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Relationship between attention and intention?

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What is the functional relationship between attention and intention?


On the surface, this distinction appears easy. Indeed, checking

Websters, etc., is an easy to feel like we understand the

distinction. Naieve, but easy. Equally easy to take a dismissive

approach, that they are just facets of the same phenomenon.


Think about this relationship in the experiential process. It is

truly a key issue

impacting "free will", thinking, thoughting (as distinct from

thinking), through so-called spiritual issues.

It does take some thought/experiencing.

What do you all think of this relationship?

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Guest guest

> What is the functional relationship between attention and intention?


Intention (goal/purpose) - Liberation through Self-Realisation

It is said by Sages such as Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi that this is

possible... now. This, then, takes root ... and grows.


Attention (method, path) - Fixed on the Self

This is the method. With attention focussed on the Self, the fictitious

'other' disappears...then That, Self alone, remains. This is the true



>From Talk; 266: 'The real Self is the infinite 'I' - 'I', i.e. 'I' is

perfection. It is eternal. It has no origin and no end. The other 'I' is

born and also dies. It is impermanent. See to whom are the changing

thoughts. They will be found to arise after the 'I'-thought. Hold the

'I'-thought. They subside. Trace back the source of the 'I'-thought. The

Self alone will remain.'


> Think about this relationship in the experiential process. It is

> truly a key issue impacting "free will", thinking, thoughting (as distinct

> from thinking), through so-called spiritual issues.


If intention and attention are right...where is the room for polemical

discussions on thoughts and free-will.


Ever Yours in Sri Bhagavan,


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