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RamanaMaharshi, "viorica weissman" <viorica@z...> wrote:


> I am not going to dance rock en roll with Sri Ramana.


> I am not going to fancy about Sri Ramana Maharshi adjusting my



> Ban me from satsangh for that for ever .


Dearest One,


Why not relax and let this unfounded anger and judgement go? i write

from my Heart and to Sri Ramana's Heart with ecstatic abandon. Here

is the moment being presented to post the poem in question, and

perhaps i will when this next moment arises.


Love Love and let it go Darling. No one is out to ban you from

anything. Harsha tolerated your insults with such grace as he IS a

truly Beautiful example of Sri Ramana devotee. Let this go and live

in Love my friend.













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RamanaMaharshi, "viorica weissman" <viorica@z...> wrote:

> I am not going to dance rock en roll with Sri Ramana.


> I am not going to fancy about Sri Ramana Maharshi adjusting my



> Ban me from satsangh for that for ever .








The in me wants to say




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RamanaMaharshi, "arunaramanasai" <arunaramana@h...> wrote:

> RamanaMaharshi, "viorica weissman" <viorica@z...> wrote:

> > I am not going to dance rock en roll with Sri Ramana.

> >

> > I am not going to fancy about Sri Ramana Maharshi adjusting my

> pants.

> >

> > Ban me from satsangh for that for ever .

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> The in me wants to say


Dearest friend,

Why would you even feel such a thing for another, another who is none

other than YourSelf? B---- is, i take it meaning "bitch?" Well yes, i

am the mother of many children of Love and bliss with every breath i

take or do not take, and yes i am fertile with God and i am the one

who seems to shake up your self-complacency and brings out the hidden

things we need to examine, such as judgement and condemnation and


Ah me, isn't life the best" and yes, God is Great Sabu, He is playing

with us.




But your silence broke free and you spoke your "mind," and we all

know what sweet little conundrums the mind loves to involve itself

in! i bow to your wisdom and all wisdom whenever the Beautiful One

wants me to hear the Love of another. Regardless of how you have

spoken it, you are still Love speaking to me, perhaps unbeknowst to

even you. Blessings pour from every direction and i am swimming in

the Bliss of this moment when we are reaching out and inward to find

just who we are and why we do and say the things we do. Is it not so

Beloved? i Love You Dearest.



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RamanaMaharshi, "arunaramanasai" <arunaramana@h...> wrote:


>The in me wants to say




)))) Keep bowing, Friend, and perhaps that which sees differences

between {i} & I and heaven and hell and you and bitches will be

realized to be nothing more than your own quaint fantasy.

"Both the self and the Self are

interpretations upon perception, and nothing more. And when the

interpretation ends, thought ends. When all identity collapses, you

abide in the unknown. There is no tendency left to fixate identity

anywhere - even in a universal somewhere. So, you are left resting in

the mystery as the mystery. It is only then that you can be truly and

absolutely free of all concerns. There is nothing to say. What can

you say? There is nothing to say."

~ Sri Adyashanti



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RamanaMaharshi, "viorica_weissman" <viorica@z...> wrote:

> Dear Mazie ,


> can you understand that that poem makes me SICK ?


> Will you ask now 'who' feels sick ?


> Me , the stupid idealist who doesn't want any sexual

> connotations related to spirituality and God.


> Because I am stupid , limited , primitive

> and an idiot idealistic in human-human relationships

> and in human-God relationships.


> I am the idiot one all right .


Dearest Viorica,


All to often i am told of how "sick" my expression of Love for God

and Sri Ramana is, and i do not believe it is sick for one moment.

That you feel this is indicitive of your own self-imposed judgements

and perceptions of what God and Love are and how they should be

approached and/or expressed by others. Love is all there is. The fact

that you think you need to separate God, spirituality and Sri Ramana

from anything that has to do with the body is what has left so many

dead and killed and ostracized throughout history. They are not

separate but only in the mind's projection of right and wrong and

this mind does not always give us the truth. It deceives and allows

us to paint false pictures of God. i have never referred to you as

stupid, not would i ever. We all are jnanis, as Sri Ramana has told

us. Your fear of allowing Love to fully express itSelf in whatever

and any way is something for you, for you from the Beloved alone to

examine. i understand that some do not care for my expression, but to

demean it and demean me is not very kind nor the way of a loving

disciple of Sri Ramana. Ask yourself why this poem makes you sick? It

is so filled with devotion and reverence and i can tell you now that

it was born in Blissful Communion with Sri Ramana. i know this for it

is my experience. Bliss and Love and Wisdom are so kind when we drop

all are preconveived notions of right and wrong, good and bad. i hope

that you can find yourSelf and feel the immense Peace and Love that i

have through Grace alone. i fear nothing of what might come for i am

anchored in the Heart. i cannot be hurt nor diminished by being

called sick or perverted or insane or any negative connotation for i

live in the Heart. The Heart Viorica, the HEART! It knows nothing of

these limitations and self-righteous stances we try to hold onto. So

with that said and done, how 'bout some Beautiful Hafiz? -



Tired of Speaking Sweetly - Hafiz



Love wants to reach out and manhandle us,

Break all our teacup talk of God.


If you had the courage and

Could give the Beloved His choice, some nights,

He would just drag you around the room

By your hair,

Ripping from your grip all those toys in the world

That bring you no joy.


Love sometimes gets tired of speaking sweetly

And wants to rip to shreds

All your erroneous notions of truth


That make you fight within yourself, dear one,

And with others,


Causing the world to weep

On too many fine days.


God wants to manhandle us,

Lock us inside of a tiny room with Himself

And practice His dropkick.


The Beloved sometimes wants

To do us a great favor:


Hold us upside down

And shake all the nonsense out.


But when we hear

He is in such a "playful drunken mood"

Most everyone I know

Quickly packs their bags and hightails it

Out of town.


("The Gift" - trans. Daniel Ladinsky)






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Don't bother arguing with "b", you're arguing with a ding dong, don't waste

your time or energy

and please don't leave the group.






Dear Mazie ,


can you understand that that poem makes me SICK ?


Will you ask now 'who' feels sick ?


Me , the stupid idealist who doesn't want any sexual

connotations related to spirituality and God.


Because I am stupid , limited , primitive

and an idiot idealistic in human-human relationships

and in human-God relationships.


I am the idiot one all right .










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RamanaMaharshi, "Mark" <milarepa@a...> wrote:

> Victoria:


Don't bother arguing with "b", you're arguing with a ding dong,

don't waste

your time or energy

and please don't leave the group.




"Be That Love, not outside looking for it.

Advice doesn't help lovers!

They're not the kind of mountain stream

you can build a dam across.

An intellectual doesn't know

what the drunk is feeling!

Don't try to figure

what those lost inside love

will do next!

Someone in charge would give up all his power,

if he caught one whiff of the wine-musk

from the room where the lovers

are doing who-knows-what!

One of them tries to dig a hole through a mountain.

One flees from academic honors.

One laughs at famous moustaches!

Life freezes if it doesn't get a taste

of this almond cake.

The stars come up spinning

every night, bewildered in love.

They'd grow tired of that revolving, if they weren't.

They'd say,

"How long do we have to DO this!"

God picks up the reed-flute world and blows.

Each note is a need coming through one of us,

a passion, a longing-pain.

Remember the lips

and let your note be clear.

Don't try to end it.

Be your note.

I'll show you how it's enough.

Go up on the roof at night

in this city of the soul.

Let everyone climb on their roofs

and sing their notes!

Sing loud!"





> Dear Mazie ,


> can you understand that that poem makes me SICK ?


> Will you ask now 'who' feels sick ?


> Me , the stupid idealist who doesn't want any sexual

> connotations related to spirituality and God.


> Because I am stupid , limited , primitive

> and an idiot idealistic in human-human relationships

> and in human-God relationships.


> I am the idiot one all right .






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> Age: to

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> Post message: RamanaMaharshi@o...

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RamanaMaharshi, "viorica_weissman" <viorica@z...> wrote:

> hi ,



> You know what I like about you ?

That you said 'go to hell'.

We can be friends.

Because those who sign Love are most of them liers

but one who loses temper occasionally and throws

a 'go to hell' is sincere .


Dearest Viorica,


Where do you get the statistics or the insight to claim that most of

those who sign "Love" are liars? Why is this other fellow with

his "go to hell" more believable to you than one who offers Love?

This is simply faulty and projected reasoning from old conditioning

from the past that makes you feel threatened and unable to trust and

allow others to Love you and say they Love you. Had i told you to "go

to hell, bitch," i doubt if i would have received the kudos that you

have extended to this fellow. If i were to lose my temper and lash

out in frustration and anger at you would you have loved me more and

believed my sincerity more because of this? i think not Dearheart.


> The 'love' signers and the 'Self-realized' are the problem.


((( Where do you come up with this information Viorica? It seems as

if you must have been hurt very much in your life to hold such a view

of your fellow human beings who are here to Love you and share the

Love of Ramana with you. Is it not "Self-Realization" that Sri Ramana

says is our birthright and the only reason we are here? If this be so

then why such anger at those who might have attained a certain

modicum of realization? i am baffled by statements such as these here



> Did you like the poem ?

I would go to hell gladly with all such poems of love

dedicated to God.


((( Oh Dearest, the poem is but an expression of divine Love and if

you would like i will gladly explain the meaning of each line and

stanza for you to relieve your unfounded judgements against it. This

is certainly an extreme reaction to something as innocuous as one's

expression of Love for the Bhagavan. What really is it about me that

so angers you, and what is it that Robert and i have done to make you

so upset with us? We really are not so bad if you took the time to

know us and see how much we are just like you.



> I don't want to insult you signing 'Universal Love'

because I really liked you when you said what you wanted to say .


> Those people don't realize that they can't sing their lies

about their Self/God Realization on a list of devotees

and of Self-Enquiry practitioners.



((( This utterly amazes me that you would so blatantly call us liars

Viorica. If you could only see how this looks and sounds to others!

How can you presume to know our hearts and our relationship with Sri

Bhagavan? Your self-righteousness does not wear well my Love and

perhaps you might really, actually do some enquiry into this unseemly

unkindness and denouncement against your sisters and brothers in Love

and God. Do you have some magical liar-meter" that measures the truth

of another's expressions? i feel deeply for you that you feel so

compelled to attack and demean another who Loves Sri Ramana. Try to

understand that i am only asking for the mere reason that all of this

hostility really amazes me and baffles me as to why you would carry

such an agenda so far.


> And if you had the courage to say 'go to hell'

> then I will folow your example and

> say that most of the poetry dedicated to God

> the Beloved on the lists I am/was a member of is

> bullshit . As well as the mass of talks

> about self-enquiry,self-realizers ... flowing flowing

> endlessly ...

> Bullshit, friends.


((( Once more Viorica, a narrow and limited opinion that is not held

by most. If you would notice, the poetry that Robert and i write

frequently is listed in the NondaulHighlights, for some odd reason

they must not think we're liars! "Let the Beauty you love be what you

do." Calling all of this that you might not even understand perhaps

as "Bullshit" is a reflection of your inner state and the mind's

restlessness and fears. You have no idea what our relationship to God

is, no idea of the depth of our sincerity, and no idea basically what

you are ranting on about. Sheesh! Relax and let it all go. Let it go.



> thank you ,

> you were wonderful with this reply ,

> and you made me take out mine ,

> I dare say I could love you because

> I feel I like you already ,


> vicki


((( Well then, me too DarlingHeart. i dare say i will say i Love you!

i Love you! i Love You! And trust me Dearest, i am not a liar and

neither is Robert...i feel like i like you already!


LoveAlways, (and i MEAN it!)








> >

> > The in me wants to say

> > GO TO HELL YOU B----


> US


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