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Monitoring ourselves during the progress in sadhnas.

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Om Nikhileshwaraye Namah Om Gam Ganpatye Namah Om Nikhileshwaraye Namah


Dear Brothers & Sisters,


We have come across a book discussing in detail about the psychological

complications like Paranoid behaviour and Schizophrenea in the persons doing

meditation and sadhna. Although authors have given different reasons and

judgements as per their own analysis. There are few basic facts which are

important about doing sadhnas and meditation, ignoring them leads to various

Psychological and Physiological complications. Most common reason is to start

sadhnas without taking Gurudiksha and not doing sadhnas given by Guru. A

sadhak thinks he can make it on his own without Guru' s help. Second most

common reason is to start a sadhna to just test it or without properly studying

its proper usage and implications. A half hearted attempt always backfires. You

start a sadhna to detsroy your enemy and during the sadhna you develop feeling

of pity and kindness towards your enemy, this shows lack of determination on the

part of sadhak. Now the energy of sadhna

has to hit somewhere and it recoils back on the sadhak. So before starting any

sadhana, a person should strenghthen his resolve and must very clear about what

he wants to achieve by doing that sadhna. Once you have decided then there

should be no retracing of steps. Once you take a sankalpa and start mantra japa

for it then your effort must be focussed as per your sankalpa. There should be

no shifting of focus untill the objective is achieved. Third most common reason

for this the lack of faith in Guru,His mantra, His sadhna and reluctance to

follow the order given by Guru. Now if the Guru says that you will get rid of

all your enemies by doing a particular sadhna and sadhak does not believe the

words of his Guru, then how can he expect the sadhna to work? If Gurudev say

you just do the sadhna calmly and leave the rest of things to me and sadhak

does not take these words seriously and performs sadhna with anger and

vengeance, it will surely harm the sadhak.

Basic fact which needs to be always kept in mind is that no mantra produces

effect without a Guru. Guru tatva is present in every element of Universe

because Shiva and Guru are one and same. A sadhak who is getting benefit by

doing sadhanas without the Gurudiksha or his advice is falsely thinking that he

is getting the rseluts on his own. The Shiva tatava present in the universe,

gives him the results. Simultaneosuly that sadhak is putting himself in a

situation where he will reach a point of no return and cause his own fall. A

sadhak starts direct confrontration with the laws of nature, because his ego

has not been erased by the benign blessings of a Guru. Guru teaches a sadhak to

get the results without breaking the basic fundamental principles of Law of

Karma. Only a Guru has the authority to act as per his own discretion in

intervening the cycle of Karmic forces.Shiva is Mahakaal, it means Shiva rules

over kaal, the time cycle. Now just imagine an egoistic sadhak,

without a Guru to reign him, can wreak havoc in the whole system of Universe.

Therefore the Sahkti,which is integral part of Shiva, does not allow the sadhak

to progress beyond a point, if the sadhak is not free from all transitory

emotions,past bad karma and shortcomings. Shakti makes sure that any sadhak who

wants to posess her must become Shiva Swaroop himslef/herself. Here by Shiva

and Shakti we do not mean male or female. Shiva and Sahkti are cosmeic energy

elements which are always together and can not be separated. From outside they

sometimes appear only as Shiva Roopa or Shakti Roopa, but if sadhak wants to

know them, he will have to do the sadhna of both. He can not leave one and

expect to attain the complete knowledge and power of other.

In MTYV Magazine also it has been mentioned in various articles that in sadhnas

there are finer aspects where the need of able Guru is surely required to move

ahead on the path of sadhna. At those vulnerable points if the Guru is not

there to help a sadhak , it may cause serious damage to the sadhak in every

way. If the situation is not handled properly it may cause the development of

Vanity and Obstinacy in a sadhak. There are numerous examples around us where

many "Psychic" people with "Special" powers came in this world. Due to various

factors they had some chakras of their kundlini active more than the normal.

They were not having a able Guru to help them cross barriers in moving up on

the level of consciuosness by channelising their energy. So their messages were

taken as some special pronouncements on the fate of our planet and this



Therefore if Vanity is publiscied it will become popular. If Obsitnacy if

publiscied it will become popular.


If in doing particular sadhnas any precautions are being mentioned, then they

should be taken seriously. The objective is get rid of problem or achieve the

desired goal. If it can be done by easier sadhnas where rules are flexible,

then a sadhak should choose those sadhnas.

No matter how much a sadhak try, he always commits some mistakes. It is at this

jucture Guru Diksha helps a sadhak. For this reason only it is compulsory that a

sadhak should perform Guru poojan daily in proper manner.


Om Namah Shivaye

Om Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo Namah

Om Namah Shivaye







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