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Dear Devotees of SrI SithApathi:


Dr.Venkat Kanumalla is a serious student of SrImad RaamAyaNam.

He sent for the SrI RanganAthA Temple Board a posting on

SrI Raama-SeethA KalyANam .


It is my pleasure to share this timely posting with you all .


NaarAyaNa , NaarAyaNa , NaarAyaNa



"venkat kanumalla" <kanumalla


Friday, April 02, 2004 5:00 PM

[bOT] Conclusion to Sri rAma navami- Sri sIta-rAma Kalyanam:



> Dear Devoteres,

> During this Holy nine days, ( Navaratri celebrations) after Sri Rama


> be blessed by reading the sIta-rAma kalyAnam, and receive the grace of


> Sri sIta-rAmachandra.

> Thank You,

> regards,


> Venkat Kanumalla.

> ================

> Pronounciation Tips:

> ===============

> n like n in nArAyaNa.

> N like N in nArAyaNa.

> t like th in south.

> T like t in tumbler.

> d like d in david.

> D like th in that.

> A like a in cat.

> s like s in see.

> S like S in Sata ( Sata meaning Hundred in sanskrit)

> ===================

> Sri sIta-rAma kalyAnam

> ===================


> vishvAmitrah sa rAmah tu shrutvA janaka bhAshitam |

> vatsa rAma dhanuh pashya iti rAghavamabravIt || 1-67-12

> The great sage Vishvamitra, on listening to Janaka along with Rama, told

> Rama, "oh, child Rama... you may see the bow..."


> bADham ityeva tam rAjA munisca samabhAshata |

> lIlayA sa dhanurmadhye jagrAha vacanAt muneh || 1-67-15

> Viswamitra and Janaka said to him "All Right!" , and Rama, by the word of

> the sage, snatched the bow, grasping it at the middle, playfully.


> pashyatAm nRi sahasrANAm bahUnAm raghunandanah |

> Aropayat sa dharmAtmA salIlamiva tat dhanuh || 1-67-16

> Many thousands of men are watching, Rama ( Raghu-nandana), the Dharmatma,

> stringed the bow, effortlessly.

> (From Kautilya's Artha Shaastra, Four aratnis (cubits) are one dhanu, a

> bow-length, where one aratni is about 18 inches, so a bow-length is about


> feet).


> AropayitvAmaurhvIm ca pUrayAmAsa vIryavAn |

> tadbabhanja dhanurmadhye narashreSTho mahAyashAh || 1-67-17

> Having stringed the bow, He that best among men, Rama, started to stretch

> the bowstring (up to his ear), and that glorious Rama broke that bow,

> medially.


> tasya shabdo mahAnAsIt nirhghAta sama nihsvanah |

> bhUmi kampah ca sumahAn parvatasya iva dIryatah || 1-67-18

> Then that explosive sound of that breakage, like the explosiveness of a

> falling thunderbolt, and the earth is trembling when a mountain is

> exploding.


> nipetuh ca narAh sarve tena shabdena mohitAh |

> varjayitvA muni varam rAjAnam tau ca rAghavau || 1-67-19

> Bewildered by that sound, all the people swooned, except for that eminent

> saint vishvAmitra, king Janaka, and those two Raghavas, Rama and



> janakAnAm kule kIrtim AhariSyati me sutA

> sItA bhartAram AsAdya rAmam dasharathAtmajam || 1-67-22

> "My daughter SIta, accepting Rama, the son of Dasharatha, as her husband,

> brings about celebrity to the lineage of Janakas.


> mama satyA pratijnA sA vIrya shulkA iti kaushika |

> sItA prANaiH bahumatA deyA rAmAya me sutaa || 1-67-23

> "Oh, Kaushika, my commitment that she is the bounty for bravery has come

> true... and my daughter SIta, who is congenial with my lives, is


> to Rama.


> bhavato anumate brahman SIghram gacChantu mantriNah |

> mama kaushika bhadram te ayodhyAm tvaritA rathaih || 1-67-24

> "Should you give consent, oh, Brahmana, my ministers will speedily go to

> Ayodhya in speedy chariots, oh, Kaushika, let all auspiciousness be to



> KanyA-varanam:


> ( The lineage of Lord Sri rAmachandra:


> The First in this Lineage is Prajapati manu - his son IkshvAku - his son

> kukshi - his son vikukshi - his son bAna - his son anaraNya - his son


> - his son trishanku - his son dhundhumAra - his son yuvanAshva - his son

> mAndhAta - his son susandhi - his two sons are dhruvasandhi and

prasenajit -

> dhruvasandhi's son is bharata - his son is asita - his son is sagara - his

> son is asamanja - his son is anshumAn - his son is dilIpa - his son is

> bhagIratha - his son is kakutsa - his son is raghu - his son is pravrudha


> kalmAshapAda) - his son is shankana - his son is sudarSana - his son is

> agnivarNa - his son is shIghragA - his son is maru - his son is


> - his son is ambarIsha - his son is nahusha - his son is yayAti - his son


> nAbhAga - his son is aja - his son is dasaratha and dasaratha's sons are -

> Sri rAmachandra, bharata, lakshmana and SatruGhna.


> The lineage of Sri sItA Devi:


> The First in this Lineage is nimi - his son mithi - his son janaka - his


> udAvasu - his son nandivardhana - his son suketu - his son devarATa - his

> son brihdratha - his son mahAvIra - his son sudhruti - his son


> - his son is haryuashva - his son is maru - his son is pratIndhaka - his

> son is kIrtiratha - his son is devamIdha - his son is vibudha - his son is

> mahIdraka - his son is kIrtirATa - his son is mahArOma - his son is

> swarnarOma - his son is hrasvarOma - and his two sons are - janaka and

> kusadhwaja - janaka's daughters are sIta and Urmila and kusadhwaja's

> daughters are mAndavi and SrutakIrti. )


> The lineage of Lord Sri rAmachandra:


> manuh prajApatih pUrvam ikshvAkuh ca manoh sutah |

> tam ikshvAkum ayodhyAyAm rAjAnam viddhi pUrvakam || 1-70-21

> "manu is the earliest prajaApati and ikshvAku is the son of Manu, and that

> ikshvAku is the first king of ayodhya.


> ikshvAkoh tu sutah shrImAn kukshih iti eva vishrutah |

> kuksheh atha Atmajah shrImAn vikukshih upapadyata || 1-70-22

> "ikshvaaku's son is the legendary Kukshi, and Kukshi's son is the famous

> vikukshi.


> vikuksheh tu mahAtejA bANah putrah pratApavAn |

> bANasya tu mahAtejA anaraNyah pratApavAn || 1-70-23

> "The brilliant Vikukshi's son is the courageous bAna, and bAna's son is


> highly courageous anaraNya.


> anaraNyAt pRithuh jajne trishankuh tu pRithoh sutah |

> trishankoh abhavat putro dhundhumArah mahAyashAh || 1-70-24

> " anaranya's son is prithu, and Pruthu's son is trishanku, and the famous

> dhundumAra is the son of trishanku.


> dhundhumArAt mahAtejA yuvanAshvo mahArathah |

> yuvanAshva sutah asIt mAndhAtA pRithivI patih || 1-70-25

> "The noble dhundumAra got a son yuvanAshva, and Mandhaata is the son of

> yuvanAshva.


> mAndhAtuh tu sutah shrImAn susandhih udapadyata |

> susandheh api putrau dvau dhruvasandhih prasenajit || 1-70-26

> " mAndhAta got the noble susandhi as son, and susandhi has two sons,

> dhruvasandhi and prasenajit.


> yashasvii dhruvasandheh tu bharato nAma nAmatah |

> bharatAt tu mahAtejaa asito nAma jAyata || 1-70-27

> "dhruvasandhi got a son named bharata, and that great bharata got a son

> asita.


> saha tena gareNa eva samjAtah sagaroi abhavat || 1-70-37

> " asita got a son Sagara, the emperor.


> sagarasya asya asamanjah tu asamanjAt atha amshumAn |

> dilIpo amshumatah putro dilIpasya bhagIrathah || 1-70-38

> "sagara's son is asamanja, his son is amshumAn, amshumAn's son is


> and dilIipa's son is bhagIratha.


> bhagiirathAt kakutsthah ca kakutsthasya raghuh tathA |

> raghoh tu putrah tejasvii pravRiddhah puruSAdakah || 1-70-39

> "bhagIratha's son kakutstha, kakutstha's son raghu, and raghu's son

> pravriddha who became human flesh eater.


> kalmaashapAdo hi abhavat tasmAt jAtah tu shankhaNah |

> sudarshanah shankhaNasya agnivarNah sudarshanAt || 1-70-40

> "pravriddha became tarnish-footed one, and pravriddha got a son shankana,

> shankana's son is sudarshana, and sudarshana's son is agnivarNa.

> shIghragah tu agnivarNasya shIghragasya maruh sutah |

> maroh prashushrukah tu AsIt ambarIshah prashushrukAt || 1-70-41

> "agnivarNa's son is shIgraga, shIghraga's son is maru, maru's son is

> prashushruka, and prashushruka's son is the great ambarIsha.

> ambarIshasya putro abhUt nahushasca mahIpatih |

> nahushasya yayAtih tu nAbhAgah tu yayAti jah || 1-70-42

> "ambariisha's son is nahusha, yayAti is the son of nahusha, and nAbhAga is

> yayaati's son.


> nAbhAgasya bhabhUvAja ajAt dasharatho abhavat |

> asmAt dasharathAt jAtau bhrAtarau rAma lakshmaNau || 1-70-43

> "aja is nAbhAga's son and aja's son is this Dasharatha, and his sons are

> these brothers, rAma and Lakshmana.


> Adi vamsha vishuddhAnAm rAjnAm parama dharmiNAm |

> ikshvAku kula jAtAnAm vIrANAm satya vAdinAm || 1-70-44

> rAma lakshmaNayoH arthe tvat sute varaye nRipa |

> sadRishAbhyAm narashreshTha sadRishe dAtum arhasi || 1-70-45

> "Oh janaka, from the beginning this lineage is spotless, immaculate, and

> these are immensely impeccable, indomitable, and irreproachable ones, and


> respect of them, those belong to the kings born in the lineage of


> I request that it will be great of you to espouse your daughters to rAma


> Lakshmana." said Vashishta to Janaka



> The lineage of Sri sIta Devi:


> evam bruvANam janakah pratyuvAca kRitAnjalih |

> shrotum arhasi bhadram te kulam nah parikIrtitam || 1-71-1

> janaka reverentially said, "oh sage, let auspiciosness be to you all, it

> will be apt of you all to listen to our distinguished lineage.


> pradAne hi muni shreshTha kulam niravasheSatah |

> vaktavyam kula jAtena tan nibodha mahAmune || 1-71-2

> "Oh, eminent sage, while offering a bride one who is born in a particular

> noble family, has to inform about his parentage, in its entirety, let all


> informed of it.


> rAjA abhUt trishu lokeshu vishrutah svena karmaNA |

> nimih parama dharmAtmA sarva sattvavatAm varah || 1-71-3

> "Once there was an emperor nimi, who was renowned in the three worlds by


> own accomplishments, and who was a dharmAtma and best among all stalwart

> emperors.


> tasya putro mithih nAma janako mithi putrakah |

> prathamo janako nAma janakAt api udAvasuh || 1-71-4

> "And nimi's son is mithi, and janaka is mithi's son, the first one to be

> designated as janaka and janaka's son is udAvasu.

> udAvasoh tu dharmAtmA jAto vai nandivardhanah |

> nandivardhana putrah tu suketuH nAma nAmatah || 1-71-5

> "udAvasu it is nandivardhana, and nandivardhana's son is suketu.


> suketoH api dharmaatmaa devaraato mahaabalaH |

> devaraatasya raajarSeH bR^ihadratha iti smR^iutaH || 1-71-6

> "From suketu devarAta is born, and from that kingly sage devarAta's son is

> brihadratha.


> bRihadrathasya shUro abhUt mahAvIrah pratApavAn |

> mahAvIrasya dhRitimAn sudhRitih satya vikramah || 1-71-7

> "The courageous mahAvIra is the son of brihadratha, and the bold and

> sudhriti is the son osf mahAvIra.


> sudhRiteh api dharmAtmA dhRishTaketuh sudhArmikah |

> dhRishTaketoh ca rAjarsheh haryashva iti vishrutah || 1-71-8

> "Form sudhriti dhristaketu is born, and dhristaketu's son is the famous

> haryashva.


> haryashvasya maruh putro maroh putrah pratIndhakah |

> pratIndhakasya dharmAtmA rAjA kIrtirathah sutah || 1-71-9

> "haryashva's son is maru, and maru's son is pratIndhaka, and pratIndhaka's

> son is king kIrtiratha.


> putrah kIrtirathasya api devamIDha iti smRitah |

> devamIDhasya vibudho vibudhasya mahIdhrakah || 1-71-10

> "The son of kIrtiratha is devamIdha, and the son of devamIdha is vibudha,

> and vibudha's son is mahIdraka.


> mahIdhraka suto rAjA kIrtirAto mahAbalah |

> kIrtirAtasya rAjaRiSeH mahAromA vyajAyata || 1-71-11

> "mahIdraka's son is the great king kIrtirAta, and kIrtirAta's son is

> mahAroma.


> mahAromNah tu dharmAtmA svarNaromA vyajAyata |

> svarNaromNah tu rAjarsheh hrasvaromA vyajAyata || 1-71-12

> "mahAroma's son is swarnaroma and swarnaroma's son is hrasvaroma.


> tasya putra dvayam jajne dharmajnasya mahAtmanah |

> jyeshTho aham anujo bhrAtA mama vIrah kushadhvaja || 1-71-13

> "hrasvaroma got two sons, I am ( janaka) the elder, and the younger one is

> my brother, kushadhvaja.


> nihatya tam munishreshTha sudhanvAnam narAdhipam |

> sAmkAshye bhrAtaram shUram abhyashincam kushadhvajam || 1-71-19

> "Oh great sage vashishta, on eliminating sudhanva, I have anointed my

> valiant brother kushadhvaja in the kingdom of sAmkAsha.


> kanIyAn esha me bhrAtA aham jyeshTho mahAmune |

> dadAmi parama prIto vadhvau te munipungava || 1-71-20

> sItAm rAmAya bhadram te UrmilAm lakshmaNAya vai |

> "Oh best sage, this is that younger brother of mine, and I am the elder,

> very happily I am bestowing these brides... sIta for rAma, and Urmila for

> lakshmana.


> vIrya shulAm mama sutaam sItAm sura sutOpamAm || 1-71-21

> dvitIyAm UrmilAm caiva trih vadAmi na samshayah |

> dadAmi parama prIto vadhvau te munipungava || 1-71-22

> "My daughter sIta is the bounty for bravery and she is as great as the

> daughter of the divine, and very happily I give the second one Urmila too,

> undoubtedly, I reiterate thrice.


> rAma lakshmaNayo rAjan goDAnam kArayasvaha |

> pitRi kAryam ca bhadram te tato vaivAhikam kuru || 1-71-23

> "King Dasharatha, let the prior ritual of samAvartna be done and let


> be propitiated by the ritual, naandi shraadha, and afterwards make the

> wedding celebrations.


> maghA hi adya mahAbAho tRitIye divase prabho |

> phalgunyAm uttare rAjan tasmin vaivAhikam kuru |

> rAma lakshmaNayorarthe dAnam kAryam sukhodayam || 1-71-24

> "Oh, great daSaratha, today's star is magha and on the third day from now,

> in the star uttara phalugNi, you may have this wedding, and the bounties

> like cows, lands, grains, gold etc., that ensue the wellbeing of rAma and

> Lakshmana, may be distributed generously.


> tam uktavantam vaideham viswAmitro mahAmunih |

> uvAca vacanam vIram vasishTha sahito nRipam || 1-72-1

> Then the great sage vishvAmitra together with vashishta said these words


> janaka, the valiant king of videha, who has just said about his lineage.


> acintyAni aprameyANi kulAni narapungava |

> ikshvAkuuNAm videhanam naishAm tulyOsti kashcana || 1-72-2

> "The Ikshvakus and Videhas are unimaginably admirable and immeasurably

> distinguished dynasties, oh, Janaka, and not a single dynasty is there

> comparable to these.


> sadRisho dharma sambandhah sadRisho rUpa sampadA |

> rAma lakshmaNayo rAjan sItA ca UrmilayA saha || 1-72-3

> "Oh, king Janaka, these espousals of sIta and Urmila, with rAma and

> lakshmana is appropriate to each other's dynastical prestige and even it


> behoveful to the winsome charms of the brides and bridegrooms.


> vaktavyam ca nara shreshTha shrUyatAm vacanam mama |

> bhrAtA yavIyAn dharmajna eSa rAjA kushadhvajah || 1-72-4

> " my words of advise words be heard... this king Kushadhvaja is your


> brother and he is at home in probity.


> asya dharmAtmano rAjan rUpeNa apratimam bhuvi |

> sutA dvayam narashreSTha patnyartham varayAmahe || 1-72-5

> "Oh, king, the two daughters of kushadhvaja have no equals in their looks


> this world and we choose to pair them with Bharata and Shatrughna.


> bharatasya kumArasya shatrughnasya ca dhImatah |

> varayema sute rAjan tayorarthe mahAtmanoh || 1-72-6

> "Oh, king, for the sake of those honourable ones, that young man Bharata


> even for that smart man Shatrughna, we opt your daughters.


> putrA dasharathasya ime rUpa yauvana shAlinah |

> loka pAla samAh sarve deva tulya parAkramAh || 1-72-7

> "All the four sons of Dasharatha have handsomeness and youthfulness, and

> they are equal to the rulers of the world and their valour vies with the

> valour of Vishnu.


> ubhayorapi rajendra sambandhena anubadhyatAm |

> ikshvaaku kulam avyagram bhavatah puNya karmaNah || 1-72-8

> "The impeccable dynasty of Ikshvakus and yours as well, let both the

> dynasties be interlocked by these wedlocks".


> vishvAmitra vacah shrutvA vasishThasya mate tadA |

> janakah praAnjalih vAkyam uvAca munipungavau || 1-72-9

> On hearing the words of Vishvamitra, that have the concurrence of


> Janaka reverently said this to the eminent-saints.


> kulam dhanyamidam manye yeshAm tau munipungavau |

> sadRisham kula sambandham yat AjnApayathah svayam || 1-72-10

> "What eminent saints like you said it is fair, that this dynastical


> is apropriate for us, I feel my dynasty is highly honoured.


> evam bhavatu bhadram vah kushadhvaja sute ime |

> patnyau bhajetAm sahitau shatrughna bharatau ubhau || 1-72-11

> "So be it! Happiness be to all! Let Kushdhvaja's daughters, namely


> shrutakIrti, devout themselves as wives of each of the brothers Bharata


> Shatrughna.


> ekAhnA rAja putrINAm catasRINAm mahAmune |

> paaNIn gRihNantu catvAro raja putrA mahAbalAh || 1-72-12

> "Oh, great saint Vishvamitra, let the hands of four princesses be taken


> the hands of the four princes, in one day.


> uttare divase brahman phalgunIbhyAm manIshiNah |

> vaivAhikam prashamsanti bhago yatra prajApatih || 1-72-13

> "Oh, Brahman, the great acclaim that part of the day when both of the

> pUrvaphalguni and uttaraphalguni stars are available, and on such a time

> where uttaraphalguni is ruling, for which bhaga, the deity for progeny


> be presiding, as best for wedding ceremonies.


> sa gatvA nilayam rAjA shrAddham kRitvA vidhAnatah |

> prabhAte kAlyam utthAya cakre go dAnamuttamam || 1-72-21

> Dasharatha on going to his visitatorial-palace, has procedurally


> the tributary rituals, and on getting up in the next morning, he carried


> the initiatory rituals of marriages, in a grand way.


> gavAm shata sahasram ca brAhmaNebhyo narAdhipah |

> eka ekasho dadau rAjA putrAn uddhishya dharmatah || 1-72-22

> Dasharatha donated hundred thousand cows to Brahmans, intended for each of

> his four sons.


> suvarNa shRingaya sampannAh sa vatsAh kAmsya dohanAh |

> gavAm shata sahasrANi catvAri purusha RiSabhah || 1-72-23

> vittam anyat ca su bahu dvijebhyo raghu nandana |

> dadau go dAnam uddishya putrANAm putra vatsalah || 1-72-24

> Dasharatha, who is affectionate towards his sons, in that cow donation

> ceremony intended for his sons, donated on behalf of each of his sons,


> hundred thousand cows, that give abundant milk, and that have golden


> on their horns, and that are with their calves, and along with milking


> made with bell metal, and he even donated very many other kinds of assets


> Brahmans.


> sa sutaih kRita gOdAnaih vRitah sah nRipatih tadA |

> loka pAlaih ivAbhAti vRitah saumyah prajApatih || 1-72-25

> On performing the cow donations and samAvartna, snAtaka, the initiatory

> ceremonies of his sons, as well, king Dasharatha, amidst the four of his

> sons, shone forth like serene Brahma, and who is the overlord of mankind,

> amidst the four presiding deities in the four quarters of the world.


> tatah tAm ushito rAtrim saha putraih mahAtmabhih || 1-73-7

> prabhAte punarutthAya kRitvA karmANi tattvavit |

> RishIn tadA puraskR^itya yaj~na vaaTam upaagamat || 1-73-8

> Then on taking rest for that night along with his noble-minded sons,


> up in the next morning, and performing morning-observances as a


> king, Dasharatha arrived at the hall of Vedic-ritual, keeping the sages,


> his forefront.


> yukte muhUrte vijaye sarvAbharaNa bhUSitaih |

> bhrAtRibhih sahito rAmah kRita kautuka mangalah || 1-73-9

> vasiSTham purataH kRitvA maharshIn aparAnapi |

> rAma arrived at his father, together with all of his brothers, keeping


> Vashishta and other eminent-saints ahead of them, on an opportune and

> appropriate hour called 'vijaya' and all the bridegrooms are adorned with

> all kinds of jewellery and all have performed the auspicious ceremonies,

> conducted prior to the marriage.


> vashishTho bhagavAn etya vaideham idam abravIt || 1-73-10

> rAjA dasharatho rAjan kRita kautuka mangalaih |

> putraiH nara vara shreSTha dAtAram abhikAnkshate || 1-73-11

> Then Vashishta said to Janaka, "Oh, king, having performed the auspicious

> ceremonies, Dasharatha along with his sons, is looking ahead for the



> dAtRi pratigrahItRibhyAm sarvArthAh sambhavanti hi |

> svadharmam pratipadyasva kRitvA vaivAhyamuttamam || 1-73-12

> "All the four purushArthas, dharma, arTha, kAma and mOksha will be abiding

> only between the benefactor and the beneficiary. thus, make happen this

> best marriage and in turn you achieve your own value of life.


> kah sthitah pratihAro me kasya AjnA sampratIkshyate |

> svagRihe ko vicArosti yathA rAjyamidam tava || 1-73-14

> "Who is that doorman that prevents your entry? Or, for whose orders you


> await with a bated breath? Or, you hesitate in your own house, or what?


> kingdom is as good as yours.


> kRita kautuka sarvasvA vedi mUlam upAgatAh |

> mama kanyA munishreSTha dIptA vahneh iva arcishah || 1-73-15

> "Oh, saint Vashishta, on performing the auspicious ceremonies for the

> marriage and thereby tying thread-band at wrists, my maids have arrived,


> they are at the Altar of Fire, like the irradiant jets of flames of


> fire.


> sadyOham tvat pratIkshOsmi vedyAmasyAm pratiShitah |

> avighnam kurutAm rAjA kimartham hi vilambyate || 1-73-16

> "I am ready... and I am awaiting you remaining at this Altar of Fire...


> everything be done unimpededly... indeed, what for the king Dasharatha is

> dawdling..." said Janaka to Vashishta.


> tat vAkyam janakenOktam shrutvA dasharathah tadA |

> praveshayAmAsa sutAn sarvAn RishigaNAnapi || 1-73-17

> Then on hearing that sentence of Janaka, Dasharatha started towards


> hall, and he started to enter with his four sons along with the


> of sages.


> tato rAjA videhAnAm vashishThamidamabravIt |

> kArayasva Rishe sarvAn RishibhiH saha dhArmika || 1-73-18

> rAmasya loka rAmasya kriyAm vaivAhikIm prabho |

> Janaka, said to Vashishta, "oh, Brahma-sage, along with other sages you


> happen all the marriage oriented works of rAma, the rejoicer of the world.


> tathAstityuktvA tu janakam vashiSTHo bhagavAn Rishih || 1-73-19

> vishvAmitram puraskRitya shatAnandam ca dhArmikam |

> Vashishta said "So be it!" to Janaka, keeping sage VishvAmitra and the

> virtuous sage SatAnanda also, embarked on arranging Altar of Fire.


> prapA madhye tu vidhivat vedIm kRitvA mahAtapAh || 1-73-20

> alam cakAra tAm vedIm gandha puSpaih samantatah |

> Vashishta arranged an Altar of Fire and decorated that Altar with sandal

> paste and flowers, all over.


> suvarNa pAlikAbhih ca citra kumbhaih ca sAnkuraih || 1-73-21

> ankurADyaih sharAvaiH ca dhuupa paatraiH sa dhuupakaiH |

> sha.nkha paatraiH shruvaih srugbhih pAtraih arhghyAdi pUjitaih || 1-73-22

> lAja pUrNaih ca pAtrIbhih rakshitaih api samskRitaih |

> Vashishta promptly sanctified the golden and earthen pAlika vessels, and

> variously coloured handy vessels also, all full with just sprouted sprigs,

> and the censers with fumes of incenses, conch-shell like vessels, and


> handled wooden scoops for scooping oblatory items from vessels for putting

> it in long-handled scoops, and long-handled wooden scoops to drop those

> oblatory items into Ritual-fire, and other vessels filled with oblatory

> items like ghee, water, milk etc., and the other vessels that are filled

> with toasted rice-flakes, and sanctified all articles.


> darbhaih samaih samAstIrya vidhivat mantra puraskRitam || 1-73-23

> agnimAdhAya tam vedyAm vidhi mantra pUrvakam |

> juhAvAgnau mahAtejA vashishTho munipungava || 1-73-24

> That great Vashishta neatly overlaid sacred grass on that Altar of Fire,

> synergising with Vedic-chants, and on preparing fire with araNi sticks,

> and on placing it in the pit of Altar, and then reverently and in tune


> the Vedic-hymns, he effused oblational liquids into that Altar of Fire.


> tatah sItAm samAnIya sarvAbharaNa bhUshitAm |

> samakshamagneh samsthApya rAghavAbhimukhe tadA || 1-73-25

> abravIt janako rAjA kausalyAnanda vardhanam |

> Then that king led forth sIta, who by now is decorated with every variety


> bridal jewellery, and on positioning her in front of rAma, in the presence

> of Altar of Fire, Janaka addressed him, that enhancer of his mother

> Kausalya's rejoice.


> iyam siitaa mama sutaa saha dharma carii tava || 1-73-26

> pratiicCha ca enaam bhadram te paaNim gRihNiiSva paaNinA |

> Here is sIta , my daughter, to share the Dharma of your life. Take from


> father, take thy bride, accept her hand in your hand, and all happiness be

> to you.


> ( The ancient marriages are eight kinds.

> 1) brAhmya : inviting a celibate scholar after completion of his Vedic

> studies, and offering a bride in a ceremony;

> 2) daiva : offering a bride to a ritwij when he is conducting a

> Vedic-ritual;

> 3) aarSa : giving the bride after donating a cow and ox for the success of

> Vedic-ritual;

> 4) prAjApatya : offering a bride without seeking anything from the

> bridegroom, to follow the course of dharma;

> 5) asura : giving ample money to bride's party or to bride and marrying


> at costs;

> 6) gandharva : man and woman falling in love and marrying on their own.

> 7) rAkshasa : if a bride or bride's party do not agree, by maltreating,

> torturing and terrorising them, and thereby seizing the bride;

> 8) paishaacika : while the girl is asleep, or making her drunk, or

> unconscious and then molesting her, by which she becomes a 'can't but'

> bride. )


> pativratA mahabhAgA ChAyaivAnugatA sadA || 1-73-27

> ityuktvA prAkshipat rAjA mantra pUtam jalam tadA |

> "sIta, who is prosperous and devout-to-husband, will always be abiding to

> you like your own shadow..." So saying that king then poured forth water,

> sanctified with hymns.


> sAdhu sAdhu iti devAnaam RisdhINAm vadatAm tadA || 1-73-28

> deva dundubhi nirhghoshah pushpa varsham mahAnabhUt |

> There were a plentiful flower-showers, while sages and gods exclaimed

> "Nice... Fine..." to the drumbeats of heavenly drums.


> evam dattvA sutAm sItAm mantrOdaka puraskRitAm || 1-73-29

> abravIt janako rAjA harSeNAbhiparipluta |

> King Janaka on handing over his daughter Seetha, who is duly sanctified


> sanctified waters, is completely overwhelmed by exhilaration.


> lakshmaNAgacCha bhadram te UrmilAmudyatAm mayA || 1-73-30

> pratIcha pANim gRihNIshva mAbhUt kAlasya paryayah |

> "Come on, Lakshmana, happiness be to you... say yes to Urmila, the one


> is decided by me to be given to you... take her hand into yours... lapse


> the time.


> tamevamuktvA janako bharatam cAbhyabhAshata || 1-73-31

> gRihANa pANim mANDavyAh pANinA raghunandana |

> Janaka addressed Bharata, "Oh, Bharata, the delight of Raghu-s, take

> Maandavi's hand into yours.


> shatrughnam cApi dharmAtmA abravIt mithileshvarah || 1-73-32

> shrutakIrteh mahAbAho pANim gRihNIshva pANinA |

> King janaka said to Shatrughna, "oh, dextrous Shatrughna, take the palm of

> Shrutakiirti into yours.


> sarve bhavantah saumyAh ca sarve sucarita vratAh || 1-73-33

> patniibhih santu kAkutsthA mAbhUt kAlasya paryayah |

> "Oh, Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrughna ... you all are tender-hearted,

> well-behaved and well-intentioned brothers from Kakutstha lineage...


> lapse of time, take up other ceremonies.


> janakasya vacah shrutvA pANIn pANibhih aspRishan || 1-73-34

> catvArah te catasRINAm vasishThasya mate sthitaah |

> On hearing Janaka's words, all the four bridegrooms accepted the hands of

> all the four brides, abiding in Vashishta's instructions.


> agnim pradakSiNam kRitvA vedim rAjAnamevaca || 1-73-35

> RiSiincaiva mahAtmAnah saha bhAryA raghUdvahAh |

> yathOktena tathA cakruh vivAham vidhi pUrvakam || 1-73-36

> On performing circumambulations along with their wives around the

> Ritual-fire, and around the Altar of Fire, and that way, around king


> and around sages as well , those great-souled bridegrooms that have


> from Raghu's dynasty, on performing the deeds of ritual consistent with

> custom as directed.



> pushpa vRiSTih mahati AsIt antarikshAt subhAsvarA |

> divya dundubhi nirhghoshai gIta vAditra nihsvanaih || 1-73-37

> There occurred plentiful and highly dazzling flower showers from


> and [that ambience is filled with] the drumbeats of divine drums and with

> vocal and instrumental music.


> nanRituh ca apsarah sanghA gandharvAh ca jaguh kalam |

> vivAhe raghu mukhyAnAm tadadbhutam adRishyata || 1-73-38

> Apsaras danced, gandharvas sang ... and because it is the marriage of

> celebrated bridegrooms from Raghu's dynasty, such a charming spectacle is

> envisioned.


> IdRishe vartamAne tu tUrya udghushTa ninAdite |

> trih agnim te parikramya Uhuh bhAryA mahaujasah || 1-73-39

> In this kind of ongoingness of harmonious music of vocal, instrumental and

> that of dancers, those great resplendent brothers wed their wives, on

> circumabulating the Ritual-fire agni, thrice.


> atha upakAryAm jagmuh te sa dArA raghunandanAh |

> rAjApi anuyayau pashyan sa RiSi sanghaH sa bAndhavah || 1-73-40

> Then those sons of Raghu went to their visitatorial-palace with their

> wives, and king Dasharatha went after them, along with the


> and with his kinfolks.


> sarvE janAh sukhinO bhavantu. samasta sanmangalAni santu.


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