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praNAyAma in the upadaisha

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In four Sanskrit lines Bhagavan summarized his teaching:


herdaya-huhara-madhyai kaivalaM brahma-mAtram

hy aham-aham-iti sAkShAd Atma-rUpaiNa bhAti /

herdi visha manasA svaM chinvatA majjatA vA

pavana-chalana-raudhAt Atma-niShThau bhava tvam//


This mean:


madhyai (In the center) kuhara (of the cavern) herdaya (of the heart)

[of which Bhagavan has said it is not the red heart on the left, nor the

spiritual heart in the middle, but the heart on the right, two digits from

the median of the breastbone, above the navel and below the chest---a

sthAna, or locus for meditation; but he has also said that any sthAna will

do] kaivalam (entirely0 brahma-mAtram (the unmodified Infinite)


hy (!!!) iti (As) aham-aham (I-I) sAkShAt (in evidence) bhAti (shines forth)

Atma-rUpaiNa (in the form of Self)


visha (enter) herdi (the heart) svam (with your own) manasA (mind)


[and here he defines the THREE means:


chinvatA (by enquiry) vA (or) majjatA (by "drowning" [as the salt doll

dissolves in the ocean]


raudhAt (after the stilling) chalana (of the motion) pavana (of the inner

fire, the breath, the prANas)


tvam (You) bhava (become) niShTha: (established in) Atma (the Self).


What could be clearer than that restraint of prANa is essential to

AtmAniShThatva? What was Bhagavan's first method but to imitate a corpse,

surely with restraint of breath?


It is also my own experience. but only by grace of that great sage, who

transcends place and time.



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Dear Jiva , I echo your posting - it is my experience , undeniably too .Regards





--- Jiva Das <jiva> wrote:










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