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Yoga, Chi Kung, Huna, Reiki ~~ Comparisons and Contrasts

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Yoga, Chi Kung, Huna, Reiki and other shamanistic practices for attaining

liberation, cultivating our subtler realms, our human essence.


Do you have any comparison and contrast charts or other materials that compare

and contrast any of these practices with another in the realms of:











Individual Mind

Cosmic Mind


Intuitional Practices



This would be precious to learn. If you have a partial comparison it can be

added to a larger accumulation, I will share results with everyone.


Flourishingly,Dharma MitraDharmaMitra2 AT gmail.com Helping you "Say It With

Panache!"Because, how you say it can be, and often is, as important as what

you want to convey,

and what you have to say is very important to you. Copywriting -

Editing - Publishing - Publicity

What is Tantra? The process of transforming animality or latent divinity into

the Supreme Divinity is known as Tantra. The spiritual practice which

liberates the aspirant from dullness or animality and expands one's self is

Tantrik practice (sa'dhana'). So, there cannot be any spiritual practice

without Tantra. Spiritual practice means a practice for expansion, and this

expansion is nothing but a liberation from the bondage of all sorts of

dullness. Irrespective of caste, creed or religion, one who aspires for

spiritual expansion, or does something concrete, is a Tantrika. Tantra in

itself is neither a religion nor an "ism". It is the fundamental science of



There is a common desire in each and every human mind, and that desire

differentiates a human from an animal, a human from a plant. What is that

difference? It wants to expand

.. Secondly, it wants to become one with the Cosmic Consciousness. Thirdly, it

wants to do something noble; and fourthly, it wants peace, supreme peace,

undisturbed peace. These are the four special qualifications of human beings.

So Yoga is the path of progress, the path of development for each and every

human being. In individual life we should practice yoga, and in collective

life we should encourage others to practice yoga. It is the panacea of all

human ailments, in the physical realm, in the psychic realm and also in the

spiritual realm.


Of all that anyone leading or teaching has to convey, the most valuable thing to

cultivate and convey to others is a moral conscience. Only such persons deserve

to lead others, in any capacity. Anything less is a menace to society.



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