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Consciousness and the Absolute

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June 18, 1981




Maharaj: People come here because they feel there is a need to come. The

consciousness in you body feels pleasure in coming here. So long as

consciousness feels the need of anything, you will be compelled to do it. When

consciousness leaves, there will be no more bondage.


Other than this sense of presence, which we have because of consciousness,

what has anybody got? The real happiness, without its counterpart, can only be

there when consciousness leaves. So long as consciousness is there, so long is

happiness and unhappiness there. Pure happiness can only be there when

consciousness is not there. Whatever can be perceived is totally different from

what I am. I have understood my swarupa and I am that; it has nothing to do

with whatever is manifested.


You can never isolate yourself from the consciousness unless consciousness

is pleased with you and gets rid of you. Consciousness opens the gate for you

to transcend consciousness.


There are two aspects; one is conceptual, dynamic consciousness, which is

full of concepts, and the other is transcendent consciousness. Even the concept

"I Am" is not there. Conceptual, qualitative Brahman, the one that is full of

concepts and is qualitative, is the outcome of the functioning body. This

consciousness is dead to me; it is gone. I have transcended that. So whatever

is, is that other consciousness, that one which is without concepts.


The principle that is conceptual and full of qualities, which I

transcended, was like a big ocean. Now it is mostly dried up, just the dregs

remain. Only a very little bit is still there, only a few particles. What is

pervading and prevailing is without concept of quality.


What remains is talking to you now. Where is the question of birth or death for

that remaining principle? You, with your wisdom, are stuck here; you are

sticking to certain concepts. If you had no concepts, why should you come here?


You study only those concepts, which arise from within you. Those

concepts, which you do not like, will not occur to you. Suppose you do not like

mathematics, that subject will not appeal to you; it is a stranger to your

concepts. You will be involved with only those subjects or matters, which you

like. Analyze your thoughts and see if this is true. Find out the nature of

you thoughts. Are they spiritual? I abide in the state where there is no mind.




SWARUPA: Essence, essential nature, true nature of being.











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