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Bhagvan alluding to the Illusion as a Cinema projection

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---Dear Sri mallela_srkrishna ,thank you for your well considered letter .

The mechanism of Maya is a mystery and could well be as explained by you .

The simplest explanation for me ,not being a scientist , is that deduced by the


Schopenhauer[regarded as the bridge between Western and Eastern Philosophy] in

his book 'The World

as Will and Representation '.Following on from Kant and Berkley he observed that

the ultumate

subject{consciousness]perceives through an organ of cognition , the brain ,which

has ' a priori

'or in the first place ,inbuilt concepts of time-space-and causality

neurologically implanted .The

senses connected to the brain create the illusions of sound , smell ,colour,


etc.Every animal 'the human animal 'included ,creates its own universe ,man has

the added

advantage of a mini-bio-computer we call a refined intellect to interpret what

he senses .This

illusion is however not the whole story , as the Sages

[shankara,Ramana,etc]assure us that Man has

the possibility of Self Realisation .


Perhaps others will contribute on this discussion of Maya .Yours in Bhagavan ,



Dear Fellow Traveller,


> Bhagvan had compared the Illusion to movie images on a screen,

> wherein the witness is also on the screen. The screen remains

> untainted. The images do not exist. They are merely perceived. It is

> easy to understand and accept the illusory nature of the Cinema

> projection in two dimensions.


> How do we understand the illusory nature of the world we experience

> in and around us, every moment? Let us imagine we are outside our

> bodies and at the egde of the Universe?!


> Two parallels in modern science are the experiences of TV viewing

> and 'virtual reality'. The TV waves are invisible and all over us.

> The human mind cannot perceive anything. It does not mean that there

> are no waves and there is no transmission. The transmission goes on

> as per the design. The TV receiver set has the capacity to convert

> the energy into a sight and sound form which can be percieved by the

> human mind. If the human mind can be trained to perceive the waves

> without the intermediary called the TV receiver, the perception would

> be of a different kind. There would certainly be understanding. But

> there may not be images. Again the TV is a two dimensional experience.


> 'Virtual reality' experiences are three dimensional. They thrill

> children in the form of 3-D games.They have been used even in combat

> training.


> If we extrapolate these technologies and their impact on human mind

> and perception, we may infer that the entire universal processes are

> being stirred up in the Nascent Energy (Call it SELF, SAT or TRUTH,


> whatever appeals to you) by ITSELF. The stirred up energy is

> certainly more gross in form, frequency and wavelength (if we wish to

> use these words) as compared to the ORIGINAL. SELF does not need any

> medium to perceive what IT is doing.


> SELF has the capacity to create another minute energy form (akin to

> the shadow), within its Consciousness Dimension. We may call this

> the 'finite self' or JIVA or human consciousness or life etc.

> The 'self' is made to experience the Universe (which is subtle

> stirred up energy). The 'self' is a multi-dimensional energy form. It

> experiences in 8 dimensions - touch, sight, sound, smell, taste,

> thought, emotion and awareness or consciousness. Awareness makes 'it'

> feel it always exists or is there all the 'time'. Touch plays

> the 'fool' The SELF has ensured that the 'self' always

> experiences 'boundary limitations'. The consciousness and touch are

> restricted to a 'form' and shape in space - call it the body if you

> like. It is the sense of touch that makes for the feeling of

> solidity, reality (if you wish to call it). It also creates the

> perception of separation (within the body space and outside the body

> space.


> The SELF also designed multiple channels for experiencing - Wakeful

> experience, Day dreaming, Dreaming, Deep Slumber and Unconsciousness.

> The dream is a classic short term experience of what life experience

> is all about. In a miniscule space the same worldly experience is

> replicated. The body and the other images are created out of nothing

> but sheer energy, the 'self' is also created for experiencing. But

> when the channel changes to 'waking up', the sense of touch confirms

> that this experience is the real thing. The 'stirring up' is rather

> slow in the channel 'wakeful state' and relatively fast in the

> channel 'dream'. Hence 'thought' rejects the 'dream' as unreal

> and 'wakeful state' as real.


> Sage Vasistha exhorts us to remember that the 'wakeful state

> experience' is a 'Deergha Kaala Swapna'( a long drawn out dream).

> Confuscius says 'I dreamt that I was a butterfly flying freely and

> enjoying the nectar of flower. The dream broke. I do not know if I am

> Confuscious who dreamt that he was a butterfly or I am a butterfly

> dreaming that I am Confuscius!'


> The SELF has planned out the whole process of stirring up ( call it

> creation) in a 'flash' The waves will continue in motion ( the

> universe moves on) unto Eternity. The SELF is fully aware and in

> control of every pattern ( call it the Lord's Will ). IT has also

> designed that certain 'blotches' called 'selves' ( the little 'i')

> experience thoughts and emotions that are classified as 'spiritual

> thoughts and efforts'. IT has also designed that some of these

> blotches are obliterated along with the encompassing spatial pattern

> called 'body' This is termed 'death'. IT has also designed that some

> blotches just vanish while the spatial formation continues at its

> subtle level. Other 'blotches' percieve the spatial form and believe

> that the body of the Guru or Saint exists. But as the 'blotch' has

> vanished there is no longer any multi-dimensional' perception in that

> space or body. This is called 'Enlightenment'. It is also said that

> only the SELF exists in the body.


> Our inability to temorarily place our reference point for observation

> outside the body makes us seek answers to doubts such as ' What does

> the enlightened person experience? Does he have Karma? etc etc?


> The early withdrawal of the 'blotch' without disturbing the 'spatial

> pattern' or body ( in ITS design)is called 'Experiencing the Ultimate

> with the Grace of the GURU or SELF'.


> Hence from the SELF's point of view Nothing Exists other that ITSELF

> and all that is apparently happening is a silent play or sport, of

> billions of 'virtual reality' experiences in a small earmarked space

> within ITSELF. Thus the process is indeed for the SELF, of the SELF

> and by the SELF. This is the TRUTH, whether we like it or not. To IT

> we do not exist as 'human beings' as we wish to percieve ourselves.

> We are just 'blotches' of energy created by IT with the features

> described above.


> That is why statements emanating from enlightened beings sound

> quizzical. Sage Vasistha describes it thus


> ' Na Nirodho Na cha Utpathhi

> Na Badhhaha Na cha Sadhakaha

> Na Mumukshuhu Na vai Mukthaha

> Ithyeshaa Paramaarthathaa!'


> There is neither creation nor destruction of the Universe. There is

> none in bondage, no seeker, none desirous of Enlightenement, no

> enlightened ones. This indeed is the TRUTH.




> Pardon my ramblings


> May Bhagvan guide us till the ramblings cease!


> Sivaramakrishna





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