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good governance - raamaa's style - post 3

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Post 3


Dear srivaishNava perunthagaiyeer,


Continuing the topic of good governance raamaa's style - we saw in pattabhishEka

sargam, there was no description of his style of governance. But we could read

the fruits of raamaa's governance of the people or the effects of good



Then "where to look for the details" is he question coming to mind. Answer is

spread in more than one place. So first we wil see "raamaa's father's style of

ruling - viz. King dhasarathaa'style" as described in baala kaaNdam.


Before that one small brief - you may feel - hey, this man is reproducing the

raamaayaNa slOkams with meanings - what big is there. Dear Sirs and madams, this

is mainly to give an exposure to those beautiful simple slOkams - very easy

sanskrit - for those who do not have knowledge in sanskrit, plus the time and

intention to corrctly locate the place in the entire raamaayaNam.


We will have to take up the king dhasarathaa's organisation structure to study

how he governed, which bharatha initially inherited, then ruled as the

representative of raama paadhukaas, subsequently taken over by sree raamaa



The structure is

King Dhasaratha


Council of ministers- 8 ministers Council of rishis- 8 rishis


Magistrates treasury officers security officers defence


Like this all the officers were reporting to the council of ministers.


OK. How many ministers were there in dhasarathaa's cabinet. What were their

names are answered here.


ashtou baBhoovu: veerasya thasya amaathyaa yasasvina: |

suchaya: cha anurakthaa: cha raajakruthyeshu nithyasa: ||


sreemadh raamaayaNam baala kaaNdam sargam 7 slOkam 2


ashta: bhabhoovu: = eight, are there

veerasya tasya amaatyaa = of the valiant one his ministers

yashasvina: = glorious king

shuchaya: = pure at heart

anuraktaa: cha = beholden to, also

raaja kruthyeshu = king' s, works

nithysa: = all time.


Meaning: Eight are there, those ministers of that valiant and glorious King

Dasharatha, who are pure at heart and are beholden to works of the king [and

kingdom] at all times.


dhrushtir jayanthO vijayO suraashtrO raashtravardhana: |

akOpO dharmapaala: cha sumantra: cha ashtamO arthavith ||


sreemadh raamaayaNam baala kaaNdam sargam 7 slOkam 3


dhrushti: = Dhristi:

jayantha: = Jayantha:

vijaya: = Vijaya:

suraaSTra: = Suraashtra:

raashtra vardhana: = Raashtravardhana:

akOpa: = AkOpa:

dharmapaala: cha = Dharmapaala: also

sumanthra: = Sumanthra:

ashtama: = eight

abhavat = been


Meaning: The names of the ministers eight in numbers were - 1. Dhristi, 2.

Jayantha, 3. Vijaya, 4. Suraashtra, 5. Raashtravardhana, 6. AkOpa, 7.

Dharmapaala, and the eighth is Sumanthra.


Point: How were the ministers and their cleverness etc is answered here.


thasya amaathyaa guNair aasan ikshvakOsthu mahaathmana: |

manthrajnaa: cha ingithajnaa: cha nithyam priya hithErathaa: ||


sreemadh raamaayaNam baala kaaNdam sargam 7 slOkam 1


thasya amaathyaa: = his ministers

guNai: aasan = epitomised ones

ikshvaaku: thu = of ikshvaaku, also

mahaathmana: = to that great soul

dhasarathha: manthrajna: cha = dhasarathha: tactful also

ingithajna: cha = adroit also

nithyam = always

priyahithE ratha: = obliged with welfare alone.


Meaning: The ministers of emperor dhasharatha, the great soul of ikshvaaku

kings, are epitomised ones of their tactfulness, adroitness and are always

obliging with the welfare of their King and the kingdom. [1-7-1]


Point: So it is clear that the ministers were always loyal to the king and the

people. But these ministers as stated here below were in the knowledge of even

small and minute things happening in and around the country.


thEshaam avidhitham kinchath svEshu naasthi parEshu vaa |

kriyamaaNam krutham vaa api chaarENa api chikeershitham || 1-7-9


thEshaam = to them

avidhitham = unknown

kinchath = a little

svEshu = in their own [country];

na asthi = not there

parEshu vaa = in other [countries] either

kriyamaaNam = that is happening

krutham = already happened

vaa api = either that too

chaarENa = through agents

chikeershitham = that is going to happen.


Meaning: There is nothing unknown to them [these ministers], even a little, in

their own country or in the others either, and everything that is happening or

has happened or that is going to happen, is known through their agents. [1-7-9]


kushalaa vyvahaarEshu souhrudhEshu pareekshithaa: |

praaptha kaalam yathaa dhaNDam dhaarayEyu: suthEshu api || 1-7-10


kushalaa:= efficient;

vyavaharEshu = in administration

souhrudhEshu = in their friendships

pareekshithaa: = well examined [by the king]

praaptha kaalam yathaa = comes time if [if time comes]

dhaNDam dhaarayeyu = they impose punishment

sutha: api = to their sons even.


Meaning: Efficient in administration and their friendships are well examined [by

the king] and if time comes, they impose punishment even on their own sons'

even. [1-7-10]


Point: see here how the ministers behaved. Just think present day conditions.


Point: A council of rishis was guiding the king in advisory capacity and have no

direct role in day to day operation. How were they is also described.


ruthvijou dhvou abhimathou thasyaa: thaam rishi saththamou |

vasishtO vaamadhEva: cha manthriNa: cha thathaa aparE ||


sreemadh raamaayaNam baala kaaNdam sargam 7 slOkam 4


suyajnO api atha jaabaali: kaasyapO api atha gouthama: |

maarkaNdEya: thu dheerghaayu: thathaa kaathyaayanO dhvija: ||


sreemadh raamaayaNam baala kaaNdam sargam 7 slOkam 5


rithvijou = vEdhic ritual - authorities

dhvou = two

abhimathou = venerable ones

thasyaa: = to him the king dhasarathha:

thaam rishi saththamou = those saints of eminence

vasishta: = vasishta:

vaamadhEva: cha = vaamadhEva also

mantriNa: cha = ministers also

thathaa aparE = like that further more


suyajnO api = suyajna also

atha jaabaali: = then jaabaali:

kaasyapa: api = kaasyapa also

atha gouthama: = then gouthama

maarkaNdEya: thu = maarkaNdEya also

dheergaayu: thathaa = the dheerga aayu like that

kaathyaayana: = kaathyaayana

dhvija: = brahmin


meaning: Vedic ritual-authorities to King Dasharatha are two, venerable saints

of eminence, namely Vashishta and Vamadeva, further more [some more religious

ministers] are also there. [1-7-4]. They are 3. Suyajna, 4. Jabaali, 5.

Kaashyapa, 6. Gautama, 7. Maarkandeya, the dheerghaayu, and then 8. Kaatyayana

are the Brahmin scholars and religious ministers of Dasharatha.] [1-7-5]


Ethai: brahma rishibhir nithyam rithvija: thasya pourvakaa: |

vidhyaa vineethaa hreemantha: kusalaa niyathEndhriyaa: ||

sreemadh raamaayaNam baala kaaNdam sargam 7 slOkam 6


Ethai: = along with them

brahma rishibhi: = brahma-like sages

nithyam = always

rithvija: = ritual scholars

thasya pourvakaa: = his ancestral

vidhya vineetha = in scriptures well-versed

hreemantha: = shun bad deeds

kusalaa: = skilful

niyatha indhriya: = with regulated senses


Meaning: Along with them, there are also Brahma-like sages always, ancestrally

ritual scholars for dhasarathha. All are well-versed in scriptures, and they

shun away bad deeds, skilful ones with their senses completely regulated.



sreemantha: cha mahaathmana: saasthrajnaa dhruda vikramaa: |

keerthimantha: praNihithaa yathaa vachana kaariNa: ||


sreemadh raamaayaNam baala kaaNdam sargam 7 slOkam 7


sreemantha: cha = affluent ones

maha aathmana: = great souls

saasthrajnaa = knowers of sciences

dhruda vikrama: = firm in determination

keerthimantha: = distinguished ones

praNihithaa: = quiet souls

yathaa vachana kaariNa: = like their word doers also [true to their word]


meaning: Affluent ones are those great souls, knowers of all sciences, firm in

their determination, distinguished and quiet-souled they are, and true to their

word too. [1-7-7]


thEja: kshamaa yasa: praapthaa: smitha poorva abhibhaashiNa: |

krOdhaat kaama artha hEthOr vaa na brooyur anrutham vacha: || 1-7-8


thEja: kshamaa yasa: = magnificence patience fame

praapthaa: = acquired ones

smitha poorva abhibhaashaNa = while they converse smile afore

krOdhaath kaama = in anger in greed

artha hEthu vaa = either of monetary reason

na brooyu: = never they speak

anrutham = untruthful

vacha: = words.


Meaning: These rishis - acquired are magnificence, patience and fame by them and

they never speak untruthful words in greed or for monetary reasons either. They

smile afore even when they converse in anger. [1-7-8]


Point: Even though there was a super cabinet to advise the king apart from

regular council of ministers since this super cabinet is filled with persons of

impeccable character the administration was straight and good.


We will continue to see department wise administration of king dhasaratha in

next post.




Vasudevan m.g.

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