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Fwd: The Intangible Heritage of the World !

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Dear Bhagavathas,


Our Pranams to you all.


We dont crave for any recognition of The Vedas from any one. But if

someone honours The Vedas it is of course welcome. Lord does not want

us to praise Him, as He is beyond any praise from any one.But when we

do Praise Him with sincerity,He very much relishes it and listens to

our prattlings with pleasure.


We are happy more and more people are brought into The Fold of the Greatness of Our Bedas.




Kombur Vankipuram Madhavan.narsimhan csl wrote:

Dear Krishna Prasadji,Very true. One cannot try to give light to the

Sun. It is always the Sun that gives the light. It is always the Lord

who protects the vedas from times of yore. UNESCO could be one of his

means, I view it that way.Otherwise, why some one completely

unconnected with Vedas has to proclaimed this.Lakshmi Narasimha

dasanKrishna Prasad wrote: Hari OM! Narayana SmrithisBlessed Ones,Why

do we need heat to the SUN??? Since the source of heat is HIM alone.

We never need any recognition from any of the organisation because

Vedas are Anaadi. It is still surprising that, the UNESCO or somebody

by name Robert, Harry et al... have to recognize our VEDAS!!!!Be proud

of our own culture &; Heritage, like an ocean, if any one needs

anytime it is available. We do not need any recognition or

praising from any quarters. because Vedas are "Swayam Prakashitam" and

complete always. Only thing we need to practice and learn it properly,

We should not try to give light to the SUN!!!With Love &;

OM!Krishnanarsimhan csl wrote: I think sri Shashi has a point. But

for now, I will consider this useful assuming that we can use the

resources derived out of such a proclamation for benefit of improving

vedic chanting. Although, it may not be the intention of the

proclamation, but I would like to see this in isolation as a means to

protect our vedic traditions. In that respect I am fully convinced by

Sri Sudarshan swamy for we have probably a reason to think in the

direction of rejoicing. Sajjana Padapadma parama renuhuLakshmi

Narasimha dasanshashi wrote: i don't know how much happy i should be,

when i read the original UNESCOwebsite posting. this recognition to


chanting is no isolated matter,it is part of a 28 item list, among

which are:The masterpieces proclaimed are: Azerbaijani Mugham

(Azerbaijan), TheCarnival of Binche (Belgium), The Andean Cosmovision

of the Kallawaya(Bolivia), The Oral and Graphic Expressions of the

Wajapi (Brazil), TheOral traditions of the Aka Pygmies of Central

Africa (Central AfricanRepublic), The Royal Ballet of Cambodia

(Cambodia), The Art of Guqin Music(China), The Carnival of

Barranquilla (Colombia), La Tumba Francesa, Musicof the Oriente

Brotherhood (Cuba), The Al-Sirah al-Hilaliyya Epic (Egypt),The Kihnu

Cultural Space (Estonia), The Tradition of Vedic Chanting(India),

Wayang Puppet Theatre (Indonesia), The Maroon Heritage of MooreTown

(Jamaica), Ningyo Johruri Bunraku Puppet Theatre (Japan), The Art

ofAkyns, Kyrgyz Epic Tellers (Kyrgyzstan), Woodcrafting Knowledge of

theZafimaniry (Madagascar), The Indigenous Festivity dedicated to the

Dead(Mexico), The Traditional Music of Morin Khuur (Mongolia), The

PansoriEpic Chant (Republic of Korea), Lakalaka, Dances and Sung

Speeches ofTonga (Tonga), The Arts of the Meddah, Public Storytellers

(Turkey),Vanuatu Sand Drawings (Vanuatu), Nha Nhac, Vietnamese Court

Music (VietNam), Arab States: Iraqi Maqam (Iraq), Songs of Sanaa

(Yemen).for those interested, the URL


simply go to www.unesco.org and then follow the "intangible heritage"

linkvedic chanting is at par with Music of the Oriente Brotherhood of

Cuba!vedic traditions are among the oldest surviving sophisticated,

highlydeveloped traditions, that has music, linguistics, maths,

wisdom,spirituality all combined intricately!:-(sudarshan madabushi

worked magic with the keyboard on Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 07:13:28AM

+0000:> > Dear friends and

fellow-"vedadhyAyin-s" of Kuwait,> > Below is a post that appeared in>

Srirangasri yesterday. Reading it will> make us all

really proud! The UNESCO has declared the> Chanting of Vedas to be a

priceless "intangible> heritage" of the world! > > We as Vedic

students, living and working here in a> land outside India, are

trying in our own humble way> to learn Vedic chanting. We are indeed

blessed! All> the time and effort that we as a group have spent>

these past 2/3 years surely have been worthwhile! When> we started,

all of us indeed resolved rightly! We must> understand that we have

truly gained an "intangible"> wealth of inestimable value...

"veda-dhanam"! ... as> even the UNESCO now seems to have recognized

and> attests! > > Let us all celebrate! We have every reason to!> >

Regards,> dAsan,>

Sudarshan> > > > > > Message: 3> > Thu, 13 Nov 2003 20:09:48

-0500 (EST)> > "Shaasa A. Ruzicka"> > > > UNESCO

Declares Vedic Chanting an> > “Intangible Heritage of Humanity"> > >

> > > UNESCO Declares Vedic Chanting an “Intangible> > Heritage of

Humanity"> > *********************************************> >>


> > > PARIS, FRANCE, November 12, 2003: The oral tradition> > of Vedic

chanting has been declared an intangible> > heritage of humanity by

UNESCO. In a meeting of jury> > members on November 7, 2003, at

Paris, Mr. Koichiro> > Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, declared

the> > chanting of Vedas in India an outstanding example of> >

heritage and form

of cultural expressions. The> > proclamation says that in the age of

globalization> > and modernization when cultural diversity is under>

> pressure, the preservation of oral tradition of> > Vedic chanting,

a unique cultural heritage, has> > great significance. > > The jury

members included Dr. Richard Kurin,> > Director of the Center for

Folklore and Cultural> > Heritage of the Smithsonian Institution

(United> > Nations), Mr. Juan Goytisolo, Writer (Spain), Mr.> >

Yoshikazu Hasegawa (Japan), Ms. Olive W.M. Lewin.> > Pianist,

ethnomusicologist, Director of the Jamaica> > Orchestra for Youth

(Jamaica). > > The UNESCO declaration will bring international> >

recognition to the excellence of the Vedic chanting> > tradition of

India, which has survived for centuries> > encoding the wisdom

contained in the Vedas through>

> an extraordinary effort of memorization and through> > elaborately

worked out mnemonic methods. The purity> > and fail-safe technique

devised for Vedic chanting> > in the olden days led to access to one

of the> > ancient literatures of humanity in its entirety> > today. >

> The Department of Culture, Ministry of Tourism and> > Culture, took

the initiative to put up the> > candidature of the Vedic chanting to

UNESCO. A> > presentation was prepared by Indira Gandhi National> >

Centre for Arts. The Department has also prepared a> > five-year

action plan to safeguard, protect, promote> > and disseminate the

oral tradition of Vedas in terms> > of their uniqueness and

distinctiveness, encourage> > scholars and practitioners to preserve,

revitalize> > and promote their own branch of Vedic recitation as> >

the custodians of

their own traditions and direct> > the efforts primarily to making the

tradition> > survive in its own context.> > --------> > > > >


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NamO veda PurushAya !


Dear VedAbhimAnis:


The recent UNESCO declaration is a continuation of

their efforts earlier in this area. UNESCO is notorious

for its politics as other International agencies .Inspite of

it , allocation of funds to protect and preserve the fast

disappearing SakhAs of VedAs is to be welocmed.


Some thirty years ago, UNESCO recorded some rare renditions

with the help of Vedic Scholars from VaraNAsi and elsewhere .

It was a long playing record .I converted it in to an audio

tape. There is some thing , which gives us a peek in to

the world of these rescensions and how they sound. If anyone

wants to lobby UNESCO and ask them to pay attention to

this area , it will be wise investment for posterity .

There will be a budget and the whole effort should be

to help them spend it wisely for the recording of

Veda SaakhAs from different parts of India .


One of the devotees that I know lives in France and speaks

fluent French.He can look in to it , if he wishes.












Dear friends,


The reason for my happiness at UNESCO's declaration

stems from precisely the reasons mentioned in Sri csl

narsimhan's kind message below.


Nobody in India, no Indian certainly, needs a UN

mandate for the Vedas. The Vedas pre-exist the UNESCO

and the Vedas shall undoubtedly survive it too. Even

without a UN declaration surely Indians all over the

world know in their hearts that the Veda is an

"intangible heritage of humanity".


What however makes the subject UNESCO declaration

special (to me at least) is that for the first time

(to the best of my knowledge) a world premier body

like the UN (that too a secular organization) has

recognized and affirmed the timeless religious &

spiritual legacy of India to all humanity. Is this not

a matter of pride for the land of India and its

peoples? After all, we see reason to take pride when

someone tells us that that much of the good work done

at NASA or Microsoft is done by Indian scientific

minds! Why shouldn't we similarly take pride when a

world-body such as the UN formally acknowledges the

Vedas of India to be a world heritage?


I also do not understand why we should be disappointed

that the UNESCO while hailing the Vedas has similarly

conferred honours on "28 other heritages of the

world". God's great world is garden of many treasures

and wonders... There are perhaps other treasures in

His world too besides the Vedas. Why should we doubt

it or be aggrieved? Let us rejoice in our part of the

Lord's garden, the Vedas. In any case, the UN as a

world-body must exhibit a global perspective and hence

perhaps has chosen 28 other items of "humanity



No one can also reasonably believe that because of the

UNESCO declaration, the United Nations will now begin

to fund and support all our Vedic pundits and

"pUrOhits" back in India! The task of protecting and

promoting the Vedas is primarily the responsibility

and duty of Indians (most notably of the Brahmin

families). The World Wildlife Fund some years ago

declared the Indian tiger to be an "endangered

species" and resolved to help save the species. But

that did not absolve native Indian conservationists

and communities from their duties to save the tiger...

they alone in fact could accomplish the task.

Similarly, no matter how gratifying it is to know

about the UNESCO declaration on the Vedas, we must

realize that the primary responsibility to preserve

and propogate the Vedas lies in our hands alone and

none else!


In a limited sense, we may take the subject UNESCO

declaration to be a warning that the priceless

heritage of the Vedas too is today "endangered" and

humanity better take note and begin acting for its

conservation. To that end, I think the UNESCO

declaration definitely needs to be appreciated and

rejoiced about.


Trust this explains my earlier mail on the subject.









--- narsimhan csl <cslnarsimhan wrote: >


> I think sri Shashi has a point. But for now, I will

> consider this useful assuming that we can use the

> resources derived out of such a proclamation for

> benefit of improving vedic chanting. Although, it

> may not be the intention of the proclamation, but I

> would like to see this in isolation as a means to

> protect our vedic traditions. In that respect I am

> fully convinced by Sri Sudarshan swamy for we have

> probably a reason to think in the direction of

> rejoicing.


> Sajjana Padapadma parama renuhu


> Lakshmi Narasimha dasan

shashi <shashi wrote:

> i don't know how much happy i should be, when i read

> the original UNESCO

> website posting. this recognition to vedic chanting

> is no isolated matter,

> it is part of a 28 item list, among which are:


> The masterpieces proclaimed are: Azerbaijani Mugham

> (Azerbaijan), The

> Carnival of Binche (Belgium), The Andean Cosmovision

> of the Kallawaya

> (Bolivia), The Oral and Graphic Expressions of the

> Wajapi (Brazil), The

> Oral traditions of the Aka Pygmies of Central Africa

> (Central African

> Republic), The Royal Ballet of Cambodia (Cambodia),

> The Art of Guqin Music

> (China), The Carnival of Barranquilla (Colombia), La

> Tumba Francesa, Music

> of the Oriente Brotherhood (Cuba), The Al-Sirah

> al-Hilaliyya Epic (Egypt),

> The Kihnu Cultural Space (Estonia), The Tradition of

> Vedic Chanting

> (India), Wayang Puppet Theatre (Indonesia), The

> Maroon Heritage of Moore

> Town (Jamaica), Ningyo Johruri Bunraku Puppet

> Theatre (Japan), The Art of

> Akyns, Kyrgyz Epic Tellers (Kyrgyzstan),

> Woodcrafting Knowledge of the

> Zafimaniry (Madagascar), The Indigenous Festivity

> dedicated to the Dead

> (Mexico), The Traditional Music of Morin Khuur

> (Mongolia), The Pansori

> Epic Chant (Republic of Korea), Lakalaka, Dances and

> Sung Speeches of

> Tonga (Tonga), The Arts of the Meddah, Public

> Storytellers (Turkey),

> Vanuatu Sand Drawings (Vanuatu), Nha Nhac,

> Vietnamese Court Music (Viet

> Nam), Arab States: Iraqi Maqam (Iraq), Songs of

> Sanaa (Yemen).



> for those interested, the URL is




> or simply go to www.unesco.org and then follow the

> "intangible heritage" link


> vedic chanting is at par with Music of the Oriente

> Brotherhood of Cuba!


> vedic traditions are among the oldest surviving

> sophisticated, highly

> developed traditions, that has music, linguistics,

> maths, wisdom,

> spirituality all combined intricately!


> :-(


> sudarshan madabushi worked magic with the keyboard

> on Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 07:13:28AM +0000:

> >

> > Dear friends and fellow-"vedadhyAyin-s" of Kuwait,

> >

> > Below is a post that appeared in

> > Srirangasri yesterday. Reading it

> will

> > make us all really proud! The UNESCO has declared

> the

> > Chanting of Vedas to be a priceless "intangible

> > heritage" of the world!

> >

> > We as Vedic students, living and working here in a

> > land outside India, are trying in our own humble

> way

> > to learn Vedic chanting. We are indeed blessed!

> All

> > the time and effort that we as a group have spent

> > these past 2/3 years surely have been worthwhile!

> When

> > we started, all of us indeed resolved rightly! We

> must

> > understand that we have truly gained an

> "intangible"

> > wealth of inestimable value... "veda-dhanam"! ...

> as

> > even the UNESCO now seems to have recognized and

> > attests!

> >

> > Let us all celebrate! We have every reason to!

> >

> > Regards,

> > dAsan,

> > Sudarshan

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > > Message: 3

> > > Thu, 13 Nov 2003 20:09:48 -0500 (EST)

> > > "Shaasa A. Ruzicka"

> > > <amritasyaputra

> > > UNESCO Declares Vedic Chanting an

> > > “Intangible Heritage of Humanity"

> > >

> > >

> > > UNESCO Declares Vedic Chanting an “Intangible

> > > Heritage of Humanity"

> > > *********************************************

> > >

> >



> > >

> > > PARIS, FRANCE, November 12, 2003: The oral

> tradition

> > > of Vedic chanting has been declared an

> intangible

> > > heritage of humanity by UNESCO. In a meeting of

> jury

> > > members on November 7, 2003, at Paris, Mr.

> Koichiro

> > > Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, declared

> the

> > > chanting of Vedas in India an outstanding

> example of

> > > heritage and form of cultural expressions. The

> > > proclamation says that in the age of

> globalization

> > > and modernization when cultural diversity is

> under

> > > pressure, the preservation of oral tradition of

> > > Vedic chanting, a unique cultural heritage, has

> > > great significance.

> > > The jury members included Dr. Richard Kurin,

> > > Director of the Center for Folklore and Cultural

> > > Heritage of the Smithsonian Institution (United

> > > Nations), Mr. Juan Goytisolo, Writer (Spain),

> Mr.

> > > Yoshikazu Hasegawa (Japan), Ms. Olive W.M.

> Lewin.

> > > Pianist, ethnomusicologist, Director of the

> Jamaica

> > > Orchestra for Youth (Jamaica).

> > > The UNESCO declaration will bring international

> > > recognition to the excellence of the Vedic

> chanting

> > > tradition of India, which has survived for

> centuries

> > > encoding the wisdom contained in the Vedas

> through

> > > an extraordinary effort of memorization and

> through

> > > elaborately worked out mnemonic methods. The

> purity

> > > and fail-safe technique devised for Vedic

> chanting

> > > in the olden days led to access to one of the

> > > ancient literatures of humanity in its entirety

> > > today.

> > > The Department of Culture, Ministry of Tourism

> and

> > > Culture, took the initiative to put up the

> > > candidature of the Vedic chanting to UNESCO. A

> > > presentation was prepared by Indira Gandhi

> National

> > > Centre for Arts. The Department has also

> prepared a

> > > five-year action plan to safeguard, protect,

> promote

> > > and disseminate the oral tradition of Vedas in

> terms

> > > of their uniqueness and distinctiveness,

> encourage

> > > scholars and practitioners to preserve,

> revitalize

> > > and promote their own branch of Vedic recitation

> as

> > > the custodians of their own traditions and

> direct


=== message truncated ===




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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear friends,


The reason for my happiness at UNESCO's declaration

stems from precisely the reasons mentioned below in

Sri csl narsimhan's kind message below.


Nobody in India, no Indian certainly, needs a UN

mandate for the Vedas. The Vedas pre-exist the UNESCO

and the Vedas shall undoubtedly survive it too. Even

without a UN declaration Indians all over the world

know in their hearts that the Veda is an "intangible

heritage of humanity".


What however makes the subject UNESCO declaration

special (to me at least) is that for the first time

(to the best of my knowledge) a world premier body

like the UN (that too a secular organization) has

recognized and affirmed the timeless religious &

spiritual legacy of India to all humanity. Is this not

a matter of pride for the land of India and its ethos?

After all, we see reason to take pride when someone

tells us that that much of the good work done at NASA

is done by Indian scientific minds! Why shouldn't we

similarly take pride when a world body such as the UN

formally acknowledges the Vedas of India to be a world



I also do not understand why we should be disappointed

that the UNESCO while hailing the Vedas has similarly

conferred honours on "28 other heritages of the

world". This large world is God's great garden of

treasures... There are perhaps other treasures in His

world too besides the Vedas. Why should we be

aggrieved? In any case, the UN as a world-body must

exhibit a global perspective.





--- narsimhan csl <cslnarsimhan wrote: >


> I think sri Shashi has a point. But for now, I will

> consider this useful assuming that we can use the

> resources derived out of such a proclamation for

> benefit of improving vedic chanting. Although, it

> may not be the intention of the proclamation, but I

> would like to see this in isolation as a means to

> protect our vedic traditions. In that respect I am

> fully convinced by Sri Sudarshan swamy for we have

> probably a reason to think in the direction of

> rejoicing.


> Sajjana Padapadma parama renuhu


> Lakshmi Narasimha dasan

shashi <shashi wrote:

> i don't know how much happy i should be, when i read

> the original UNESCO

> website posting. this recognition to vedic chanting

> is no isolated matter,

> it is part of a 28 item list, among which are:


> The masterpieces proclaimed are: Azerbaijani Mugham

> (Azerbaijan), The

> Carnival of Binche (Belgium), The Andean Cosmovision

> of the Kallawaya

> (Bolivia), The Oral and Graphic Expressions of the

> Wajapi (Brazil), The

> Oral traditions of the Aka Pygmies of Central Africa

> (Central African

> Republic), The Royal Ballet of Cambodia (Cambodia),

> The Art of Guqin Music

> (China), The Carnival of Barranquilla (Colombia), La

> Tumba Francesa, Music

> of the Oriente Brotherhood (Cuba), The Al-Sirah

> al-Hilaliyya Epic (Egypt),

> The Kihnu Cultural Space (Estonia), The Tradition of

> Vedic Chanting

> (India), Wayang Puppet Theatre (Indonesia), The

> Maroon Heritage of Moore

> Town (Jamaica), Ningyo Johruri Bunraku Puppet

> Theatre (Japan), The Art of

> Akyns, Kyrgyz Epic Tellers (Kyrgyzstan),

> Woodcrafting Knowledge of the

> Zafimaniry (Madagascar), The Indigenous Festivity

> dedicated to the Dead

> (Mexico), The Traditional Music of Morin Khuur

> (Mongolia), The Pansori

> Epic Chant (Republic of Korea), Lakalaka, Dances and

> Sung Speeches of

> Tonga (Tonga), The Arts of the Meddah, Public

> Storytellers (Turkey),

> Vanuatu Sand Drawings (Vanuatu), Nha Nhac,

> Vietnamese Court Music (Viet

> Nam), Arab States: Iraqi Maqam (Iraq), Songs of

> Sanaa (Yemen).



> for those interested, the URL is




> or simply go to www.unesco.org and then follow the

> "intangible heritage" link


> vedic chanting is at par with Music of the Oriente

> Brotherhood of Cuba!


> vedic traditions are among the oldest surviving

> sophisticated, highly

> developed traditions, that has music, linguistics,

> maths, wisdom,

> spirituality all combined intricately!


> :-(


> sudarshan madabushi worked magic with the keyboard

> on Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 07:13:28AM +0000:

> >

> > Dear friends and fellow-"vedadhyAyin-s" of Kuwait,

> >

> > Below is a post that appeared in

> > Srirangasri yesterday. Reading it

> will

> > make us all really proud! The UNESCO has declared

> the

> > Chanting of Vedas to be a priceless "intangible

> > heritage" of the world!

> >

> > We as Vedic students, living and working here in a

> > land outside India, are trying in our own humble

> way

> > to learn Vedic chanting. We are indeed blessed!

> All

> > the time and effort that we as a group have spent

> > these past 2/3 years surely have been worthwhile!

> When

> > we started, all of us indeed resolved rightly! We

> must

> > understand that we have truly gained an

> "intangible"

> > wealth of inestimable value... "veda-dhanam"! ...

> as

> > even the UNESCO now seems to have recognized and

> > attests!

> >

> > Let us all celebrate! We have every reason to!

> >

> > Regards,

> > dAsan,

> > Sudarshan

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > > Message: 3

> > > Thu, 13 Nov 2003 20:09:48 -0500 (EST)

> > > "Shaasa A. Ruzicka"

> > > <amritasyaputra

> > > UNESCO Declares Vedic Chanting an

> > > “Intangible Heritage of Humanity"

> > >

> > >

> > > UNESCO Declares Vedic Chanting an “Intangible

> > > Heritage of Humanity"

> > > *********************************************

> > >

> >



> > >

> > > PARIS, FRANCE, November 12, 2003: The oral

> tradition

> > > of Vedic chanting has been declared an

> intangible

> > > heritage of humanity by UNESCO. In a meeting of

> jury

> > > members on November 7, 2003, at Paris, Mr.

> Koichiro

> > > Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, declared

> the

> > > chanting of Vedas in India an outstanding

> example of

> > > heritage and form of cultural expressions. The

> > > proclamation says that in the age of

> globalization

> > > and modernization when cultural diversity is

> under

> > > pressure, the preservation of oral tradition of

> > > Vedic chanting, a unique cultural heritage, has

> > > great significance.

> > > The jury members included Dr. Richard Kurin,

> > > Director of the Center for Folklore and Cultural

> > > Heritage of the Smithsonian Institution (United

> > > Nations), Mr. Juan Goytisolo, Writer (Spain),

> Mr.

> > > Yoshikazu Hasegawa (Japan), Ms. Olive W.M.

> Lewin.

> > > Pianist, ethnomusicologist, Director of the

> Jamaica

> > > Orchestra for Youth (Jamaica).

> > > The UNESCO declaration will bring international

> > > recognition to the excellence of the Vedic

> chanting

> > > tradition of India, which has survived for

> centuries

> > > encoding the wisdom contained in the Vedas

> through

> > > an extraordinary effort of memorization and

> through

> > > elaborately worked out mnemonic methods. The

> purity

> > > and fail-safe technique devised for Vedic

> chanting

> > > in the olden days led to access to one of the

> > > ancient literatures of humanity in its entirety

> > > today.

> > > The Department of Culture, Ministry of Tourism

> and

> > > Culture, took the initiative to put up the

> > > candidature of the Vedic chanting to UNESCO. A

> > > presentation was prepared by Indira Gandhi

> National

> > > Centre for Arts. The Department has also

> prepared a

> > > five-year action plan to safeguard, protect,

> promote

> > > and disseminate the oral tradition of Vedas in

> terms

> > > of their uniqueness and distinctiveness,

> encourage

> > > scholars and practitioners to preserve,

> revitalize

> > > and promote their own branch of Vedic recitation

> as

> > > the custodians of their own traditions and

> direct


=== message truncated ===




India Mobile: Download the latest polyphonic ringtones.

Go to http://in.mobile.

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