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RE: Yudhishtara's lies

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Sri Krishnaya Namah!


Lord Krishna knows for sure that if any one that Drona believes is only the

word of Yudhistira and hence He creates a scenario where Yudhistira, seeing

the elephant named Ashwathama being killed by Bhima, shouts likewise, and

the intermittent sounds spell blocking Yudhistira's words doom for Drona,

who only hears the worst, thus enabling Yudhistira to see the worst in the

hell, for his unknowing fault.


Actually, in this scenario, nobody is to be blamed except Drona, who had

partaken the side of Adharma, that made Lord Krishna resort to such

measures. Dharmaraya, as is his wont, cannot tell a lie and he had been

dragged by the Lord, rather used by Him to authenticate the statement.

Thus Lord Krishna, uses one fine quality of Dharmaraya to its good use at

an most opportune time. He manipulates the situation in His own way and

His leela is incomprehensible. Here Yudhistira, though not intended to

say lie, has been made to see Hell, just because Drona understood his

words differently(though due to intermittent sound) thus sacrificing his






Sri Krishna Parabrahmane Namah!




Gowri Raviganesh [sMTP:gowri.raviganesh]

12/06/2003 11:27 AM


Re: Yudhishtara's lies


Dear Sri Sudharshan,


Agreed Yudhistar suppressed the truth (not being truthful) . But my

understanding is that such acts are considered being truthful if it leads

for a good cause ( in this case lead to victory of Dharma)?





>>> sampathkumar_2000 06/09/03 12:21am >>>




Wise men of the past tell us that there is a world of a difference

between "Being truthful" and "Speaking the truth".


WHen the Upanishad says "satyam vada", it means "Be truthful" at all

times. This phrase does not mean "Speak the truth".


Yudhishtara when he cried out "asvattAmA hatah kunjara:" he was

surely "speaking the truth" but was he really "being truthful"? No.

He was referring to an elephant called AsvattAma being felled

although he knew it was only meant to convey to Drona the false

impression that Asvattama, his son, was no more.


In Latin there is a saying that "suppressio veri" and "suggestio

falsi" are one and the same i.e. one can be untruthful in 2 ways: you

can suppress truth as well as suggest falsehood. In both cases one

would be violating the real spirit of the Upanishadic dictum "satyam



Trust this clarifies your question.










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