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Arunachala Pancharatnam

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k,N:ap:ÜN:ü s:ÚD:abD:ð kb:el:t:G:n:ev:Sv:-p:

ekrN:av:ly: .

A,N:ac:l: p:rm:atm:À,N::ð B:v:

ec:¶:kWj:s:Úev:k:s:ay: / 1 /

karunâ-pûrna-sudhâbdhe kabalita-ghana-visvarûpa kiranavalya,

arunâcala paramatmann-aruno bhava citta-kañja-suvikâsâya. (1)


1. Ocean of nectar, full of grace, engulfing the universe in Thy splendour! Oh

Arunachala, the supreme itself! Be Thou the sun and open the

lotus of my heart in Bliss!






tv:yy:,N:ac:l: s:v:üö B:Ütv:a ¡sT:tv:a


ƽhem:ty:atm:t:y:a n:àty:es: B::ðst:ð v:d¡nt:

Ædy:ö n:am: / 2 /

tvayyarunâcala sarvam bhûtvâ sthitvâ pralînam-etaccitram,

hrdyaham-ityâtma-tayâ nrtyasi bhoste vadanti hrdayam nâma (2)


2. Oh Arunachala! In Thee the picture of the universe is formed, has its stay,

and is dissolved; this is the sublime truth. Thou art the inner

Self, who dancest in the Heart as 'I'. 'Heart' is Thy name, Oh







Ahem:et: kÚt: Aay:at:ity:¡nv:\y:ant:H


Av:g:my: sv:ö -p:ö S:amy:ty:,N:ac:l: tv:ey:

n:div:abD:> / 3 /

aham-iti kuta âyâtî-tyanvisyântah pravistayâ'tyamaladhiyâ,

avagamya svam rûpam sâmyatyarunâcala tvayi nadîvâbdhau. (3)


3. He who turns inward with untroubled mind to search where the conciousness

of 'I' arises, realizes the Self, and rests in Thee, Oh

Arunachala, like a river when it joins the ocean.






ty:Vtv:a ev:\:y:ö b:aÊö ,¹):N:ðn:


Dy:ay:np:Sy:et: y::ðg:i dieD:et:m:,N:ac:l:

tv:ey: m:hiy:ö t:ð / 4 /

tyaktvâ visayam bâhyam ruddha-prânena ruddha-manasâ'ntastvâm,

dhyâyan-pasyati yogi dîdhitim-arunâcala tvayi mahîyam te. (4)


4. Abandoning the outer world, with mind and breath controlled, to meditate on

Thee within, the yogi sees Thy light, Oh Arunachala, and finds

his delight in Thee.






tv:yy:ep:üt:m:n:s:a tv:aö p:Sy:n:Î s:v:üö

t:v:akáet:t:y:a s:t:t:m:Î.

B:j:t:ð|n:ny:)ity:a s: j:y:ty:,n:ac:l: tv:ey:

s:ÚK:ð m:gn:H / 5 /

tvayyarpita-manasâ tvâm pasyan sarvam tavâkrtitayâ satatam,

bhajate'nanyaprîtyâ sa jayatyarunâcala tvayi sukhe magnah. (5)


5. He, who dedicates his mind to thee and, seeing thee, always beholds the

universe as thy figure, he who at all times glorifies Thee and

loves Thee as none other than the Self, he is the master without rival, being

one with Thee, Oh Arunachala, and lost in Thy bliss.








p:Wc:km:ay:aüg:it:> rtn:ö ¡tv:dm:&gtp:en:\:Dö

eh /

srîmad-ramana-maharser-darsanam-arunâcalasya devagirâ,

pañcakam-âryâ-gîtau ratnam tvidam-aupanisadam hi.


These five gems in arya-giti meter are the essence of Upanisads, Sri Ramana

Maharshis Vision of Arunachala in the language of the gods.

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