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What to do for good career/finance.Please advise

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Respected Gurji/jamnadas ji,

I have faced a lot of problem and dissatisfaction in my career.Changed

six jobs in ten years.When will i find stability in my life.shall i

start my own business.When will I be able to do well financially.


My DOB is 16/9/72

Place Roorkee

TOB 12 :22 pm


Hope you will suggest a way out ?



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Hello Mr. Goel,


I have looked at your chart, and I am afraid there is no quick fix to

your problem. Career and income are siginifications of House 10 and 11

respectively. The lords of both these houses, Sun and Mercury are weak

and thus, these 2 houses become weak. Sun and Mercury are weak for 2

reasons, one being that both are in oldage, Sun being ruler of career

is of 0 % percent strength and Mercury, the rule of income is about

65% strength. Adding to the problem, both are very close to mars and

are therefore afflicted. Mars has it's mooltrikona sign in 6th house

of conflicts, delays, disputes, obstacles, cheat etc. The weakness of

Mercury and Sun for these reasons are causing you problems with income

and career and will do so for the rest of your life. The saving grace

for you is the placement of Jupiter and Moon in the 2nd house of

wealth. Both are positioned here very close to each other and are in a

very influential position. This helps you maintain your income

somehow. Also Jupiter casts its 9th aspect on career House 10, so you

are able to get another job somehow to get things going.

Cyurrently you are running a Mahadasa of Moon, so you are running a

favourable period. But Moon is in young-age so a bit weak. This

weakness is not much though and the closeness to Jupiter helps, but

Moon is frequently weak in transit or gochar. It chnages house every

2.5 days and out of this period, it is weak due to oldage or infancy

for about 12 hours. Secondly, about 6 tithis(roughtly 5-6 days) prior

new moon(amavasya) and for the first six tithis after new moon, moon

is weak due to it's closeness to sun, adding to it, it passes by a

whole bunch of unfavourable grahas and transits and unfavourable

positions with reference to your birth chart, so a Moon mahadasa,

although being good for you, almost never peforms very well for

anybody not just you.


Subsequent to Moon mahadas, you will run Mars Mahadasa and Rahu

Mahadas. In total, these will end in 2038 and from here, you will mark

the beginning of Jupuiter Mahadasa. Until then, you are going to face



If you can afford, buy yourself a clean Ruby of atleast 5 carats. A

good Ruby can be very expensive so think a but before buying if

affordability is an issue. Another option is to buy a kavch that takes

care of all your weak planets and thereby provides relief. You can

look at kavach on




I bought my kavach from here, but I believe a kavach is not alone

going to take care of your weak and afflcited Sun, so you will need to

buy Ruby.


You should also get into the habit of daily earley morning puja if it

is possible. Do your puja to Lord Shiva(Om Namaha Shivaya 108 times)

and Lord Ganesh(Om Ganeshaya Namaha or any other that you know) or you

could start praying your favourite deity. You should also chant

Hanuman Chalisa 1 time in the morning wioth full faith.


To take care of bad effects of Rahu/Ketu transits, you should feed

grains(or sugar stuffed roti) to birds preferably before breakfast to

make Rahu happy and feed stray dogs or pray Ganesh to make Ketu happy.


If you are having to leave work too early in the morning and come too

late at night or for some reason, performing sadhana seriously causes

problems to your daily schedule, repeat Om Namaha Shivaya throught the



Your favourable grahas are:

Jupiter, Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Sun

Your unfavourable planets are:

Venus, Mars

Rahu and Ketu are unfavourable to all.


Wear gems/yantras for favourable grahas and avoid it for unfavourable

plnets. Perform prayers to make unfavourable planets heppay. Someone

in this group might have sadhana to make unfavourable planets happy.





, "mgoel1973" <mgoel1973@r...> wrote:

> Respected Gurji/jamnadas ji,

> I have faced a lot of problem and dissatisfaction in my


> six jobs in ten years.When will i find stability in my life.shall i

> start my own business.When will I be able to do well financially.


> My DOB is 16/9/72

> Place Roorkee

> TOB 12 :22 pm


> Hope you will suggest a way out ?


> Regards

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