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RE: Digest Number 212

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That is what my life turned into ,everything I speak about ,

everybody I speak with, everywhere I pass ,I leave behind Ramana's

name,or words , or books.




How I wish I could do at least 50% of that!


Ramana Sarma




> ----------


> RamanaMaharshi[sMTP:RamanaMaharshi]

> Reply RamanaMaharshi

> 18 May 2001 09:25

> RamanaMaharshi

> [RamanaMaharshi] Digest Number 212



> Post message: RamanaMaharshi

> Subscribe: RamanaMaharshi-

> Un: RamanaMaharshi-

> List owner: RamanaMaharshi-owner


> Shortcut URL to this page:

> /community/RamanaMaharshi

> ------


> There are 7 messages in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. today's revelation

> "vicki" <viorica

> 2. How did the ego arise ?

> "vicki" <viorica

> 3. absence of thought

> "vicki" <viorica

> 4. Fwd: No getting anywhere

> janmasiddhi

> 5. Echammal

> "vicki" <viorica

> 6. Maya

> Srinivasan Venkataraman <srini_vraman

> 7. Re: Mind

> "vicki" <viorica



> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 1

> Thu, 17 May 2001 08:57:50 -0000

> "vicki" <viorica

> today's revelation


> Namaste All,


> I want to tell you something about my today's feelings.


> ***


> Yesterday , a friend of mine called me to tell me that she found a

> book I wanted to read and she had thought she didn't have that

> book ; So I went to see her and take it;

> I also gave her a book which I asked her to give as a present from

> me to another friend of her who reads better in Hebrew than in

> English - it was Bhagavan's translation in Hebrew of "Who Am I?"

> and "Maharshi's Gospel".


> That is what my life turned into ,everything I speak about ,

> everybody I speak with, everywhere I pass ,I leave behind Ramana's

> name,or words , or books.


> So we began to talk about Ramana ;


> This friend of mine played an importand part in my life on my path

> to discovering Ramana ,I might say - the hand of destiny ;

> My first book about Ramana's Teachings, that I have read twice by now

> and I feel I would read it again -

> The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi,Arthur Osborne -

> so this first book for me was my present for her as an expression of

> my gratitude for what she has done for me . I am praying for her to

> love the teachings the way I do, or even more.

> [she put in my hands the Meditation in Action, Chogyam Trungpa,

> the first book on meditation that I have ever read and an important

> stepping stone on my way to Ramana.]


> So we began to talk about Ramana , Self, and other ...


> While we were talking, simultaneously I had an internal dialog ,

> I was thinking "Well,the time came to start reading the Bhagavad Gita.

> But it seems to me that everything I read it's something that I know

> already.Will the same happen to me with Bhagavad Gita ?

> I feel I am at home with all the Hindu scriptures.",

> Than I felt like joking ,"the only problem is that I haven't read

> them yet!"


> This morning , that thought has come again in my mind and made me

> smile. The same "I am at home with these scriptures ,

> only that I haven't read them yet." crossed my mind.


> I laughed by myself , and suddenly I've realized how true this is.


> vicki


> ______________________


> Message: 2

> Thu, 17 May 2001 17:02:03 -0000

> "vicki" <viorica

> How did the ego arise ?


> D: How did the ego arise ?


> [Here is a question that gives rise to endless philosophising,

> but Bhagavan , holding rigorously to the truth of non-duality,

> refused to admit its existence . Arthur Osborne's comment]


> B: There is no ego. If there were you would have to admit

> of two selves in you . Therefore there is no ignorance .

> If you enquire into the Self , ignorance , which is already

> nonexistent, will be found not to exist and you will say that

> it has fled.


> ````````````````````````````````````````

> The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi ,

> Arthur Osborne

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~





> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 3

> Thu, 17 May 2001 17:08:44 -0000

> "vicki" <viorica

> absence of thought


> [sometimes it seemed to the listener that absence of thought must

> mean a mere blank , and therefore Bhagavan specifically

> guarded against this. Arthur Osborne]


> Bhagavan:

> "Absence of thought does not mean a blank.

> There must be someone to be aware of that blank.

> Knowledge and ignorance pertain only to the mind

> and are in duality , but the Self is beyond them both.

> It is pure Light. There is no need for one Self to see another.

> There are not two selves. What is not the Self is mere non-self

> and cannot see the Self. The Self has no sight or hearing;

> it lies beyond them , all alone , as pure Consciousness."


> ______________________


> Message: 4

> Thu, 17 May 2001 18:36:49 -0000

> janmasiddhi

> Fwd: No getting anywhere


> Janmasiddha (AT) Groups (DOT) com, janmasiddhi wrote:


> Whether one dies in old age or in childhood, length of life is the

> same. Nothing is born without us and we are never born without

> everything. All is one. The idea of coming from non-being to being is

> fiction. How about from being to being?

> 3~('

> --- End forwarded message ---





> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 5

> Fri, 18 May 2001 05:33:04 +0300

> "vicki" <viorica

> Echammal


> Echammal came to Sri Bhagavan in a distressed condition,

> having lost in quick succession her husband

> and her two children. Climbing the hill , she stood in silence

> before him , not telling her grief. A whole hour she stood,

> no words spoken, and then she turned and went down

> the hillside to the town , her steps light , the burden

> of her burden lifted . Such was her deep devotion that for

> the rest of her life she never took her food without serving

> Sri Bhagavan first , and her house was a veritable haven

> for his devotees.


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> A Pictorial Biography

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~








> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 6

> Thu, 17 May 2001 21:23:04 -0700 (PDT)

> Srinivasan Venkataraman <srini_vraman

> Maya


> Bose: When the Upanishads say that all is Brahman, how

> can we say, like Shankara, that this world is mithya

> or illusory?


> Bhagavan: Shankara also said that this world is

> Brahman or the Self. What he objected to is one's

> imagining that the Self is limited by the names and

> forms that constitute the world. He only said that the

> world does not exist apart from Brahman. Brahman or

> the Self is like the screen and the world is like the

> pictures on it. You can see the pictures only so long

> as there is a screen. But when the seer himself

> becomes the screen only the Self remains. Kaivalya

> Navaneetha has asked and answered six questions about

> maya. They are instructive.


> The first question is: What is maya? And the answer

> is: It is anirvachaniya or indescribable.


> The second question is: To whom does it come? And the

> answer is: To the mind or ego who feels that he is a

> separate entity, who thinks: 'I do this' or 'this is

> mine'.


> The third question is: Where does it come from and how

> did it originate?


> And the answer is: Nobody can say.


> The fourth question is: How did it arise? And the

> answer is: Through non-vichara, through failure to

> ask: Who am I?


> The fifth question is: If the Self and Maya both

> exists does not this invalidate the theory of Advaita?

> The answer is: It need not, since maya is dependent on

> the Self as the picture is on the screen. The picture

> is not real in the sense that the screen is real.


> The sixth question is: If the Self and maya are one,

> could it not be argued that the Self is the nature of

> maya, that is illusory? And the answer is: No; the

> Self can be capable of producing illusion without

> being illusory. A conjuror may create for our

> entertainment the illusion of people, animals and

> things, and we see all of them as clearly as we see

> him; but after the performance he alone remains and

> all the visions he had created have disappeared. He is

> not a part of the illusion but is real and solid.


> From Day by Day with Bhagavan





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> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 7

> Fri, 18 May 2001 08:07:22 +0300

> "vicki" <viorica

> Re: Mind


> Namaste Srinivasan ,


> I've been sending your posting on "mind" to group;

> I'd like to ask you if you agree that I should forward your postings

> to Harsha group as they come , or maybe you would like to do that;

> I don't know if you are or not a member of ,

> maybe you would like to be and send by yourself your postings

> to that group too.

> I d to and I post there everything I post to

> RamanaMaharshi group too;

> Please let me know what your opinion is on sending your postings

> to ,


> vicki








> ______________________

> ______________________




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