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"True surrender is love of God for the sake of love and nothing

else, not even for the sake of liberation. Love itself is the actual

form of God. That is pure bliss. Call it pure bliss, God, Self, or

what you will. That is devotion, that is realization and that is

everything. The experience of not forgetting consciousness alone is

the state of devotion which is the relationship of unfading real

love, because the real knowledge of Self, which shines as the

undivided supreme bliss itself, surges up as the nature of love. Only

if one knows the truth of love, which is the nature of the Self,

will the strong entangled knot of life be untied. Only if one attains

the height of love will liberation be attained. The experience of

Self is only love, which is seeing only love, hearing only love,

feeling only love, tasting only love and smelling only love, and this

is bliss. God does not reside in any place other than the Heart. Be

sure that the heart is the Kingdom of Heaven."


~ Ramana







Everywhere i go now,

i hear people saying nothing much

that matters very much to me.

i realize this sounds so arrogant, and so full of i,

but seriously, with a serious but mirthful smirk,

i say that this is so for everywhere i go i see no Joy.

i see not alot of that Heart-Joy that the finest Jnani ever,

That Incomparable Mountain of Light who was called Bhagavan

had in his gloriously, giddyingly Glad-Heart of Imoveable Bliss.

What is that makes some think Advaita has no Heart?

Why are some so convinced that Love and Beauty have to go?

For the True Mystic Lover, like that Jnani Ramana, He WAS,

everything and all are just One big Happy Heart of Quiet Joy!

God! Did he give the Silence a new ring of freedom for us!

So everywhere i wander nowadays is something like going mad.

Going bonkers and rioting through hearts to break them open.

to shake away that ever-gnawing notion of being Nothing.

We are the Best and Fullest of Nothing's Mostest Boast!

We are the laughing One who knows we are the Heart of Love!

So sometimes i feel a little disillusioned with the folks i touch.

There is no Heart-Joy, no Utter Happy Gladness to Love Bhagavan,

to be Loved by Him and to let everything be his Song again,

and to then begin to burn as a wonderful and marvelous JoyHeart,

a OneHeart that holds Sri Ramana, Buddha, the All of Allah's boys.

And the goddess giggling girls of this Love that knows Itself,

what a whipping post we make of our hearts when we think,

when we dare to think we can wipe out the echoes of Love,

Of Love's Own etched songs in this Flute-glass of a Heart.

Try to give a little glad to the Dance and God will whirl-whorl,

God will willingly want to tell you everything you want to know,

and then some. And then sometime soon after,

Oh! He will tell You about Love and Heart-Joy

and Love and LOVE. He will Love You as Love Itself,

and That is Who You Are.


Love, let it do Its thing!




MAZIE LANE from NondualitySalon


Can't stop rockin' with Ramana,

he always makes me wanna-a-lot, really wanna-a-lot

of Looking, rolling eyes-ogling, goo-goo gaa-ing,

when i look into those Eyes to Nowhere,

E v e r y where, and i am inside Seeing Only Further Into That.

The Maharshi really does a number on me!

He sits about playing with squirrels and dhotis,

and the entire time He's feeding me peanuts

and He's adjusting my pants! Crazy, huh?

Well, He's just that kind of a Jnani.

Give a big hug to the One who wants

to rip a rug with Sri Ramana.

Kiss like a new lover, the One who stays

up all night to watch The Bhagavan,

watch the Magic Mountain Man zap That Glance

on some wild-eyed devotee muttering "Who Am I?"

Wowie Ultra Zowie! Got a get a Glance from God!

Sometimes, most of the time, well alot of the time,

i like to hang out with That Holy Man,

i love to sit up on top of His Beloved Mountain

and disappear into Him.

Flat-out beat a rosy path right on inside Him.

And Baby! There just ain't no better View,

than Inside The Blessed Heart of Bhagavan!





There was a time, a very long time,

when eeevvveeery time i would meditate in silence,

the image of Guru's throat being severed, appeared.

It was very disconcerting, to say the least,

to say the very least, as You might well imagine.

i thought i was losing my mind! What i had sort of hoped for,

but not in such a graphically-induced way! Ha! HaHaHa!

As if i could manipulate reality to my own idea of That!

God really did a number on me when He ripped me open.

Sure, there were plenty of visions and miraculous things,

but, "what good is all of this to me" i thought,

when i was going to a beheading each night i meditated.

so i plugged along and broke my Heart with sadness,

no, not really sadness, but some Divine Love Sorrows kind of thing.

This image gradually started fading, and still i never understood it.

i just stopped thinking about it and was real glad it had ceased.

And then i met Mr. O'Hearn, that funny guy with the fresh voice.

Suddenly, everything started becoming so clear to me.

i understood why i had been always lopping off Guruji's head.

Man oh man was i ever surprised to see how simple it all was.

Of course, why yes of course! i was meeting the Buddha on the road!

Having chopped wood and carried water for so ridiculously long,

i just wanted to toss everything into the River of Love,

and so i did it. i did it and said adios to all those old rituals,

and i gave up all the doctrine indoctrinated, to some fine charity.

Someone might really find a lot of great stuff in there.

i know i did and i know i would not do it any differently,

and i also know that i am so giddily glad that my Guru,

that this most exquisitely Beautiful One offered me his head,

offered me the opportunity to take a whack at an illusion.

Like a somewhat Gopherized-God getting hit upside the head with a

mallet, i only think of what You might say about anything i say, and

so we say, We say, "This love is so Utterly Unspeakable i cannot

define It, ever."

What a clown and what a queen and what a fool i surely was.

i actually thought it might be some old dark force trying to scare


God i was really so fu, fu, fu, well You know, i was really messed


And Wow! to think such an ignorant thing at my stage in life, and

what is that?

Stages, give me a break would you! There are no such things at all.

It's one big Moment always happening, and there are no stages,

there are no roads to meet some Buddha, and no heads to swiftly


God am i so Crazy-Happy to be finally free from all of that,

and there You go again, for who was ever bound by anything, ever?!

Who is there to be free and what would that be like anyway if there


Maybe some drooling old yogi who once thought loyalty meant,

thought and really did believe it, that getting God was like getting


You, or rather i, only had to keep saying it over and over endlessly,

parroting, "i'll be loyal, i'll be loyal," and yadda-nada-no! It's

not what He wants!

Master never wanted me to be some blinded and stuttering follower,

He really, really didn't want that. i know it like i know that i Love

my Darling,

Absolomly-camely and calmed me completely like a somatized slapping,

and yes, so why and what for, so why keep me chopping his head off?

Well, my Beloved Guruji just wanted to instruct me a little


in a slightly-slantedly off-beat way from all the other little


i never heard of anyone else having to do a Samurai on their guru!

Did you ever hear of such an insane thing that someone would have to


Gee Whiz! What did i know about anything, about anything at all,

until my Beloved came and showed me what the road to Nowhere looked


He talked to me and said, "See this pathless path and gateless gate?

Well we're about to go a wandering around there together and Be Just


And i just said okay, "Okay my Sweet, let's get a move on, time's a


Ha! and i could and should go Ha! Go ha all night long at my lack of


Head-lifting, Throat-slicing, Image-breaking, All One Movement not


i got to get out of here before i really look foolish, court jestor

kind of foolish,

so, i say, "See Ya my Pretties! See Y'all sooner than Ya might think!

And don't let the blade get too dull, You'll need It, i think You

might need It!"

Knee-slappingly and hand-clappingly too free with that cutting away

of heads, No?







Mazie ( Crazy Mazie the Babbler)

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om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya


dear Vicki,


> please do me the favour to me.

> I am sinking under the quantity of words.


Indeed. So many words...the human condition. Atmavicara...the solution.


You are a valued member of the Group...this is not a favour that can be



> I am not able to by myself and leave the list of

> devotees.


Then please stay.




-- -- -- -- -

1 Brahman, which is without a beginning and an end, the essence of

language, the imperishable syllable (Om), from which the world-process

Œappears to unfold¹ through a transformation into objects,


2 Which, celebrated as neither more nor less than One, becomes fragmented

because of recourse to its (denotating) potentiality. Although

undifferentiated it behaves as if differentiated because of its (denotative)

potentials. (Bhartr.hari's Vakyapadiya; 1. 1&2)

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Yes, dear Vicki, please stay!

Your posting is always and on every list a blessing from Him,

whatever seems for you to happen there.





RamanaMaharshi, Miles Wright <ramana.bhakta@v...> wrote:


> om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya


> dear Vicki,


> > please do me the favour to me.

> > I am sinking under the quantity of words.


> Indeed. So many words...the human condition. Atmavicara...the



> You are a valued member of the Group...this is not a favour that

can be

> granted.


> > I am not able to by myself and leave the list of

> > devotees.


> Then please stay.


> Miles


> -- -- -- -- -

> 1 Brahman, which is without a beginning and an end, the essence of

> language, the imperishable syllable (Om), from which the world-


> Œappears to unfold¹ through a transformation into objects,


> 2 Which, celebrated as neither more nor less than One, becomes


> because of recourse to its (denotating) potentiality. Although

> undifferentiated it behaves as if differentiated because of its


> potentials. (Bhartr.hari's Vakyapadiya; 1. 1&2)

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RamanaMaharshi, "viorica_weissman" <viorica@z...> wrote:


Dear Miles ,


I trust you .

With you ,this list and group of devotees can't go astray.

I trust Him. And you.




Dearest Viorica,


i have always so enjoyed your postings of Ramana quotes at Harsha's

and here and MillionPaths. i must not have expressed my gratefulness

adequately to you. Please my Love, let us put these differences away

and just stand side by side and listen to that Silence which is more

filled with Sweet Ramana than any words i might ramble on with. It is

irrelevent that we do not agree in the expression of Love for Sri

Bhagavan, only that we revere and honor him in every way and in all

manner of our lives. i just would like to be your friend and let the

water slide off our delightful duckbacks leaving us unmoved and

unconcerned for any outcome from these go-rounds. You and i are meant

to be friends and to Love and support the Heart of one another. i

offer you my Heart to do as you will my Love. i only know that i Love

you and must keep telling you so in everyway i can so you will never

think otherwise. We go a long way back and perhaps about two years i

have read and studied and imbued the quotes from Sri Ramana that

you've so generously shared with everyone. Truly, my words are not

important but how we treat one another is. i long to be as Sri

Bhagavan would perhaps nod in Yesness to, i only want to Love you and

share in this great Love we are together in the Heart of Sri Sri

Ramana. Let us be friends my Dear One and never allow another unkind

word to pass our lips against one another. i Love and trust you to

always follow what Sri Bhagavan would most likely adhere to - ahimsa

and unconditional Love.

i wanted to talk about the Holocaust memorial we visited yesterday

but will await another time to express that particular Joy. Oh do be

well and situated happily in the Heart my Beloved! i only know that i

Love you and could weep at the Beauty of That recognition. Be well.


Matsuo Shiki



akikaze ya

ikite aimiru

nare to ware


Translation -


Autumn wind -

met, returning alive

you and me







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