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Chithra Desikeeyam: Pictorial Study of the charithram and Vaibhavam of Swamy Desikan : Part III

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Dear BhakthAs:


we will coontinue with the review of the CD ROM on

Swamy Desikan here :


4. Invitation to SrIrangam , Travel via SrIperumbhUthUr


Panels 74-88 cover the visit of Swamy Desikan to SrIrangam

to defend the doctrines of Bhagavath RaamAnuja SiddhAntham

in debates with Adhvaithins .


---Departure from Kaanchi & YahtirAja MangaLaasAsanam

at SrIperumbhUthUr en route to Srirangam

--- Birth of YathirAja Sapthathi at SrIperumbhUthUr

--- Arrival at SrIrangam and MangaLAsAsanams of

the dhivya dampathis of SrIrangam


----Swamy Desikan debating & defeating Adhvaithins

----Recieving Theerttha prasAdhams from Lord RanganAtha

--- SiddhAntha prachAram, Grantha nirmANams and recieving

titles from the dhivya dampathis of SrIrangam for services

rendered to Bhagavath RaamAnuja SiddhAntham


----Visit to SrIvilliputthUr & the birth of GodhA Sthuthi

--- Return to Thiruvaheendhrapuram & the challenge by a Sculptor

--- Swamy defeats the sculptor to defend the title of Sarva Tantra

Svatantrar given to him by SrI RanganAyaki ThaayAr

--- the birth of the vigraham of Himself sculpted by Himself ,

which was consecrated by His son , KumAra VaradAcchAr

at Thiruvaheendhrapuram

--- Challenge by a stone mason to build a well with crooked stones

and winning in that contest ; that well exists even today at Thiru



5. Pilgrimage to Northern Dhivya Desams


Panels 90-96 cover moving mangaLAsAsanams of the EmperumAns of

Northern dhivya dEsams : NaimisAraNyam , AaypAdi, Deva PrayAg, Bhadrinath ,

SaaLagramam and DhwArakia.


6. Defeating the Snake Charmer , who tried to harm him


Panels 97-99 depict the lessons taught by Swamy Desikan

to the offending sanke charmer , who sent the poisonous snakes

to attack Swamy Desikan .

--- Approach of the vicious snakes to bite Swamy Desikan

--- Swamy invoking Garuda BhagavAn

--- Garuda BhagavAn taking away the snakes

--- Prayer of Snake charmer for forgivenness & restoration

of his livelihood by Swamy Desikan


7. HayagrIvar's leelai at the house of a grain merchant


Panels 100-103 cover the leelai of Lord Hayagrivan , who

ate the grains of the merchant. Swamy responded to the appeal of

the merchant to save his grains being eaten by a beautiful white horse.

Swamy presented milk to the Lord and the merchant was blessed

with the visit of Lord HayagrIva and Swamy Desikan to his house.


8. Annual ceremony (SrArddham) at ThUppul & Bhagavaan's appearing

to recieve SrArddha havis( panels 104-105) , when jealous vaishNavAs

refused to participate in the ceremony .


9. Jealousy of scholars at Srirangam & Swamy's departure to Sathyagalam


Swamy Desikan's stay at Sathyagalam & Melkote ( Panels 111-130) :

AnushtAnam , KaalakshEpams at Sathyagalam, Viist to AchArya RaamAnuja

Sannidhi at Melkote and return to SrIrangam at the end of the Muslim


Beautiful images are assembled here.


10. Birth of PaadhukA Sahasram at SrIrangam ( Panels 131-132 )


11. Taking leave of SrI RanganAthan and Ascent to Parama Padham


Swamy Desikan's avathAra kaaryam was completed and He wished

to return to SrIvaikuntam to perform nithya kaimkaryam there.

Panels 133-139 are glorious images crafted by SrI Sridhar to illustrate

Swamy Desikan's ascent to SrI Vaikuntam and MangaLAsAsanams

at Parama Padham and KsheerAbdhi .


12. Salutations to Swamy Desikan's archai at ThUppul


Panels 140-144 carry the images of Swamy Desikan's archai

at His avathAra sthalam , SrI Lakshmi HayagrIvan , His aarAdhana

Moorthy and dhanur Maasa Sevai of ThirutthaNkaa Dhivya dampathis.


This magnificent CD ROM ends with salutations to PoorvAchAryAs .


This Cd ROM is a marvellous educational release aimed especially

to the younger generation and others , who might wish to learn about

the magnificnet contributions of Swamy Desikan to the advancement of

SrI Bhagavath RaamAnuja SiddhAntham.


my personal thanks to SrIman Sridhar for His delightful Kiamakryam.


Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Oppiliappan Koil VardAchAri Sadagopan



--- Snake charmer

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