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Dear members of the list,


Ever since I Realized God in 1993 ... I have been waiting

for the opportune moment. The time has now come to interact

with serious spiritual seekers and respond to their queries.


My introduction -




(The Man who Realized God in 1993)


I started in search of God around 13 years of age. Full 25

years ... and I Realized God at the age of 37. Bhagvad Gita

.... the Doctrine given to mankind through Lord Krishna,

which was hitherto a sacred document for me till now had

become like abcd to me. The inner meaning all the Upanishads

became crystal clear as if the Doctrine of Bhagvad Gita and

other sacred Scriptures itself was doctored by me in one of

my earlier manifestations.


Buddhism, Jainism, preachings of Prophet Mohammed and Jesus

Christ etc. being later developments are all but contained

in the Bhagvad Gita. Nothing is new in them. These Doctrines

only further elaborate on the various issues discussed in

Bhagvad Gita.



Having Realized-God , I am able to -


* Understand the hidden truths of all Scriptures of all

Religions of the World.

* Talk to 'God, the Creator' every moment of my life.

* Know that all living beings have emanated from the same

source 'the Brahman'.

* interpret the correct cause of dreams ?

* Where does one go after death ?

* What is hell and heaven ?

* How a layman can conquer his wanton desires.

* How can one by controlling his Karma take absolute

control of his destiny ...

reach to any bracket of his life (from a laborer to an


* Know the identity of true self "the I within".

* Truth behind an Atman (soul) manifesting a body.

* The ultimate truth governing the physical World.


Being my last sojourn on Mother Earth, I have to impart the

cosmic knowledge to those who truly seek the "wisdom of the



No further life after death of this body ... To Emancipate

forever from the cycle of birth and death .. What can be

more noble for Atman (the soul within).


One can within this life attain salvation... Become a living

Mahavira, Buddha or a Jesus Christ !



I shall be responding to the queries put forward in the

forum ... anything and everything related to Bhagvad Gita,

Upanishads, teachings Ramanna Mahirshi etc.



Vijay Kumar ...

(The man who realized God in 1993)

Home Page : http://www.godrealized.com/







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