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Nisargadatta. The Ultimate knowledge does not have any knowledge

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Prior to consciousness 2/2/1981

Q: How can I make the surrender to the Guru permanent?

M: Have you not been told that there is nothing permanent in this world? That

is the search itself - what am I when this temporary state is gone and before it


You have a clock which is made to last for 100 years. At the end of that

100 years the clock stops - it has served its purpose. When the clock of the

body stops, the same thing has happened - that body has served the purpose of


Q: Total surrender means two, something joining, one surrendering to another.

M: During that temporary state in consciousness, everything is correct.

Whatever the plot of the story, it is correct, but the story is fiction.

What I am telling you is absolutely open - an open secret. There is

nothing that I keep hidden from you. Try and understand. It is merely a question

of understanding.

Q: Guru's grace is always there.

M: Guru is not an individual. You are thinking in terms of a form. The

consciousness is all pervading. You find out what is this "you" that is seeking

grace. In that body the "I Am" is ticking - that is the Guru. You worship that

"I Am" principle and surrender to that Guru and that Guru will give you all the


In consciousness there can exist nothing without it interrelated

counterpart. The moment you say knowledge, can only be in ignorance, so this

knowledge on has about Guru is also ignorance.

When will the knowledge be Guru? When that knowledge and the ignorance both

disappear into vijnana. Jana is knowledge, ajnana is ignorance, both disappear

into vijnana. { principal of pure intelligence}.

Q: I am caught in that process of watching the body -mind.

M: Dream occurs in objective, material, manifestation, in the consciousness.

It is not you, it is something other - objective, material. What you call "I

Am" and birth, you are not that, it is material. Suppose there is a Muslim body

that I have adopted; I have not sired that boy, but I now claim him as "my" boy.

Like that, this "I Amness is not directly me, it is something other, something

material, something Muslim, I am not that. I, the Absolute, have nothing to do

with that.

People are sometime confused because they expect an answer which is based

on their concepts. You ask someone to bring you a spoon, and instead he brings

you a needle. Both are words, both are knowledge, but that is not what you

want. What you will receive is the true knowledge, even if what you are asking

for is not the true knowledge.

Q: I must reach that level to be able to understand.

M: There are million of grain, made into millions of forms, but the seed is

only one. All these millions of forms are because of some particular seed, but

I am not that seed.

The Ultimate knowledge does not have any knowledge. This knowledge 'I Am"

has appeared spontaneously, as a result of the body. See it as it is,

understand it as it is.

When the waking sate is gone, sleep begin, when sleep is gone, the waking

state begins. When both are gone, I am at home. Why did they leave me: Because

it was all foreign, it was not me.

Take this advice: better not to be trapped in the spiritual knowledge

business; have a nice time, a good life, be of service to other, and in due

course, when the time is ripe you will die.

Q: Without your advice, millions of people are already following your advice.









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