation.


The Tiangle (TRIKONA)

The triangle (TRIKONA) is the symbol of SHAKTI, the feminine energy

or aspect of Creation. The triangle pointing down represents the

YONI, the feminine sexual organ and the symbol of the supreme source

of the Universe, and when the triangle is pointing upwards it

signifies intense spiritual aspiration, the sublimation of one's

nature into the most subtle planes and the element of fire (AGNI

TATTVA). The fire is always oriented upwards, thus the correlation

with the upward triangle - SHIVA KONA. On the other hand, the

downward pointing triangle signifies the element of water which

always tends to flown and occupy the lowest possible position. This

triangle is known as SHAKTI KONA.


The intersection of two geometric forms (lines, triangles, circles,

etc.) represents forces that are even more intense than those

generated by the simple forms. Such an interpenetration indicates a

high level in the dynamic interaction of the correspondent energies.

The empty spaces generated by such combinations are described as

very efficient operational fields of the forces emanating from the

centeral point of the YANTRA. That is why we can very often

encounter representations of MANTRAS in such spaces. YANTRA and

MANTRA are complementary aspects of SHIVA and their use together is

much more efficient than the use of one alone.



The Six Points Star (SHATKONA)

A typical combination often found in the graphical structure of a

YANTRA is the superposition of two triangles, one pointing upwards

and the other downwards, forming a star with six points (SHATKONA),

also known as David's Star. This form symbolically represents the

union of PURUSHA and PRAKRITI or SHIVA-SHAKTI, without which there

could be no Creation.


The Circle (CHAKRA)

Another simple geometrical shape often used in YANTRAS is the

circle, representing the rotation, a movement closely linked to the

shape of spiral which is fundamental in the Macrocosmic evolution.

At the same time, the circle represents perfection and the blissful

creative void. In the series of the five fundamental elements it

represents air (VAYU TATTVA).


The Square (BHUPURA)

Between the simple geometrical elemets that compose YANTRAS there is

also the sqaure (BHUPURA). The square is usually the exterior limit

of the YANTRA and symbolically, it represents the element earth



Every YANTRA starts from the center, often marked by a central dot

(BINDU) and ends with the outer square. This represents the sense of

universal evolution, starting from the subtle and ending with the

coarse, starting from "ether" and ending with "earth".


Even tough most of the times YANTRAS are composed of these simple

geometrical shapes, sometimes we encounter other elements such as

arrow points, tridents, swords, spikes included in the design of a

YANTRA with the purpose of representing vectors and directions of

action for the YANTRIC energies.


The Lotus (PADMA)

The lotus symbol (or its petals) is both a symbol of purity and

variety, every lotus petal representing a distinct aspect. The

inclusion of a lotus in a YANTRA represents freedom from multiple

interference with the exterior (purity) and expresses the absolute

force of the Supreme Self.


In conclusion, a YANTRA is a very complex spiritual instrument in

the tantric practice (SADHANA). It can calm and focus the activities

of the mind, and by its positive auto-suggestion it has a benefic

impact on the health and psychic well being of a person.


A YANTRA alone represents nothing. Only when it is awakened by

mental concentration and meditation will the process of RESONANCE

appear and the benefic macrocosmic energies will manifest themselves

in the practitioner's MICROCOSM.


How to Use YANTRAS

As we showed above, the secret key to using YANTRAS in meditation is

RESONANCE. The process of RESONANCE is established by mental focus

on the image of the YANTRA. As long as the mind is tuned into the

specific mood associated to that YANTRA, the energy flows, but when

the RESONANCE is stopped, the energy disappears.





Instructions for YANTRA meditation :


hang the YANTRA on a wall facing North or East, placing the center

of the YANTRA at the level of your eyes


adopt your favorite posture or, if you want, sit on a chair

maintaining your spine straight


breath in through the nose and out through the mouth, but do not

force at all, just let the breath flow normally


look into the center of the YANTRA, trying to blink as rarely as

possible; you don't want to look at the particular details of the

YANTRA, just keep your sight right in the center and observe the

whole YANTRA at once


this exercise should last at least 15-30 minutes every day; the

experience will be indescribable


in time, after at least seven days of YANTRA meditation you will be

able to tap into the same yantric energy even without a YANTRA (at

the beginning you may fix your sight on an exterior or imaginary

point or evoke the YANTRA with your eyes closed)


do not forget to consecrate the fruits of this practice to God

(karma yoga); you should not chase any objective when doing YANTRA

meditation, just let it gradually guide you towards the sublime

energies of the MACROCOSM


when executing this techniques it is recommended that we maintain a

state of aspiration and intense longing for experiencing the

beatific energies of the consciousness


in superior phases the YANTRA absorbs the practitioner's complete

attention, and he can no longer tell if the YANTRA is within himself

or if he is within the YANTRA; this is the state of nonduality.


Let us bow down to the nonduality in ourselves...OM


Yours yogically,


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Namaste Dattu Ji,

Thank you so much for enlightening me about Yantras. Since I am going to start

worship of Mahadeva Shiva I would like to know if there is a Shiva Yantra that I

can meditate on? Does the Yantra need to be siddh first? I do not have any Guru

and my inner voice tells me that the Supreme Lord is my Guru. What should I do?

Can I take the sound of Om as a Guru?





Sat, 09 Oct 2004 05:22:41 -0000

"shivam_param" <shivam_param

Yantric information




Dear All,

What is a YANTRA ?

YANTRA literally means "support" and "instrument". A YANTRA is a

geometric design acting as a highly efficient tool for

contemplation, concentration and meditation. YANTRAS carry spiritual

significance : there is a specific meaning that pertains to higher

levels of consciousness.

The YANTRA provides a focal point that is a window into the

absolute. When the mind is concentrated on a single, simple object

(in this case a YANTRA), the mental chatter ceases. Eventually, the

object is dropped when the mind can remain empty and silent without

help. In the most advanced phases, it is possible to attain union

with God by the geometric visualization of a YANTRA.

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Dear Danny,

There are many yantras for Lord Shiva and his amsas like

dakshinamurthy,aghoreswar,bhairav,etc.If the Yantra is energised

then there is nothing like it.Else energise it with your devotion to

the lord.Devotion matters more than anything else.

Regarding Guru you must search for a proper guru.The

inner voice which says supreme lord is your guru is a

rationalisation of the mind.Read guru geetha many times you will

find your guru somehow.Till then rest in the supreme lord.Else if

you are really serious accept lord shiva is your ultimate guru and

start the sadhana,your guru will come to you automatically.

Best of luck in all your ventures.

Yours Yogically,






, "Danny" <danboy@s...> wrote:


> Namaste Dattu Ji,

> Thank you so much for enlightening me about Yantras. Since I am

going to start worship of Mahadeva Shiva I would like to know if

there is a Shiva Yantra that I can meditate on? Does the Yantra need

to be siddh first? I do not have any Guru and my inner voice tells

me that the Supreme Lord is my Guru. What should I do? Can I take

the sound of Om as a Guru?


> Pranaam

> D


> Sat, 09 Oct 2004 05:22:41 -0000

> "shivam_param" <shivam_param>

> Yantric information




> Dear All,

> What is a YANTRA ?

> YANTRA literally means "support" and "instrument". A YANTRA is a

> geometric design acting as a highly efficient tool for

> contemplation, concentration and meditation. YANTRAS carry


> significance : there is a specific meaning that pertains to higher

> levels of consciousness.

> The YANTRA provides a focal point that is a window into the

> absolute. When the mind is concentrated on a single, simple object

> (in this case a YANTRA), the mental chatter ceases. Eventually,


> object is dropped when the mind can remain empty and silent


> help. In the most advanced phases, it is possible to attain union

> with God by the geometric visualization of a YANTRA.

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