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new group: atma_vichara

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Post message: atma_vichara

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List owner: atma_vichara-owner



Dear All,

out of some urge I have opened the new group atma_vichara for those who are

interested in deepening vichara according to the teaching of Ramana. The purpose

of this list is limited only and exclusively to that - other paths are no topics

here - and it is not meant to become a list with a great flow.

Those who want deepen vichara one-focussed and in silence are most welcome.


You can join at: ///atma_vichara


The list description is:


"To keep the mind constantly turned within and to abide thus in the Self, is

alone Atma vichara (Self-enquiry)." (Ramana Maharshi: Who am I?)


This group is dedicated to the path of atma vichara (self-enquiry) according to

Ramana Maharshi's teaching "Who am I?". It is for those who practise self

enquiry exclusively or in some combination with another path as a support to

deepen. As this is the only purpose here, an atmosphere of silence is inevitable

and discussions don't fit in. The flow on this list may be very low.


in Sri Ramana








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Dear Gabrielle , a truly inspired idea .i would love to join .Regretably the

joining address was

not recognised ,please confirm it is correct and working LOL Alan



--- Gabriele Ebert <g.ebert wrote:






      Post message: atma_vichara <BR>


atma_vichara- <BR>


atma_vichara <BR>

      List owner: 

atma_vichara-owner <BR>



Dear All,<BR>

out of some urge I have opened the new group atma_vichara for those who are

interested in

deepening vichara according to the teaching of Ramana. The purpose of this list

is limited only

and exclusively to that - other paths are no topics here - and it is not meant

to become a list

with a great flow. <BR>

Those who want deepen vichara one-focussed and in silence are most welcome. <BR>


You can join at: ///atma_vichara<BR>


The list description is:<BR>


"To keep the mind constantly turned within and to abide thus in the Self,

is alone Atma

vichara (Self-enquiry)." (Ramana Maharshi: Who am I?) <BR>


This group is dedicated to the path of atma vichara (self-enquiry) according to

Ramana Maharshi's

teaching "Who am I?". It is for those who practise self enquiry

exclusively or in some

combination with another path as a support to deepen. As this is the only

purpose here, an

atmosphere of silence is inevitable and discussions don't fit in. The flow on

this list may be

very low. <BR>


in Sri Ramana<BR>















  Post message: RamanaMaharshi <BR>

  Subscribe:    RamanaMaharshi- <BR>

  Un:  RamanaMaharshi- <BR>

  List owner:   RamanaMaharshi-owner <BR>


Shortcut URL to this page:<BR>


href="/community/RamanaMaharshi"> Terms of Service</a>.</tt>








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All ok thanks have joined - looking forward to the postings LOL Alan



--- gabriele_ebert <g.ebert wrote:






> Dear Gabrielle , a truly inspired idea.<BR>


We may see - all is open - LOL<BR>


i would love to join .Regretably the  joining address was<BR>

> not recognised ,please confirm it is correct and working LOL  Alan



to join either go to <a

href="atma_vichara"> Terms of Service</a>.</tt>








Everything you'll ever need on one web page

from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts


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