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pls help me i have kalsarp yoga in my kundali i am facing lotsof problem

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not to> specify , that is great boon and kindness of> revered gurudev .> as u

now get reference of books & u tlold u> have qualifications of shakti so i

need not to> specify where yogiraj trijata ji meet.> u also get right info.

of rudrayaamal ,> kankalmalini, etc. tantra from his library,> since u more

reffer bookish knowledge .> why should i underestimate guru bhais , instead

of> performing this thing i feel more pleasure in my> sadhana, i m here for

provide some help to gurubhais> so that they solve the puzzle what they face

in> sadhana.> > thanking u> Gaurav> > > Jammer wow

<jammer_it2000 > wrote:> Hello Brother , you are trying to avoid

the> question and

give a different answer . Saying that> Todala Tantra is kachara is not a wise

statement .> However a wise answer would be what is the reference> , that says

Dhumavati relates to Saturn . > The question is did you saw it somewhere or

you> are saying just hearing it . Your answer does not> stress that gurudev

said Dhumavati relates to Saturn> . In fact he won't say . > How will i be

sure what you are saying is not> kachra . You tell the name of the tantra where

it> says Dumavati relates to satrun or say the answer it> not known to you . >

Yes , right now it looks there are definitely> kachra information being passed

here .> Friend if you are really into tantra , then you> should not

underestimate gurubhai's. Since you have> qualified something does not prove

others cannot> qualify. > If you are so

great in sadhana can you openly> answer the following question > 1. What is

the significance of or meaning of kreem> , hreem , kleema mantras .> 2. Why

does kAli holds a bunch of human hands in> her waist ?> 3. What does she

signify by holding a human head> on her hand ?> 4.Whats the significance of

her mundamala ? > 5. Why does her Khadga shows color of blood . > 6. Why

does any kumar / kumari shakti form of> mahamaya sits on a peacock .> 6. Why

does brahmani shakti sits on a swan .> 7. Where was the first dhyan of kAli

found .> 8. From which mouth / aanan mahadeva speaks kali> tantra .> You

say many texts are true not all . So please> say which are true which are

false. So which are> true which are false . Rudrayamal is false

?> Mundamala is false ? Shakti Sangam tantra is false ?> Todala Tantra is false

? Kankalmalini is false ? The> 64 bhairavagam are false . Then everthing is

false> . > These books or tantras have all been written by> 600 -1100 .

Except for rudrayamala translated by 500> BC .> You are trying to pull you up

saying one does not> have conciousness , thats shows your ego . You have> not

known the meaning of a sadhana then a proper> sadhak does not behave this way .

How many nights> have you passed in smashan ? How may purascharan ,> how about

shab sadhana ? Did you already reach the> climax of all these ? > This is a

place to share information , and not to> force people believe in what you do

believe. > There has been no hypocrisy from my part , rather> check in the

english grammar book a statement " A>

little learning is a dangerous thing ". > Here ppl are son of same mother . So

trying to> prove who you are here does not help . Show it to> her . > Regards>

Bhairav Bhai> > > > > > gaurav shrimali

<gaurav_nikhil26 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:> jai gurudev,> > first of

all i want to specify that> several type of kachara is spread in sadhana word>

that affect over the sadhak , even saptshati & gita> is not purifed as

maarkandey &krishna described so> how u conform that all this corruped myth

granth are> pure . so what is the way to know the actrual thing> is only by

gurudev.> > main

reson is that u dont have that much sadhana> & power to know the actual thing

so u generally> hunted by that kachara , definitly it is not> possible that

every one perform deep meditation of> yogashakti for seeing actaul thing in its

previous> stage so what is gurudev said is ultimate truth.> > many texts

can true but not all , & u also dont> have that much conciasness to

understand that deep> sense & sadhana of this so many time some>

missconception is create .> > as u needed I will provide related information

, > > thanking u> Gaurav S.> ajay sharma <sharva_ajay (AT) (DOT) co.in>

wrote:> Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshawram> > Dear Gurubhai

Gaurav,> > We have got following informattion from an> astrological

magazine. We realise that it is> different from the source from which you have

got> similar information. > > We would request to give information as per

your> source of astrological reference. > If you some information on this

subject available> from Gurudev's book on astrology, then please mail> it for

our reference. If Gurudev has said something> on this subject then it is final

word and there is> no room for any doubt. > > Sri

Matangeshwari-------Associated planet---Sun> Sri Bhuwaneshwari-------Associated

Planet---Moon> Sri Bagalamukhi---------" >

---Mars> Sri Tripur Sundari------" > ---Mercury> Sri

Kamala---------------" > ---Venus> Sri

Mahakaali------------" > ---Saturn> Sri

Chhinnamastika-------" > ---Rahu> Sri Dhoomavati

-------" > ---Ketu> Sri Tripur Bhairavi------"

> ---Lagna(Ascendent Sign in Birth chart) > > As you have said

that Dhoomavati signifies Saturn,> chances are there there may be some

difference in> other planetary association also in the above> list.We want to

correct this list from any mistakes.> > In the current times Gurudev have

emphasised greatly> on Sri Bagalmukhi & Sri Dhoomavati sadhnas, as it> has

been displayed prominently on Gurudev's website.> Unfavourable combinations

of Mars & Saturn are> mostly involved in causing mass distruction

through> war,natural calamities,accidents etc.> > If Sri Bagalamukhi & Sri

Dhumavati are also > involved in reducing the ill effects of Mars &> Saturn

then the importance of these sadhana can be> imagined in the current troubled

times.> Please share the information you have regarding> planetary

associations of DasMahavidyas.> > Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram

Nikhileshwaram> > > > gaurav shrimali <gaurav_nikhil26 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:>

Jai gurudev,> > if u reffenced brihatjatakparijat by varahamihir> ,there

is no info. of kaalsarp yog in its actual> granth. dhoomavti is releted to

saturn not ketu> ,that once I previously said to members.> > in this time

that Kaalasarp

is previously known as> sarpdansh dosh or naag dosh, in which 188 form of> this

dosh in diffent type of astral aspects was> defined. and having control of 6

naags of lord shiv> named vaasuki,takshak,kulik,karkotak,shankh chud,&> shesh.>

> because lot of stuff is running on it so I have to> clear this thing .

right now ,what happed that every> econd astrological book make hyprocrisy of

this so> keep alert from all of this stuffs .> === message truncated

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place of birth mumbai(maharashtra india ) day of birth thursday please

help me i am facing proble in everywork and please tell me when i am going to

marry and when i am going to settle in my life and tell something about my

future for more information i have done kalsarpyoga puja last year in

tryambakeshwar in maharashtrahi

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Hello sir,


I recently got a message from a pujari of a kerala temple that my time is very bad and i am surrounded by negative energy (ie., particularly saturn effect). But that pujari is asking me a Rs 5000/- to perform puja to remove my negative energy surrounding me. Now i am not in such a good position to spend Rs 5000/- for the puja.


Can anyone help me in removing the negative energy surrounding me ? i am ready to give my details if someone willing to help me ?


Om Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

Om Namo Narayanaya Namaha

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[ Hi, I Am A Vasuki Kal Sarp Yog Born And Facing Lots Of Problems In My Life Pls Help Me !]


Hi, Myself Yogesh Shingari (23) Of Ludhiana Having Vasuki Kal Sarp Yog In My Kundli And Facing Lots Of Problems At Each And Every Step Of My Life . Right Now Am Looking For A Good Job But Am Not Even Getting Call From Even The Worse Companies And If I Am Placed In Any Concern Like Am Placed Twice Within 2 Months But Always Discard With Out Any Prior Reasons . Pls Help Me I Want To Get Rid Of It . How Can I Be? What I Supposed To Do ?let Me Know Pls.

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