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Trimurti/Trinity and the Witness or Seer

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I. Trimurti or Trinity



"19. The divisions of the gunas are fourfold; the specific, the

nonspecific, the indicated and the untouchable.


"It (the natural triplicity of substance) expresses the nature of

that aspect of divine life which is called Brahma by the Hindu, and

the Holy Spirit by the Christian. This is the third aspect of the

Trimurti or Trinity, the aspect of active intelligent matter, out of

which the body of Vishnu or the Cosmic Christ is to be built in order

that Shiva, the Father or the spirit may have a medium of revelation."




II. The Witness -- The Seer



"20. The seer is pure knowledge (gnosis). Though pure, he looks upon

the presented idea through the medium of the mind.


....Johnston translations runs as follows: "The seer is pure vision.

Though pure, he looks out through the vesture of the mind."

Ganganatha Jha throws still further light upon it in the words "The

spectator is absolute sentience, and though pure, still beholds

intellected ideas." The thought conveyed is that the true man, the

spectator, perceiver (Witness) or thinker is the sum total of all

perception, be it through the avenues of the senses or of the lower

mind; he is in himself knowledge, clear vision or true perception.

All that exists in the three worlds exists because of him and for

him; he is the cause of its being and when he no longer seeks it or

endeavours to vision it, for him it exists not. This sutras is one of

the key verses in the book, and give the clue to the entire science

of yoga."





Comment: I think this sutra leaves little to comment upon especially

those who understand and follow RMs teachings. It is what he is

talking about when it is answered: but who is thinking and who is

caring and who is doing? Because when one no longer seeks it, it no

longer exists for him. The same manner for rebirth. When he no longer

seeks nor need to be reborn he simply ceases to be reborn and for him

there is no rebirth there is only liberation -- Moksha. It is the key

to the yogas, all of them. This is the Ageless Wisdom. No one owns

it, not one INVENTED it.


I post it because many wonder why it does not happen in a flash

because you want it to happen or feel that you are ready for it to

happen. It is because there are many components to man which man is

unaware of. For which he has no definition or awareness of. He is

just conscious that "I am I". Not "I-I" But in the meantime before

the I am I can be replaced with I-I there has to be unity. There is

no YOU to want this. The part that wants will have to disappear

before the world, the vision of the world you possess disappears with

it. It is liberation in that you give up your desires in it, all of

them and turn the screen of production of new births to the OFF

position, so to speak. Easier said than done.


Love and regards,




***quotes From "The Light of the Soul--a paraphrase of the Yoga

Sutras of Patanjali" by Alice A Bailey

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Dear Heloise,

thanks for this sharing of yours.


The Trinity - as it is also an important aspect in Christianity - was

a theme with which Swami Abhishiktananda (Henri Le Saux)dealt a lot -

not theoretically but to discover the meaning in his life. He was a

Christian Benedictine monk and also a Sannyasin. He lived both:

Christianity and Advaita, and he also met Sri Ramana.

So this is another aspect of Trinity.


In Sri Ramana



Abshiktananda wrote in his diary Dez. 24. 1971:


"Jesus is that mystery that 'grounds' me, that 'sources me, in the

abyss, in the bottomless guha - the mystery (as we say) of the

Father - and extends me, pours me out into all that is. The Spirit,

the prana, who makes me the Self withing everything (antaratman,

sarvantaratma) - spread out into everything, lost just as truly in

this expansion that infinitely multiplies me as agent, as in

this 'source-action', that infinitely reduces me, to be ultimately

identical to zero...


Jesus is this mystery of advaita in which I can no longer recognize

myself separately. Lost as much in the space (akasa) of the heart as

in that of the span of the universe, as much in the Source as in the

shining, the radiance that empties me.

And I am Fullness, purnam, precisely in this letting-go of myself

everywhere, sarvatra...

And my purnam is precisely this emptiness of all self.

The kenosis of Christ.


The Trinity has no trace of a trimurti (threefold form), whether

abstract or concrete, speculative or mythical; it is an eternal

circumincession with my Source, it is my eternal outpouring in the

unique prana.



Abhishiktananda: Ascent to the Depth of the Heart






RamanaMaharshi, "heloise155" <heloise155> wrote:

> I. Trimurti or Trinity



> "19. The divisions of the gunas are fourfold; the specific, the

> nonspecific, the indicated and the untouchable.


> "It (the natural triplicity of substance) expresses the nature of

> that aspect of divine life which is called Brahma by the Hindu, and

> the Holy Spirit by the Christian. This is the third aspect of the

> Trimurti or Trinity, the aspect of active intelligent matter, out


> which the body of Vishnu or the Cosmic Christ is to be built in


> that Shiva, the Father or the spirit may have a medium of



> ***********


> II. The Witness -- The Seer


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