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Correction to my quotation of verse no. 20 from upadESa undiyAr,

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om namo bhagavate SrI ramaNAya

I am sorry there is an error (in the third line) in my quotation of verse number

20 from bhagavAn SrI ramaNA's upadEsa undiyAr, , posted in my mail of August 23.

I have given below the correction, between { }. I have also given Sri Osborne's

translation of the verse (new).


"nAn onrunttAnattu nAn nAn enronradu

tAnAgattOnrumE undIpara

tanmaya niTTaidundIpara <- replace this line by {tAnadu pUnramAm undIpara }"


The equivalent verse from upadesa sAram is

"ahaminaSabhajyahamaham taya

[ ahami nASabhaji aham aham tayA ]

sphurati hRtswayam paramapUrNasat

[ sphurati hRt swayam parama pUrNa sat ]"

Sri Osborne's translation of this verse is given below:


Where the "I" vanishes there appears an "I-I" by itself.


This is the Infinite (pUrNam).




namo ramaNA







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