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Spiritual Teachings of Sri Ramana

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"The Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi"

"Maharshi's Teachings"



D. If the mind is merely a shadow how then is one to know the Self?



M. The Self is the Heart, self-luminous. Illumination arises from the

Heart and reaches the brain, which is the seat of the mind. The world

is seen with the mind; so you see the world by the reflected light of

the Self.


The world is perceived by an act of the mind. When the mind is

illumined it is aware of the world; when it is not so illumined, it

is not aware of the world.


If the mind is turned in, towards the Source of Illumination,

objective knowledge ceases, and the Self alone shines as the Heart.

The moon shines by reflecting the light of the sun. When the sun has

set, the moon is useful for displaying objects. When the sun has

risen no one needs the moon, though its disc is visible in the sky.

So it is with the mind and the Heart. The mind is made useful by its

reflected light. It is used for seeing objects. When turned inwards,

it merges into the Source of illumination which shines by Itself and

the mind is then like the moon in the day-time.


When it is dark, a lamp is necessary to give light. But when the sun

has risen, there is no need for the lamp; the objects are visible.

And to see the sun no lamp is necessary, it is enough if you turn

your eyes towards the self-luminous sun. Similarly with the mind, to

see the objects the light reflected from the mind is necessary. To

see the Heart it is enough that the mind is turned towards it. Then

the mind does not count and the Heart is self-effulgent.






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