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Siddhashram -- the word fills the mind of a neo-initiate of the

Sadhana world with the sacred image of a divine land which is the

highest seat of Spiritual Knowledge. Sprawled over miles of land to

the North of Mansarovar Lake and Mt. Kailash in Tibet, it is the

home to some of the greatest Yogis and spiritual savants. The

natural splendour of this place is simply unbelievable and it must

be seen to be believed.


However it's not easy to do so, for a subtle envelope of highly

etheric energy keeps it invisible to the naked eye. You might fly

right over it in an airplane and still miss it. Only a highly

accomplished Sadhak, spiritually trained by a Guru who himself is a

Yogi of Siddhashram,can gain access to it. Such Yogis or Gurus keep

frequenting the world as we know it, in order to prepare sincere

aspirants for a visit to this ethereal place,where one can

experience true joy, learn the highest of sciences and gain much

spiritually as well as materially.


There cannot be more kind and altruistic beings than the Yogis of

Siddhashram, for all their thoughts , their efforts, their Sadhanas

remain ever directed towards a single aim -- how to improve the lot

of mankind, how to banish pain, fear, hunger, poverty, passions,

hatred and troubles from their lives , how to introduce them to the

science of Mantra and Tantra which could completely transform their

lives ,and how to help them attain material fulfilment so that they

could devote more of their time and energy to scaling new heights of

spiritual attainment.


If man feels dissatisfied or unfulfilled his efforts shall never be

truly creative or progressive. He shall quarrel, kill, plunder, and

indulge in all known and unknown evils to satiate his cravings.

Hence these benevolent Yogis first devote their efforts to the

fulfilment of basic needs of humans ,so that they could then be

willing to try spiritual development. For this the Yogis incarnate

or appear in the world, and living as commoners disseminate the true

knowledge of Sadhanas & Mantras that can elevate human life to

amazing levels of success. Such Yogis are in fact a Sadhak's door to

Siddhashram, in which place one could learn much and return to the

world to put that supreme knowledge to use for the welfare of all.


However becoming spiritually eligible to enter Siddhashram is not an

easy feat. But if one is devoted to the Guru and obeys all his

commands without being swayed by views of the unenlightened crowd

around, one can make swift progress. Yet on this path to

enlightenment the help of these Yogis is not only desirable, but

also essential for they can help one overcome many hurdles on the

way -- both in the material world and in the spiritual.


Bestowed with marvellous powers these Supreme Souls can travel

astrally, appear in any form, telepathically interact with a Sadhak,

remote control his life (e.g. saving him from dangers) and

subliminally tutor him in spiritual knowledge through dreams,

trances and meditative sessions. But how can one establish the

initial contact? Well, for that the following Siddh Aatma Aavahan

Sadhana is an unfailing device. And when some Yogi does manifest be

sure to be respectful. You can seek any advice or solution to any

problem, but do not try it out of mere curiosity or with evil

intentions, or you might end up with a curse instead of a boon.


The most propitious day for the Sadhana is Sunday and the right time

is sunrise. Have a bath , wear white clothes and sit facing North.

Close the door but don't shut it. Light a Ghee lamp and incense. On

a wooden seat covered with white cloth make a mound of rice grains.

On it place a Siddhashram Sansparshit Guru Yantra . On its right

side place the picture of Gurudev. In a copper plate place Aatma

Yantra . Make a mark each with sandalwood paste and saffron on it.

Next pick up the Siddhashram Cheitanya rosary and chant 21 rounds of

the following Mantra.


|| Hreem Siddhaatmaa Bham Sam Mam Pam Sam Sham Drishtavaa Iti ||


By the 10th or 15th round a strange spiritual ambience is created

and one starts having a divine feeling of an extra terrestrial

presence in the room. As soon as the divine Soul appears bow to Him

and without hesitation ask your question . Many times there may be

just a waft of heavenly fragrance or a blinding light which too

denotes that a divine being is there. Some times one need not even

speak out one's wish or question ,for the solution is conveyed

telepathically . Once you have your answer resume with the Sadhana

and do complete 21 rounds. After that one may have answer to any

query by merely chanting this Mantra 21 times.


However don't always expect the Yogi to appear. Intuitionally or

through dreams too the message shall be received. And once a Yogi

has adopted you as His 'child' , He shall never forsake you and

shall keep warning you of all or any dangers that might lie ahead in

life. And besides ensuring material success these Divine Souls can

also help you develop spiritual prowess. Hence do seek knowledge of

Sadhanas from them and keep trying practices prescribed by them.

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