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Glimpse of Glory

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Dear Brothers & Sisters,



Sometimes a glimpse of glory of particlar deity is important before we start its

sadhna, because some of us are usually having doubt about the power of mantra

and devta /devi associated. This doubt surely ruins all efforts of

sadahak,sometimes completely destroys the sadhna of the sadhak if he-she does

not have Guru in physical body who can give him his power through shaktipat.

Therefore stotra recitation is method by which we prepare ourselves for a

particular sadhna. For Example- Baglamukhi sadhna.

Recently a large number of yellow pamphlets were prepared by few gurubhais.

Those pamphlets had Bagalamukhi mala Mantra mantra printed on them. It was

adviced to recite that mantra 108 times in a day for 41 days continuously .

Single recitation with proper pronunciation takes less than one minute or at

the most one minute if we recite very slowly. Spending 108 minutes a day is not

big ask for person with scientfic aptitude and analytical mind who wants to

check the authenticity of power Devi Baglamukhi that also without taking any

risk of money of life. Considering the result any average person would spend

that much time every day for recitation of this mantra.

I am sure and have personal experience experience also that you will not have to

wait for 41 days to feel the power of this mantra and devi Baglamukhi.

It seems that efforts of those Gurubhai's who published these pamphlets were not

taken seriously by a large number of sadhaks, who just took it and did not

utilise it .

Same is the case with all stotras published in MTYV Magazine.

If Sadhaks do not take these easier things into consideration, how can they

expect themselves to excel in sadhnas and the most powerful one at that?

They are only interested in empty big talk and quoting directly words of Gurudev.

They satisfy themselves just by telling stories of Gurudev's conquer over other

tantriks. They themsleves are not ready to put any hard work. Even if they

spend few hundred rupees on sadhna material, they make a big show of it as if

they have invetsed a very large amount of their lifetime's earnings. How can

these fellows expect success or even glimpse of Glory of Devi or Devta?

These shortcomings exist in you and me on different scales. Neither you nor I

can escape from these shortcomings untill we oursleves put some efforts and

take help of Gurudev.

First you yourself make effort to overcome these shortcoming and many other

shotcomings which are not mentioned here.

When you completely fail to overcome these shortcoming then you go to Gurdev

and take their help through shaktipaat diksha. Then only you will realise how

important is Guru in physical body and how imortant is His shaktipaat diksha.

You will see what you tried to achieve by a lot of self-deceiving activities

and failed completely; could be achieved only with the direct help of Gurudev.

This is 100% true for all sadhaks including you &me, and those also who are in

siddashram. Everybody who made even a little bit of progress on the path os

sadhnas, folllowed this route only or I would say ulitmately this is the only


Untill or unless a person completely exhausts himself/herself of all mental and

hysical energy,they underestimate the importance of Guru. Only when they are

drained out of all energy and drive to face this big bad world they realise

that nothing is possible on this path of sadhna without the direct of Guru..

Guru is source of power, not like electric power station where you pay the bill

and get lectricity. If you treat your Guru that way then you will have results

like that only. By spending 2000-3000 Rs. you will get value equal to that

amount only. If you treat Him like your own body & soul you will get power

beyond your imagination. Gurudev gives equal level of ignition during shaktipat

diksha. Those who treat it as bought & sold items are able to generate limnited

energy from ignition charge. On the other hand who treat this diksha as the

result of rare opportunity bestowed after spending countless lives waiting for

the Guru get unlimited blessings in unlimited dimension such that their whole

lives are transformed. It is just equal and opposite reaction. Harder a ball is

hit higher the bounce it attains. Just because Newton discovered this principle

for mechanics, that does not mean that it does not apply in other areas of

life like

sadhnas. The principle was always there and Newton presented it in physical

terms to the world around. Similarly Guru tries to teach principles of sadhna

in easier and understandable way. That does not mean you start taking sadhnas

like entertainment tricks or petty gimmick to impress prople around.Newton

discovered the principle,later on other scientists picked up from that point

worked more it which helped more discories & inventions. Then more scientists

followed after that and that chain reaction is still going on. This chain

recation for the quest of knowledge was in process before Newton also. It

exists in this moment also amd it will exist in future also..Similarly Gurudev

Trimurti are carrying forward the knowledge & hardwork of Gurudev

Nikhil.Their efforts has opened new chapters in sadhnas. They are Nikhil only.

They are no different from Gurudev Nikhil. Gurudev Nikhil existed before also in


centuries gone by. What was His identity & physical features, we do not know. we

need to accomplish more sadhnas to realise that. Only sadhaks of siddhashram

know about this secret in details.Gurudev Nikhil is the beginning,middle and

termination of this whole journey. Saying these words will not suffice the

needs of the path of sadhnas. Its meaning & power needs to be captured by

hardwork of sadhaks. Just like in physical sciences you can see different

stages of development of modern sciences,in decades gone by,similarly we can

see we can see different satges of development of sadhnas,writing of

Vedas,Upanaishdas. The process has not stopped. Every sadhna unfolds the way

for next one. It is a path where there is challenge of unlimited amount.To our

luck we have Gurudev Trimurti to guide through. There is only need for us to

follow the direction and order given by Gurudev Nikhil. first step should be to

realise Gurudev Nikhil in

Gurudev Trimurti otherwise your mind will waver during sadhnas because you will

differentiate between Gurudev Nikhil & Gurudev Trimurti and this will act as

hindrance in the progress of sadhnas. Start this journey as soon as possible at

the fastest possible speed. How you will do it--That you can only decide, how to

express your love to your beloved.Those you just want to indulge in empty

arguements can do so happily becuase they have been doing this for centuries

and keep on doing so in future. They could not stop Newton ,Galellio,Copernicus

and others. They can not stop us also. Moreover we are always many many steps

ahead of physical sciences. By the time they reach at our prsent stage we would

have unfolded countless mysteries of universe, so that discoveries of physical

sciences will look like animation movies of Hollywood- toys in the hand of a

child.Only Gurudev Nikhil can tell where is the beginning & where is the

end. Our duty is to just walk on the path. Rest of things will be taken care of automatically.

Om Namah ShivayeOm Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo NamahOm Namah Shivaye

India Matrimony: Find your life partner


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Guest guest

Thanks for sharing your Thoughts...just 1 doubt, I wonder if we can recite

Baglamukhi mala Mantra in 1 min...well I may be wrong as I haven't done that

for quite long. Jus joking anyway...



ajay sharma <sharva_ajay (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Dear Brothers & Sisters,



Sometimes a glimpse of glory of particlar deity is important before we start its

sadhna, because some of us are usually having doubt about the power of mantra

and devta /devi associated. This doubt surely ruins all efforts of

sadahak,sometimes completely destroys the sadhna of the sadhak if he-she does

not have Guru in physical body who can give him his power through shaktipat.

Therefore stotra recitation is method by which we prepare ourselves for a

particular sadhna. For Example- Baglamukhi sadhna.

Recently a large number of yellow pamphlets were prepared by few gurubhais.

Those pamphlets had Bagalamukhi mala Mantra mantra printed on them. It was

adviced to recite that mantra 108 times in a day for 41 days continuously .

Single recitation with proper pronunciation takes less than one minute or at

the most one minute if we recite very slowly. Spending 108 minutes a day is not

big ask for person with scientfic aptitude and analytical mind who wants to

check the authenticity of power Devi Baglamukhi that also without taking any

risk of money of life. Considering the result any average person would spend

that much time every day for recitation of this mantra.

I am sure and have personal experience experience also that you will not have to

wait for 41 days to feel the power of this mantra and devi Baglamukhi.

It seems that efforts of those Gurubhai's who published these pamphlets were not

taken seriously by a large number of sadhaks, who just took it and did not

utilise it .

Same is the case with all stotras published in MTYV Magazine.

If Sadhaks do not take these easier things into consideration, how can they

expect themselves to excel in sadhnas and the most powerful one at that?

They are only interested in empty big talk and quoting directly words of Gurudev.

They satisfy themselves just by telling stories of Gurudev's conquer over other

tantriks. They themsleves are not ready to put any hard work. Even if they

spend few hundred rupees on sadhna material, they make a big show of it as if

they have invetsed a very large amount of their lifetime's earnings. How can

these fellows expect success or even glimpse of Glory of Devi or Devta?

These shortcomings exist in you and me on different scales. Neither you nor I

can escape from these shortcomings untill we oursleves put some efforts and

take help of Gurudev.

First you yourself make effort to overcome these shortcoming and many other

shotcomings which are not mentioned here.

When you completely fail to overcome these shortcoming then you go to Gurdev

and take their help through shaktipaat diksha. Then only you will realise how

important is Guru in physical body and how imortant is His shaktipaat diksha.

You will see what you tried to achieve by a lot of self-deceiving activities

and failed completely; could be achieved only with the direct help of Gurudev.

This is 100% true for all sadhaks including you &me, and those also who are in

siddashram. Everybody who made even a little bit of progress on the path os

sadhnas, folllowed this route only or I would say ulitmately this is the only


Untill or unless a person completely exhausts himself/herself of all mental and

hysical energy,they underestimate the importance of Guru. Only when they are

drained out of all energy and drive to face this big bad world they realise

that nothing is possible on this path of sadhna without the direct of Guru..

Guru is source of power, not like electric power station where you pay the bill

and get lectricity. If you treat your Guru that way then you will have results

like that only. By spending 2000-3000 Rs. you will get value equal to that

amount only. If you treat Him like your own body & soul you will get power

beyond your imagination. Gurudev gives equal level of ignition during shaktipat

diksha. Those who treat it as bought & sold items are able to generate limnited

energy from ignition charge. On the other hand who treat this diksha as the

result of rare opportunity bestowed after spending countless lives waiting for

the Guru get unlimited blessings in unlimited dimension such that their whole

lives are transformed. It is just equal and opposite reaction. Harder a ball is

hit higher the bounce it attains. Just because Newton discovered this principle

for mechanics, that does not mean that it does not apply in other areas of

life like

sadhnas. The principle was always there and Newton presented it in physical

terms to the world around. Similarly Guru tries to teach principles of sadhna

in easier and understandable way. That does not mean you start taking sadhnas

like entertainment tricks or petty gimmick to impress prople around.Newton

discovered the principle,later on other scientists picked up from that point

worked more it which helped more discories & inventions. Then more scientists

followed after that and that chain reaction is still going on. This chain

recation for the quest of knowledge was in process before Newton also. It

exists in this moment also amd it will exist in future also..Similarly Gurudev

Trimurti are carrying forward the knowledge & hardwork of Gurudev

Nikhil.Their efforts has opened new chapters in sadhnas. They are Nikhil only.

They are no different from Gurudev Nikhil. Gurudev Nikhil existed before also in


centuries gone by. What was His identity & physical features, we do not know. we

need to accomplish more sadhnas to realise that. Only sadhaks of siddhashram

know about this secret in details.Gurudev Nikhil is the beginning,middle and

termination of this whole journey. Saying these words will not suffice the

needs of the path of sadhnas. Its meaning & power needs to be captured by

hardwork of sadhaks. Just like in physical sciences you can see different

stages of development of modern sciences,in decades gone by,similarly we can

see we can see different satges of development of sadhnas,writing of

Vedas,Upanaishdas. The process has not stopped. Every sadhna unfolds the way

for next one. It is a path where there is challenge of unlimited amount.To our

luck we have Gurudev Trimurti to guide through. There is only need for us to

follow the direction and order given by Gurudev Nikhil. first step should be to

realise Gurudev Nikhil in

Gurudev Trimurti otherwise your mind will waver during sadhnas because you will

differentiate between Gurudev Nikhil & Gurudev Trimurti and this will act as

hindrance in the progress of sadhnas. Start this journey as soon as possible at

the fastest possible speed. How you will do it--That you can only decide, how to

express your love to your beloved.Those you just want to indulge in empty

arguements can do so happily becuase they have been doing this for centuries

and keep on doing so in future. They could not stop Newton ,Galellio,Copernicus

and others. They can not stop us also. Moreover we are always many many steps

ahead of physical sciences. By the time they reach at our prsent stage we would

have unfolded countless mysteries of universe, so that discoveries of physical

sciences will look like animation movies of Hollywood- toys in the hand of a

child.Only Gurudev Nikhil can tell where is the beginning & where is the

end. Our duty is to just walk on the path. Rest of things will be taken care of automatically.

Om Namah ShivayeOm Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo NamahOm Namah Shivaye

India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Jay Gurudev

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Well written Ajay...I can feel the HEAT of the FIRE that is within you, the Fire

that is ready to burn of all the obstacles - Physical & Mental to clear its path

to The Ultimate Goal - SADGURUDEV.

Thanks for sharing your Thoughts...just 1 doubt, I wonder if we can recite

Baglamukhi mala Mantra in 1 min...well I may be wrong as I haven't done that

for quite long. Jus joking anyway...



ajay sharma <sharva_ajay (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Dear Brothers & Sisters,



Sometimes a glimpse of glory of particlar deity is important before we start its

sadhna, because some of us are usually having doubt about the power of mantra

and devta /devi associated. This doubt surely ruins all efforts of

sadahak,sometimes completely destroys the sadhna of the sadhak if he-she does

not have Guru in physical body who can give him his power through shaktipat.

Therefore stotra recitation is method by which we prepare ourselves for a

particular sadhna. For Example- Baglamukhi sadhna.

Recently a large number of yellow pamphlets were prepared by few gurubhais.

Those pamphlets had Bagalamukhi mala Mantra mantra printed on them. It was

adviced to recite that mantra 108 times in a day for 41 days continuously .

Single recitation with proper pronunciation takes less than one minute or at

the most one minute if we recite very slowly. Spending 108 minutes a day is not

big ask for person with scientfic aptitude and analytical mind who wants to

check the authenticity of power Devi Baglamukhi that also without taking any

risk of money of life. Considering the result any average person would spend

that much time every day for recitation of this mantra.

I am sure and have personal experience experience also that you will not have to

wait for 41 days to feel the power of this mantra and devi Baglamukhi.

It seems that efforts of those Gurubhai's who published these pamphlets were not

taken seriously by a large number of sadhaks, who just took it and did not

utilise it .

Same is the case with all stotras published in MTYV Magazine.

If Sadhaks do not take these easier things into consideration, how can they

expect themselves to excel in sadhnas and the most powerful one at that?

They are only interested in empty big talk and quoting directly words of Gurudev.

They satisfy themselves just by telling stories of Gurudev's conquer over other

tantriks. They themsleves are not ready to put any hard work. Even if they

spend few hundred rupees on sadhna material, they make a big show of it as if

they have invetsed a very large amount of their lifetime's earnings. How can

these fellows expect success or even glimpse of Glory of Devi or Devta?

These shortcomings exist in you and me on different scales. Neither you nor I

can escape from these shortcomings untill we oursleves put some efforts and

take help of Gurudev.

First you yourself make effort to overcome these shortcoming and many other

shotcomings which are not mentioned here.

When you completely fail to overcome these shortcoming then you go to Gurdev

and take their help through shaktipaat diksha. Then only you will realise how

important is Guru in physical body and how imortant is His shaktipaat diksha.

You will see what you tried to achieve by a lot of self-deceiving activities

and failed completely; could be achieved only with the direct help of Gurudev.

This is 100% true for all sadhaks including you &me, and those also who are in

siddashram. Everybody who made even a little bit of progress on the path os

sadhnas, folllowed this route only or I would say ulitmately this is the only


Untill or unless a person completely exhausts himself/herself of all mental and

hysical energy,they underestimate the importance of Guru. Only when they are

drained out of all energy and drive to face this big bad world they realise

that nothing is possible on this path of sadhna without the direct of Guru..

Guru is source of power, not like electric power station where you pay the bill

and get lectricity. If you treat your Guru that way then you will have results

like that only. By spending 2000-3000 Rs. you will get value equal to that

amount only. If you treat Him like your own body & soul you will get power

beyond your imagination. Gurudev gives equal level of ignition during shaktipat

diksha. Those who treat it as bought & sold items are able to generate limnited

energy from ignition charge. On the other hand who treat this diksha as the

result of rare opportunity bestowed after spending countless lives waiting for

the Guru get unlimited blessings in unlimited dimension such that their whole

lives are transformed. It is just equal and opposite reaction. Harder a ball is

hit higher the bounce it attains. Just because Newton discovered this principle

for mechanics, that does not mean that it does not apply in other areas of

life like

sadhnas. The principle was always there and Newton presented it in physical

terms to the world around. Similarly Guru tries to teach principles of sadhna

in easier and understandable way. That does not mean you start taking sadhnas

like entertainment tricks or petty gimmick to impress prople around.Newton

discovered the principle,later on other scientists picked up from that point

worked more it which helped more discories & inventions. Then more scientists

followed after that and that chain reaction is still going on. This chain

recation for the quest of knowledge was in process before Newton also. It

exists in this moment also amd it will exist in future also..Similarly Gurudev

Trimurti are carrying forward the knowledge & hardwork of Gurudev

Nikhil.Their efforts has opened new chapters in sadhnas. They are Nikhil only.

They are no different from Gurudev Nikhil. Gurudev Nikhil existed before also in


centuries gone by. What was His identity & physical features, we do not know. we

need to accomplish more sadhnas to realise that. Only sadhaks of siddhashram

know about this secret in details.Gurudev Nikhil is the beginning,middle and

termination of this whole journey. Saying these words will not suffice the

needs of the path of sadhnas. Its meaning & power needs to be captured by

hardwork of sadhaks. Just like in physical sciences you can see different

stages of development of modern sciences,in decades gone by,similarly we can

see we can see different satges of development of sadhnas,writing of

Vedas,Upanaishdas. The process has not stopped. Every sadhna unfolds the way

for next one. It is a path where there is challenge of unlimited amount.To our

luck we have Gurudev Trimurti to guide through. There is only need for us to

follow the direction and order given by Gurudev Nikhil. first step should be to

realise Gurudev Nikhil in

Gurudev Trimurti otherwise your mind will waver during sadhnas because you will

differentiate between Gurudev Nikhil & Gurudev Trimurti and this will act as

hindrance in the progress of sadhnas. Start this journey as soon as possible at

the fastest possible speed. How you will do it--That you can only decide, how to

express your love to your beloved.Those you just want to indulge in empty

arguements can do so happily becuase they have been doing this for centuries

and keep on doing so in future. They could not stop Newton ,Galellio,Copernicus

and others. They can not stop us also. Moreover we are always many many steps

ahead of physical sciences. By the time they reach at our prsent stage we would

have unfolded countless mysteries of universe, so that discoveries of physical

sciences will look like animation movies of Hollywood- toys in the hand of a

child.Only Gurudev Nikhil can tell where is the beginning & where is the

end. Our duty is to just walk on the path. Rest of things will be taken care of automatically.

Om Namah ShivayeOm Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo NamahOm Namah Shivaye

India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Jay GurudevJay Gurudev

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Guest guest

Dear Brothers & Sisters,



Sometimes a glimpse of glory of particlar deity is important before we start its

sadhna, because some of us are usually having doubt about the power of mantra

and devta /devi associated. This doubt surely ruins all efforts of

sadahak,sometimes completely destroys the sadhna of the sadhak if he-she does

not have Guru in physical body who can give him his power through shaktipat.

Therefore stotra recitation is method by which we prepare ourselves for a

particular sadhna. For Example- Baglamukhi sadhna.

Recently a large number of yellow pamphlets were prepared by few gurubhais.

Those pamphlets had Bagalamukhi mala Mantra mantra printed on them. It was

adviced to recite that mantra 108 times in a day for 41 days continuously .

Single recitation with proper pronunciation takes less than one minute or at

the most one minute if we recite very slowly. Spending 108 minutes a day is not

big ask for person with scientfic aptitude and analytical mind who wants to

check the authenticity of power Devi Baglamukhi that also without taking any

risk of money of life. Considering the result any average person would spend

that much time every day for recitation of this mantra.

I am sure and have personal experience experience also that you will not have to

wait for 41 days to feel the power of this mantra and devi Baglamukhi.

It seems that efforts of those Gurubhai's who published these pamphlets were not

taken seriously by a large number of sadhaks, who just took it and did not

utilise it .

Same is the case with all stotras published in MTYV Magazine.

If Sadhaks do not take these easier things into consideration, how can they

expect themselves to excel in sadhnas and the most powerful one at that?

They are only interested in empty big talk and quoting directly words of Gurudev.

They satisfy themselves just by telling stories of Gurudev's conquer over other

tantriks. They themsleves are not ready to put any hard work. Even if they

spend few hundred rupees on sadhna material, they make a big show of it as if

they have invetsed a very large amount of their lifetime's earnings. How can

these fellows expect success or even glimpse of Glory of Devi or Devta?

These shortcomings exist in you and me on different scales. Neither you nor I

can escape from these shortcomings untill we oursleves put some efforts and

take help of Gurudev.

First you yourself make effort to overcome these shortcoming and many other

shotcomings which are not mentioned here.

When you completely fail to overcome these shortcoming then you go to Gurdev

and take their help through shaktipaat diksha. Then only you will realise how

important is Guru in physical body and how imortant is His shaktipaat diksha.

You will see what you tried to achieve by a lot of self-deceiving activities

and failed completely; could be achieved only with the direct help of Gurudev.

This is 100% true for all sadhaks including you &me, and those also who are in

siddashram. Everybody who made even a little bit of progress on the path os

sadhnas, folllowed this route only or I would say ulitmately this is the only


Untill or unless a person completely exhausts himself/herself of all mental and

hysical energy,they underestimate the importance of Guru. Only when they are

drained out of all energy and drive to face this big bad world they realise

that nothing is possible on this path of sadhna without the direct of Guru..

Guru is source of power, not like electric power station where you pay the bill

and get lectricity. If you treat your Guru that way then you will have results

like that only. By spending 2000-3000 Rs. you will get value equal to that

amount only. If you treat Him like your own body & soul you will get power

beyond your imagination. Gurudev gives equal level of ignition during shaktipat

diksha. Those who treat it as bought & sold items are able to generate limnited

energy from ignition charge. On the other hand who treat this diksha as the

result of rare opportunity bestowed after spending countless lives waiting for

the Guru get unlimited blessings in unlimited dimension such that their whole

lives are transformed. It is just equal and opposite reaction. Harder a ball is

hit higher the bounce it attains. Just because Newton discovered this principle

for mechanics, that does not mean that it does not apply in other areas of

life like

sadhnas. The principle was always there and Newton presented it in physical

terms to the world around. Similarly Guru tries to teach principles of sadhna

in easier and understandable way. That does not mean you start taking sadhnas

like entertainment tricks or petty gimmick to impress prople around.Newton

discovered the principle,later on other scientists picked up from that point

worked more it which helped more discories & inventions. Then more scientists

followed after that and that chain reaction is still going on. This chain

recation for the quest of knowledge was in process before Newton also. It

exists in this moment also amd it will exist in future also..Similarly Gurudev

Trimurti are carrying forward the knowledge & hardwork of Gurudev

Nikhil.Their efforts has opened new chapters in sadhnas. They are Nikhil only.

They are no different from Gurudev Nikhil. Gurudev Nikhil existed before also in


centuries gone by. What was His identity & physical features, we do not know. we

need to accomplish more sadhnas to realise that. Only sadhaks of siddhashram

know about this secret in details.Gurudev Nikhil is the beginning,middle and

termination of this whole journey. Saying these words will not suffice the

needs of the path of sadhnas. Its meaning & power needs to be captured by

hardwork of sadhaks. Just like in physical sciences you can see different

stages of development of modern sciences,in decades gone by,similarly we can

see we can see different satges of development of sadhnas,writing of

Vedas,Upanaishdas. The process has not stopped. Every sadhna unfolds the way

for next one. It is a path where there is challenge of unlimited amount.To our

luck we have Gurudev Trimurti to guide through. There is only need for us to

follow the direction and order given by Gurudev Nikhil. first step should be to

realise Gurudev Nikhil in

Gurudev Trimurti otherwise your mind will waver during sadhnas because you will

differentiate between Gurudev Nikhil & Gurudev Trimurti and this will act as

hindrance in the progress of sadhnas. Start this journey as soon as possible at

the fastest possible speed. How you will do it--That you can only decide, how to

express your love to your beloved.Those you just want to indulge in empty

arguements can do so happily becuase they have been doing this for centuries

and keep on doing so in future. They could not stop Newton ,Galellio,Copernicus

and others. They can not stop us also. Moreover we are always many many steps

ahead of physical sciences. By the time they reach at our prsent stage we would

have unfolded countless mysteries of universe, so that discoveries of physical

sciences will look like animation movies of Hollywood- toys in the hand of a

child.Only Gurudev Nikhil can tell where is the beginning & where is the

end. Our duty is to just walk on the path. Rest of things will be taken care of automatically.

Om Namah ShivayeOm Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo NamahOm Namah Shivaye

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How can u think about this thing in this way !!!!!!!! We cant differentiate

revered Guru Trimurthi from our revered Sadgurudev Nikhil . They r part of Him

only. And in fact Sadgurudev himself has told many a times that a live Guru is

more respectable than an eternal one as we can weep in Their holy feet and tell

Them our problems, can feel their holy touch and can get the strength and aagya

directly. It is only through them that revered Sadgurudev Nikhil is doing their

work in this effective way. In fact I find no differences among them. How can

one differentiate soul from body ??? How can one differentiate breeze from air

??? How can one differentiate tide from seawater ??? It is just our smallness

and lack of knowledge that we try to differentiate the things in this way. Can

we differentiate our revered Sadgurudev Nikhil from His Sadgurudev Pratah

Smarniya Param Pujya Sachchidananda

?????????? In fact this type of things may hurt sentiments of our several gurubhais......


May be I am taking it in some wrong way.......But plz take care while writing

this type of mail.....


Jay Gurudev. "SR.Raj kumar" <srirajarajeswari9 > wrote:

Well I have a point to add. When we take diksha and accept Trimurti Gurudev as

our Guru, though we have Nikhil Gurudev as Supreme, is it not best to treat and

pay respects to Trimurti Gurudev through whom we got the diksha? In my words,

they are the Supreme as they are the people who have taken the effort to lead

my path. So I feel our first and foremost duty is to the gurudev who has given

us diksha. If I am wrong, plz correct me.Anupam Shil <anupamshil >


Well written Ajay...I can feel the HEAT of the FIRE that is within you, the Fire

that is ready to burn of all the obstacles - Physical & Mental to clear its path

to The Ultimate Goal - SADGURUDEV.

Thanks for sharing your Thoughts...just 1 doubt, I wonder if we can recite

Baglamukhi mala Mantra in 1 min...well I may be wrong as I haven't done that

for quite long. Jus joking anyway...



ajay sharma <sharva_ajay (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Dear Brothers & Sisters,



Sometimes a glimpse of glory of particlar deity is important before we start its

sadhna, because some of us are usually having doubt about the power of mantra

and devta /devi associated. This doubt surely ruins all efforts of

sadahak,sometimes completely destroys the sadhna of the sadhak if he-she does

not have Guru in physical body who can give him his power through shaktipat.

Therefore stotra recitation is method by which we prepare ourselves for a

particular sadhna. For Example- Baglamukhi sadhna.

Recently a large number of yellow pamphlets were prepared by few gurubhais.

Those pamphlets had Bagalamukhi mala Mantra mantra printed on them. It was

adviced to recite that mantra 108 times in a day for 41 days continuously .

Single recitation with proper pronunciation takes less than one minute or at

the most one minute if we recite very slowly. Spending 108 minutes a day is not

big ask for person with scientfic aptitude and analytical mind who wants to

check the authenticity of power Devi Baglamukhi that also without taking any

risk of money of life. Considering the result any average person would spend

that much time every day for recitation of this mantra.

I am sure and have personal experience experience also that you will not have to

wait for 41 days to feel the power of this mantra and devi Baglamukhi.

It seems that efforts of those Gurubhai's who published these pamphlets were not

taken seriously by a large number of sadhaks, who just took it and did not

utilise it .

Same is the case with all stotras published in MTYV Magazine.

If Sadhaks do not take these easier things into consideration, how can they

expect themselves to excel in sadhnas and the most powerful one at that?

They are only interested in empty big talk and quoting directly words of Gurudev.

They satisfy themselves just by telling stories of Gurudev's conquer over other

tantriks. They themsleves are not ready to put any hard work. Even if they

spend few hundred rupees on sadhna material, they make a big show of it as if

they have invetsed a very large amount of their lifetime's earnings. How can

these fellows expect success or even glimpse of Glory of Devi or Devta?

These shortcomings exist in you and me on different scales. Neither you nor I

can escape from these shortcomings untill we oursleves put some efforts and

take help of Gurudev.

First you yourself make effort to overcome these shortcoming and many other

shotcomings which are not mentioned here.

When you completely fail to overcome these shortcoming then you go to Gurdev

and take their help through shaktipaat diksha. Then only you will realise how

important is Guru in physical body and how imortant is His shaktipaat diksha.

You will see what you tried to achieve by a lot of self-deceiving activities

and failed completely; could be achieved only with the direct help of Gurudev.

This is 100% true for all sadhaks including you &me, and those also who are in

siddashram. Everybody who made even a little bit of progress on the path os

sadhnas, folllowed this route only or I would say ulitmately this is the only


Untill or unless a person completely exhausts himself/herself of all mental and

hysical energy,they underestimate the importance of Guru. Only when they are

drained out of all energy and drive to face this big bad world they realise

that nothing is possible on this path of sadhna without the direct of Guru..

Guru is source of power, not like electric power station where you pay the bill

and get lectricity. If you treat your Guru that way then you will have results

like that only. By spending 2000-3000 Rs. you will get value equal to that

amount only. If you treat Him like your own body & soul you will get power

beyond your imagination. Gurudev gives equal level of ignition during shaktipat

diksha. Those who treat it as bought & sold items are able to generate limnited

energy from ignition charge. On the other hand who treat this diksha as the

result of rare opportunity bestowed after spending countless lives waiting for

the Guru get unlimited blessings in unlimited dimension such that their whole

lives are transformed. It is just equal and opposite reaction. Harder a ball is

hit higher the bounce it attains. Just because Newton discovered this principle

for mechanics, that does not mean that it does not apply in other areas of

life like

sadhnas. The principle was always there and Newton presented it in physical

terms to the world around. Similarly Guru tries to teach principles of sadhna

in easier and understandable way. That does not mean you start taking sadhnas

like entertainment tricks or petty gimmick to impress prople around.Newton

discovered the principle,later on other scientists picked up from that point

worked more it which helped more discories & inventions. Then more scientists

followed after that and that chain reaction is still going on. This chain

recation for the quest of knowledge was in process before Newton also. It

exists in this moment also amd it will exist in future also..Similarly Gurudev

Trimurti are carrying forward the knowledge & hardwork of Gurudev

Nikhil.Their efforts has opened new chapters in sadhnas. They are Nikhil only.

They are no different from Gurudev Nikhil. Gurudev Nikhil existed before also in


centuries gone by. What was His identity & physical features, we do not know. we

need to accomplish more sadhnas to realise that. Only sadhaks of siddhashram

know about this secret in details.Gurudev Nikhil is the beginning,middle and

termination of this whole journey. Saying these words will not suffice the

needs of the path of sadhnas. Its meaning & power needs to be captured by

hardwork of sadhaks. Just like in physical sciences you can see different

stages of development of modern sciences,in decades gone by,similarly we can

see we can see different satges of development of sadhnas,writing of

Vedas,Upanaishdas. The process has not stopped. Every sadhna unfolds the way

for next one. It is a path where there is challenge of unlimited amount.To our

luck we have Gurudev Trimurti to guide through. There is only need for us to

follow the direction and order given by Gurudev Nikhil. first step should be to

realise Gurudev Nikhil in

Gurudev Trimurti otherwise your mind will waver during sadhnas because you will

differentiate between Gurudev Nikhil & Gurudev Trimurti and this will act as

hindrance in the progress of sadhnas. Start this journey as soon as possible at

the fastest possible speed. How you will do it--That you can only decide, how to

express your love to your beloved.Those you just want to indulge in empty

arguements can do so happily becuase they have been doing this for centuries

and keep on doing so in future. They could not stop Newton ,Galellio,Copernicus

and others. They can not stop us also. Moreover we are always many many steps

ahead of physical sciences. By the time they reach at our prsent stage we would

have unfolded countless mysteries of universe, so that discoveries of physical

sciences will look like animation movies of Hollywood- toys in the hand of a

child.Only Gurudev Nikhil can tell where is the beginning & where is the

end. Our duty is to just walk on the path. Rest of things will be taken care of automatically.

Om Namah ShivayeOm Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo NamahOm Namah Shivaye

India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Jay GurudevJay Gurudev

Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download

Messenger Now Jay Gurudev

India Matrimony: Find your life partner


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Guest guest

Please note the following.


Bhagavan Manushasya Roopena.


This means God in man's guise. This means we see God in th guise of Guru. So

similarly we have to worship with all eternity to the living Guru. The rest is

taken care of. Sadguru Nikhil will not complain that you have not prayed to

him, because he also preaches that your first duty is to the living Guru.

Please avoid ur remarks like the ones given below. No one is fully accomplished

to say a concrete substance on anything. Views differ from person to person and

it is upto them to infer and conclude.

In fact this type of things may hurt sentiments of our several gurubhais





Santosh Kumar <say2sk (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Jay Gurudev


How can u think about this thing in this way !!!!!!!! We cant differentiate

revered Guru Trimurthi from our revered Sadgurudev Nikhil . They r part of Him

only. And in fact Sadgurudev himself has told many a times that a live Guru is

more respectable than an eternal one as we can weep in Their holy feet and tell

Them our problems, can feel their holy touch and can get the strength and aagya

directly. It is only through them that revered Sadgurudev Nikhil is doing their

work in this effective way. In fact I find no differences among them. How can

one differentiate soul from body ??? How can one differentiate breeze from air

??? How can one differentiate tide from seawater ??? It is just our smallness

and lack of knowledge that we try to differentiate the things in this way. Can

we differentiate our revered Sadgurudev Nikhil from His Sadgurudev Pratah

Smarniya Param Pujya Sachchidananda

?????????? In fact this type of things may hurt sentiments of our several gurubhais......


May be I am taking it in some wrong way.......But plz take care while writing

this type of mail.....


Jay Gurudev. "SR.Raj kumar" <srirajarajeswari9 > wrote:

Well I have a point to add. When we take diksha and accept Trimurti Gurudev as

our Guru, though we have Nikhil Gurudev as Supreme, is it not best to treat and

pay respects to Trimurti Gurudev through whom we got the diksha? In my words,

they are the Supreme as they are the people who have taken the effort to lead

my path. So I feel our first and foremost duty is to the gurudev who has given

us diksha. If I am wrong, plz correct me.Anupam Shil <anupamshil >


Well written Ajay...I can feel the HEAT of the FIRE that is within you, the Fire

that is ready to burn of all the obstacles - Physical & Mental to clear its path

to The Ultimate Goal - SADGURUDEV.

Thanks for sharing your Thoughts...just 1 doubt, I wonder if we can recite

Baglamukhi mala Mantra in 1 min...well I may be wrong as I haven't done that

for quite long. Jus joking anyway...



ajay sharma <sharva_ajay (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Dear Brothers & Sisters,



Sometimes a glimpse of glory of particlar deity is important before we start its

sadhna, because some of us are usually having doubt about the power of mantra

and devta /devi associated. This doubt surely ruins all efforts of

sadahak,sometimes completely destroys the sadhna of the sadhak if he-she does

not have Guru in physical body who can give him his power through shaktipat.

Therefore stotra recitation is method by which we prepare ourselves for a

particular sadhna. For Example- Baglamukhi sadhna.

Recently a large number of yellow pamphlets were prepared by few gurubhais.

Those pamphlets had Bagalamukhi mala Mantra mantra printed on them. It was

adviced to recite that mantra 108 times in a day for 41 days continuously .

Single recitation with proper pronunciation takes less than one minute or at

the most one minute if we recite very slowly. Spending 108 minutes a day is not

big ask for person with scientfic aptitude and analytical mind who wants to

check the authenticity of power Devi Baglamukhi that also without taking any

risk of money of life. Considering the result any average person would spend

that much time every day for recitation of this mantra.

I am sure and have personal experience experience also that you will not have to

wait for 41 days to feel the power of this mantra and devi Baglamukhi.

It seems that efforts of those Gurubhai's who published these pamphlets were not

taken seriously by a large number of sadhaks, who just took it and did not

utilise it .

Same is the case with all stotras published in MTYV Magazine.

If Sadhaks do not take these easier things into consideration, how can they

expect themselves to excel in sadhnas and the most powerful one at that?

They are only interested in empty big talk and quoting directly words of Gurudev.

They satisfy themselves just by telling stories of Gurudev's conquer over other

tantriks. They themsleves are not ready to put any hard work. Even if they

spend few hundred rupees on sadhna material, they make a big show of it as if

they have invetsed a very large amount of their lifetime's earnings. How can

these fellows expect success or even glimpse of Glory of Devi or Devta?

These shortcomings exist in you and me on different scales. Neither you nor I

can escape from these shortcomings untill we oursleves put some efforts and

take help of Gurudev.

First you yourself make effort to overcome these shortcoming and many other

shotcomings which are not mentioned here.

When you completely fail to overcome these shortcoming then you go to Gurdev

and take their help through shaktipaat diksha. Then only you will realise how

important is Guru in physical body and how imortant is His shaktipaat diksha.

You will see what you tried to achieve by a lot of self-deceiving activities

and failed completely; could be achieved only with the direct help of Gurudev.

This is 100% true for all sadhaks including you &me, and those also who are in

siddashram. Everybody who made even a little bit of progress on the path os

sadhnas, folllowed this route only or I would say ulitmately this is the only


Untill or unless a person completely exhausts himself/herself of all mental and

hysical energy,they underestimate the importance of Guru. Only when they are

drained out of all energy and drive to face this big bad world they realise

that nothing is possible on this path of sadhna without the direct of Guru..

Guru is source of power, not like electric power station where you pay the bill

and get lectricity. If you treat your Guru that way then you will have results

like that only. By spending 2000-3000 Rs. you will get value equal to that

amount only. If you treat Him like your own body & soul you will get power

beyond your imagination. Gurudev gives equal level of ignition during shaktipat

diksha. Those who treat it as bought & sold items are able to generate limnited

energy from ignition charge. On the other hand who treat this diksha as the

result of rare opportunity bestowed after spending countless lives waiting for

the Guru get unlimited blessings in unlimited dimension such that their whole

lives are transformed. It is just equal and opposite reaction. Harder a ball is

hit higher the bounce it attains. Just because Newton discovered this principle

for mechanics, that does not mean that it does not apply in other areas of

life like

sadhnas. The principle was always there and Newton presented it in physical

terms to the world around. Similarly Guru tries to teach principles of sadhna

in easier and understandable way. That does not mean you start taking sadhnas

like entertainment tricks or petty gimmick to impress prople around.Newton

discovered the principle,later on other scientists picked up from that point

worked more it which helped more discories & inventions. Then more scientists

followed after that and that chain reaction is still going on. This chain

recation for the quest of knowledge was in process before Newton also. It

exists in this moment also amd it will exist in future also..Similarly Gurudev

Trimurti are carrying forward the knowledge & hardwork of Gurudev

Nikhil.Their efforts has opened new chapters in sadhnas. They are Nikhil only.

They are no different from Gurudev Nikhil. Gurudev Nikhil existed before also in


centuries gone by. What was His identity & physical features, we do not know. we

need to accomplish more sadhnas to realise that. Only sadhaks of siddhashram

know about this secret in details.Gurudev Nikhil is the beginning,middle and

termination of this whole journey. Saying these words will not suffice the

needs of the path of sadhnas. Its meaning & power needs to be captured by

hardwork of sadhaks. Just like in physical sciences you can see different

stages of development of modern sciences,in decades gone by,similarly we can

see we can see different satges of development of sadhnas,writing of

Vedas,Upanaishdas. The process has not stopped. Every sadhna unfolds the way

for next one. It is a path where there is challenge of unlimited amount.To our

luck we have Gurudev Trimurti to guide through. There is only need for us to

follow the direction and order given by Gurudev Nikhil. first step should be to

realise Gurudev Nikhil in

Gurudev Trimurti otherwise your mind will waver during sadhnas because you will

differentiate between Gurudev Nikhil & Gurudev Trimurti and this will act as

hindrance in the progress of sadhnas. Start this journey as soon as possible at

the fastest possible speed. How you will do it--That you can only decide, how to

express your love to your beloved.Those you just want to indulge in empty

arguements can do so happily becuase they have been doing this for centuries

and keep on doing so in future. They could not stop Newton ,Galellio,Copernicus

and others. They can not stop us also. Moreover we are always many many steps

ahead of physical sciences. By the time they reach at our prsent stage we would

have unfolded countless mysteries of universe, so that discoveries of physical

sciences will look like animation movies of Hollywood- toys in the hand of a

child.Only Gurudev Nikhil can tell where is the beginning & where is the

end. Our duty is to just walk on the path. Rest of things will be taken care of automatically.

Om Namah ShivayeOm Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo NamahOm Namah Shivaye

India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Jay GurudevJay Gurudev

Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download

Messenger Now Jay Gurudev

India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Jay Gurudev

Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download

Messenger Now

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What I have said, has been observed by siddhashram sadhak parivar and sadhaks

were made aware of this fact and advised not to stretch the twisted logic and

reasoning to far for their own good.

Om Namah Shivaye

Om Param Tatvaye Naryanaye Gurubhyo Namah

Om Namah Shivaye








"SR.Raj kumar" <srirajarajeswari9 > wrote:

Well I have a point to add. When we take diksha and accept Trimurti Gurudev as

our Guru, though we have Nikhil Gurudev as Supreme, is it not best to treat and

pay respects to Trimurti Gurudev through whom we got the diksha? In my words,

they are the Supreme as they are the people who have taken the effort to lead

my path. So I feel our first and foremost duty is to the gurudev who has given

us diksha. If I am wrong, plz correct me.Anupam Shil <anupamshil >


Well written Ajay...I can feel the HEAT of the FIRE that is within you, the Fire

that is ready to burn of all the obstacles - Physical & Mental to clear its path

to The Ultimate Goal - SADGURUDEV.

Thanks for sharing your Thoughts...just 1 doubt, I wonder if we can recite

Baglamukhi mala Mantra in 1 min...well I may be wrong as I haven't done that

for quite long. Jus joking anyway...



ajay sharma <sharva_ajay (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Dear Brothers & Sisters,



Sometimes a glimpse of glory of particlar deity is important before we start its

sadhna, because some of us are usually having doubt about the power of mantra

and devta /devi associated. This doubt surely ruins all efforts of

sadahak,sometimes completely destroys the sadhna of the sadhak if he-she does

not have Guru in physical body who can give him his power through shaktipat.

Therefore stotra recitation is method by which we prepare ourselves for a

particular sadhna. For Example- Baglamukhi sadhna.

Recently a large number of yellow pamphlets were prepared by few gurubhais.

Those pamphlets had Bagalamukhi mala Mantra mantra printed on them. It was

adviced to recite that mantra 108 times in a day for 41 days continuously .

Single recitation with proper pronunciation takes less than one minute or at

the most one minute if we recite very slowly. Spending 108 minutes a day is not

big ask for person with scientfic aptitude and analytical mind who wants to

check the authenticity of power Devi Baglamukhi that also without taking any

risk of money of life. Considering the result any average person would spend

that much time every day for recitation of this mantra.

I am sure and have personal experience experience also that you will not have to

wait for 41 days to feel the power of this mantra and devi Baglamukhi.

It seems that efforts of those Gurubhai's who published these pamphlets were not

taken seriously by a large number of sadhaks, who just took it and did not

utilise it .

Same is the case with all stotras published in MTYV Magazine.

If Sadhaks do not take these easier things into consideration, how can they

expect themselves to excel in sadhnas and the most powerful one at that?

They are only interested in empty big talk and quoting directly words of Gurudev.

They satisfy themselves just by telling stories of Gurudev's conquer over other

tantriks. They themsleves are not ready to put any hard work. Even if they

spend few hundred rupees on sadhna material, they make a big show of it as if

they have invetsed a very large amount of their lifetime's earnings. How can

these fellows expect success or even glimpse of Glory of Devi or Devta?

These shortcomings exist in you and me on different scales. Neither you nor I

can escape from these shortcomings untill we oursleves put some efforts and

take help of Gurudev.

First you yourself make effort to overcome these shortcoming and many other

shotcomings which are not mentioned here.

When you completely fail to overcome these shortcoming then you go to Gurdev

and take their help through shaktipaat diksha. Then only you will realise how

important is Guru in physical body and how imortant is His shaktipaat diksha.

You will see what you tried to achieve by a lot of self-deceiving activities

and failed completely; could be achieved only with the direct help of Gurudev.

This is 100% true for all sadhaks including you &me, and those also who are in

siddashram. Everybody who made even a little bit of progress on the path os

sadhnas, folllowed this route only or I would say ulitmately this is the only


Untill or unless a person completely exhausts himself/herself of all mental and

hysical energy,they underestimate the importance of Guru. Only when they are

drained out of all energy and drive to face this big bad world they realise

that nothing is possible on this path of sadhna without the direct of Guru..

Guru is source of power, not like electric power station where you pay the bill

and get lectricity. If you treat your Guru that way then you will have results

like that only. By spending 2000-3000 Rs. you will get value equal to that

amount only. If you treat Him like your own body & soul you will get power

beyond your imagination. Gurudev gives equal level of ignition during shaktipat

diksha. Those who treat it as bought & sold items are able to generate limnited

energy from ignition charge. On the other hand who treat this diksha as the

result of rare opportunity bestowed after spending countless lives waiting for

the Guru get unlimited blessings in unlimited dimension such that their whole

lives are transformed. It is just equal and opposite reaction. Harder a ball is

hit higher the bounce it attains. Just because Newton discovered this principle

for mechanics, that does not mean that it does not apply in other areas of

life like

sadhnas. The principle was always there and Newton presented it in physical

terms to the world around. Similarly Guru tries to teach principles of sadhna

in easier and understandable way. That does not mean you start taking sadhnas

like entertainment tricks or petty gimmick to impress prople around.Newton

discovered the principle,later on other scientists picked up from that point

worked more it which helped more discories & inventions. Then more scientists

followed after that and that chain reaction is still going on. This chain

recation for the quest of knowledge was in process before Newton also. It

exists in this moment also amd it will exist in future also..Similarly Gurudev

Trimurti are carrying forward the knowledge & hardwork of Gurudev

Nikhil.Their efforts has opened new chapters in sadhnas. They are Nikhil only.

They are no different from Gurudev Nikhil. Gurudev Nikhil existed before also in


centuries gone by. What was His identity & physical features, we do not know. we

need to accomplish more sadhnas to realise that. Only sadhaks of siddhashram

know about this secret in details.Gurudev Nikhil is the beginning,middle and

termination of this whole journey. Saying these words will not suffice the

needs of the path of sadhnas. Its meaning & power needs to be captured by

hardwork of sadhaks. Just like in physical sciences you can see different

stages of development of modern sciences,in decades gone by,similarly we can

see we can see different satges of development of sadhnas,writing of

Vedas,Upanaishdas. The process has not stopped. Every sadhna unfolds the way

for next one. It is a path where there is challenge of unlimited amount.To our

luck we have Gurudev Trimurti to guide through. There is only need for us to

follow the direction and order given by Gurudev Nikhil. first step should be to

realise Gurudev Nikhil in

Gurudev Trimurti otherwise your mind will waver during sadhnas because you will

differentiate between Gurudev Nikhil & Gurudev Trimurti and this will act as

hindrance in the progress of sadhnas. Start this journey as soon as possible at

the fastest possible speed. How you will do it--That you can only decide, how to

express your love to your beloved.Those you just want to indulge in empty

arguements can do so happily becuase they have been doing this for centuries

and keep on doing so in future. They could not stop Newton ,Galellio,Copernicus

and others. They can not stop us also. Moreover we are always many many steps

ahead of physical sciences. By the time they reach at our prsent stage we would

have unfolded countless mysteries of universe, so that discoveries of physical

sciences will look like animation movies of Hollywood- toys in the hand of a

child.Only Gurudev Nikhil can tell where is the beginning & where is the

end. Our duty is to just walk on the path. Rest of things will be taken care of automatically.

Om Namah ShivayeOm Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo NamahOm Namah Shivaye

India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Jay GurudevJay Gurudev

Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download

Messenger Now Jay Gurudev

India Matrimony: Find your life partner


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Guest guest

It is right that there are many view points, but how does this one hurts you?If

you are being suggested that you should realise Shiva, Brahma & Vishnu in Guru,

then it is very much as per the shastras and upanishdas. Similarly is I have

suggested that you should realise Gurudev Nikhil in Gurudev Trimurti, or

Grurdev Trimurti In Gurudev Nikhil, how it is anyway different from what

upanishdas say. In Punjab sikhs refer to their Guru's as first Nanak, Second

Nanak, Third Nanak and so on. They have ten Gurus with Ten different names. It

is all the same. Eiether you address them by their individual names or by

collective single name of Nanak, it is one and same thing.


If you feel that you are hurt, it means somewhere I compelled you to think more

deeply in a different manner. Now if someone suggests that I should realise

whole Universe in Guru, it is not anyway offending. Guru encompasses whole



Om Namah Shivaye

Om Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo Namah

Om Namah Shivaye


"SR.Raj kumar" <srirajarajeswari9 > wrote:

Dear Friend,

Please note the following.


Bhagavan Manushasya Roopena.


This means God in man's guise. This means we see God in th guise of Guru. So

similarly we have to worship with all eternity to the living Guru. The rest is

taken care of. Sadguru Nikhil will not complain that you have not prayed to

him, because he also preaches that your first duty is to the living Guru.

Please avoid ur remarks like the ones given below. No one is fully accomplished

to say a concrete substance on anything. Views differ from person to person and

it is upto them to infer and conclude.

In fact this type of things may hurt sentiments of our several gurubhais





Santosh Kumar <say2sk (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Jay Gurudev


How can u think about this thing in this way !!!!!!!! We cant differentiate

revered Guru Trimurthi from our revered Sadgurudev Nikhil . They r part of Him

only. And in fact Sadgurudev himself has told many a times that a live Guru is

more respectable than an eternal one as we can weep in Their holy feet and tell

Them our problems, can feel their holy touch and can get the strength and aagya

directly. It is only through them that revered Sadgurudev Nikhil is doing their

work in this effective way. In fact I find no differences among them. How can

one differentiate soul from body ??? How can one differentiate breeze from air

??? How can one differentiate tide from seawater ??? It is just our smallness

and lack of knowledge that we try to differentiate the things in this way. Can

we differentiate our revered Sadgurudev Nikhil from His Sadgurudev Pratah

Smarniya Param Pujya Sachchidananda

?????????? In fact this type of things may hurt sentiments of our several gurubhais......


May be I am taking it in some wrong way.......But plz take care while writing

this type of mail.....


Jay Gurudev. "SR.Raj kumar" <srirajarajeswari9 > wrote:

Well I have a point to add. When we take diksha and accept Trimurti Gurudev as

our Guru, though we have Nikhil Gurudev as Supreme, is it not best to treat and

pay respects to Trimurti Gurudev through whom we got the diksha? In my words,

they are the Supreme as they are the people who have taken the effort to lead

my path. So I feel our first and foremost duty is to the gurudev who has given

us diksha. If I am wrong, plz correct me.Anupam Shil <anupamshil >


Well written Ajay...I can feel the HEAT of the FIRE that is within you, the Fire

that is ready to burn of all the obstacles - Physical & Mental to clear its path

to The Ultimate Goal - SADGURUDEV.

Thanks for sharing your Thoughts...just 1 doubt, I wonder if we can recite

Baglamukhi mala Mantra in 1 min...well I may be wrong as I haven't done that

for quite long. Jus joking anyway...



ajay sharma <sharva_ajay (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Dear Brothers & Sisters,



Sometimes a glimpse of glory of particlar deity is important before we start its

sadhna, because some of us are usually having doubt about the power of mantra

and devta /devi associated. This doubt surely ruins all efforts of

sadahak,sometimes completely destroys the sadhna of the sadhak if he-she does

not have Guru in physical body who can give him his power through shaktipat.

Therefore stotra recitation is method by which we prepare ourselves for a

particular sadhna. For Example- Baglamukhi sadhna.

Recently a large number of yellow pamphlets were prepared by few gurubhais.

Those pamphlets had Bagalamukhi mala Mantra mantra printed on them. It was

adviced to recite that mantra 108 times in a day for 41 days continuously .

Single recitation with proper pronunciation takes less than one minute or at

the most one minute if we recite very slowly. Spending 108 minutes a day is not

big ask for person with scientfic aptitude and analytical mind who wants to

check the authenticity of power Devi Baglamukhi that also without taking any

risk of money of life. Considering the result any average person would spend

that much time every day for recitation of this mantra.

I am sure and have personal experience experience also that you will not have to

wait for 41 days to feel the power of this mantra and devi Baglamukhi.

It seems that efforts of those Gurubhai's who published these pamphlets were not

taken seriously by a large number of sadhaks, who just took it and did not

utilise it .

Same is the case with all stotras published in MTYV Magazine.

If Sadhaks do not take these easier things into consideration, how can they

expect themselves to excel in sadhnas and the most powerful one at that?

They are only interested in empty big talk and quoting directly words of Gurudev.

They satisfy themselves just by telling stories of Gurudev's conquer over other

tantriks. They themsleves are not ready to put any hard work. Even if they

spend few hundred rupees on sadhna material, they make a big show of it as if

they have invetsed a very large amount of their lifetime's earnings. How can

these fellows expect success or even glimpse of Glory of Devi or Devta?

These shortcomings exist in you and me on different scales. Neither you nor I

can escape from these shortcomings untill we oursleves put some efforts and

take help of Gurudev.

First you yourself make effort to overcome these shortcoming and many other

shotcomings which are not mentioned here.

When you completely fail to overcome these shortcoming then you go to Gurdev

and take their help through shaktipaat diksha. Then only you will realise how

important is Guru in physical body and how imortant is His shaktipaat diksha.

You will see what you tried to achieve by a lot of self-deceiving activities

and failed completely; could be achieved only with the direct help of Gurudev.

This is 100% true for all sadhaks including you &me, and those also who are in

siddashram. Everybody who made even a little bit of progress on the path os

sadhnas, folllowed this route only or I would say ulitmately this is the only


Untill or unless a person completely exhausts himself/herself of all mental and

hysical energy,they underestimate the importance of Guru. Only when they are

drained out of all energy and drive to face this big bad world they realise

that nothing is possible on this path of sadhna without the direct of Guru..

Guru is source of power, not like electric power station where you pay the bill

and get lectricity. If you treat your Guru that way then you will have results

like that only. By spending 2000-3000 Rs. you will get value equal to that

amount only. If you treat Him like your own body & soul you will get power

beyond your imagination. Gurudev gives equal level of ignition during shaktipat

diksha. Those who treat it as bought & sold items are able to generate limnited

energy from ignition charge. On the other hand who treat this diksha as the

result of rare opportunity bestowed after spending countless lives waiting for

the Guru get unlimited blessings in unlimited dimension such that their whole

lives are transformed. It is just equal and opposite reaction. Harder a ball is

hit higher the bounce it attains. Just because Newton discovered this principle

for mechanics, that does not mean that it does not apply in other areas of

life like

sadhnas. The principle was always there and Newton presented it in physical

terms to the world around. Similarly Guru tries to teach principles of sadhna

in easier and understandable way. That does not mean you start taking sadhnas

like entertainment tricks or petty gimmick to impress prople around.Newton

discovered the principle,later on other scientists picked up from that point

worked more it which helped more discories & inventions. Then more scientists

followed after that and that chain reaction is still going on. This chain

recation for the quest of knowledge was in process before Newton also. It

exists in this moment also amd it will exist in future also..Similarly Gurudev

Trimurti are carrying forward the knowledge & hardwork of Gurudev

Nikhil.Their efforts has opened new chapters in sadhnas. They are Nikhil only.

They are no different from Gurudev Nikhil. Gurudev Nikhil existed before also in


centuries gone by. What was His identity & physical features, we do not know. we

need to accomplish more sadhnas to realise that. Only sadhaks of siddhashram

know about this secret in details.Gurudev Nikhil is the beginning,middle and

termination of this whole journey. Saying these words will not suffice the

needs of the path of sadhnas. Its meaning & power needs to be captured by

hardwork of sadhaks. Just like in physical sciences you can see different

stages of development of modern sciences,in decades gone by,similarly we can

see we can see different satges of development of sadhnas,writing of

Vedas,Upanaishdas. The process has not stopped. Every sadhna unfolds the way

for next one. It is a path where there is challenge of unlimited amount.To our

luck we have Gurudev Trimurti to guide through. There is only need for us to

follow the direction and order given by Gurudev Nikhil. first step should be to

realise Gurudev Nikhil in

Gurudev Trimurti otherwise your mind will waver during sadhnas because you will

differentiate between Gurudev Nikhil & Gurudev Trimurti and this will act as

hindrance in the progress of sadhnas. Start this journey as soon as possible at

the fastest possible speed. How you will do it--That you can only decide, how to

express your love to your beloved.Those you just want to indulge in empty

arguements can do so happily becuase they have been doing this for centuries

and keep on doing so in future. They could not stop Newton ,Galellio,Copernicus

and others. They can not stop us also. Moreover we are always many many steps

ahead of physical sciences. By the time they reach at our prsent stage we would

have unfolded countless mysteries of universe, so that discoveries of physical

sciences will look like animation movies of Hollywood- toys in the hand of a

child.Only Gurudev Nikhil can tell where is the beginning & where is the

end. Our duty is to just walk on the path. Rest of things will be taken care of automatically.

Om Namah ShivayeOm Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo NamahOm Namah Shivaye

India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Jay GurudevJay Gurudev

Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download

Messenger Now Jay Gurudev

India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Jay Gurudev

Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download

Messenger Now Jay Gurudev

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Jay Gurudev

Thanx for ur remarks.

I agree that we can have different opinions and in fact we must have....! This

is just the essence of our very existence....

However I just felt that some of our brothers donot feel the importance of alive

SADGURUDEV in the way I think they should feel or understand. So I just wanted

to express myself. It may be that I was just drown in some deep waters(or have

taken their views in different way).

I am particularly thankful to our gurubhai Ajay jee whose strong devotion gives us strength.

One good news of SADGURUDEV'S help. I am still in 6th semester of my BE

Engineering degree and have got placed in campus recruitments just only because

of Gurukripa.

Jay Gurudev

ajay sharma <sharva_ajay (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Dear Brother,


It is right that there are many view points, but how does this one hurts you?If

you are being suggested that you should realise Shiva, Brahma & Vishnu in Guru,

then it is very much as per the shastras and upanishdas. Similarly is I have

suggested that you should realise Gurudev Nikhil in Gurudev Trimurti, or

Grurdev Trimurti In Gurudev Nikhil, how it is anyway different from what

upanishdas say. In Punjab sikhs refer to their Guru's as first Nanak, Second

Nanak, Third Nanak and so on. They have ten Gurus with Ten different names. It

is all the same. Eiether you address them by their individual names or by

collective single name of Nanak, it is one and same thing.


If you feel that you are hurt, it means somewhere I compelled you to think more

deeply in a different manner. Now if someone suggests that I should realise

whole Universe in Guru, it is not anyway offending. Guru encompasses whole



Om Namah Shivaye

Om Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo Namah

Om Namah Shivaye


"SR.Raj kumar" <srirajarajeswari9 > wrote:

Dear Friend,

Please note the following.


Bhagavan Manushasya Roopena.


This means God in man's guise. This means we see God in th guise of Guru. So

similarly we have to worship with all eternity to the living Guru. The rest is

taken care of. Sadguru Nikhil will not complain that you have not prayed to

him, because he also preaches that your first duty is to the living Guru.

Please avoid ur remarks like the ones given below. No one is fully accomplished

to say a concrete substance on anything. Views differ from person to person and

it is upto them to infer and conclude.

In fact this type of things may hurt sentiments of our several gurubhais





Santosh Kumar <say2sk (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Jay Gurudev


How can u think about this thing in this way !!!!!!!! We cant differentiate

revered Guru Trimurthi from our revered Sadgurudev Nikhil . They r part of Him

only. And in fact Sadgurudev himself has told many a times that a live Guru is

more respectable than an eternal one as we can weep in Their holy feet and tell

Them our problems, can feel their holy touch and can get the strength and aagya

directly. It is only through them that revered Sadgurudev Nikhil is doing their

work in this effective way. In fact I find no differences among them. How can

one differentiate soul from body ??? How can one differentiate breeze from air

??? How can one differentiate tide from seawater ??? It is just our smallness

and lack of knowledge that we try to differentiate the things in this way. Can

we differentiate our revered Sadgurudev Nikhil from His Sadgurudev Pratah

Smarniya Param Pujya Sachchidananda

?????????? In fact this type of things may hurt sentiments of our several gurubhais......


May be I am taking it in some wrong way.......But plz take care while writing

this type of mail.....


Jay Gurudev. "SR.Raj kumar" <srirajarajeswari9 > wrote:

Well I have a point to add. When we take diksha and accept Trimurti Gurudev as

our Guru, though we have Nikhil Gurudev as Supreme, is it not best to treat and

pay respects to Trimurti Gurudev through whom we got the diksha? In my words,

they are the Supreme as they are the people who have taken the effort to lead

my path. So I feel our first and foremost duty is to the gurudev who has given

us diksha. If I am wrong, plz correct me.Anupam Shil <anupamshil >


Well written Ajay...I can feel the HEAT of the FIRE that is within you, the Fire

that is ready to burn of all the obstacles - Physical & Mental to clear its path

to The Ultimate Goal - SADGURUDEV.

Thanks for sharing your Thoughts...just 1 doubt, I wonder if we can recite

Baglamukhi mala Mantra in 1 min...well I may be wrong as I haven't done that

for quite long. Jus joking anyway...



ajay sharma <sharva_ajay (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Dear Brothers & Sisters,



Sometimes a glimpse of glory of particlar deity is important before we start its

sadhna, because some of us are usually having doubt about the power of mantra

and devta /devi associated. This doubt surely ruins all efforts of

sadahak,sometimes completely destroys the sadhna of the sadhak if he-she does

not have Guru in physical body who can give him his power through shaktipat.

Therefore stotra recitation is method by which we prepare ourselves for a

particular sadhna. For Example- Baglamukhi sadhna.

Recently a large number of yellow pamphlets were prepared by few gurubhais.

Those pamphlets had Bagalamukhi mala Mantra mantra printed on them. It was

adviced to recite that mantra 108 times in a day for 41 days continuously .

Single recitation with proper pronunciation takes less than one minute or at

the most one minute if we recite very slowly. Spending 108 minutes a day is not

big ask for person with scientfic aptitude and analytical mind who wants to

check the authenticity of power Devi Baglamukhi that also without taking any

risk of money of life. Considering the result any average person would spend

that much time every day for recitation of this mantra.

I am sure and have personal experience experience also that you will not have to

wait for 41 days to feel the power of this mantra and devi Baglamukhi.

It seems that efforts of those Gurubhai's who published these pamphlets were not

taken seriously by a large number of sadhaks, who just took it and did not

utilise it .

Same is the case with all stotras published in MTYV Magazine.

If Sadhaks do not take these easier things into consideration, how can they

expect themselves to excel in sadhnas and the most powerful one at that?

They are only interested in empty big talk and quoting directly words of Gurudev.

They satisfy themselves just by telling stories of Gurudev's conquer over other

tantriks. They themsleves are not ready to put any hard work. Even if they

spend few hundred rupees on sadhna material, they make a big show of it as if

they have invetsed a very large amount of their lifetime's earnings. How can

these fellows expect success or even glimpse of Glory of Devi or Devta?

These shortcomings exist in you and me on different scales. Neither you nor I

can escape from these shortcomings untill we oursleves put some efforts and

take help of Gurudev.

First you yourself make effort to overcome these shortcoming and many other

shotcomings which are not mentioned here.

When you completely fail to overcome these shortcoming then you go to Gurdev

and take their help through shaktipaat diksha. Then only you will realise how

important is Guru in physical body and how imortant is His shaktipaat diksha.

You will see what you tried to achieve by a lot of self-deceiving activities

and failed completely; could be achieved only with the direct help of Gurudev.

This is 100% true for all sadhaks including you &me, and those also who are in

siddashram. Everybody who made even a little bit of progress on the path os

sadhnas, folllowed this route only or I would say ulitmately this is the only


Untill or unless a person completely exhausts himself/herself of all mental and

hysical energy,they underestimate the importance of Guru. Only when they are

drained out of all energy and drive to face this big bad world they realise

that nothing is possible on this path of sadhna without the direct of Guru..

Guru is source of power, not like electric power station where you pay the bill

and get lectricity. If you treat your Guru that way then you will have results

like that only. By spending 2000-3000 Rs. you will get value equal to that

amount only. If you treat Him like your own body & soul you will get power

beyond your imagination. Gurudev gives equal level of ignition during shaktipat

diksha. Those who treat it as bought & sold items are able to generate limnited

energy from ignition charge. On the other hand who treat this diksha as the

result of rare opportunity bestowed after spending countless lives waiting for

the Guru get unlimited blessings in unlimited dimension such that their whole

lives are transformed. It is just equal and opposite reaction. Harder a ball is

hit higher the bounce it attains. Just because Newton discovered this principle

for mechanics, that does not mean that it does not apply in other areas of

life like

sadhnas. The principle was always there and Newton presented it in physical

terms to the world around. Similarly Guru tries to teach principles of sadhna

in easier and understandable way. That does not mean you start taking sadhnas

like entertainment tricks or petty gimmick to impress prople around.Newton

discovered the principle,later on other scientists picked up from that point

worked more it which helped more discories & inventions. Then more scientists

followed after that and that chain reaction is still going on. This chain

recation for the quest of knowledge was in process before Newton also. It

exists in this moment also amd it will exist in future also..Similarly Gurudev

Trimurti are carrying forward the knowledge & hardwork of Gurudev

Nikhil.Their efforts has opened new chapters in sadhnas. They are Nikhil only.

They are no different from Gurudev Nikhil. Gurudev Nikhil existed before also in


centuries gone by. What was His identity & physical features, we do not know. we

need to accomplish more sadhnas to realise that. Only sadhaks of siddhashram

know about this secret in details.Gurudev Nikhil is the beginning,middle and

termination of this whole journey. Saying these words will not suffice the

needs of the path of sadhnas. Its meaning & power needs to be captured by

hardwork of sadhaks. Just like in physical sciences you can see different

stages of development of modern sciences,in decades gone by,similarly we can

see we can see different satges of development of sadhnas,writing of

Vedas,Upanaishdas. The process has not stopped. Every sadhna unfolds the way

for next one. It is a path where there is challenge of unlimited amount.To our

luck we have Gurudev Trimurti to guide through. There is only need for us to

follow the direction and order given by Gurudev Nikhil. first step should be to

realise Gurudev Nikhil in

Gurudev Trimurti otherwise your mind will waver during sadhnas because you will

differentiate between Gurudev Nikhil & Gurudev Trimurti and this will act as

hindrance in the progress of sadhnas. Start this journey as soon as possible at

the fastest possible speed. How you will do it--That you can only decide, how to

express your love to your beloved.Those you just want to indulge in empty

arguements can do so happily becuase they have been doing this for centuries

and keep on doing so in future. They could not stop Newton ,Galellio,Copernicus

and others. They can not stop us also. Moreover we are always many many steps

ahead of physical sciences. By the time they reach at our prsent stage we would

have unfolded countless mysteries of universe, so that discoveries of physical

sciences will look like animation movies of Hollywood- toys in the hand of a

child.Only Gurudev Nikhil can tell where is the beginning & where is the

end. Our duty is to just walk on the path. Rest of things will be taken care of automatically.

Om Namah ShivayeOm Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo NamahOm Namah Shivaye

India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Jay GurudevJay Gurudev

Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download

Messenger Now Jay Gurudev

India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Jay Gurudev

Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download

Messenger Now Jay Gurudev

India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Jay Gurudev

India Matrimony: Find your life partner


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Guest guest

Ajay I think

this is unnecessary discussion, by grace of guruji, everything will be revealed

to sadhak, why u are worrying about their fates, better concentrate on sadhana.




bold">On Behalf Of ajay sharma

Friday, May 06, 2005 4:10 PM


Re: Glimpse of



12.0pt">Dear Brother,


12.0pt">It is right that there are many view points, but how does this one

hurts you?If you are being suggested that you should realise Shiva, Brahma

& Vishnu in Guru, then it is very much as per the shastras and upanishdas.

Similarly is I have suggested that you should realise Gurudev Nikhil in Gurudev

Trimurti, or Grurdev Trimurti In Gurudev Nikhil, how it is anyway different

from what upanishdas say. In Punjab sikhs

refer to their Guru's as first Nanak, Second Nanak, Third Nanak and so on. They

have ten Gurus with Ten different names. It is all the same. Eiether you

address them by their individual names or by collective single name of

Nanak, it is one and same thing.


12.0pt">If you feel that you are hurt, it means somewhere I compelled you to

think more deeply in a different manner. Now if someone suggests that I should

realise whole Universe in Guru, it is not anyway offending. Guru

encompasses whole universe.


Om Namah Shivaye

Om Param Tatvaye Narayanaye

Gurubhyo Namah

Om Namah Shivaye



"SR.Raj kumar"

<srirajarajeswari9 > wrote:

12.0pt">Dear Friend,

12.0pt">Please note the following.


12.0pt">Bhagavan Manushasya Roopena.


12.0pt">This means God in man's guise. This means we see God in th guise of

Guru. So similarly we have to worship with all eternity to the living Guru. The

rest is taken care of. Sadguru Nikhil will not complain that you have not

prayed to him, because he also preaches that your first duty is to the living


12.0pt">Please avoid ur

remarks like the ones given below. No one is fully accomplished to say a

concrete substance on anything. Views differ from person to person and it is

upto them to infer and conclude.

In fact this type of things may hurt

sentiments of our several gurubhais





Santosh Kumar

<say2sk (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


Jay Gurudev


How can u think about this thing in this

way !!!!!!!! We cant differentiate revered Guru Trimurthi from our

revered Sadgurudev Nikhil . They r part of Him only. And in fact Sadgurudev

himself has told many a times that a live Guru is more respectable than an

eternal one as we can weep in Their holy feet and tell Them our

problems, can feel their holy touch and can get the strength and aagya

directly. It is only through them that revered Sadgurudev Nikhil is doing

their work in this effective way. In fact I find no differences among

them. How can one differentiate soul from body ??? How can one

differentiate breeze from air ??? How can one differentiate tide

from seawater ??? It is just our smallness and lack of knowledge that we

try to differentiate the things in this way. Can we differentiate our revered

Sadgurudev Nikhil from His Sadgurudev Pratah Smarniya Param Pujya

Sachchidananda ?????????? In fact this type of things may hurt sentiments

of our several gurubhais......


May be I am taking it in some wrong

way.......But plz take care while writing this type of mail.....


Jay Gurudev.

"SR.Raj kumar" <srirajarajeswari9 >



12.0pt">Well I have a point to add. When we take diksha and accept Trimurti

Gurudev as our Guru, though we have Nikhil Gurudev as Supreme, is it not best

to treat and pay respects to Trimurti Gurudev through whom we got

the diksha? In my words, they are the Supreme as they are the people who have

taken the effort to lead my path. So I feel our first and foremost duty is to

the gurudev who has given us diksha. If I am wrong, plz correct me.

Anupam Shil

<anupamshil > wrote:

Well written Ajay...I can feel the HEAT of

the FIRE that is within you, the Fire that is ready to burn of all the

obstacles - Physical & Mental to clear its path to The Ultimate Goal -


Thanks for sharing your Thoughts...just 1

doubt, I wonder if we can recite Baglamukhi mala Mantra in 1 min...well I may

be wrong as I haven't done that for quite long. Jus joking anyway...




ajay sharma

<sharva_ajay (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


12.0pt">Dear Brothers & Sisters,



12.0pt">Sometimes a glimpse of glory of particlar deity is important before we

start its sadhna, because some of us are usually having doubt about the power

of mantra and devta /devi associated. This doubt surely ruins all efforts of

sadahak,sometimes completely destroys the sadhna of the sadhak if he-she does

not have Guru in physical body who can give him his power through shaktipat.

12.0pt">Therefore stotra recitation is method by which we prepare ourselves for

a particular sadhna. For Example- Baglamukhi sadhna.

12.0pt">Recently a large number of yellow pamphlets were prepared by few

gurubhais. Those pamphlets had Bagalamukhi mala Mantra mantra

printed on them. It was adviced to recite that mantra 108 times in a day for 41

days continuously .

12.0pt">Single recitation with proper pronunciation takes less than one

minute or at the most one minute if we recite very slowly. Spending 108 minutes

a day is not big ask for person with scientfic aptitude and analytical mind who

wants to check the authenticity of power Devi Baglamukhi that also without

taking any risk of money of life. Considering the result any average person

would spend that much time every day for recitation of this mantra.

12.0pt">I am sure and have personal experience experience also that you will

not have to wait for 41 days to feel the power of this mantra and devi


12.0pt">It seems that efforts of those Gurubhai's who published these pamphlets

were not taken seriously by a large number of sadhaks, who just took it and did

not utilise it .

12.0pt">Same is the case with all stotras published in MTYV Magazine.

12.0pt">If Sadhaks do not take these easier things into consideration, how can

they expect themselves to excel in sadhnas and the most powerful one at that?

12.0pt">They are only interested in empty big talk and quoting directly words

of Gurudev.

12.0pt">They satisfy themselves just by telling stories of Gurudev's conquer

over other tantriks. They themsleves are not ready to put any hard work.

Even if they spend few hundred rupees on sadhna material, they make a big show

of it as if they have invetsed a very large amount of their lifetime's

earnings. How can these fellows expect success or even glimpse of Glory of Devi

or Devta?

12.0pt">These shortcomings exist in you and me on different scales.

Neither you nor I can escape from these shortcomings untill we oursleves put

some efforts and take help of Gurudev.

12.0pt">First you yourself make effort to overcome these shortcoming and

many other shotcomings which are not mentioned here.

12.0pt">When you completely fail to overcome these shortcoming then you

go to Gurdev and take their help through shaktipaat diksha. Then only you will

realise how important is Guru in physical body and how imortant is His

shaktipaat diksha.

12.0pt">You will see what you tried to achieve by a lot of self-deceiving

activities and failed completely; could be achieved only with the direct

help of Gurudev.

12.0pt">This is 100% true for all sadhaks including you &me, and those also

who are in siddashram. Everybody who made even a little bit of progress on the

path os sadhnas, folllowed this route only or I would say ulitmately this is

the only route.

12.0pt">Untill or unless a person completely exhausts himself/herself of all

mental and hysical energy,they underestimate the importance of Guru. Only when

they are drained out of all energy and drive to face this big bad world they

realise that nothing is possible on this path of sadhna without the direct of


12.0pt">Guru is source of power, not like electric power station where you pay

the bill and get lectricity. If you treat your Guru that way then you will have

results like that only. By spending 2000-3000 Rs. you will get value equal to

that amount only. If you treat Him like your own body & soul you will get

power beyond your imagination. Gurudev gives equal level of ignition during

shaktipat diksha. Those who treat it as bought & sold items are able

to generate limnited energy from ignition charge. On the other hand who treat

this diksha as the result of rare opportunity bestowed after spending countless

lives waiting for the Guru get unlimited blessings in unlimited

dimension such that their whole lives are transformed.

It is just equal and opposite reaction. Harder a ball is hit higher the

bounce it attains. Just because Newton

discovered this principle for mechanics, that does not mean that it does

not apply in other areas of life like sadhnas. The principle was always there

and Newton

presented it in physical terms to the world around.

Similarly Guru tries to teach principles of sadhna in easier and understandable

way. That does not mean you start taking sadhnas like entertainment

tricks or petty gimmick to impress prople around.


discovered the principle,later on other scientists picked up from that point

worked more it which helped more discories & inventions. Then more

scientists followed after that and that chain reaction is still going on.

This chain recation for the quest of knowledge was in process before Newton also. It exists in

this moment also amd it will exist in future also..

Similarly Gurudev Trimurti are carrying forward the

knowledge & hardwork of Gurudev Nikhil.

Their efforts has opened new chapters in sadhnas. They are Nikhil only.

They are no different from Gurudev Nikhil. Gurudev Nikhil existed before also

in all centuries gone by. What was His identity & physical features, we do

not know. we need to accomplish more sadhnas to realise that. Only

sadhaks of siddhashram know about this secret in details.Gurudev Nikhil is the

beginning,middle and termination of this whole journey. Saying these words will

not suffice the needs of the path of sadhnas. Its meaning & power needs

to be captured by hardwork of sadhaks. Just like in physical sciences you

can see different stages of development of modern sciences,in decades gone

by,similarly we can see we can see different satges of development of

sadhnas,writing of Vedas,Upanaishdas. The process has not stopped. Every sadhna

unfolds the way for next one. It is a path where there is challenge of

unlimited amount.

To our luck we have Gurudev Trimurti to guide through. There is only need for

us to follow the direction and order given by Gurudev Nikhil. first step should

be to realise Gurudev Nikhil in Gurudev Trimurti otherwise

your mind will waver during sadhnas because you will differentiate

between Gurudev Nikhil & Gurudev Trimurti and this will act as

hindrance in the progress of sadhnas.

Start this journey as soon as possible at the fastest possible speed. How you

will do it--That you can only decide, how to express your love to your beloved.

Those you just want to indulge in empty arguements can do so happily

becuase they have been doing this for centuries and keep on doing so in

future. They could not stop Newton

,Galellio,Copernicus and others. They can not stop us also. Moreover we are

always many many steps ahead of physical sciences. By the time they reach at

our prsent stage we would have unfolded countless mysteries of universe,

so that discoveries of physical sciences will look like animation movies of Hollywood- toys in the

hand of a child.

Only Gurudev Nikhil can tell where is the beginning & where is the end. Our

duty is to just walk on the path. Rest of things will be taken care of


Om Namah Shivaye

Om Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo Namah

Om Namah Shivaye

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Dear Brother,


Who am I to worry about Gurudev’s fate? Do you think I have so big ego

that I have started thinking about deciding the course of Gurudev’s fate?

Even if it so then going by the same logic what you said—Gurudev will take

care of my inflated ego and show me my right place. Then you should not feel

uncomfortable by what I say. Isn’t it?

You said I should concentrate on sadhna. Yes, I accept this advice. I am doing

all activities to concentrate on sadhna only. Now whenever I come across some

views that make me feel as if my Gurus’ knowledge is being treated in a

manner, which is causing great discomfort to me, I decide to speak out. I tried

to ignore it but is just doesn’t happen. If I don’t read mails then

also I find people around me sometimes making very negative comments about

sadhnas, samagaris, Gurudham’s activities, Nyochhavar rashi etc.Then also

I have to speak out. There is no escape. Therefore it is better to take the

things head on rather than ignore them or try to escape. Even if means taking

enmity with anyone Even if means loosing a friend. Even if means breaking a

friendship. This can be done alongside sadhnas. Nowhere it is said that you

should accept the insult of your Guru during sadhna.

If you go for looking into valid reasons then there is no end to it. Every

action has some valid reason from some angle. No action is without a valid

reason. You will say that the person who is

criticizing/demeaning/degrading/making light comments about the Guru or his

knowledge is ignorant. He does not know what is sadhna and how they work. He

deserves mercy not punishment. He is also a child of god.

So you sees a very valid reason. Now if you follow this reason then I see one

more valid reason that you do not deserve any siddhi at all. If there is reason

for tolerating the insult of Guru or his knowledge then there is a valid reason

for you not attaining any siddhi, benefit from sadhanas. You better continue

with your life as usual rather than troubling my gurudev with your constant

demands and requests.

The person who is criticizing my Guru’s knowledge is a child of God

therefore he deserves the mercy of God, not my mercy. I will not let him go

without making him realize his mistake. It is clear and simple. Let the God

worry about the fate of person, why should I? I should be worried about what I

have to do. I should me worried about my aims and objectives. This is same

logic, which you used. I also use the same logic but from my point of view. If

I show mercy to that person it means I am considering my self as God who can

forgive or punish as per his choice. This very fact shows that the person

thinks himself higher in knowledge that he is actually is; it is expression of

inflated ego. He is using his own presumptions and parameters. In a way he is

ignoring the Guru's instructions, the worst mistake for a sadhak.He is behaving

like a Guru. A Guru only knows who deserves mercy or who deserves punishment

because he is higher than God.


Now you can see how logic and reasons work. Don’t think sadhnas do not

teach us to overcome persons expert in logic and reasoning. Sadhnas give us

weapons of all kinds, including reasoning also. We get the best of both worlds.

By criticism of Guru’s knowledge I mean any expression, which makes me

feel as if the person is trying to prove a point against what my Gurudev has

done or said. I will use my own reasoning like you use your own.


Om Namah Shivaye

Om Param tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo Namah

Om Namah Shivaye





Vikram Korde <vikram.korde (AT) ness-gsg (DOT) com> wrote:

Ajay I think this is unnecessary discussion, by grace of guruji, everything will

be revealed to sadhak, why u are worrying about their fates, better concentrate

on sadhana.


[] On Behalf Of

ajay sharmaFriday, May 06, 2005 4:10 PMTo:

Subject: Re: Glimpse of Glory


Dear Brother,


It is right that there are many view points, but how does this one hurts you?If

you are being suggested that you should realise Shiva, Brahma & Vishnu in Guru,

then it is very much as per the shastras and upanishdas. Similarly is I have

suggested that you should realise Gurudev Nikhil in Gurudev Trimurti, or

Grurdev Trimurti In Gurudev Nikhil, how it is anyway different from what

upanishdas say. In Punjab sikhs refer to their Guru's as first Nanak, Second

Nanak, Third Nanak and so on. They have ten Gurus with Ten different names. It

is all the same. Eiether you address them by their individual names or by

collective single name of Nanak, it is one and same thing.


If you feel that you are hurt, it means somewhere I compelled you to think more

deeply in a different manner. Now if someone suggests that I should realise

whole Universe in Guru, it is not anyway offending. Guru encompasses whole



Om Namah Shivaye

Om Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo Namah

Om Namah Shivaye


"SR.Raj kumar" <srirajarajeswari9 > wrote:

Dear Friend,

Please note the following.


Bhagavan Manushasya Roopena.


This means God in man's guise. This means we see God in th guise of Guru. So

similarly we have to worship with all eternity to the living Guru. The rest is

taken care of. Sadguru Nikhil will not complain that you have not prayed to

him, because he also preaches that your first duty is to the living Guru.

Please avoid ur remarks like the ones given below. No one is fully accomplished

to say a concrete substance on anything. Views differ from person to person and

it is upto them to infer and conclude.

In fact this type of things may hurt sentiments of our several gurubhais





Santosh Kumar <say2sk (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Jay Gurudev


How can u think about this thing in this way !!!!!!!! We cant differentiate

revered Guru Trimurthi from our revered Sadgurudev Nikhil . They r part of Him

only. And in fact Sadgurudev himself has told many a times that a live Guru is

more respectable than an eternal one as we can weep in Their holy feet and tell

Them our problems, can feel their holy touch and can get the strength and aagya

directly. It is only through them that revered Sadgurudev Nikhil is doing their

work in this effective way. In fact I find no differences among them. How can

one differentiate soul from body ??? How can one differentiate breeze from air

??? How can one differentiate tide from seawater ??? It is just our smallness

and lack of knowledge that we try to differentiate the things in this way. Can

we differentiate our revered

Sadgurudev Nikhil from His Sadgurudev Pratah Smarniya Param Pujya Sachchidananda

?????????? In fact this type of things may hurt sentiments of our several



May be I am taking it in some wrong way.......But plz take care while writing

this type of mail.....


Jay Gurudev. "SR.Raj kumar" <srirajarajeswari9 > wrote:

Well I have a point to add. When we take diksha and accept Trimurti Gurudev as

our Guru, though we have Nikhil Gurudev as Supreme, is it not best to treat and

pay respects to Trimurti Gurudev through whom we got the diksha? In my words,

they are the Supreme as they are the people who have taken the effort to lead

my path. So I feel our first and foremost duty is to the gurudev who has given

us diksha. If I am wrong, plz correct me.Anupam Shil <anupamshil >


Well written Ajay...I can feel the HEAT of the FIRE that is within you, the Fire

that is ready to burn of all the obstacles - Physical & Mental to clear its path

to The Ultimate Goal - SADGURUDEV.

Thanks for sharing your Thoughts...just 1 doubt, I wonder if we can recite

Baglamukhi mala Mantra in 1 min...well I may be wrong as I haven't done that

for quite long. Jus joking anyway...



ajay sharma <sharva_ajay (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Dear Brothers & Sisters,



Sometimes a glimpse of glory of particlar deity is important before we start its

sadhna, because some of us are usually having doubt about the power of mantra

and devta /devi associated. This doubt surely ruins all efforts of

sadahak,sometimes completely destroys the sadhna of the sadhak if he-she does

not have Guru in physical body who can give him his power through shaktipat.

Therefore stotra recitation is method by which we prepare ourselves for a

particular sadhna. For Example- Baglamukhi sadhna.

Recently a large number of yellow pamphlets were prepared by few gurubhais.

Those pamphlets had Bagalamukhi mala Mantra mantra printed on them. It was

adviced to recite that mantra 108 times in a day for 41 days continuously .

Single recitation with proper pronunciation takes less than one minute or at

the most one minute if we recite very slowly. Spending 108 minutes a day is not

big ask for person with scientfic aptitude and analytical mind who wants to

check the authenticity of power Devi Baglamukhi that also without taking any

risk of money of life. Considering the result any average person would spend

that much time every day for recitation of this mantra.

I am sure and have personal experience experience also that you will not have to

wait for 41 days to feel the power of this mantra and devi Baglamukhi.

It seems that efforts of those Gurubhai's who published these pamphlets were not

taken seriously by a large number of sadhaks, who just took it and did not

utilise it .

Same is the case with all stotras published in MTYV Magazine.

If Sadhaks do not take these easier things into consideration, how can they

expect themselves to excel in sadhnas and the most powerful one at that?

They are only interested in empty big talk and quoting directly words of Gurudev.

They satisfy themselves just by telling stories of Gurudev's conquer over other

tantriks. They themsleves are not ready to put any hard work. Even if they

spend few hundred rupees on sadhna material, they make a big show of it as if

they have invetsed a very large amount of their lifetime's earnings. How can

these fellows expect success or even glimpse of Glory of Devi or Devta?

These shortcomings exist in you and me on different scales. Neither you nor I

can escape from these shortcomings untill we oursleves put some efforts and

take help of Gurudev.

First you yourself make effort to overcome these shortcoming and many other

shotcomings which are not mentioned here.

When you completely fail to overcome these shortcoming then you go to Gurdev

and take their help through shaktipaat diksha. Then only you will realise how

important is Guru in physical body and how imortant is His shaktipaat diksha.

You will see what you tried to achieve by a lot of self-deceiving activities

and failed completely; could be achieved only with the direct help of Gurudev.

This is 100% true for all sadhaks including you &me, and those also who are in

siddashram. Everybody who made even a little bit of progress on the path os

sadhnas, folllowed this route only or I would say ulitmately this is the only


Untill or unless a person completely exhausts himself/herself of all mental and

hysical energy,they underestimate the importance of Guru. Only when they are

drained out of all energy and drive to face this big bad world they realise

that nothing is possible on this path of sadhna without the direct of Guru..

Guru is source of power, not like electric power station where you pay the bill

and get lectricity. If you treat your Guru that way then you will have results

like that only. By spending 2000-3000 Rs. you will get value equal to that

amount only. If you treat Him like your own body & soul you will get power

beyond your imagination. Gurudev gives equal level of ignition during shaktipat

diksha. Those who treat it as bought & sold items are able to generate limnited

energy from ignition charge. On the other hand who treat this diksha as the

result of rare opportunity bestowed after spending countless lives waiting for

the Guru get unlimited blessings in unlimited dimension such that their whole

lives are transformed. It is just equal and opposite reaction. Harder a ball is

hit higher the bounce it attains. Just because Newton discovered this principle

for mechanics, that does not mean that it does not apply in other areas of

life like sadhnas. The principle was always there and Newton presented it in

physical terms to the world around. Similarly Guru tries to teach principles of

sadhna in easier and understandable way. That does not mean you start taking

sadhnas like entertainment tricks or petty gimmick to impress prople

around.Newton discovered the principle,later on other scientists picked up from

that point worked more it which helped more discories & inventions. Then more

scientists followed after that and that chain reaction is still going on. This

chain recation for the quest of knowledge was in process before Newton also. It

exists in

this moment also amd it will exist in future also..Similarly Gurudev Trimurti

are carrying forward the knowledge & hardwork of Gurudev Nikhil.Their

efforts has opened new chapters in sadhnas. They are Nikhil only. They are no

different from Gurudev Nikhil. Gurudev Nikhil existed before also in all

centuries gone by. What was His identity & physical features, we do not know.

we need to accomplish more sadhnas to realise that. Only sadhaks of

siddhashram know about this secret in details.Gurudev Nikhil is the

beginning,middle and termination of this whole journey. Saying these words will

not suffice the needs of the path of sadhnas. Its meaning & power needs to be

captured by hardwork of sadhaks. Just like in physical sciences you can see

different stages of development of modern sciences,in decades gone by,similarly

we can see we can see different satges of development of sadhnas,writing of


The process has not stopped. Every sadhna unfolds the way for next one. It is a

path where there is challenge of unlimited amount.To our luck we have Gurudev

Trimurti to guide through. There is only need for us to follow the direction

and order given by Gurudev Nikhil. first step should be to realise Gurudev

Nikhil in Gurudev Trimurti otherwise your mind will waver during sadhnas

because you will differentiate between Gurudev Nikhil & Gurudev Trimurti and

this will act as hindrance in the progress of sadhnas. Start this journey as

soon as possible at the fastest possible speed. How you will do it--That you

can only decide, how to express your love to your beloved.Those you just want

to indulge in empty arguements can do so happily becuase they have been doing

this for centuries and keep on doing so in future. They could not stop Newton


and others. They can not stop us also. Moreover we are always many many steps

ahead of physical sciences. By the time they reach at our prsent stage we would

have unfolded countless mysteries of universe, so that discoveries of physical

sciences will look like animation movies of Hollywood- toys in the hand of a

child.Only Gurudev Nikhil can tell where is the beginning & where is the end.

Our duty is to just walk on the path. Rest of things will be taken care of


Om Namah ShivayeOm Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo NamahOm Namah Shivaye

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Guest guest

Hi all,

Nice to see a discussion which is non-materialistic after a long


Yes, there are a lot of sadhans and a lot of means to achieve it. But

all should realize that all these sadhans is to first show you the

proof that you can be happy materialistically, but at the same time

to challenge you to still remember the ultimate goal of these

sadhans - to be one with the supreme soul.


There will always be opinions and feelings from various people who

will always try to justify that its the nature of being an individual

that a person has differing opinion. But as rightly pointed

out, "Bhagavan Manushasya Roopena", the chance of you being

an "individual" ceases to exist once the statement is

realized. "SOHAM" also is a proof that instead of being an

individual, one should try to merge with the universal soul.

This merger will ensure that there are no difference in opinion and



Everyone is entitled to their opinion if they feel that they are

individuals. But these become one as soon as the barrier of

individualism is broken and is replaced by the fact of "SOHAM".


Chanting a specific number of times, under a minute etc is the

achievements of a very trained mind. Its not easy to achieve this if

there is no blessings from your guru.

Again, the guru should manifest within you. Surrender your body and

soul to this guru. He will do the chanting for you and see that you

get what you deserve.

By surrendering, you are ensuring that you will get not what you

want, but what the guru thinks right for you to progress up the

ladder of complete merger with him.


Again, the guru is omnipresent and one has to realize that in order

to get his blessings. In what ever form the guru comes, physical,

spiritual or in any other human or animal form, if we are able to see

the guru in these forms, then we are truly blessed.


I really am pleased to see such good interaction and hope to see more

from all in this regard.


There are always sadhans which are like shields and weapons against

your material problems. But surrender to the ultimate sadhan – to be

one with the guru – SOHAM.

Like in nature, the mother monkey who keeps jumping from tree to

tree, with a child concentrates more on its proper path to its goal.

It's the child monkey that clings to the mother's belly so that it

does not fall off. The mother monkey knows that in case the grip is

loose, it will prompt the child to hold properly and once the child

learns, then both travel to their destination.

Lets all be like the child who clings to the guru and allow the guru

to take us where its necessary for us to go. The guru will then care

for us like a mother and give us the best in life to be closer to him

at all times.


Moko Kahan Dhundhere Bande

Mein To Tere Paas Mein

Na Teerath Mein, Na Moorat Mein

Na Ekant Niwas Mein

Na Mandir Mein, Na Masjid Mein

Na Kabe Kailas Mein

Mein To Tere Paas Mein Bande

Mein To Tere Paas Mein

Na Mein Jap Mein, Na Mein Tap Mein

Na Mein Barat Upaas Mein

Na Mein Kiriya Karm Mein Rehta

Nahin Jog Sanyas Mein

Nahin Pran Mein Nahin Pind Mein

Na Brahmand Akas Mein

Na Mein Prakuti Prawar Gufa Mein

Nahin Swasan Ki Swans Mein

Khoji Hoye Turat Mil Jaoon

Ik Pal Ki Talas Mein

Kahet Kabir Suno Bhai Sadho

Mein To Hun Viswas Mein

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

My Dear Gurubhais,

Please do not raise any issue about Gurudev nikhil and

their beloved sons as i know my Gurubhais really love

Gurudev and trimurtu both equally its somthing in

their heart ,which no one can see expect Gurudev .. so

better be thing some thing more better than this all


with love to all my borthers and sisters




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