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Sri Lakshmana Swamy & Mathru Sarada

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Hello Vic and all


I decided to changed the title of the posting. Things got a little

confusing! Here are a few comments on Vic's yesterday posting.





> Happy Goat Year to you too ! What is the Goat year expected to

bring ?


Comments: From what I know during a goat year there is only one

message: "Expect the unxpected!!". We are fortunate because we have

received great teachings from Sri RM on SURRENDER!



> I will have a look into Vedic astrology, although I must admit more

out of curiosity than anything else. I am very sceptical when it

comes to astrologers and astrology, as my experience has been that,

although interesting, what they say is often so general that it could

apply to just about anybody. Maybe Vedic astrology is more precise ?


Comments: Bravo! Try it! I am sure that you will like the experience.

I suggest that you go with an "open mind". I always like to take what

the astrologer tells me and to do my homework at home, that is to

meditate on the astrologer's comments and to ask more information

from my Higher Self through dreams, books, etc. Do not expect the

astrologer to have all your answers. He/She will give you clues only.

The western astrology has beautiful interpretations too about Saturn,

Pluto and Chiron and the Lunar Nodes. I hope you read Christina's

comments about the fact that all our karma is mapped in the

astrological chart. "Bonne chance" (Good luck) with finding the right



> You say that your experience of the Self is more theoretical than


> (I suspect you are wrong on that one ! - lol :-))


Comments: I wish you were right!!



> I think I know who Amma is. I once went to an event in London with

a female

> Hindu saint, but there was such a long line of people queueing up

to see her

> I didn't go to the front. Have you been 'hugged' by her ?


Comments: I had a few comments in an messages posted earlier. Don't

miss the opportunity to be in the presence of a (true) Sage like

Amma. Take the time to feel Her vibration when you see Her next time.

Like you, I did not feel confortable the first times I saw Her. I did

not recognize Her (I was not able to recognize any Saint but I was

looking to meet one.....Amma was not at fault, I was!)



> As for destiny and free will, Bhagavan also says there are neither,

which is

> also a relief as it means there is no time and space, which I find


> appealing !



Comments: Well I am a little more down-to-earth on this one! I am

still acting within time and space......Somebody (Miles or Murty?)

posted a message during the week-end on free will. I will certainly

answer. I needed a bit more time to ponder the whole concept.



> I will try and get hold of a copy of 'No Mind I am the Self' even

in French,

> my wife is French, and strangely enough we work as translators. My


> contact with Bhagavan was in Paris where I met someone who

introduced me to

> his teachings and the first book I read was the large volume of

Talks (in

> French). That made quite an impact.


Comments: You and your wife know French! Fantastic! My French is a

little different as I am French Canadian. Au plaisir de vous

rencontrer tous les deux ....un jour ....quelque part!! (Looking

forward to meeting you both of you...sometimes...somewhere!). You

will not regret reading on Sri Lakshmana & Sri Sarada. As I told

you, "No mind, I am the Self" is no more available in English. The

book in French is called "Je suis le Soi" tranlated by Jack Gontier

Editions Le Lotus D'or.


Did you know that you can read on Lakshmana Swamy in English? See The

Power of the Presence, Part 2 by David Godman pages 209 to 227. You

will not have the part on Mathru Sarada but the part on Lakshmana

Swamy has been updated from the book "No Mind I am the Self".


I also found by accident (!!) a posting on Lakshmana Swamy and Mathru

Sarada on the "Sri Arunachala" forum (early messages - year 2000 or



It is unfortunate that the book No Mind I am the Self is no more

available. Is anybody know if there are plans for a new edition?

Just remember that Lakshmana Swamy met with Bhagavan. He attained

Self- Realization when around 25 years old and he is about 78 now. I

will certainly meditate in front of his property in Tiruvannamalai.


Sri Lakshmana Swamy always refers devotees to Ramana's Teachings. His

adoptive daugther (Mathru Sarada) is a wonderful example of bakti /

devotion / surrender.


You know, sometimes I feel sorry that I missed the opportunity to

connect with some great masters such as Sri Papaji, Sri Nisargadatta

etc. I do not want to miss the opportunity to connect with those who

are still living on earth.




> Did you check out that link to the Songs to Shiva ?


Comments: Certainly I did. I did not download anything as I was too

busy but I kept the site in My Favorites.



> Where have you found a picture of Sri Lakshmana ? I have looked

around the

> Internet but only found a very small one.


Comments: Well this is the one I guess!! Thanks God we have a picture

of Lakshmana Swamy on internet! I printed many black and white

pictures and I placed them everywhere in my meditation room.




Conclusion: It is wonderful to be part of this Ramana Maharshi's

community. Thanks to everyone (those who share and those who read).

Love to all!



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