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to #3790 Talks.nada/sound

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Om namo Ramana message 3790 talked

about the Naam meditation as

"The Diamond Samadhi" here is from

an other line of Buddhism "The Path of

Sudden Attainment" of Mahayana Buddhism.

Nature of Perception: The faculty of perception is continuous, so

perception takes place whether objects are present or not. Thus we know it =

is the objects themselves that come and go and

not the faculty of perception. It is the

same with all the senses. Nature of

Hearing: It is not the question of whether there is sound or not.

Because the faculty of hearing is

continuous, so hearing takes place whether there is sound or not.


It is the real nature of the "Self" as knower, that perceives and hears ind=

ependently of the objects and sounds respectively and apart from the sense

organs. Method of Enlightenment by

sudden apprehension: Its purpose is to

reach a state where thought is absent.

Its scope lies in not allowing yourself

to be moved by any form of allurement.

Its nature is stillness and its

activating agent is wisdom.

      Wisdom - Four kinds:

(i) The five kinds of perception produce

the "Wisdom  of self-perception or self perfection." It consists in being a=


to use all the forces of perception with

out being thereby caused to believe in

the plurality of form.


(ii)Apprehension produces the "Wisdom

of profound discernment or observation"

It consists in being able to enter into

the sphere of all forms of perception

and to be proficient in making

distinctions between them without

allowing disorderly thoughts to arise

and thus achieving freedom from illusion.


(iii)Discrimination produces "Universal Wisdom." It consists in being able =


regard every single atom without feeling

love and hatred and implies the

voidness of distinction.


(iv)  Next comes the basis of all

perception which produces the "Perfect All-reflecting Buddha Wisdom."  It i=

s Absolute Void and Stillness, Perfect

and Unwavering Brilliance.



Some other snips in search of the methods

and naam from the page Kirpal Singh

recalls the various Upanishad eg the

single eye of Christ (third-eye) "A

concentration on them opens the inner

eye and one becomes KNOWING"

--in the Amritbindu Upanishad. yet an

other: "Meditation on Nad or the Sound Principle is the royal road to salva=




like Ramana's realization.

Tejabind Upanishad conceives the Supreme Atman dwelling in the heart of man=


as the most subtle center of effulgence, revealed only to yogins by superse=


meditation. Now about the effulgent

point: It has its excellent meditation, super-mundane, seated in the heart =


(attainable by) the Anava, Shakta and Shambhava (methods); the meditation i=


gross, subtle, as well as that which is transcendental. It is the most diff=


but the only process of Supreme

Realization: Even to the wise

and the thoughtful this meditation is difficult to perform, and difficult

to attain, difficult to cognize, and difficult to abide in and difficult

to cross. The seeker must therefore be

one determined to make that which is inaccessible accessible,..


from "The Tibetan Book of the Dead"

(Bardo Thodol) O nobly-born, when thy

body and mind were separating, thou

must have experienced a glimpse of the

Pure Truth, subtle, sparkling, bright,

dazzling, glorious, and radiantly

awesome, in appearance like a mirage

moving across a landscape in springtime

in one continuous stream of vibrations.

That is the radiance of thine own true nature. Recognize it.


>From the midst of that radiance, the

natural sound of Reality, reverberating



---after these experiences there is some change physically and mentally...


~ naam part I. Karta ~


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