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Digest Number 1168

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Dear friends


I take the opportunity to spread the message of

tigerconservation.150 years ago INDIA roared with

40,000 tigers now only some 3100 left.BhARATA WAS

KNOWN FOR AS LAND OF TIGERS.man's Greed caused him to

build houses farms factories,this land was given by

god for man and animmal to share and live but man has

taken more and more we all are reasponsible for it

when we buy things that are not neccesary for

sustatinng for life like cold drinks,shaving creams,

computers e.t.c I don't say go back to the old stone

age but use ur resources judiciously.


I ahve visted many jungles and found that rivers whic

ran into jungles have turned by farmers for their

fields.Thus animals big and small walk long distances

and thus expose themself and get killed on roads and



When all these animals are dying we all are

reasponsible for it wether vegiterian or non

vegitarian.we bulid houses then buy farm houses ,we

get all things from factories and thus more land is

consumed and forest is cut.


I request all sadhaks to work for conservation of

forest and animals becuase:-

1)animals are our brothers sisters or may be even our


2)Godess durga will not pleased to see her faviourite

animal tiger and lion being killed as her love for the

animal like her son.and no mother would like her to

son to suffer wether in any form.


3)direct and indirect killing of these animals is a

sin to whole humanity and our coming genration will

black list us and history of 1980-2020 will be read as

tha of an era when men left hi simplicity inetliigenc

behinde and in lust for materialistic things became

animal again(greed,lust,anger,hATRED).mAN WOULD BE




at the end of this yuga man will be like a rabbit

living in hole dug in earth.This shows that outside

tempreature will rise and trees would be ver very rare

like 10 tree in 50 kms .The heat thus will bring us

under ground even ac will fail,thus man will reduce

his size gradually to that of a rabbit to adjust

himselfinto the underground.


dear friends I have seen tigers 50 times in various

forest and all my experince was that we must save this

beautiful animal and the beautiful forests.


you can all do it by spreading this message ,work in

your own locality find barren lands forest call all

the students childrens men womn on sundays ask them to

plant 5 trees each and tend them for a year then they

will grow on its own,use less chemicals like



Just develop yoyur own means make local people aware

,if u form a large group you will be able force govts

for forest conservation.


I think all sadhaks would do something whatever they

can that will help protect tigers and their orest and

thus help protect ourselves








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