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When unceasingly the mind

Scans its own form

There is nothing of the kind.

For every one

This path direct is open .





If a search is made to find what is the mind,there is no mind at

all.this is the path,all is straight.


Ganapati Muni



When pondering with costant vigilance

Upon the actual nature of the mind

One finds that there is no such thing as mind ;

This,of a truth, is the straight course for all .





And mind turned inward

in unrelenting search,

dissolves its abstract , unreal form .

For there is no Mind,

there are only thoughts .

to Philosopher and Idiot alike,

Truth proves itself.

There is no Mind,verily:

there are only thoughts .





When the enquiry,"What is the thinking mind ?"occurs, the

thinking mind understands intuitively that it has no free will and

stops thinking itself to be the doer and gives way to the feeling of

"I AM".This is the Direct path.


Shirishkumar Murthy

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Om Namo Bhagavate Sri Arunachalaramanaya



When one scrutinizes the form of the mind without

forgetfulness (that is, without pramada or slackness

of attention), (it will be found that) there is no

such thing as mind; this is the direct path for all.


translation by:

Sri Sadhu Om





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Dear Group,


Here is the advaita vedanta doctrine of Ajata Vada is brought in.


Below, from http://www.hinduism.org.za/creation.htm


Ajata vada or the theory of non-causality. This is an ancient Hindu

doctrine which states that the creation of the world never happened

at all. It is a complete denial of all causality in the physical

world. Sri Ramana endorsed this view by saying that it is the jnani's

(Man who is Self-realised) experience that nothing ever comes into

existence or ceases to be because the Self alone exists as the sole

unchanging reality. It is a corollary of this theory that time,

space, cause and effect, essential components of all creation

theories, exist only in the minds of ajnanis (ignorant) and that the

experience of the Self reveals their non-existence.


This theory is not a denial of the reality of the world, only of the

creative process which brought it into existence. Speaking from his

own experience Sri Ramana said that the jnani is aware that the world

is real, not as an assemblage of interacting matter and energy, but

as an uncaused appearance in the Self. He enlarged on this by saying

that because the real nature or substratum of this appearance is

identical with the beingness of the Self, it necessarily partakes of

its reality. That is to say, the world is not real to the jnani

simply because it appears, but only because the real nature of the

appearance is inseparable from the Self.


The ajnani on the other hand, is totally unaware of the unitary

nature and source of the world and, as a consequence, his mind

constructs an illusory world of separate interacting objects by

persistently misinterpreting the sense-impressions it receives. Sri

Ramana pointed out that this view of the world has no more reality

than a dream since it superimposes a creation of the mind on the

reality of the Self. He summarised the difference between the jnani's

and the ajnani's standpoint by saying that the world is unreal if it

is perceived by the mind as a collection of discrete objects and real

when it is directly experienced as an appearance in the Self.



We are not two,



RamanaMaharshi, "Alan Adams-Jacobs"

<alanadamsjacobs> wrote:

> When unceasingly the mind

> Scans its own form

> There is nothing of the kind.

> For every one

> This path direct is open .


> Swaminathan



> If a search is made to find what is the mind,there is no mind at

> all.this is the path,all is straight.


> Ganapati Muni



> When pondering with costant vigilance

> Upon the actual nature of the mind

> One finds that there is no such thing as mind ;

> This,of a truth, is the straight course for all .


> Chadwick



> And mind turned inward

> in unrelenting search,

> dissolves its abstract , unreal form .

> For there is no Mind,

> there are only thoughts .

> to Philosopher and Idiot alike,

> Truth proves itself.

> There is no Mind,verily:

> there are only thoughts .


> Anantanarayanan



> When the enquiry,"What is the thinking mind ?"occurs, the

> thinking mind understands intuitively that it has no free will and

> stops thinking itself to be the doer and gives way to the feeling


> "I AM".This is the Direct path.


> Shirishkumar Murthy

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