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Kundalini quickening

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asnwered me in privi which i'll post

here for the ones interested.


K: thank you for your answer; something hidden from me is unclean at my thr=

oat chakra..


EJ:  Ah, the so called Cornucopia

Chakra, Visuddha. Light blue is a

favorite color here {8-> Have you

looked into any thyroid problems?

Or even hearing problems ? Both are

associated with the fifth Chakra.

Thyroid and hearing problems lead

to many problems of trying to express

yourself or even gleaning Insight

from Truthful offerings. Thyroid

problems cause much delusion. You

could very well be at a particular

stage in your Unfolding that deeply

conditioned notions are

conflicting with recent Insights

you have been able to Understand,

causing partial Listening thus

partial Understanding. This

*partial* state does not agree

with your True Nature so this partial

Understanding is causing both

light confusion and problems with

the throat Chakra.


You see, this is where the first

Real battles for your True Nature

of Clear Consciousness to attain

supremacy over the lower

consciousness of conditionings. And

YOU are caught in the middle {8->

This is where you start seeing the

defiling nature of your

conditioned ideas and images and

meanings and notions of all sorts.


This is where the Real Battle with

conditioned notions begin to be

Recognized. You are at the

proverbial *fork in the road*, so

to speak. Follow your *gut* and

not your *head* or your *heart*,

and you will take the Right Path.


It seems that you are in a time of *transition*, paying more attention

to Awakening and not as much on

the physical realm. Which is always

a good sign, though the discomfort

in the throat is not so nice {8->

So consider it a good pain {8-> This

Transition aspect also indicated

you being more Present Moment in

your perception, or that you are

more able to maintain a Present

Moment Presence longer. It is just

*growing pains* Dear Friend, so Grow.


Let it Unfold and Embrace it.


Remember that Awakening is not

officiated from outside, but rather

Directly by YOU. No one can Save

you but yourself, for YOU must

Walk the Way.


As a side note, the fifth Chakra is

also affected by the feeling of

lack of progress in some way in

the physical realm. Which is more circumstantial than actual anyway,

so you should be calm about

problems in that realm because

sooner or later whatever the

problem might be will pass.



where was i DUALISTIC in my post;

it is also hidden from me..


EJ: Of course Dualistic thinking

is not Recognized by a Dualist,

usually. And no matter what

platitudes of NonDuality Dualists

memorize and thus Talk, the

underlying Dualistic thinking is

Recognized by an actual NonDualist.


And you can not look at the language

alone for that is in itself Dualistic

Behind/beyond/between the words is

the Essence of the communication.

Let it be offered that Duality is

when you *think* there is something

to do and someone separate from

it to do it.


NonDualistically something gets

done because it needs doing without

anyone *thinking* that they did it.

That is, you ARE what you do.


So, Self-Observation of every

self-arising thought is of utmost

value IF you really want to

See/Recognize your conditioned

Dualistic thinking. Who is this

"me" that Dualistic thinking is

"hidden from" ?


If you *think* there is a "me" your

thinking is Dualistic.


Karta: is there a Kriya for this?

[i meant problem with throat chakra]


EJ: Kriya indeed. But first, do

some real deep relaxation exercises.


Breathing is a good one, follow the

breath, inhaling prana visualizing

the alignment of the chakras exhaling


The pain and discomforts will

gradually ease and go away. But before

getting into Kundalini get your

chakras perfectly aligned and

attuned and purified, in a proper

energy and proper energy flow.


The quality of your centers are

not purified or they are not

aligned, which is the main part of

the problems experienced. Raising

the Serpent to the Crown chakra

requires pure energy at the chakras

and that pure energy to flow in

pure alignment, otherwise the

glitter will be Illusion and many

times causes ill physical results.


It is a great distraction at the

very least. The way Kundalini

meditation is practices in the West

is an abomination and can come

to no real good, so it is advised

from here not to be distracted by it


As any other so called *spiritual

practice*, Kundalini is just a Tool

that when used unwisely can very

well be the dementation/destruction

of the mechanism.


Are all the distractions to avoid

actual Work on oneself ? You see,

no Tool is of any real good until

we do the preliminary Work on ourself


[***note: i always said the same.

EJ thought that i am a beginner on

the quest of finetuning my system..

+ this happened to me out of the blue]


RJ: Otherwise even a purely practice

Tool is defiled by our unpure

defilements. That is, you can not

carve a jade amulet out of limestone


BE Well and Mindful Wonderful Friend, Shanti



"satkartar7" <mi_nok> wrote:

> Hi EJ,


> I enjoyed your posts and as time

> permits i am visiting your web-site

> and noticed, that you are

> knowledgable in Kundalini, i had a

> quickening which i am not able to

> diffuse..


> I have a pain PONDING like a hammer

> behind my heart, a choking and

> twisting sensation at my throat,

> my jaw wants to wiggle do the

> Kforce ..which I CAN NOT CHANNEL

> any-more ^Upward: what i liked

> "to come HOME", or to or arrive

> to *my zone*. Instead the sensation

> is a drop-back to my HEART a PAIN.

> pain, pain


> -what do you think is there a Kriya

> for this?


> love,

> Karta




> EjLight wrote:


> "When the great Tao is forgotten,

> Philanthropy and morality appear.

> Intelligent strategies are produced,

> And great hypocrisies emerge.

> Natural law governs biological survival."


> > Shanti,

> > Namaste,

> > Metta,

> > Zikr --

> >

> > As Shanti is to say

> > *may the Humility AS me Embrace the Humility

> > AS you as a Humility of One*, so too Namaste is to say

> > *may the Divine Essence AS me Embrace the Divine Essence

> > AS you as a Divine Essence of One*, so too Metta is to say

> > *may the Loving Kindness AS me Embrace the Loving Kindness

> > AS you as a Loving Kindness of One*, so too Zikr is to say

> > *may the Self-Remembering AS me Embrace the Self-Remembering

> > AS you as a Self-Remembrance of One*.

> > So *may the True Nature AS me Embrace the True Nature

> > AS you as a True Nature of One*.

> >

> > It is in the Inner Embracing of each other that we

> > Realize that we are all cut from the same bolt of cloth,

> > yet most do not Realize it YET.

> >

> > 0====[::::::::::> Sword of Truth <::::::::::]====0

> >

> > Let There Be Light -- Always in All Ways, }^-^{

> > http://www.Light-Mission.org


> > AS Silence we Hear,

> > AS Void we See,

> > AS Awakening we ARE.

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