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Fw: Ramana and Kundalini

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Question: How to find the Atman?


Response: "There is no investigation into the Atman. The investigation can

only be into the non-self. Elimination of the non-self is alone possible.

The Self being always self evident will shine forth of itself.


The Self is called by different names--Atman, God, Kundalini, mantra, etc.

Hold any one of them and the Self becomes manifest. God is no other than the

Self. Kundalini is now showing forth as the mind. When the mind is traced

to its source it is Kundalini. Mantra japa leads to elimination of other

thoughts and to concentration on the mantra. The mantra finally merges into

the Self and shines forth as the Self." p. 80 *Talks*


Question "what part does Kundalini play in bringing about Self-Realization?


Response: Kundalini rises from any lakshya that you have. Kundalini is

prana-sakti (life-current) p. 240


Mr. T.K. S. Iyer asked Sri Bhagavan [Ramana] about the source of sound.


Response: The general opinion is that para (sound) comes from the Muladhara

....at the bottom of the spine. All sounds beginning from vaikhari (thought

form) are contained in para which proceeds from Kundalini; and Kundalini is

not different from the Heart. In fact the whole shadadhara (six-fold centre)

is contained in the heart.

The sushumna with its source Kundalini is included in the Heart


p. 262


Question: How to seek the mind?


Response: Breath-control may do as an aid but can never lead to the goal

itself. While doing it mechanically, take care to be alert in mind and

remember the "I'-thought and seek its source. Then you will find that where

breath sinks, there the 'I'-thought arises. They sink and rise together.

The 'I'-thought also will sink along with breath. Simultaneously another

luminous and infinite "I--I" will manifest and it will *be* continuous and

unbroken. That is the goal. it goes by different names--God, Self,

Kundalini-Sakti, consciousness, etc., etc.


p. 313


Question They say that Kundalini must be roused before Realisation and that

its awakening makes the body feel hot. Is that so?


Response: The yogis call it Kundalini Sakti. It is the same as vritti of

the form of God (Bhagavatakara vritti) of the bhaktas and vritti of the form

of Brahman (Brahmakara vritti) of the jnanis. It must be preliminary to

Realisation. The sensation produced may be sasid to be hot.


p. 358


Love, Hillary






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