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a brief on kali

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To Sadhak Bhai's


Our group is in public domain . So the contents posted in this group

can be read by any person in the net , and by people who are in the

motive of relating tantra to sex - the westerners . So i cannot

answer most of your queries regarding maha vidya iconographpy , so

get in touch for private emails to know those .


There are various iconographies of kali available in many tantra ,

all of them have certain common feature . The biggest dhyan occours

in rudrayamala in the form of niruttar tantra today, called maha

kali dhyan .


This text rudrayamala is supposed to be translated from tibet which

was written in a different language , but there are very few proofs

to prove it , nevertheless it is the oldest text in this field .


Before rudrayamal was brought to India , kali existed in concept not

in form . The first dhyan that was written in palm leaf / tree bark

was by Adi Krishnananda Agam Baagish . Agam Bagish was a shakti

sadhak and he worshipped shakti in the name of maha maya . There was

no written mantra of mahamaya by that time . He had written in his

auto biographies that he had tried to begg maha maya several times

to show her form , but never had a chance and evr falied. Frustrated

one night , he sat to meditate in smashan saying louder this is his

final attempt and he would never continue if maha maya fail to

appear before him .


After he continued to concentrate , the whole night there and while

it was time for sun set he heard maha maya - " I bless you !! Today

while walking to the village the first women you see is my form " .


While he walk down , to his village in the morning he had to corss

few tribal huts , when he approached closed he watched that ,a girl

of age 5 or 6 - black complexion , making cowdung cakes on a wall .

He hide himself behind a palm tree and kept silently watching her

gestures , there were 4 gestures of her hands making the cakes,

right from making balls in the left hand to throwing it on the

wall .


He could not control and dive on the ground taking deep breadth ,

saying " i got it " , the girl realised and hit her tounge .


So the first dhyan of mahamaya was formed / written by agambagish

with 4 hands , smashanvashini , black and hitting her tounge . But

that was a very horrifying one so AgamBagish did not put his

original dhyan but replaced it many other components as it was not

easy to popularize that image .


Latter upon better and better understanding many bits and pieces

have in added when people start understanding this science better .


There is a devotional song written by sadhak Ramprasad - very

phylosopical - asking Kali - If the Brahmanda did not existed a day

then how did she collect the mundamala .


The whole of Kali and any maha vidya iconography ( dhyan / form )

carries a lot of info , usually not stated in books for secrecy and

metaphor .


The whole explation would be a 20 page email so i am just disclosing

the fact - of human hands wraped round her waist and mundamala .


The sloka is ( .n = anushar , H = visarga R^ = RRi, .h = hasant /

halant )


shavanA.n karasa.nghAtaiH kR^itakAnchI.n


ha.nsanmukhIm.h /priyambadAm.h // meaning there is a bunch of(

actually thought of as 100 ) blooded human hands hanging from her

waist .


No those are not hands of demons , neither hands of your shatru ,

neither did she wear it to hide her maya . She is signalling

something very very crucial .


Red color or bloded color is symbol of " tama - guna " not to be

cultured by a sadhak . A real sadhak gives up his tama guna in the

run . But ordinary ppl has it in 80 % of his / her actions . So

those hands are of ordinary folks or sadhaks who is trying to gain

control. She did not cut them , they are just red internally with

tamasha by nature .


Hands represent what we work with .


Why is wait not in knee , breast or head .


Waist or navel does signal Manipur or Manipur chakra for sadhak's

who are doing kundalini . Manipur is the hardest chakra to lift ,

after awakening of which the communication between the mother gland

pituitary and the adrenal gland goes down , therby reducing emotion

excitement , sex and anger . Sex and anger are most difficult for

any individual to give up , so Ma is just signaling that - This is

Manipur - work hard , a cummulative effort of hundered hands or 100

ordinary " tamashik - hands " is required to lift Her from Manipur

to the next chakra. If any one of you is either doing or has

completed kundalini you know what i am saying , you have to fall at

gurudev's feet 1000 times to lift it from Manipur.



muNdamalA vibhuShitA.n - ( nos are 51 or 50 in different opinion )


munda means head or human head . Our head is full of Adhar or agyan.

That is why when we pray guru we say in guru stotra


agyana.n timirAndhyasya gyananjana shalAkaya

chaxurunmilitan.n jenva tasmai shrI gurave namaH // So we are

beggging gurdev for clearing the timir or darkness of our gyan .


The heads with blood flowing / smearing, are again ordinary human

heads ( tama guna sampannA ) with agyan . To get rid of this AdhAr

and have enlightenment we need mantras . How are they formed ? With

letters - of what ? sanskrit - devnagiri . There are 51 alphabets in

devnagiri , 50 if you drop LLi . So Ma is showing, to get rid of

your Adhar and get to the right place you need 51 letters with which

mantras are formed . Skeleton means a bunch of objects with which

some thing is made - like our bones makes our skeletons . Similarly

the skeletons of mantras are those 51 letters . To represent the

skeleton of mantras and the AdhAr of our mind dually by a same

object, human heads were used . Such a mala is called kankalmala -

kankal not of heads, but of mantras , so kAli is kankal-malini .

In other words the mantras are inherent to her and we, we do not

make mantras , all is her gift , in the sense , she made us speak

and make sounds , also declaring sanskrit is a language based on

sounds as opposed to chinese based on pictures .


Kali or any mahavidya is your mother your saviour , there is no way

she can be furious , and harming . One who is powerfull and has no

false ego does not show his power over weak's rather helps them . So

is Kali. Is your mother at home showing you hr furious form never so

never does Kali . Watch her carefully -


Some of you may already know thses facts , some new trying to know.

This are not my words , but very well understood by experts and all

our guru's . If i have said something which is incorrect is all my

fault and whatever i said correctly is all guru's credit .


mannatha shri jagannathaH mad.h guru shrI jagadguru

madAtmA sarva bhutAtmA tasmai shrI gurave namaH ||



Bhairav Bhai

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the description was really wonderful,


gautamOn 3/24/06, jammer_it2000 <jammer_it2000 > wrote:

To Sadhak Bhai's

Our group is in public domain . So the contents posted in this group

can be read by any person in the net , and by people who are in the

motive of relating tantra to sex - the westerners . So i cannot

answer most of your queries regarding maha vidya iconographpy , so

get in touch for private emails to know those .

There are various iconographies of kali available in many tantra ,

all of them have certain common feature . The biggest dhyan occours

in rudrayamala in the form of niruttar tantra today, called maha

kali dhyan .

This text rudrayamala is supposed to be translated from tibet which

was written in a different language , but there are very few proofs

to prove it , nevertheless it is the oldest text in this field .

Before rudrayamal was brought to India , kali existed in concept not

in form . The first dhyan that was written in palm leaf / tree bark

was by Adi Krishnananda Agam Baagish . Agam Bagish was a shakti

sadhak and he worshipped shakti in the name of maha maya . There was

no written mantra of mahamaya by that time . He had written in his

auto biographies that he had tried to begg maha maya several times

to show her form , but never had a chance and evr falied. Frustrated

one night , he sat to meditate in smashan saying louder this is his

final attempt and he would never continue if maha maya fail to

appear before him .

After he continued to concentrate , the whole night there and while

it was time for sun set he heard maha maya - " I bless you !! Today

while walking to the village the first women you see is my form " .

While he walk down , to his village in the morning he had to corss

few tribal huts , when he approached closed he watched that ,a girl

of age 5 or 6 - black complexion , making cowdung cakes on a wall .

He hide himself behind a palm tree and kept silently watching her

gestures , there were 4 gestures of her hands making the cakes,

right from making balls in the left hand to throwing it on the

wall .

He could not control and dive on the ground taking deep breadth ,

saying " i got it " , the girl realised and hit her tounge .

So the first dhyan of mahamaya was formed / written by agambagish

with 4 hands , smashanvashini , black and hitting her tounge . But

that was a very horrifying one so AgamBagish did not put his

original dhyan but replaced it many other components as it was not

easy to popularize that image .

Latter upon better and better understanding many bits and pieces

have in added when people start understanding this science better .

There is a devotional song written by sadhak Ramprasad - very

phylosopical - asking Kali - If the Brahmanda did not existed a day

then how did she collect the mundamala .

The whole of Kali and any maha vidya iconography ( dhyan / form )

carries a lot of info , usually not stated in books for secrecy and

metaphor .

The whole explation would be a 20 page email so i am just disclosing

the fact - of human hands wraped round her waist and mundamala .

The sloka is ( .n = anushar , H = visarga R^ = RRi, .h = hasant /

halant )

shavanA.n karasa.nghAtaiH kR^itakAnchI.n

ha.nsanmukhIm.h /priyambadAm.h // meaning there is a bunch of(

actually thought of as 100 ) blooded human hands hanging from her

waist .

No those are not hands of demons , neither hands of your shatru ,

neither did she wear it to hide her maya . She is signalling

something very very crucial .

Red color or bloded color is symbol of " tama - guna " not to be

cultured by a sadhak . A real sadhak gives up his tama guna in the

run . But ordinary ppl has it in 80 % of his / her actions . So

those hands are of ordinary folks or sadhaks who is trying to gain

control. She did not cut them , they are just red internally with

tamasha by nature .

Hands represent what we work with .

Why is wait not in knee , breast or head .

Waist or navel does signal Manipur or Manipur chakra for sadhak's

who are doing kundalini . Manipur is the hardest chakra to lift ,

after awakening of which the communication between the mother gland

pituitary and the adrenal gland goes down , therby reducing emotion

excitement , sex and anger . Sex and anger are most difficult for

any individual to give up , so Ma is just signaling that - This is

Manipur - work hard , a cummulative effort of hundered hands or 100

ordinary " tamashik - hands " is required to lift Her from Manipur

to the next chakra. If any one of you is either doing or has

completed kundalini you know what i am saying , you have to fall at

gurudev's feet 1000 times to lift it from Manipur.

muNdamalA vibhuShitA.n - ( nos are 51 or 50 in different opinion )

munda means head or human head . Our head is full of Adhar or agyan.

That is why when we pray guru we say in guru stotra

agyana.n timirAndhyasya gyananjana shalAkaya

chaxurunmilitan.n jenva tasmai shrI gurave namaH // So we are

beggging gurdev for clearing the timir or darkness of our gyan .

The heads with blood flowing / smearing, are again ordinary human

heads ( tama guna sampannA ) with agyan . To get rid of this AdhAr

and have enlightenment we need mantras . How are they formed ? With

letters - of what ? sanskrit - devnagiri . There are 51 alphabets in

devnagiri , 50 if you drop LLi . So Ma is showing, to get rid of

your Adhar and get to the right place you need 51 letters with which

mantras are formed . Skeleton means a bunch of objects with which

some thing is made - like our bones makes our skeletons . Similarly

the skeletons of mantras are those 51 letters . To represent the

skeleton of mantras and the AdhAr of our mind dually by a same

object, human heads were used . Such a mala is called kankalmala -

kankal not of heads, but of mantras , so kAli is kankal-malini .

In other words the mantras are inherent to her and we, we do not

make mantras , all is her gift , in the sense , she made us speak

and make sounds , also declaring sanskrit is a language based on

sounds as opposed to chinese based on pictures .

Kali or any mahavidya is your mother your saviour , there is no way

she can be furious , and harming . One who is powerfull and has no

false ego does not show his power over weak's rather helps them . So

is Kali. Is your mother at home showing you hr furious form never so

never does Kali . Watch her carefully -

Some of you may already know thses facts , some new trying to know.

This are not my words , but very well understood by experts and all

our guru's . If i have said something which is incorrect is all my

fault and whatever i said correctly is all guru's credit .

mannatha shri jagannathaH mad.h guru shrI jagadguru

madAtmA sarva bhutAtmA tasmai shrI gurave namaH ||


Bhairav Bhai

Jay Gurudev


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