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The Importance of Deep Sleep!

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I liked to share something important relating a form of consiousness

that is known by many as deep sleep.

As i understand this is the lowest form of consiousness/planes:

that brahma created resembling the netherworld(Patal).

Here one side of the body is dead and realisation is not possible as

shiva is not complete without shakti and shakti not without shiva.

Only when these two are united is consiousness possible.

I understood that when the right body-->/Brain is dead, one has in

past to much lust in his karma.And when the opposite counts the

person had to much anger in his karma.As shiva hates Kama and in some

forms Shakti foes shiva in dominating Male tatva.


Now as many ancient scriptures are pointing out to:is that everything

that is been seen in the outer universe is a reflection of what

consiousness detects in his presents state.

So it can be said that Inner universe is not different then the outer

universe.Example: Deep sleep is resembling Patala or the world of the

Danavas Nagas Rakshas etc etc..In this world Torture and pain are the

order of the day.This is not different from what one is experience in

deep sleep, where the 5 elemented mind is identifying himself withthe

dead Brain(shiva or shakti) and where the Prana, Apana and Indiryaare

quarreling for supremacy.He goes litteraly mad in real life patalaand

in symbolising patal.Here also body awarness and Lingam/yoni awarness

is dead.

Same is the level of consiousness on earth /Prithvi -Bauw/also called

rajo guna where one feels the same activitees that are done one

pritvhi.Materialism, lust, anger etc etc ( a tread to deepsleep)where

body awarness is treathing to die,but one has it still under control

if he follows Vairagya.A higherform of consiousness is that of Akash-

Tattva or also know as Satva Guna resembling the air, where body

realasation is much, and asana easealy is mastered.Here he sees the

other two worlds/consiousness from great distance and reconise them/

and where they going to.(material disire which leads to supremacy of

the senses(deep sleep ))Here he is in full awarness and is he aware

of the choices he makes(beter Karma).Siddhi is here not possible only

mastering of asana as he is still dwelling capable of falling in the

world of the pashu.

Afterwards is nothing else then the Supra-Consiousness resembling

Space or also know mu Samadhi...

Here he is freed from falling into the pashu world again.

Here he is experiencing the activitees that are done in Space.

Where celestial creatures as apsaras and devas dwell.

Here it is said that the person can get travel any place at any

distance in padma-Asana because he litteraly masters the univsere.

This siddhi is the prove of this whole theory.


One the other site of siddhaashram (swamiji) it is said that whendeep

sleep immurges occult knowledge is to be found!

Jus Narada ji speaks of this in Uddyoga Parva where he described:

....."Here dwell many regenerated rishis, having suspended the vital


called Prana, stuyding the vedas and doing penance where afterwards

the doors of heavens are opened."

Here he is speaking of this occult knowledge that is the essence of

the vedas(inner universe)that is found in deep sleep(patala) where

the right brain is dead(where Kali dance on shiva

deadbody and litterly distroys everything) This is the penance he

speaks of...Doing penance in Patalam.


Also the whole story of the great battle between the gods and asuras

and the churning amrita is symbolising Deep sleep.

In the same chapter of uddyoga parva narada ji speaks of it saing...

"..from this very place the gods churned Amrita after that great

friend of sakra mounted the mountains of gods on his very back"..


Again the mountain is symboling the Muladhara chakra resembling the

element earth, where the entrance of the nether regions or the 7

lower ckakras are opened.!!And the very gods entering Patala and




This very Amrita in outer univsere is nothing else then the occult

knowldge fouund in inner universe where immortality is gained in the

form of knowledge of consiousness that can litteraly make one

immortal.Because lets e honest only true consiousness and only trhow

consiousness alone can one reach the doors of Shambhal.


The last example is without doubt the greatest.


Sakra speaks to a brahmin in Anusana Parva about it saying:

..."Just as the angini flower swallows the kimri insect so swallows

the earth a brahmin who isn't preapert in collecting knowledge by

goingout of his house, and a ksatriya who refuses to fight"..


This is the same thing that happened to Arjuna.

Having refused to fight, he went straight to deep sleep where krishna


instructed him....Extactly the same:it is Paramatma who give the


Knowldge known as Amrita to a person in deep sleep.


Can anybody share more information that goes in line with this




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