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Buddhist Glossary

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Buddhist Glossary

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Alms: In Buddhism, the offering of food to monks on their daily rounds and the

donation of goods and money to the monasteries. Amida Butsu: Japanese version

of Amitabha Buddha. See Amitabha Amitabha: The Bodhisattva whose name means

"Budha of Boundless Light" and who dwells in the paradise called the Pure Land.

He is also the founder of this sect of Buddhism. Ãnãpãnasati(Pali): Literally,

"Inhale-Exhale" (Ãna-Pãnasa). Mindfulness of in-and-out breathing used in many

forms of meditation. Wakefulness during inhalation and exhaling, meditation on

the breath. One of the most important preliminary exercises for the attainment

of the Four Absorptions (Dhyãna). Generally consists of counting the

inhalations and exhalations, which has the effect of calming the mind. This

exercise is the basic preliminary practice of meditation in the various schools

of Buddhism. Concentration on the breathing process leads to one-pointedness of

the mind; ultimately to insight that leads to Arahantship. See Dhyãna Anatta:

Not-self Anicca: Impermanence Arhat: A Buddhist monk who is free from all

illusions and who has achieved personal enlightenment. This term is used

primarily in Theravada Buddhism. Atman: Hindu idea of a soul - the individual

consciousness that was reborn again and again. Avalokiteshvara: Bodhisattva of

Compassion. Compassion and Wisdom represent the two main concepts of Mahayana

Buddhism. See Manjushri. Bardo: A human soul between the stages of after-death

and rebirth. Bardo Thodol: The Tibetan name for the Book of the Dead. Bhikkhu:

A fully ordained monk who has left his home and renounced all his possessions

in order to follow the Way of the Buddha Bikkhu: See Bhikkhu Bikshu: See

Bhikkhu Bodhisattva: A being in the final stages of attaining Buddhahood, who

has vowed to help all sentient beings achieve Nirvana, or enlightenment, before

he himself achieves it. Bo Tree: The tree beneath which the meditating Gautama

sat before he achieved enlightenment. Bodhi Tree: See Bo Tree Bodhidharma: The

legendary monk who brought Buddhism from India to China in the sixth century

C.E. Brahman: the Ultimate Reality. Similar to a Supreme Being. Buddha:

Enlightened One Buddha-nature: The nature innate in every sentient being. The

potential for attaining Buddhahood. Butsu-dan: Japanese Buddhist household

altar. Chaitya: An assembly hall for monks. Ch'an: Forms of Mahayana Buddhism

in China. Japanese version is called Zen. See also Zen Cuanda: Blacksmith that

gave a meal to Buddha, causing him to become ill. Dharma: The ultimate law, or

doctrine, as taught by Buddha, which consists of the Four Noble Truths and the

Eightfold Path. Dhyãna(Four Absorptions): A state of mind achieved through

higher meditation. Dukkha: Suffering, emptiness, impermanence. (one of 4 noble

truths) Gassho (Japanese): (Often from term "Kongõ-Gassho" with Kongõ meaning

"mixture" or "blend"). A Mudra (hand posture) seen in Bodhisattvas or lesser

Buddhist personages. The Gassho Mudra is formed by placing the palms and

fingers of the hands together in a prayer like position in front of the mouth -

with the fingertips at a point just short of the bottom of the nose. The Gassho

gesture or position reflects recognition of the oneness of all beings. The

Gassho gesture is also used to show reverence to The Buddha, Patriarchs or

Teachers. The left and right hand and posture can represent many things:

The right hand represents the one performing the salute; the left, the thing,

idea or person to whom Gassho is being rendered. Non-Duality: One hand

symbolizes the mind, the other the body, and the posture reminds you that you

and all other living beings are one. One hand stands for you and the other for

the person you are greeting or for the entire universe.

Gotama: Another name for Buddha. Hinayana: Literally, "small vehicle." A term

used by the Mahayanists to describe earlier orthodox sects of Buddhism

(Theravada School). Their scriptures are written in Pali, an ancient Indian

language. See also Theravada and Vajrayana Imponderables: (Four Imponderables).

Four things that Buddha warned against. One of these was trying to get into

Karmic detail and look to find the "results" of volitional actions (Karma). It

is enough to just Know and Understand and Intuitively have insight into the

Fact that Volitional Action (karma) begets a result (Vipaka). It is even

impossible to judge good and bad because that leads to the intellectual trap of

duality and it's Dukkha. From the Pali Canon.... "These four imponderables are

not to be speculated about. Whoever speculates about them would go mad &

experience vexation. Which four?

The Buddha-range of the Buddhas (i.e., the range of powers a Buddha develops as

a result of becoming a Buddha)... The jhana-range of one absorbed in jhana

(i.e., the range of powers that one may obtain while absorbed in jhana).... The

results of kamma... Speculation about (the first moment, purpose, etc., of) the

cosmos is an imponderable that is not to be speculated about. Whoever

speculates about these things would go mad and experience vexation."

Kalamas(Pali): A tribe of Northeast India during the lifetime of The Buddha.

They are particularly well known in Buddhist history as the recipients of The

Buddha's advice on the subject of who to accept as authorities in one's search

for truth. To the Kalamas, the tribal leaders who were seeking the truth and

sought The Buddha's advice, Buddha spoke and were recorded in the Kalama Sutra.

Kalama Sutra: Buddha's advice to the Kalamas on seeking truth..."Do not accept

anything on (mere) hearsay, thinking that thus we have heard it for a long

time. Do not accept anything based on mere tradition, thinking that it has thus

been handed down for many generations. Do not accept anything on account of mere

rumors, believing what others say, without thorough investigation. Do not accept

anything just because it is in accord with your scriptures. Do not accept

anything by mere supposition. Do not accept anything on the basis of merely

considering the reasons. Do not accept anything because it agrees with your

preconceived notions. Do not accept anything merely because it seems

acceptable. Do not accept anything, thinking, the Monk, Teacher, Holyman,

Buddha, etc. is respected by us. But, when you know for yourselves, these

things are immoral, these things are blameworthy, these things are censored by

the wise; these things, when performed and undertaken, conduce to ruin and

sorrow - then indeed do you reject them. (On the other hand) When you know for

yourselves, these things are moral, these things are blameless, these things

are praised by the wise; these things, when performed and undertaken, conduce

to well-being and happiness, then do you believe and live accordingly." Karma:

Literally, "deed." A concept that binds its followers to an endless cycle of

birth, death, and rebirth and, according to one's deeds in life, determines the

condition of one's rebirth. Koan: A riddle, tale, or short statement used by Zen

masters to bring their students to sudden insight. Lama: Literally, "superior

one." A Buddhist monk of Tibet. Magga: Path leading to the cessation of

suffering (one of 4 noble truths) Mahayana: Literally, "great vehicle." One of

the three major forms of Buddhism, Mahayana is considered the more liberal and

practical. Its scriptures are written in Sanskrit. See also Theravada and

Vajrayana. Maitreya: Literally, "Friendly One." The Bodhisattva who embodies

the virtues of wisdom and eloquence. Manjushri: Bodhisattva of Wisdom. Wisdom

(prajna) is, along with Compassion, represents the two main concepts of

Mahayana Buddhism. See Prajna and Avalokiteshvara. Mandala: A painting or

tapestry with images of Buddha, bodhisattvas, and other images. Used as a focus

of meditation for monks and as an object of worship for many. Mantra: Ritual

sound, word, or phrase used to evoke a certain religious effect. Mara: The

personification of evil. The god of death. Maya: Queen Maya, mother of Buddha.

Metta (Pali): Literally means, "Friendship" but often translated as "Loving

Kindness". In a general sense it has the mood of friendliness as its

characteristic; its natural function is to promote friendliness between beings.

It is manifested by the disappearance of ill-will. When it succeeds in

establishing its footing of general friendliness and affection for other beings

it eliminates ill-will from one's thoughts and character. When it fails, it

degenerates into selfish affectionate desire. The true "feeling" of Metta

cannot be easily defined in a single English term; Perhaps if one were to try

and imagine the feeling experienced by a young Mother for her new born first

baby - which is so powerful that she would willingly give her live to save the

child; that feeling would be very close to Metta. Metta, in Buddhist Doctrine

is the feeling one must first have towards them self; not in a narcissistic

sense but in a sense of being content with who and what one is and assured that

every effort has been made to exercise love and compassion towards all fellow

beings. Then, and only then, can one spread the feeling towards all other

beings in the universe. Moksha: Literally, "release." An idea originally

developed from Upanishadic teachers. By leading a highly spiritual life (or

several lives), a soul could be reunited with Brahman, the Ultimate Reality.

Mudra: Hand gestures often depicted on statues of the Buddha. The gestures

symbolize different meaning (meditation, etc). Namu Amida Butsa: Literally,

"Praise to the Buddha Amitabha". In Japanese Pure Land sect, this is the phrase

used to call on Amitabha Buddha. See Nembutsu Nirodha: Cessation of suffering

(one of 4 noble truths) Nirvana: Literally, "extinction." The ultimateM#<2 goal

of Buddhists, characterized as the extinction of both craving and the separate

"ego." The state of peace and quietude attained by extinguishing all illusions.

Nembutsu: Short form of "Namu Amida Butsa". See Namu Amida Butsa Parinirvana:

Death of the Buddha. Piti: Bliss Prajna: Literally, Wisdom. This term

represents the wisdom obtained during enlightenment, and one of the key insight

is emptiness. Prajna-Paramita Sutra: Collection of 40 Mahayana sutras dealing

with Prajna and its attainment. Pure Land: A sect of Mahayana Buddhism founded

by Amitabha Buddha. The Pure Land is a paradise in the "west" where people can

go when they die. People must call on Amitabha to enter this paradise. See Namu

Amidha Butsu Rahula

Literally, "fetter" or "impediment." Son of Siddhartha

Rajah: Chief or king Sakyamuni

Sage of the Sakyas Another name of the Buddha

Samsara: The continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (reincarnation)

Samudaya: Cause of suffering (one of 4 noble truths) Sangha: An organized

assembly of Buddhist monks. Shuddhodana: King Shuddhodana, father of Buddha.


He whose aim is accomplished Birth name of the Buddha

Skandhas: Five elements each individual is composed of. Stupa: A dome, or

pagoda, in which sacred relics are deposited. Sunyata: (Pali: Sunnata)

Emptiness; The belief that all phenomena are dependent on and caused by other

phenomena, thus without intrinsic essense. Sutra: Literally, "thread" or

"string." A scripture containing the teachings of Buddha. Sutta: See Sutra

Theravada: Literally, "School of the Elders." Aso known as Hinayana. One of the

three major forms of Buddhism, Theravada is considered to be the original and

orthodox form of Buddhism. See also Hinayana and Vajrayana. Tipitaka:

Literally, "Three Baskets." According to Buddhist belief, the scriptures were

stored in three baskets, dividing Buddha's teachings into the code of

discipline for monks, his sermons and discourses, and the higher doctrine

(Buddhist philosophy and psychology) Tonglen: Tibetan meditation technique

related to the breath. Many people meditate to expel negative energy thereby

leaving behind the positive, which of course leaves you feeling charged up but

at the expense of blowing your negativism back into the world for others to

deal with. In Tonglen, you suck in everyone else's negative energy, transform

it to positive energy through your overwhelming compassionate radiance, and

expel the positive energy back into the world. You become like a Boddhisattva

who accepts the woes of the world to relieve it of suffering so that others may

find nirvana. Idea is to have overwhelming compassion for others such that you

accept their suffering ... in turn, because you have such overwhelming

compassion, you can transform anything into positive radiance." Upasaka:

Followers of Buddhism that believed in Buddha's teachings, but did not follow

the strict rule of the Sangha. Urna: A mark on the Buddha's forehead, between

his eyebrows, that signifies his great intuition. Ushanisha: A protuberance

atop Buddha's head that signifies his great wisdom. Vajrayana: Literally,

"diamond vehicle." One of the three major forms of Buddhism, Vajrayana is

popular in Tibet. See also Theravada and Mahayana Vihara: Cave dwellings for

monks. Vipaka: A result of Karma. Vipassana Meditation(Insight meditation): The

Insight Knowledges resultant from the practice of Vipassana Meditation are:

Impermanence (Aniccanupassana - Pali). Suffering (Dukkhanupassana - Pali). No

self (Anattanupassana). Aversion (Nibiddanupassana). Detachment

(Viraganupassana). Extinction (Nirodhanupassana). Abandoning

(Patinissagganupassana). Waning (Khayanupassana). Vanishing (Vayanupassana).

Change (Viparinamanupassana). The unconditioned or signless

(Animittanupassana). Desirelessness (Apanihitanupassana). Emptiness

(Sunnatanupassana). Insight into phenomena which is higher wisdom (Addhi

Panna-dhamma Vipassana). Knowledge and vision according to reality

(Yatha-bhuta-nana-dassana). Misery or danger (Adinavanupassana). Reflection

Contemplation (Patisankhanupassana). Turning away (Vivattananupassana).

Yasodhara: Wife of Buddha Zen: Forms of Mahayana Buddhism in Japan. Chinese

version is called Ch'an. See also Ch'an

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