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Hindu SamskAraas : Mambalam Sanskrit VidhyAlayA's Golden Jubilee Souvenir

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Dear AasthikAs :


The literature on the Hindu SamskAraas is vast .

Many Gruhya Sutraas ( Apastambha , Asvalayana , Gautama ,

Baudhayana , Gobhiliya , Shaunakiya et al) give directions

for performing the 40 SamskArAs starting from Garbha DhAnam

(seeding for birth) to antEyshti ( Final rites) .


These Grihya Sutraas belong to different Vedic Schools

and as such would have some variations in practise

( the different Veda mantrAs to be recited and the prayOgAs).

Over time , the scholars (SrouthigaLs and Bruhaspathys)

have elaborated on these Gruhya Sutraas in the form of

Parisistaas ( addenda in greater detail about one or other

aspect of the SamskAra), PrayOgAs ( practical instructions) ,

Paddhathi ( outlines) and Kaarikaas ( prsentation of the samskAraas

in verse form for easy rememberance ). All fo these add to the vastness

of the literature on SamskArAs . The help of scholars of Gruhya

Sutras , Dharma sutraas and Srauta SutrAs become indispensable

to understnad the significance of performing Vaidhika karmaas like

VivAham , Garbha dhAnam , Pumsavanam , SeemanthOnnayana ,

Jathakarmaa , Upanayanam & Samaavartana , Gruhasthaas's rites

and ending up in antyEshti .


Once an Yajamaanan understands the profound meanings of

the mantrams associated with these SamskAras with the help of

a competent and concerned Bruhaspathy , that Yajamaanan develops

a ruchi ( taste ) for performin these rites in anonmechanistic sense .

He gains the Phalan of such performances too !


The Samskrit VidhyAlayA of West Mambalam , which is currently in

the middle of celebrating blemishless service to propagate the use

of Samskrutham ( Deva BhAshai or GeervANa BhAshai) organized

a one day seminar on HIndu SamskAraas . Great scholars took part

in this well attended seminar that was scheduled on August 9 , 2004 .

Kulapathy , VaishNava Simham Sri U.Ve. OzhapAkkam RajagOpAlaachAr

Swamy presided over the seminar in the general sessions and there were

additional adhyakshakaas for the morning and the afternoon sessions.


The renowned scholars , who tokk part in this day long seminar are :

Ahobila Matam SrikAryam Swamy , GhanapADi PazhavEri SaThakOpAcchAr

Swamy , U.Ve. Sri SthalasayanaacchAr Swamy , Sri Vijaya Raaghava GhanapADigaL ,

Brahma Sri BaalasubramaNya SaasthrigaL , Sri RaghunAtha SrouthikaL form Srirangam ,

U.Ve. Sri GopAla ChakravarthyAcchAr SwamigaL and U.Ve. ThirukkaNNamangai

DevanAthAcchAr SwamikaL . These great scholars gave authoritative talks on

the subjects of Upanayanam , VivAham , Pumsavanam , SeemanthOnnayanam ,

Sraddham , antyEshti . They has so much to share , while a crowded agenda

kept them running out of time . adiyEn had the bhAgyam of supporting this

one day seminar . adiyEn had made a request for the recording of the lectures

of all the great scholars in DVD format .The organizers of the Golden Jubilee

agreed to my request . All of the proceedings have now been recorded in

the form of FIVE DVDs. adiyEn has them and enjoys listening to them .


The Golden Jubilee committee decided to release a souvenir for release

in January 2005 , which will contain extended articles by the participants in

the seminar and other invited articles from other scholars to realize

a well balanced monograph that would serve as ready reference for

all aasthikAs . The estimated cost for printing this souvenir is estimated

to be 50,000 Rs or $ 1200 . This is a great kaimkaryam to be part of and help

bring this reference manual for times to come and start our journey to

the deeper study of Gruhya SutrAs . The content of this sounvenir

will also be made available in the form of CD ROM or CD ROMs

for easy usage .


May I invite aasthikAs , who wish to support this Kaimkaryam contact me

so that we can raise the needed funds to cover the costs of printing

and release of this much needed monograph ? a Minimum of $ 50 from

24 aasthikAs would help us reach the goals. Each of the sponsor will get a copy

of the souvenir or the same in CD ROM format .


Looking forward to hearing from you before too long !


Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil V.Sadagopan


Additional References :


V.Sadagpan's two postings in the Bhakti List , Sep 1997




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Dear SrImAn SadagOpan:


Thank you for your kindness & generosity in sharing this sacred and rare

treasure with all.


Rajam & I would like to contribute 4 x $50 = $200 on our behalf and on

behalf of three of our relatives and friends.


Please advise us of the following:


- Payee

- Mailing address

- Approx. time when we would receive the souvenir

- Would you please mails us both versions of the souvenir

i.e. 4sets of [Five DVDs + 1 Hard Copy] ?


Our mailing address is:


Mrs. & Mr. C. N. Krishnaswamy

39W178 Woodgate Road

Saint Charles, IL60175


Best Regards.


SrImad Azhagiyasingar TiruvaDigaLe SaraNam.

aDiyOm Krishnaswamy & Rajam


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Dear Sriman Krishnaswamy DampathigaL :


Many Thanks for your support in bringing out

the Mambalam Samskrutha VidhyAlaya Golden

Souvenir focusing on Hindu SamskArams that will be

released in January 2005 at Chennai .


adiyEn is happy to match your samarpaNam of $200 .

Together , the pledges sofar brings us upto $400 ,

which is one third of the needed funds ( Rs.50,000 or

Approximately $1,200 ).


Hope other AasthikAs interested in learning more about

the Hindu SamskArams would join in to raise the needed funds

and secure the CD RoMs or the Souvenir Book .


Those in USA or abroad can send their support checks to me at :



Apt 6B-1 , Scarborough Manor

Scarborough , NY 10510 , USA


Those who are in India can forward the checks to

the Secretary of the Sanskrit VidhyAlaya directly .

I will send the address for those in India or outside USA ,

who wish to send their samarpaNams directly to Chennai .


The CD of the Book / the printed version should arrive here

at the end of January as long as we find some one from

Chennai hand carrying them to USA . I will work on this

once the printing gets completed . I will also post

the index of topics that will be covered by the great

Scholars .


For the benefit of those , who can not read Tamil

( the language of the Book ) , I will summarize the highlights

of individual chapters in English at the end of February , 2005 .


Thanks again for a quick response on the appeal for

supporting this kaimakryam ,



Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


> Dear SrImAn SadagOpan:


> Thank you for your kindness & generosity in sharing

>this sacred and rare treasure with all. Rajam & I would like

>to contribute 4 x $50 = $200 on our behalf and on behalf of

>three of our relatives and friends.


> Please advise us of the following:


> - Payee

> - Mailing address

> - Approx. time when we would receive the souvenir

> - Would you please mails us both versions of the souvenir

> i.e. 4 sets of [Five DVDs + 1 Hard Copy] ?



> Best Regards ,


> SrImad Azhagiyasingar TiruvaDigaLe SaraNam.

> aDiyOm Krishnaswamy & Rajam

> 12/04/04

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