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Sri Alavandhaar's SthOthra Rathnam- verse 11- which Vaideeka [one who believes in Vedas in totality] would not accept You as Supreme Lord!

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

Dearest Srivaishnavas,


In the world, everyone’s action is due to Your

sankalpam. Everyone is dependent on You; their

swaroopam [nature], Sthithis [state or being],

pravritthi [action- deeds] is only dependent on You;

swaadheena thrividha chEthana, achEthana swaroopa

sthithi pravrtthi is all His adheenam; Why cant they

be of BrahmA, Rudra et al? Even if they are all

dependent on Him, why can’t He be dependent on someone

above Him, who has delegated to Him?- perhaps the one

above him would have granted Him then power to rule

the world, beings… There could be such questions…

Alavandhar responds here: [in this verse] that A

vaidIka – one who follows Vedas would not ask such

queries- if he understand the Vedas correctly.. [Let

us also learn..]



nArAyaNA! Tvayi na mrshyathi vaidika: ka:

brahmA Siva: sathamakha paramaswaraadit

yEtEpi yasya mahimaarNava viprushasthE


Narayana! BrahmA (Chathurmukha BrahmA); Siva;

Sathamakha (Indran); ParamaswarAt (Nithya suris); -

and all others – they are all none other than the

minutest droplets of the vast huge, unbounded ocean of

Your glorious attributes. In such Greatest You- The

Unparalleled Supreme One- You, there is the ruler-ship

of all worlds and all beings including the one listed

above- by Your very nature due to your being our Lord

in most wonderful manner; You rule us and are the Lord

without any reason or excuse [vyAjam] and such

Iswarathvam [being our Lord for all and everyone]-

which vaidIka (who has studied Vedas] would not accept

[everyone would if he has understood the Vedas and

saasthrAs correctly]


Oh Narayana! BrahmA, Siva, Indra, Nithyars, mukthars

and everyone else is all none but droplets of the

ocean of Your glories only; who is the VaidIka- the

follower of Vedas and SasthrAs- one who has studied or

understood Vedas – who would not accept or acknowledge

Your Supremacy or Bhagavathvam, Godhood, with scuh

unparalleled and unsurpassed excellence!


Vedas have mentioned Parathvam [supreme God] with many

other names - uttered in many places in sruthis. It is

true that Upanishads do mention Sat, Brahmam, AthmA,

HiraNyagarbhan, Sivan, Indran, et al.. Also Purushan,

Narayanan are also mentioned to denote God.


The word Narayana is the only word to denote Only One-

Sriman Narayanan- the Divine One who has Sri as His

divine Consort. Nara means the beings (or bodies of

beings); One who possesses these beings or the One who

is the indweller of these beings is therefore


Naaraayana" is the term derived from the vyutputhis

"Naaraanaam Ayanam" and "Yesya Naaraaha Ayanam".

"Nara" means Vishnu (Naaraayana) because He is

imperishable. "Naara" means the entire universe

composed of Chit & Achit entities which originated

from "Nara" as "Naara" is the cause of the entire

universe having the subtle chit & achit as his body

before creation and creates them by giving expanded

form and having the expanded chit and achit as his


"Naaraanaam Ayanam" means "Naaraayana is the

base/support for all chit and achit tatvas". This

shows the "Bhahir Vyaapthi" - the manner in which

Naaraayana pervades the universe.

"Yesya Naaraaha Ayanam" means "Naaraayana is present

inside all chit and achit entities as the ultimate

controller (anthar-yaamin, soul) and owner

(Seshi-Lord) of everthing. This shows the "Anthar

Vyaapthi" - the manner in which Naaraayana is present

inside everything.

The "NAakaara" in the end of the term "NaaraayaNA"

without doubt says that the term "Naaraayana" is a

particular noun denoting the Lord of Goddess Lakshmi

who is Vishnu. This is confirmed by the grammatical

rule of the Vedas (Vyaakaranam - one among the six

accessories of the Veda) and by Paanini's grammatical


Thus the Veda identifies the supreme self (Brahman) as

Shreeman Naaraayana. Thus is the application of the

Chaaga Pasu Nyaaya. Further the the Brahma Sutra

recognizes only the Paancharaatra Aagama as

authoritative as the Veda and rejects all other

authored works like Saankya, Yoga, Vaisheshika,

Charuvaaka, Bowdha, Jaina and Pasupata Saiva. It

further identifies the Supreme self by Ubhya Lingam -

Two identifications namely

"Ananta Kalyaana Gunaakaratvam" (Supreme self has

infinite divine qualities) and

"Akila Heya Pratyaneekatvam" (Supreme self though is

present in all chit and achit entities, is untouched

by all impurities).

These two identifications apply only to Shreeman

Naaraayana and it does not apply to any other deity.

Therefore it is ascertained without doubt from the

authority of Veda that Shreeman Naaraayanan is the

unparalleled and unsurpassed Supreme Self. [From Sri

Hari’s write up]


Purusha also refers to Sriman Narayanan only;

HreeschathE LakshmIscha pathnyow… in Purusha sooktham

is enough for one to categorically know who is

Supreme. There is one Narayana Upanishad in Krishna

Yajurveda which elucidates the nature and functions of

Lord Sriman Narayana.


This indicates how various priciples and forces

emanated from narayanan seuqnetial to his desire to

create. The following are said to have emanated: Para

(vital airs), manas (mind), indryas (organs of action

and senses); akaasa (ether), vaayu (air), agni (fire),

aapa (waters), prithvi (earth). While the above are

principle constituenst, the following forces also

emanated from Him;- BrahmA, Rudra, Indra, Prajaapathi

(none in number), Aditya (suns- twelve in number),

Rudras, vasus, and all chandas..


These are personification of forces. These are souls

just like us- taking these exalted positions or posts

depending on their good karmas and they do have

certain period beyind which they need to take briths

on other bodies. Someone else may become Rudra and

BrahmA, Indras. He is eternal. Sriman Narayanan is

eternal and permanent as He is the Iswara. BrahmA,

Siva, Indran, Kaala, Dhik, - above and below is all

Narayana who has manifested in everything and

everyone. Antharbahischathas sarva vyApya

Narayanasthitha: Narayanan is the embodiment of the

whole Universe. Narayana has the unqiue qualities of

being blemishless, faultless, sinless, changeless,

purest and divine.. devoid, of old age, weakness,

hunger.. etc..


Thus when Vedas mention Siva, Rudra, Indra and BrahmA

etc.. as God and if we substitute those names as the

indweller in them i.e. Sriman Narayanan then, the

statement would make sense. Else it would contradict

with other vaakyams of Vedas and saathrAs and we would

only get confused. So to understand Vedas and

saasthrAs not violating any of other sruthi vaakyams,

then considering the Supremacy of Sriman Narayanan

would resolve all doubts and confusions.


Chaaga pasu nyAyam explains all of this:

Click here to read the excellent write up by Sri MS

Hari on this:




Sage Vyasa one who compiled all Vedas; one who wrote

18 purANAs; one who wrote Mahaabharatha- is the one

who declared [raising his both hands]– Sathyam,

Sathyam and punas sathyam (Truth; Truth and again

Truth) that there is no other SaathrAs than Vedas and

there is no God other than Kesava.


The Purusha who was created by Sriman Narayana is

called as BrahmA and Ka is the name of chathurmukha

brahmA. Siva says: I am the master called Isa.. and

both BrahmA and I (Ka and Isa) are born of You and You

are thus called Kesavaa. Ka ithi bhramaNO nAma IsOham

sarva dhEhinaam | aavaam thavaamgE sambhUthow

thasmaath kESavanAmavAn ||


The primordial One was Sriman Narayana. From him was

born the four faced One- brahmA. And from, him was

born Siva. parO nArAyaNO dEva:

thasmAjjAthasChathurmukha: thasmAth rudrO(S)bhavath ||

nArAyaNAth rudrO jaayathE…

nArAyaNAth IndrO jaayathE

nArAyaNAth bramhO jaayathE…


All demigods including BrahmA, Rudra, Indra and all

great sages are solely worshipping the Supreme God,

Sriman Narayana.


sabrahmakAssarudrASCha sEndrA dEvA maharshaya: |

arChayanthi suraSrEshtam dEvam nAraayaNam harIm ||


It is thus declared unambiguously that demigods like

Rudra, BrahmA, Indra et al and everyone and everything

are creations of Supreme Lord Sriman Narayana and that

Supreme Narayana is the in-dweller [antharyaamin] of

all. It is pointed out that jeevathmAs due to their

great karmas have attained these positions of Rudra,

BrahmA Indra et al by means of their services to the

Lord and it is time bound beyond which they need to be

born again in different bodies.


They hold such positions on account of grace by Sriman

Narayanan- the one without a second. These demi gods

are also bound and are subordinated to the delusion of

matter or prakruthi and are dominated by thri gunAs –

Sattvam Rajas and thamas. Their jnAnam is subject to

expansion and contraction and they serve the Lord

(their indweller) in accordance with their best

understanding of the Lord and their ability. They too

are the inseparable attributes of the lord just like

us – you and me. All tehse demi gods are dependent on

the Lord Sriman Narayanan for gaining jnAnam and

powers to grant little fruits to others- their

respective devotees (declared by Krishna in GitA-

refer Ch 7- sloka 23 and 24?]


All of these demi gods, hence can not be pure (as they

are also subject to thriguNAs and their jnAnam is not

fully expanded)- because they are born according to

their karma. All living beings upto BrahmA, down to

the smallest insect, are beings that are migrating in

this world on account of their karmas. The Supreme

Narayana is the Ultimate refuge for all. God

(Demigods) take refuge in Rudra. Rudra has BrahmA as

his refuge, and BrahmA takes refuge in Me. I have no

one to take refuge. I am the final refuge- says the



In Mantraraaja padha sthOthra – Rudra says:

dAsabhUthA: swatha: sarvE AthmAna: paramAtmana: |

athO(S)hamapi thE dAsa: ithi mathvA nAmAmyaham ||

All Athmans are servants of that paramAthmA by their

very nature. So also, I am Your dAsa. Knowing thus, I

seek refuge in You.


Thus, one who has understood Vedas correctly would

never ever consider anyone else other than Sriman

Narayana as the Supreme God.


Enough has been said-

Alavandhar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana







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