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kal bhairav and Bhairo

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hey bhairo child,


How are u?


Well, I pray alot and do alot of devotion. The devtas are merciful to my family. I really don't want them to suffer and I fear for the land that I dwell, but maybe my grandparents did what they did for a reason.


I will not be at any haste to make any serious decision pertaining to the land but I will continue my own devotion.


I perform temple duties at the mandir, but I don't do much devotion there. I prefer to do my own thing home.


I do my best to rely on the guidance of the devtas and devis. All I need is faith, trust and belief in them. And most importantly I need to love them.


So I do my best to be a great devotee and child to them.



Thanks for being concern



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Now and then, I do visit many other temples in the country, I like the atmosphere very much, for gracing my presence at any temple, makes me happy and excited.:D

I know that there will be people with negative characteristics in all temples. (That of which will tell u alone that mother disowns no one, despite their ignorance and wrong doings).

However, it must be remembered, that any where u go u will always meet all sorts of people! The greatest test for all of us is to learn how to live with these people AND ACCOMODATE EACH OTHER'S DIFFERENCES.;)


Life is all about socialization.

And socialization involves learning how to practice good ethics and teach the younger generation the value of sharing, respect, caring, appreciation, love, discipline and tolerance etc.


Many of our religious leaders are so caught up in ego and riches. Temples and other religious shrines seem not to be a place of worship anymore but a growing business. The religious leaders are so concerned about the structure and status of temples, churches, mosques and are hardly concerned about the cognitive and spiritual development of those that they are leading.


We need to grasp reality and set an example for our future. If our religious leaders are failing to lead us towards the right path of self actualization and living a decent life on earth, then we need to take control of our lives and be passionate for one another.


We need to do something positive now.


All of us have different forms of knowledge.

All of us are gifted.

All of us are unique.

And all of us have strenghts.


We therefore need to pull our knowledge, strenghts, and giftedness together.


We must refrain from dwelling on one anothers weaknesses and mistakes.

We must create our own destiny.

We have to make a change. :pray:





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Hey whats up! Shri Maha Kali Blessings to one and all. Was a lot busy but once again appologies for causing any upsets to you. Having read your post i still find it difficult to understand why it is you are avoiding the points that have been placed to you. Sorry to say i have no differences with LALO but speaking the truth is not scandalizing or insulting. Why should i not say what i have to say for everybody to read no one asked for him to be a leader he chose that path and when a person decides to walk such a road they invite their life to be like an open book for any type of comment be it good or bad. For a leader regardless of his past must be untainted and live the proper way for his present and his future and must understand that the judgements right or wrong will be a part of him and his character so one has to live good. You cant live in a glass house and throw stones. SCANDAL means: Damage to reputation or character caused by public disclosure of immoral or grossly improper behavior; disgrace.Talk that is damaging to one's character; malicious gossip. so child where did i bring a scandal to his name by malicious gossip, or public disclosure of his immoral or gross improper behivour. truth is not scandal it is truth wake up and smell the coffee (black preferably). probabably if others voice their opinions like i then you would know the truth. you say that he has helped many people i dont deny but help has no price unlike his pooja list with the first item on the list being $100.00 per pooja so if this is help something is wrong with your understanding with the word HELP means

1. To give assistance to; aid: I helped her find the book. He helped me into my coat.

2. To contribute to the furtherance of; promote.

3. To give relief to: help the needy.

4. To ease; relieve: medication to help your cold.

5. To change for the better; improve: A fresh coat of paint will help a scarred old table.

6. To refrain from; avoid or resist. Used with can or cannot: couldn't help laughing.

7. To wait on, as in a store or restaurant

Now where in the meaning did it mention that to get help a monetary donation or contibutation must be handed over before a prayers is done it is specifically itemised on his list that per pooja it has a certain price and yet you say that i insult and scandalize his name i am sorry he is doing that for his own self i am just pointing out but brahmin you are defending him. Tell to me i lie and it is not this way and encourage and be a co conspirator to him obtaining money by supernatural power or by false pretences. ONCE THE HEAD IS CORRUPT DOWN THE LADDER THERE IS BOUND TO BE CORRUPTION. For ignorance is not an excuse i.e for if you dont know you would not be held accountable but as soon as there is some knowledge of the truth then my dear friend you are accountable for standing at the side of corruption and assisting him to rob persons so what if he is not employed mother would send money for him. Not charge for prayers and hold a chutney show to pool money for a kali temple.Strange i did not see you on any post INVITING the public of TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO that your temple is having a GRAND CHUTNEY SHOW in the name of KALI MAA to raise funds for the upliftment of of the temple. People of the world the leader that this person is defending is having a fund raiser in the name of KALI MAA where there would be alcohol, meals consisting of various meats and lewd dancing with invigorating music for you to wine and dance in a lewd and disrespectful manner. Imagine Sunday morning i am a Priest and in the evening i am inviting my fellow followers to get up and dance and wine with me that is KALI worship. Then one would have to remember that where there is alcohol and music there would be a level of intoxication then there would be cursing and arguements which might lead to fighting and more scandals in the name of mother. This can only be wrong,wrong,wrong,wrong,wrong,wrong etc. Why could not your temple hold a vege que( meals prepared only with vegetables and sold for a certain price) or hold a terath to other temples but why do some thing so boring. Drink rum, fete, and be merry all in the name of a fund raiser and in the name of mother and yet you say i am scandalising his name he is doing that on his own accord. My learned friend if it is you have manifestation it is not a matter for you to decide that you are not ready. you say that you are not ready for that responsibility and you are young and do not want to give wrong readings to anybody. How it is i have learned it is not you standing there so how can it be you giving wrong reading it has nothing to do with you but the shakti. You are supposed to be asleep or unconcious and the deota using the body. This is exactly my point if your head was interested with you he would have given to you a special devotion to uplift yourself and your manifestation but how can he? when he is busy planning a bogus fund raiser! :eek2: watch and see you would hear that the fund raiser was a bust just like the car shows in chaguanas.:silent: you see it is all about you ,you you and not the deota learn some more understand some more wake up brahmin if you stand in what is dirty sooner or later you will become dirty. how do you know that there are others in the temple that give wrong readings if you do not gossip yet you say you dont. I thought that the shaktis in your temple were the best and you invite person to come get their problems fix and now you say that you dont want to give wrong readings how do you know that the readings are wrong and what did you do to help fix that so these would not reoccur in the future: NOTHING for you fear to stand for truth. Tell them as it is that they are not reading properly and inform them speak to the head to uplift their shakti or did you hear that rumour from the web too. Every time you open your mouth you contradict your own self. With regards Brahmin to your ass and your elbow i dont know if it is situated properly but i was dealing with the level of mind and the ability of your judgement in doing and knowing right from wrong. So only when you do prayers you are in good mood. if life throws limes at you make lime juice sieze each day as it was the last and give thanks hard and live life to its fullest.

Sita Raam, Namaste and Namaskar until you open your mouth.


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The tapou drum is pronounced as "THAPPU". This drum is an all purpose drum in Tamil Nadu.


Hey marimuthu whats up Kali Maa Blessings to you read your post and in answer to your reply. the Urumi, Pambai and Uddukai were brought to Trinidad and Tobago by our fore fathers but due to the fact that knowledge was limited in those days and fear for the masters that had once governed the land at that time the knowledge was lost in how to make and play these instruments. however the tassa and the thappu was a infact simpler to maintain and as a result stood its ground through time. My friend if our fore-fathers never hid and worshiped the mother back then probably it would have been around in this land today. and this is exactly what i am trying to develop to carry forward this religion and not have it stand still. there is so much we Trinidadians dont know about the realm of shakti worship, that some limit themselves for fear that what they have learnt all the while was wrong and are not strong enough to adapt and change to correct themselves. In certain temples in trinidad the Uddukai may make a special apperance but for special poojas. it is very hard to locate in trinidad that you have to import it from either USA or England. And still persons dont know the use of it they reffer to it as the Echo drum. No one wants to learn but then again there is none to really impart the divine knowledge. And when probably you try to teach because you are different you are wrong. Even books that praises are sung from you only hear off but you dont see. But i believe with the world at our finger tips things now can change.

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find something else to do with yourself, and just stop annoying me, go and harass somebodyelse, I have defended my temple and my pujarie. And i do have devotion to manifest, not from baba but from the masters themselves. You are a bitter angry little person, and I dont have to do prayers to feel good I walk with Bhairo baba by my side everyday. You are insignificant to me, why you dont go and take up your quarrels with lalo himself? dude take a freakin chill pill. I do not care about you, you know something you are very ignorant and arrogant, you are like Shumbh and Nishumbh, ingnorance and arrogance the exact thing mother durga destroys, you think you are greater that Lankesh himself, start praying and stop wasting your time on me, I love my temple and I love Maa Kali and I LOVE my Masters. I will not change my thinking of my temple and stop saying I am corrupt you dont know me. I am a devotee of mother and the masters, not of Lalo. so lay of whatever your name is. You may think of us as immoral, it is not an chutney show it is a classical show, and so what if we serve alchohol, big deal wow. You are boring me with your harping. Find something else for us to argue about.


Good bye



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bhiro child last time i checked i was paying my own bills and to access this site is free so if i am annoying you i still am sorry but you know that you dont have to reply if you dont want to this is why they call it freedom. "so what if they serve alcohol" but i bet if your home brahmin (pundit) comes and says to you that he is having a :eek2: CHUTNEY SHOW :eek2: in aid to raise funds you would NOT support him. So now as a so called brahmin you are for doing these types of events where they serve alcohol and meat and you favour it YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE TO YOUR OWN CASTE. :eek: and see once again you contradict yourself brahmin IF THE HEAD IS CORRUPT SOMEWHERE DOWN THE LADDER THERE IS BOUND TO BE CORRUPTION. The only time someone is annoyed when points are being made is when they know that they are wrong and to only way to shut up that other person is to get vex and try to say something ugly.

so it is right brahmin for you to sell alcohol, meats that you dont eat and participate in a fete all in the name of the mother. it is persons like you who know the truth and ignores it so when a new person comes along they can be fooled. and this to you is right. you are wrooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong and wrong can NOT be right.

i may be a shumb or nishumb but you are no Durga for this i am sure for any epithet of Durga would not ROB, bring forth destruction and encourage or help to do evil. rope is running out and more money has to be made.

until you type some S*** next time

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well well your posts have started to diminish so it shows me that you are now looking for a new way of appeasing yourself by self gratification that i NEARLY disrespected you. In a race you either come first NOT close to first. For i know my bounds nice try.:cool: anyways good to see you responded however to nothing. i was re- reading your posts and came across something you said in one to INNONENCE about your temple being the first. News Flash the first existing Kali Shakti Mandir was the El Dorado Shiv Mandir under the leadership of one Kotiyah Baba an immigrant from India who settled in the village. So much so before the structure you know today as concrete the first was of Galvanise with murtis made of clay.one of the murtis being Khal Bhiarav was recently donated to a temple member living in San Juan. unfortunately even the members dont know where the murti of kali has been donated. way before you pujarie"s father went to Guyana to fix a problem that they were having Kotiyah baba and members of the village were performing kali mai ki beek pooja. meaning that they use to go around the village taking donations to perform Maa's pooja where they would then either go higher up on Caura Royal Road or in Kassie Street by the river banks and under the mango tree and perform the Kargum pooja, perform the sacrifice and then manifest and look after the villagers. i would know because i am part of that linage and have heard the stories of my fore-fathers. if you want to say that the temple that you go to is the first of its kind to open to create an avenue where fellow shakti worshippers can come to worship or be robbed then fine. sorry sorry sorry sorry for that last part :P. ooooops dont want to closely disrespect you. However take time to know the history of Shakti worship in trinidad before you go blagging. By the way you are such a powerfull khal bhiro child with plenty of talks that you have not yet corrected (according to you insults and lies) my scandals.

:sleep::crazy2::eek2::crying2::rolleyes::smash::mad::pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray::deal::confused::idea::deal::):P:cool::P:cool::P:cool::P:cool: :cool: :cool::crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: namaskar.

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So the urumi, and pambai were brought to Trinidad? What about nadaswaram (long pipe), and thavil? Wow, are you very sure that these drums were brought there? Because if that is true, I'm very sad......sad for the fact that it could not progress like the tassa ensemble did! Trinidadians did such an awesome job taking the tassa drumming to the next level and improvising it, imagine how awesome it would have been today in the Caribbean if the urumi ensemble became part of the modern culture like tassa, and improvised!

In Malaysia/Singapore, there is a HEAVY HEAVY Tamil population there, and there are UMPTEEN urumi groups who have become part of the modern culture there, rather than restricted to hindu (tamil hindu) worship. Just like the tassa, how the tassa groups battle out at weddings, same thing over there.

One thing though, I know there is a good set of Trinidadians with Tamil/Malayalee background. I've also met some Guyanese "madrasis", who look like pure Tamils, have real Tamil names, and they told me they are dead set on learning Tamil, and retaining Tamil culture, and not necessarily religiouswise, more so with attending East Indian Tamil cultural programs, Tamil interactions, Tamil movies, etc. I encourage all of you people with Tamil background to get involved more like that.

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yes the urumi,pambai and udukai were brought to trinidad. i have a special in my heart for instruments and when i saw these being played i started asking questions from my older generation and started investigating as to why they are not still around. i have seen black and white polaroids of these very same instruments but again back in those days under the indentureship indians were afraid to follow their culture because of fear of being victimised as to worshiping false gods and so would not play these instruments as a result they were put away to just become relics. when i first heard the sounds of the long pipes from movies and cd's man my pores use to raise but alass never have i seen one in trinidad from old cultures. the only one but very rare is the udukai which is like good gold scarce. oh yes man when the boy go to the girl house and the two tassa groups meet its a must to compete which sometimes in the past not now there would be great quarrels as to which side was better. beautiful man but culture is slowly fading and the present government is allowing this to happen because more funds are being pumped into the steel pan the nations national instrument.tassa has survived because of the integral part it had to do with weddings and our forefathers were very strict as to taking a urumi and pambai as probabaly as it related so much so with a religious aspect of worshipping the devi. i know its sad however the first generation were not at all so much interested in the plight of prayers but the fact was just to come make some money and return to Barath Mata. and in so alot who came were very poor and probably who had problems with the laws or authority so it was an easy means to escape because no real background checks were performed. Man i tell you from where tassa was to where it is today is so amazing that one of my uncle on my father side still has his original bass drum from nearly 100 years ago this is what he says i have seen it up too today he does not play it for fear it might damage.the generation today my friend is globalising so fast that no one wants to take the time off to learn our hindu culture some in trinidad are doing their very best but then when you go outside they victimise you and say that you are showing off what you have learnt. catch my drift so those who learn stay quiet. but dont worry there are a handful of us that is trying hard to bring back the culture and are trying to teach our sons and daughters to read and write the language and be a part of the arts.thank god for computers and the internet allowing the world to be at our fingertips. i love my heritage and culture that i live breathe and will some day die in it once mother gives me strenght i will fight for what is right. for truth is always alone so i have accepted my faith to be alone with god and convey the truth regardless to whose path i cross.yes the guyanese are die hard people when they want something they go after it no matter the sacrifice and you know stange enough they would succeed. god bless. i try my best to be more involved.

until next time sita ram.

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As I've said before, one step to take for fellow Trinidadian and Guyanese Indians with Tamil background is to refrain from Northern Indian culture, I know it is part of the mainstream in the Caribbean due to a lot of Indians having Bhojpuri/Bengali background, but there needs to be MORE southern Indian culture revival between these two countries, many Caribbean Indians I've met have some background link to Tamil Nadu and the rest of South India down the line. And I'm not just talking about religious wise, more language wise, moviewise, and even clothing wise. There needs to be more Tamil awareness in the Caribbean. Do you know that the Tamil language is the only language in India with absolutely THE LEAST Sanskrit influence? Tamil is older than Sanskrit, Dravidian Indians technically never had any links to Sanskrit, only the Aryans who invaded India, they brought all that, but I won't go into detail, that is another forum website in itself!!

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hey marimuthu,

Subh divali and may Lakshmi Maa shower her blessing on you and your family. i fully understand what you say but again since you are in the land that we would like to be and you have first hand knowledge of the worship of Mariamman and her guardians why dont you share?

1) you say clothing what type of clothes you mean?

2) Besides the Mariamman Thalathu what other books are there similar

to this one?

3) what type of songs that you know of in the language that you have

and willing to share in respect to invocation and singing for the


4) the thalathu is a lullaby for the mother but what of the documents for

the way to perform the whole puja and process?

5) in tamil what is the mantras used in the temples, i have seen on you

tube various groups singing from texts for Veeran,Muniswaran and

Karupan do you have or know where to get?

6) What types of food and other sweets do they prepare for the puja and

how do they make such?

You my friend is very fortunate to live in and on the land that i pray to visit one day but since the medium has been set and you are encouraging us to start and be more into the Tamil aspect of things i see benefit for us to start by giving us a direction onto the path. you may put certain thing on the net and will probably get negative views from other readers but it is for thr person it is for to decide. So god bless until next time and feel free to send pm if you wish i eagerly await your reply.

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